توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
\"اگر جنگی در فضا نبوده است، جنگ بدون فضا بیشتر شده است!\" برای درک استراتژی فضایی ابتدا باید محیط را بشناسیم و میدان را مشخص کنیم. سپس باید اهمیت استراتژیک فضا را ارزیابی کند. در نهایت، ما باید امکانات یک مبارزه از زمان، علیه و در فضا را تصور کنیم. استراتژی فضایی به این سوال پاسخ می دهد. علاوه بر این، این کتاب به صراحت مفاهیمی مانند را به عنوان نظامی سازی و تسلیحاتی کردن فضا تثبیت کرد. با تنظیم \"نظامی سازی فضا\" نوآوری می کند. این نشان می دهد که چگونه دارایی های فضایی جزء کلیدی سواد اطلاعاتی، کلید قدرت در قرن آینده هستند. در نهایت، تعدادی از اصول را تعیین می کند و پایه و اساس استراتژی آینده و استفاده از نقاط ماه لاگرانژ را می گذارد. بیشتر بخوانید...<. /span> چکیده:
استراتژی هنر تفکر در مورد جنگ قبل از وقوع است. با توجه به اینکه فضا در حال حاضر نقشی را در همه جنگهای امروزی ایفا میکند، استراتژی فضایی به مطالعه چگونگی گسترش درگیریها به این حوزه جدید میپردازد. این کتاب فضای خارج از جو را تعریف میکند و بر روی ویژگی ها و محدودیت های مختلف آن تمرکز می کند. بیشتر بخوانید...
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Foreword ixGeneral Jean-Loup CHRETIEN Preface xiiiGeneral Jean-Paul PALOMEROS Notice to Readers xv Acknowledgements xix Introduction xxv Chapter 1. Space Strategy: From Words to Actions 1 1.1. Geostrategy of space and space strategy 1 1.2. Principles and methods to the systemic analysis approach 6 1.3. Debris, laser and spaceplane 10 1.4. Conclusion 14 Chapter 2. Strategic Space: What Are the Limits? 17 2.1. Physical limits of outer space 17 2.2. Functional limits of space and outer space 26 2.3. Judicial limit of outer space 36 2.4. Conclusion 41 Chapter 3. How Can We Reach Space and Then Act Within It? 43 3.1. Piercing the gravitational opacity 43 3.1.1. How to reach space? 44 3.1.2. What are the trajectories followed by spatial vehicles? 47 3.1.3. How to navigate in space? 50 3.2. Utilizing physical and radioelectric radiation 52 3.3. Space positions worth occupying or controlling 57 3.4. Conclusion 72 Chapter 4. Space: What Are the Strategic Stakes? 73 4.1. Centripetal force of terrestrial strategic stakes 74 4.2. Centrifugal weakness of an autonomous strategic space factor 79 4.3. Space as strategic vector of information dominance 86 4.4. Conclusion 93 Chapter 5. Fighting Against Earth from Space? 97 5.1. Militarized space: global support 99 5.2. Weaponized space: celestial offensive 106 5.3. \"Martialized\" space: the alternative way 112 5.4. Conclusion 116 Chapter 6. Fighting Against Space from Earth? 121 6.1. Space situational awareness 123 6.2. Whoever controls the low ground controls the high ground 128 6.3. Space and nuclear: deterred deterrence? 134 6.4. Conclusion 139 Chapter 7. Combat within Space? 141 7.1. Small Earth space strategy 142 7.2. Strategic expansion of aerospace 155 7.3. The great lunar and Lagrangian strategy 161 7.4. Conclusion 172 Chapter 8. Twelve Principles of Space Strategy 175 8.1. The four \"preliminary principles\" of space strategy 176 8.1.1. Know what is happening in space 177 8.1.2. Elicit a sense of wonder turned toward the stars 180 8.1.3. Inform and train 182 8.1.4. Invest in the long term 185 8.2. The four \"cardinal principles\" of space strategy 188 8.2.1. Access space autonomously 189 8.2.2. Protect or attack the low ground to defend or defeat the high ground 193 8.2.3. Neutralize without destroying 198 8.2.4. Recreate the fog of war to one\'s advantage 199 8.3. The four \"complementary principles\" of space strategy 202 8.3.1. Take advantage of the specificities of space 203 8.3.2. Promote and protect non-physical lines of communications 205 8.3.3. Develop space resilience 207 8.3.4. Contribute to the global strategy 211 8.4. Conclusion 214 Chapter 9. Moving Beyond Space Strategy 215 9.1. The four \"i\"s: indispensable, invisible, imaginary, inescapable 218 9.2. Space warrant to and part of mankind\'s global commons. 225 9.3. Space: platform for irenology 229 9.4. Conclusion 232 Conclusion 235 Postface 241General Patrick de ROUSIERS Appendix 1. Physical Limits of Outer Space 243 Appendix 2. Kepler\'s Laws 269 Appendix 3. Space Laws 273 Appendix 4. Excerpt from the Report of the Legal Subcommittee of UN OOSA on Its Fifty-Fourth Session - Held in Vienna from April 13-27, 2015 277 Appendix 5. Detailed Description of \"Two-Line Element (TLE)\" Orbital Parameters 285 Appendix 6. \"We Choose to Go to the Moon\" 289 How to Use This Glossary 295 Glossary 301 Bibliography 453 Main Internet Sites 455 Index 459
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
"If there has not been a war in space, there is already more war without space!" To understand the spatial strategy, we must first know the environment and delineate the field. It must then assess the strategic importance of space. Finally, we must imagine the possibilities of a fight since, against and in space. Space Strategy responds to this questioning. Moreover, this book explicitly established concepts, such as the militarization and weaponization of space; it innovates by setting the "martialisation of space". It shows how space assets are a key component of information literacy, the key to power in the next century. Finally, it sets out a number of principles and lays the foundation for a future strategy and using the Moon Lagrange points. Read more... Abstract:
Strategy is the art of thinking about war before it occurs. Noting that space already plays a role in all of today s wars, Space Strategy studies how conflicts are extending into this new domain. The book defines extra-atmospheric space and focuses on its varying features and constraints. Read more...