فهرست مطالب :
Notes on Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
1: Introduction: Assembling COVID/COVID Assemblages
Assembling Sport-COVID
Moving Bodily Boundaries
Affective Contagion
Sport SpaceTimeMattering
Vital and Viral Matter
Connection and Convergence
Re-Turning the Sociology of Sport in Pandemic Times
2: The Political Physics of an Unkicked Ball: On Diffractive No-Bodies and Pandemic Non-Matter in Footballing China
Ascendancy and Anxiety: The State of/and Chinese Football
‘At What Cost’?: Framing China, and Football, in a State of Exception
Diffractions from Draconia: Being Chinese, Living China
Speculative Diffractions: Footballing No-Bodies and Pandemic Non-Matter
3: Sporting Coronapolitics: Politics, Ideology and U.S. Nationalism in Pandemic Times
Ethno-nationalism, U.S. Fascism, & Sport
How Fascism Works
Sport, Nationalism, & Fascist Political Stratagem
The Mythic Past
Sodom and Gomorrah
Arbeit Macht Frei
Implications & Conclusion
4: Lockdown Cartographies: Active Bodies, Public Spaces and Pandemic Atmospheres in Italy
The First Sars-Cov2 Wave in Italy
Pandemic Genealogies
Cartographies of Differential Vulnerability and Pandemic Atmospheres
Atmospheres of Decorum/Decay and (Infectious) Urban Bodies
From Bio-politics to Cosmopolitics? Pandemic Atmospheres and the Intrusion of Gaia
Is There a World to Come? For a Physical Cultural (Cosmo)Politics of the Ruins
5: Women Sport and Fitness Professionals in Pandemic Times: Feminist Ethics, Digital Connection and Becoming Community
Context: The Gendered Pandemic in Aotearoa New Zealand
Re-Turning with the Literature: COVID-19, New Materialisms and Sport
Towards Feminist Relational Methods in Pandemic
Women Sport and Fitness Professionals Respondings in Pandemic Times
Initial Affective Respondings: From Individualized Fear to Collective Care
Digital Technologies and Communities of Care
Re-Turning: Post-Lockdown Respondings
6: Meeting the Physical Online: Thinking with Agential Realism About Digitally Entangled Becoming in the Time of Corona
Meeting the Physical Online
Life in the Time of Corona
Beginning Anew: Tardy Introductory Remarks
Becoming and Thinking with Agential Realism
Readingwriting a-Part-Together
Escape Room with a Digital View
Becoming Together-Apart
Discussion: Beginning Over and Over Again
7: Dreaming of “Level Free”: Lockdown and the Cultural Politics of Surfing during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
Introduction: Surfing with COVID-19
South African Politics and Society during Lockdown
Surf Frothing: Towards a Politics of Refusal
Framing the Beach Protest
The Making of the Beach Protest
Surfing in the Interregnum
Conclusion: Masking Surfing
8: Proximity to Precarity: Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic as Graduate Apprentices in Physical Cultural Studies
Part I: Introduction
Part II: Vignettes
Part III: Conclusion, or Together, Apart, and Together Again
9: Black Bodies and Green Spaces: Remembering the Eminence of Nature During a Pandemic
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Unnaturally Enslaved
9.2.1 Sun, Stars and Moss
9.2.2 Nature Retreat and Revolt
9.3 Dirt on Our Hands
9.3.1 Neoslavery and Strange Fruit
9.3.2 The Warmth of Other Suns
9.3.3 Separate But Unequal from Nature
9.4 Pandemic and Park Inequities
9.4.1 Health of Nature
9.4.2 Proximity of Nature
10: Experimenting with Research Creation During a Pandemic: Making Time Capsules with Girls in Sport
Pandemic Sport and Gender
Girls, Covid-19 and Creative Research Methods
Reconceptualising the Time Capsule
Conceiving (and doing) the Time Capsule Methodology as a Feminist Research-Creation
Re-Turning to the Method
Re-turning with the Time Capsule Method
Learnings: What Can This Method Do
11: Access & Crisis: Disrupting Ableist Definitions of Physical Activity & Culture
Ableism as Cultural Norm
Ableism in Physical Culture
COVID-19 Reinforces Ableist Constructs
COVID-19 vs. the Social Model of Disability
COVID-19 Disruptions to Activity Norms
Using COVID-19 to Disrupt Ableist Norms in Physical Culture
Every-body Is Welcome Here
Progress is Important but Not Enough—Using Inertia to Motivate Change
Conclusion: Building Back Better?
