توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب به عنوان یک کتاب درسی برای دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد و کارشناسی ارشد فیزیک، علم مواد و مهندسی طراحی شده است. این سومین ویرایش کتاب درسی است که برای منعکس کردن آثار اخیر در این زمینه به روز شده است. در این ویرایش، برخی موضوعات جدید معرفی شده و برخی از مباحث موجود مانند فونون ها، مدل درود – لورنتس، سطوح فرمی، الکترون ها و حفره ها و ... اصلاح شده است. علاوه بر این، کتاب اطلاعات کاملی در مورد دستگاه های نیمه هادی مانند دیود تونل، دیود گان، دیود نوری، دیود رسانای نوری، دیود وارکتور، سلول خورشیدی، LED، لیزرهای نیمه هادی و آشکارسازهای نیمه هادی دارد. تمام فصول با مثال های حل شده و حل نشده تکمیل شده است. برخی از فصلها حوزههای مورد علاقه کنونی در فیزیک حالت جامد را نشان میدهند تا دانشآموز را به شیوهای ساده و شفاف در مورد کار عملی متن موضوعی ارائه دهد. در مثال ها و اشتقاق های ارائه شده در متن مقدار زیادی جزئیات وجود دارد. هر بخش از کتاب تمرین هایی برای تقویت مفاهیم دارد و در پایان هر فصل مسائلی اضافه شده است. پوشش دقیق و ابزارهای آموزشی این کتاب را به یک کتاب درسی ایده آل برای دانشجویان و محققانی که در دوره های تحصیلات تکمیلی و کارشناسی ارشد فیزیک، علوم مواد و مهندسی ثبت نام کرده اند تبدیل کرده است.
فهرست مطالب :
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
About the Author
1 Crystal Structure
1.1 Amorphous and Crystalline Materials
1.2 Lattice Points, Basis and Crystal Structure
1.2.1 The Linear Lattice
1.2.2 The Plane Lattice
1.2.3 The Space Lattice
1.3 Unit Cell and Primitive Cell
1.3.1 Wigner–Seitz Cell
1.3.2 Areas and Volume of Unit Cells
1.4 Symmetry Operations
1.4.1 Rotational Symmetry
1.4.2 Mirror Symmetry
1.4.3 Inversion Symmetry
1.4.4 Rotoinversion
1.5 Two Dimensional Lattices
1.6 Three Dimensional Lattices
1.7 Counting Lattice Points/Atoms in Two Dimensional Lattice
1.8 Counting Lattice Points/Atoms in Three Dimensional Lattice
1.9 Point Coordinates
1.10 Crystal Directions
1.11 Miller Indices
1.12 Interplaner Distance Between Two Nearest (hkl) Planes
1.13 Density
1.14 Linear and Planer Densities
1.15 Some Simple Crystal Structures
1.15.1 Hexagonal and Cubic Closed Packed
1.15.2 Sodium Chloride Structure
1.15.3 Cesium Chloride Structure
1.15.4 Diamond Structure
1.15.5 Cubic Zinc Sulphide Structure
1.15.6 Wurtzite
2 Chemical Bonding in Solids
2.1 Attractive and Repulsive Forces
2.2 Ionic Bonding
2.3 Covalent Bonding
2.4 Metallic Bonding
2.5 The Hydrogen Bonding
2.6 The Van Der Waals Bonding
2.7 Comparison Between Bonds of Various Kinds
3 Defects in Solids
3.1 Classification of Defects
3.2 Point Defects
3.2.1 Vacancy Defects
3.2.2 Schottky Defects
3.2.3 Frenkel Defects
3.2.4 Colour Centres
3.3 Line Defects
3.3.1 Edge Dislocation
3.3.2 Screw Dislocation
3.3.3 Burger Vector
3.4 Surface Defects
3.4.1 Grain Boundaries
3.4.2 Tilt Boundaries
3.4.3 Twin Boundaries
3.4.4 Stacking Fault
4 Elements of Quantum Mechanics
4.1 De-Broglie Hypothesis
4.2 Uncertainity Relation
4.2.1 The Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension
4.2.2 The Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation in Three Dimension
4.3 The Wave Function
4.3.1 Statistical Interpretation
4.3.2 Normalization of the Wave Function
4.3.3 Probability Current Density
4.4 Time Independent Schrödinger Equation
4.5 Stationary States
4.6 Boundary Conditions
4.7 Hydrogen Atom
4.8 Harmonic Oscillator
4.9 Pauli Exclusion Principle
5 X-Ray Diffraction
5.1 X-Rays
5.2 Reciprocal Lattice
5.3 BRAGG’s Law
5.4 Diffraction Condition
5.5 Ewald Construction
5.6 Laue Equations
5.7 Brillouin Zones
5.8 Experimental Methods
5.9 Structure Factor
6 Lattice Vibrations
6.1 Phonons
6.2 The One-Dimensional Monoatomic Lattice
6.3 The Linear (One Dimensional) Diatomic Lattice
6.4 Acoustical and Optical Branches
6.5 Density of States
7 Thermal Properties of Solids
7.1 Classical Lattice Heat Capacity
7.2 Einstein Model of Specific Heat
7.3 Debye Model of Specific Heat
7.4 Thermal Expansion
7.5 Thermal Conductivity
7.6 Lattice Thermal Resistivity
7.7 Normal and Umklapp Processes
8 Free Electron Theory of Metal
8.1 Drude–Lorentz Model
8.1.1 Electrical Conductivity
8.1.2 Wiedemann and Franz Law
8.1.3 Specific Heat of Electrons
8.1.4 Shortcoming of the Model
8.2 Free Electron Gas in an Infinite Square Well Potential
8.3 Density of States
8.4 Fermi–Dirac Distribution and Fermi Level
8.5 The Population Density, Fermi Energy, Fermi Wave Vector, Fermi Velocity and Fermi Temperature for Metals
8.6 Variation of Fermi Energy with Temperature
8.7 Heat Capacity of Free Electrons
8.8 Thermionic Emission
8.9 Boltzmann Equation
8.10 Electrical Conductivity
9 Band Theory
9.1 Electronic Energy Levels of a Free Atom
9.2 Origin of Energy Bands
9.3 Bloch Theorem
9.4 Kronig–Penney Model
9.5 E-k Curves: Brillouin Zones
9.6 Number of States in a Band
