توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب ساده به شما نمی گوید که چگونه گوزهای خود را آتش بزنید، کلیتوریس را کجا پیدا کنید، یا اینکه آیا انسان ها زمانی شروع به تکامل کردند که یک ماهی با سنجاب رابطه جنسی داشت. اما پاسخ به برخی از سؤالات نه چندان مهم را به شما می دهد: چگونه می توانید در زمان سفر کنید بدون اینکه در الاغ خود ناپدید شوید، آیا مشکلی نیست که گوجه فرنگی تری را بکشید، چرا آموزش آمریکایی عقب مانده است، و چند مورد. برای نفوذ به اسرار معرفت شناسی پوسی نیاز است.
مگر اینکه شما یک عقب مانده، یک ساینتولوژیست یا بزرگترین دوش در جهان باشید، فقط باید بگویید: "ای عزیز، این کاملاً عالی است!"
"این یک کتاب کاملاً عالی است، من. نمیتوانستم در حین خواندن آن فریاد زدن «تیمی!» را متوقف کنم، و این شجاعت اعتراف به چیزی را دارد که همه ما برای مدت طولانی به آن شک داشتیم – اینکه اریک کارتمن کاریکاتور آشکار مارتین هایدگر است. - ادوارد اسلویک، نویسنده فضای زمان دکارتی
«با وجود شهرتش به عنوان جشنی با ذائقه بسیار مشکوک، پارک جنوبی یکی از جالبترین و عمیقترین برنامههایی است که تاکنون پخش شده است. این کتاب برای نشان دادن آن، و آموزش و کاوش در انواع عمیقترین مسائل فلسفه در ارتباط با کارتمن، سرآشپز و دیگر متفکران بزرگ ساوت پارک، کار بسیار خوبی انجام میدهد. من خودم با اینکه استاد فلسفه هستم از فلسفه متنفرم. اما من پارک جنوبی را دوست دارم و هر بار که آن را تماشا میکنم چیزی یاد میگیرم.» - کریسپین سارتول، نویسنده کتاب وقاحت، آنارشی، واقعیت
ریچارد هانلی دانشیار فلسفه در دانشگاه دلاور است. او نویسنده کتاب آیا داده انسان است؟ متافیزیک پیشتازان فضا و یکی از ویراستاران کتاب راهنمای بلک ول برای فلسفه زبان. او علاوه بر مقالات متعدد در مجلات علمی، فصلهای بسیار تحسینشدهای را به جنگ ستارگان و فلسفه، ابرقهرمانان و فلسفه، و فیلسوفان کاوش در ماتریکس ارائه کرده است.
فهرست مطالب :
Back Cover
Bullshit Alarms
Part I: Religion and Other Disabilities
1. May God Strike This Book Down!
Chef’s Theodicy
Free Will (Yawn)
Evidential Arguments
Skeptical Theism and Bystander Apathy
A Simple Plan
2. Team America: World Pussies, or This Is Not a Picture of Mohammed
Islam, Islamb, Islame: What’s in a Name?
Keeping Your Distance, or Use versus Mention
A Test
Speaking of Assholes
3. Infidel Liberation
Scientology Is Crap, Christianity Is . . .
Arbitrary Choices
One Nation Under Whatevuh
An Oppressed Minority
Scalia the Enforcer
Trapped in the Closet
4. Pussy Epistemology Is No Match for a Dick
Atheism, or Kiss Cartman’s Left Behind
America’s Soft Spot
But Don’t We Need the God Delusion, for Morality?
Yeah, But What About Peace and Harmony?
When Libertarian Satirists Attack
Epistemology for Pussies
When Closeted Homosexual Evangelical Leaders Attack
How to Alter the Future by Making a Phone Call
A Bunch of Things about Pluralism
A Somewhat Haggard Argument for Pluralism
Part II: Politics and Other Sacred Cows
5. Die, Hippie, Die! South Park Liberals
Why Be a Libertarian?
Libertarianism in South Park
Fictional Assertion
The Case for Paternalism, or a Nannyish State, or Why I Don’t Want to Sweat the Small Stuff, or Some Big Stuff Either . . .
How Far Does Anti-Paternalism Go?
Smoking, Again
6. The Death Camp of Tolerance
Pussies, Dicks, and Assholes
When to Be a Dick
Affirmative Action
Smoking and Toleration
7. Pious Hindsight: South Park’s Hybrid Vigor
The Mirage of a Free Fix
Environmentalists Against Recycling
Limousine Liberals and Hybrid Humanitarians
Hybrids as Status Symbols
8. Drugs Are M’kay!
Gateways to Perdition
Drugs Are Porn
Pleasure, mmm . . . Or Reality?
9. Nice Going, Fat-Ass!
Screwing Our Children, and Others
Discipline, or Lack Thereof
Rich versus Poor
Part III: Morality and Other Urges
10. White Jews Can’t Jump
Distributive Justice
The “Veil of Ignorance”
The “World” of Sports
The Rawlsian Olympics?
It’s Not Fair!
It’s Not Natural!