12: A Community of Athletic Pariahs?: Guilt, Shame, and Social Control in the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Growing Threat: Comparing Reagan and the AIDS Epidemic with Trump and the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Limits of Freedom: COVID-19, Stigma, and Social Control
“I Got the Pfizer”: Vaccines and Shifting Narratives of COVID-19
13: On the Subject of Race and Sport: Covid-19, Zoom, and the Necessity of Antiracist Dialogic Pedagogy
Introduction: Covid-19, Sport, and Black Lives Matter
Centering Critical Race Pedagogy
Facilitating Critical Thinking and Self-reflexivity
Talking “race” and Sport in the Pre-Covid Classroom: Embodied Acts of Civil Dialogue and Trust
The Articulations of White Backlash Politics, Covid-19 Culture Wars, and the Shift to Zoom
Conclusion: Towards More Inclusive and Productive Dialogue on Race
14: Sport-for-Development and Peace and COVID-19: Technologies, the Body, and Virtual Forms of Programming
Feminist New Materialisms
New Materialism in the Sociology of Sport, Leisure, and Physical Culture
Feminist New Materialism and Studies of Sport, Leisure, and Physical Cultures
SDP in Times of COVID-19: Online and Virtual Forms of Delivery
Impact of COVID-19 on the Sport for Development Sector Report
Conclusion: Feminist New Materialism, SDP, and COVID-19
15: Reorienting the Cartography of Coaching to Pandemic Times
Actor-Network Theory
Governing the Body of Sport during the COVID Crisis
Contain Phase
Delay Phase
Research Phase
Mitigate Phase
Reorienting the Cartography of Coaching
Moving from the Game towards a Field of Practice
The Quasi-Object
16: Virat over Virus, Cricket over Covid: IPL during a Global Pandemic
BCCI: From A Board To A Behemoth
Virats Before Kholi
Where is the Money?
A Media Company Called BCCI
IPL, Not Cricket
Public Resources, Pandemic, & Private Spectacle
IPL: Marker of Good Governance and Savior of Indian Economy
Quasi-Governmental Institution
17: From Football Nation to COVID 19-Land: Cultural Pedagogies and Political Protests during Syndemic Times in Brazil
The Cultural Pedagogies of the Torcidas Organizadas
The Syndemic Political Context in Brazil
“History is Full of Contradictions”: The TOs Initial Battle against Bolsonaro
The Torcidas Organizadas met the Antifascists Delivery Workers
The Middle Class Backlash
Emerson Osasco: The Voice of the TOs
‘I Want to be Paulo Freire’: Protests and Street Cultural Pedagogies
Hope and Courage: Lessons from the TOs Cultural Pedagogies
18: Parenting in Pandemic Times: Notes on the Emotional Geography of Youth Sport Culture
COVID-19, Neoliberalism, and Public Health in the United States
19: Te Mana Whakahaere: COVID-19 And Resetting Sport in Aotearoa New Zealand
Background Context
Kaupapa Maˉori Methodology
Participant’s Pūraˉkau: Maˉori National Sporting Organisations’ Stories
Data Collection: Past Practices, Present Policies, Future Resiliencies
Data Analysis: A Principled Kaupapa Maˉori Prism
Ata—The Principle of Growing Respectful Relationships
Whaˉnau—The Principle of Extended Family Structure
Kia piki ake i ngaˉ raruraru o te kainga—The Principle of Socio-Economic Mediation
Results and findings
Past relationships—Ata—and Growing Respectful Relationships with Maˉori NSOs
Present Policies: The ‘MAP’ and the ‘MOF’
Present Resourcing: Kia piki ake i ngā raruraru o te kainga—Socio-Economic Mediation
Strengthening Resilience—Back to the Future
20: The Uptake of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Sport and Physical Culture
Sport and Debt
The COVID 19 Recession
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
MMT Policy Alternatives
The 1967 Canadian Montreal Olympics
The Case of the NRL
Concluding Remarks
21: Furlough, Food Banks and Vaccine Hesitancy: Sport in Britain During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Context
Pay-per-view Football and Food Banks
Athletes Supporting the Vaccination Programme
Vaccine Hesitancy
No Jab = No Job?