9.7 Electrons and Holes
9.8 Effective Mass
9.9 Metals, Semiconductors and Insulators
9.10 Direct and Indirect Band Gap Semiconductors
9.11 Nearly Free Electron Model
9.12 Tight-Binding Approximation
10 Semiconductors
10.1 Doping and Defects in Semiconductors
10.2 Intrinsic Semiconductors
10.3 Extrinsic Semiconductors
10.4 Electrons and Hole Concentration in Intrinsic Semiconductor (Law of Mass Action)
10.5 Concentration of Electrons and Holes in Extrinsic Semiconductors
10.6 Temperature Dependence of Electrons and Holes Concentration
10.7 Fermi Level
10.8 Scattering
10.9 The p–n Junction
10.10 Hall Effect
11 Dielectric Properties of Solids
11.1 The Dielectric Constant
11.2 Types of Polarization
11.3 Gauss’s Law in the Presence of a Dielectric
11.4 Three Electric Vectors
11.5 Concept of Local Molecular Fields
11.6 Clausius Mossotti Relation
11.7 Orientational Polarization
11.8 Classical Theory of Electronic Polarization
11.9 Behaviour of Dielectrics in Alternating Electric Field
11.10 The Complex Dielectric Constant
11.11 Ferroelectricity
11.12 Piezoelectricty
11.13 Dispersion
12 Magnetic Properties of Matter
12.1 Angular Momenta and Magnetic Moment of Atoms
12.1.1 Orbital Magnetic Moment
12.1.2 Spin Magnetic Moment
12.2 DIA, PARA, FERRI and Ferromagnetic Materials
12.3 Classical Langevin Theory of Diamagnetism
12.4 Classical Langevin Theory of Paramagnetism
12.5 Quantum Theory of Paramagnetism
12.6 Ferromagnetism
12.7 Weiss Theory of Spontaneous Magnetization
12.8 Ferromagnetic Domains
12.9 B-H Curve
12.10 Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials
13 Magnetic Resonance
13.1 Electron Spin Resonance
13.1.1 Resonance Condition
13.1.2 Description of ESR by Precession
13.1.3 Relaxation Mechanisms
13.1.4 Bloch Equations
13.1.5 Paramagnetic Ion in a Crystalline Field
13.1.6 Effective Spin
13.1.7 Features of ESR Spectra
13.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
13.2.1 The Principle of the Phenomenon
13.2.2 Relaxation Mechanisms
13.2.3 Chemical Shift
13.2.4 Spin–Spin Coupling
13.3 Mössbauer Effect
13.3.1 Isomer (Chemical) Shift
13.3.2 Quadrupole Splitting
13.3.3 Magnetic Hyperfine Structure
14 Superconductivity
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Superconducting System
14.3 Elementary Properties of Superconductors
14.3.1 Critical Magnetic Field
14.3.2 Meissner Effect
14.3.3 Isotope Effect
14.3.4 Specific Heat
14.3.5 Thermal Conductivity
14.4 London Equations and Penetration Depth
14.5 Classification of Superconductors (Type I and Type II)
14.6 BCS Theory
14.7 Variation of Superconducting Energy Gap with Temperature
14.8 Tunnelling and the Josephson Effect
14.9 High Temperature Superconductors
15 Nanomaterials
15.1 Nanomaterials
16 Optical Properties
16.1 Classification of Optical Processes
16.2 Refraction and Absorption
16.3 Reflection
16.4 Kramers–Kronig Relationship
16.5 Interband Transitions
16.6 Direct Transitions
16.7 Indirect Transitions
16.8 Excitons
16.9 Colour Centres
16.10 Photoconductivity
16.10.1 Variation of Photoconductivity with Illumination
16.10.2 Sensitivity or Gain Factor (G)
16.10.3 Effect of Traps
16.11 Luminescence
17 Semiconductor Devices
17.1 Tunnel Diode
17.2 Gunn Diode
17.3 Varactor Diode
17.4 Photodiode
17.5 Photoconductive Cell
17.6 Photovoltaic Effect
17.7 Solar Cell
17.8 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
17.9 Semiconductor Lasers
17.10 Semiconductor Detector
Selected Bibliography
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The book has been designed as a textbook for graduate and postgraduate students of physics, material science, and engineering. This is the third edition of the textbook, that is updated to reflect recent works in the field. In this edition, some new topics have been introduced while some of the existing topics like phonons, Drude –Lorentz model, Fermi levels, electrons, and holes, etc. are modified. Moreover, the book has complete information on semiconductor devices like tunnel diode, Gunn diode, photodiode, photoconductive diode, varactor diode, solar cell, LED, semiconductor lasers, and semiconductor detectors. All the chapters have been supplemented by solved and unsolved examples. Some of the chapters illustrate areas of current interest in solid-state physics to give the student practical working knowledge of the subject text in a simple and lucid manner. There is a fair amount of detail in the examples and derivations given in the text. Each section of the book has exercises to reinforce the concepts, and problems have been added at the end of each chapter. The detailed coverage and pedagogical tools make this an ideal textbook for students and researchers enrolled in graduate and postgraduate courses of physics, material science, and engineering.