Drugs Hurt Others
You’ll Only Be Hurting Yourself
It’s Unclean
11. In Defense of Fags
Uncleanliness Is Next to UnGodliness
Nature Versus Nurture
In Defense of “Marriage”
Costs and Benefits
Warning: Animal Penetration Ahead
But It’s Not Natural!
So What if It Is Wrong?
Five Billion People Can’t Be Wrong
12. Tomayto, Tomahto . . . or, What to Do When Life Sucks
Asshole Scalia Again
Better Off Dead
Down the Slippery Slope?
The Way God Works
Pulling the Plug on Tomatoes
13. Animal Protein, or What Killed Ms. Choksondick
Factory Farms: They’re Not Your Father’s Cows
Meat and Murder
Euthanasia, Abortion, Infanticide, and Animals
A Modest Proposal
Pets and the Poor
14. Are We All Cartmans?
If Cartman Were Invisible . . .
They’re Cynical, Those Bastards
Feeling Bad for Other People
Part IV: Science, Logic, and Other Really, Really Clever Stuff
15. Time-Traveling Up Your Own Ass
Time Travel, What the Hell Is It?
Don’t Be Fooled by Impostors
We All Know the Real Reason for Christmas Is Santa
If Oedipus Were a Time Traveler
License to Kill
I Do What I Want
So What?
16. Start the Evolution Without Me
The Incredible Talking Pulsar
God Took My Car Keys?
Evolution versus Special Creation Theory
Darwinism versus Intelligent Design
17. Why Timmy Can’t Read: Mr. Hat’s Philosophy of Progressive Education
The Death Camp of Tolerance versus No Child Left Intact
The Backstory
Inside Out or Outside In?
The Great Mysteries of Teaching
Fessing Up
They’re Coming Right for Us!
18. Stem Cells, Numb Nuts
The Science of Stem Cells
Emotion versus Reason
Some Crap Arguments
Thought Experiments, and Like Cases
Five Frozen Embryos
One Frozen Embryo
What Do Embryos Lack?
Abortion, or Tortured Baby Humans
Part V: Humor and Other Insertable Devices
19. Killing Kenny: Our Daily Dose of Death
Messkirch Meets South Park
You and the Boys
What Did He Say?
Falling to Your Death
Why You Should Care
Healing a Neurosis
20. Chef, Socrates, and the Sage of Love
In Praise of Love
The Secret Spice
“You Killed Socrates! You Bastards!”
For the Challenged
She Drives Me Crazy, Woo, Woo
Finding the Clitoris
21. I Learned Something Today: South Park and the State of the Golden Mean in the Twenty-First Century
Dude, This Is Pretty Fucked Up Right Here
The Difference Between Kyle’s Mom and Towelie (Besides Getting High)
Do Your Own Philosophy at Home! Two Handy Ways to Construct Philosophical Arguments by Ignoring Evidence
I’m Super! Thanks For Asking!
Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Aristotelian Moderation I Learned from South Park
Where Is Brian Boitano when You Need Him?
22. Douching Your Truth Canal and Other Forms of Rational Hygiene
Lies Float, Truth Sinks
Occam’s Douchebag
How to Be a Fake Psychic
Psychics Don’t Need the Money
Gullibility: The Venereal Disease of Dishonest Intercourse
Fishing for Douches
Which One Is the Genuine Fake?
I Love a Catastrophe
Dihydrogen Monoxide Contaminated Douches
Douche-based Learning
Talking Sense to a Douche
Douche versus Pussy: The Classic Battle
Fuck Leave It to Beaver
And the Loser Is . . .
Believe at Your Own Risk
Who Sucks Ass?
Totally Inoffensive Index
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This kick-ass book won’t tell you how to make your farts catch fire, where to find the Clitoris, or whether humans began to evolve when a fish had butt-sex with a squirrel. But it will give you the answers to some less pressing questions: how you can travel in time without disappearing up your own ass, whether it’s m’kay to pull the plug on Terri the tomato, why American education gets Left Behind, and how many Dicks it takes to penetrate the mysteries of Pussy Epistemology.
Unless you’re a retard, a Scientologist, or the Biggest Douche in the Universe, you’ll just have to say, “Dude, this is totally f***ing awesome!”
“This is a totally awesome book, m’kay. I couldn’t stop shouting ‘Timmy!’ while reading it, and it has the courage to admit something we’ve all suspected for a long time—that Eric Cartman is a blatant caricature of Martin Heidegger.” — EDWARD SLOWIK, author of Cartesian Spacetime
“Despite its reputation as a celebration of extremely questionable taste, South Park is one of the most philosophically interesting and profound programs ever aired. This book does a lovely job of showing that, and of teaching and exploring a variety of the deepest issues in philosophy in connection with Cartman, Chef, and the other great thinkers of South Park. I myself, though I am a philosophy professor, hate philosophy. But I love South Park and learn something every time I watch it.” — CRISPIN SARTWELL, author of Obscenity, Anarchy, Reality
Richard Hanley is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Delaware. He is author of Is Data Human? The Metaphysics of Star Trek and co-editor of The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language. As well as numerous articles in scholarly journals, he has contributed highly-acclaimed chapters to Star Wars and Philosophy, Superheroes and Philosophy, and Philosophers Explore the Matrix.