22: COVID-19, the Anthropocene, and the Need for Post-Sport
Sport and the Anthropocene
Post-Sport Physical Cultures
Parting Vision: Towards Idleness as Post-Sport Physical Culture
23: A Syndemics Approach to NCAA Collegiate Sport Participation During COVID-19
The Social Context of U.S. College Sport and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Syndemics as a Theoretical Framework
Syndemics in Action: NCAA U.S. Collegiate Sport Continuation and COVID-19
Bio-Bio Interactions
Bio-Social Interactions: Sport Participation as the Social and Structural Factor
Neoliberal U.S. Collegiate Sport as a Syndemic Social Factor
Ethical Implications for Future Sport Participation from a Syndemics Framework Perspective
Concussion Epidemic
Informed Consent and Athletic Labor Exploitation
Ethics of Care
24: On the Politics and Embodiments of Longing: Snapshots from a Digital Photo Diary Study of Australians’ Movement Experiences During Lockdown
Keep Active and Get Outside! (Even During a Pandemic)
Longing as Affective Force
Methodological Details
Longing for the Sea, ‘wildness’, and Catharsis
Longing for Others and for Things to Be Otherwise
25: Playing Through a Pandemic: Football Bodies, Racialized Violence, and Institutionalized Care
Everyday Violence and Institutionalized Care in College Football
Racialized Violence On and Off the Gridiron
26: Mapping the Geographies of Combat Sport during COVID-19: Dana White, Trumpism, and the Landscapes of the UFC
Covid Geographies: Constructing Pandemic Combat Landscapes
The Trumpian Bubble: Dana White and the Politics of the Venues
Of Space and COVID-19: Theorizing the UFC’s Sporting Landscapes
Eichberg and COVID-19 Sporting Spaces
27: Corona Games: The Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Celebration Capitalism, and COVID-19
Celebration Capitalism
Olympic-Sized Problems and the Tokyo 2020 Games
Coronavirus: State of Emergency and State of Exception
28: “You realise you tick a lot of boxes”: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Rehabilitating Body Through a Bourdieusian Lens
What Is Rehabilitation?
The Research Process
Bourdieusian Theory and Rehabilitation in Pandemic Times
Bodily Practices and Physicalities
Space and Place
What Might the Future Hold for Those with Long-term Health Conditions?
In Conclusion
29: Paradoxical Effects of the Health Crisis within the Esports Industry: How French Esports Organizations Illuminate the Perceived Revenue Growth Façade
Esports Ecosystem and Major Stakeholders
Gaming and Esports During the Pandemic
Literature Gap and Research Questions
Methodology and Data Collection
Main Findings and Discussion of Results
Sample demographics
Estimation of the Health Crisis Effects on the French Esports Market
Health Crisis Effects Based on Stakeholders’ Characteristics
30: Disaster Football: Billionaire Owners, Shock Therapy, and the Exploitation of the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Football
Project Big Picture: An American Hustle
The European Super League: American Splendor
Football’s Endgame
31: Interview(s) with the Vampire: Research Opportunism During a Global Catastrophe
Restitution: Salvation Through a Robust Global Supply Chain
Exercise as (Personal and Social) Medicine: The Birth of the (Not So) Critical Clinic
We Ought Not To, Maybe Because We Ought Not To
Epilogue: Letting Covid-19 Stories Breathe