Stable Isotopes as Indicators of Ecological Change

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کتاب ایزوتوپ های پایدار به عنوان شاخص های تغییرات اکولوژیکی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Stable Isotopes as Indicators of Ecological Change

نام کتاب : Stable Isotopes as Indicators of Ecological Change
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ایزوتوپ های پایدار به عنوان شاخص های تغییرات اکولوژیکی
سری : Terrestrial Ecology 1
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Academic Press, Elsevier
سال نشر : 2007
تعداد صفحات : 411
ISBN (شابک) : 9780123736277
زبان کتاب :
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 14 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Using Stable Isotopes as Indicators, Tracers, and Recorders of Ecological Change: Some Context and Background Review Article
Pages 1,3-18
Todd E. Dawson, Rolf T.W. Siegwolf

Stable Isotopes Record Ecological Change, but a Sampling Network Will Be Critical Review Article
Pages 19-24
James R. Ehleringer, Todd E. Dawson

Extracting Climatic Information from Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings Review Article
Pages 25,27-48
Neil J. Loader, Danny McCarroll, Mary Gagen, Iain Robertson, Risto Jalkanen

Human Impacts on Tree‐Ring Growth Reconstructed from Stable Isotopes Review Article
Pages 49-62
Matthias Saurer, Rolf T.W. Siegwolf

Oxygen Isotope Proxies in Tree‐Ring Cellulose: Tropical Cyclones, Drought, and Climate Oscillations Review Article
Pages 63-75
Claudia I. Mora, Dana L. Miller, Henri D. Grissino‐Mayer

The Stable Isotopes δ13C and δ18O of Lichens Can Be Used as Tracers of Microenvironmental Carbon and Water Sources Review Article
Pages 77-92
Michael Lakatos, Britta Hartard, Cristina Máguas

Foliar δ15N Values as Indicators of Foliar Uptake of Atmospheric Nitrogen Pollution Review Article
Pages 93-109
Dena M. Vallano, Jed P. Sparks

The Triple Isotopic Composition of Oxygen in Leaf Water and Its Implications for Quantifying Biosphere Productivity Review Article
Pages 111-125
A. Landais, D. Yakir, E. Barkan, B. Luz

An Isotopic Exploration of the Potential of Avian Tissues to Track Changes in Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems Review Article
Pages 127,129-144
Keith A. Hobson

Use of the Stable Isotope Composition of Fish Scales for Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystems Review Article
Pages 145-161
Clive N. Trueman, Andy Moore

The Reaction Progress Variable and Isotope Turnover in Biological Systems Review Article
Pages 163-171
Thure E. Cerling, Gabriel J. Bowen, James R. Ehleringer, Matt Sponheimer

Insight into the Trophic Ecology of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, from Compound‐Specific Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Proteinaceous Amino Acids Review Article
Pages 173-190
Brian N. Popp, Brittany S. Graham, Robert J. Olson, Cecelia C.S. Hannides, Michael J. Lott, Gladis A. López‐Ibarra, Felipe Galván‐Magaña, Brian Fry

Temporal Dynamics in δ13C of Ecosystem Respiration in Response to Environmental Changes Review Article
Pages 191,193-210
Christiane Werner, Stephan Unger, João S. Pereira, Jaleh Ghashghaie, Cristina Máguas

To What Extent Can Ice Core Data Contribute to the Understanding of Plant Ecological Developments of the Past? Review Article
Pages 211-233
Markus Leuenberger

The Global Methane Budget over the Last 2000 Years: \'\'image\'\' Reveals Hidden Information Review Article
Pages 235-248
James W.C. White, Dominic F. Ferretti, John B. Miller, David M. Etheridge, Keith R. Lassey, David C. Lowe, Cecelia M. MacFarling, Mark F. Dreier, Cathy M. Trudinger, Tas van Ommen

Compound‐Specific Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Biomarkers: Tracing Climatic Changes in the Past Review Article
Pages 249-265
Gerd Gleixner, Ines Mügler

Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Recent Sediments of Lake Wigry, NE Poland: Implications for Lake Morphometry and Environmental Changes Review Article
Pages 267-281
Anna Paprocka

Stable Isotopes and Human Water Resources: Signals of Change Review Article
Pages 283,285-300
Gabriel J. Bowen, Thure E. Cerling, James R. Ehleringer

The Use of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes to Track Effects of Land‐Use Changes in the Brazilian Amazon Region Review Article
Pages 301-318
Luiz Antonio Martinelli, Jean Pierre Henry Balbauld Ometto, Françoise Yoko Ishida, Tomas Ferreira Domingues, Gabriela Bielefeld Nardoto, Rafael Silva Oliveira, James R. Ehleringer

Reconstruction of Climate and Crop Conditions in the Past Based on the Carbon Isotope Signature of Archaeobotanical Remains Review Article
Pages 319-332
Juan Pedro Ferrio, Jordi Voltas, Nat`lia Alonso, José Luis Araus

Change of the Origin of Calcium in Forest Ecosystems in the Twentieth Century Highlighted by Natural Sr Isotopes Review Article
Pages 333-343
Thomas Drouet, Jacques Herbauts, Daniel Demaiffe

Addressing the Functional Value of Biodiversity for Ecosystem Functioning Using Stable Isotopes Review Article
Pages 345,347-359
Ansgar Kahmen, Nina Buchmann

The Future of Large‐Scale Stable Isotope Networks Review Article
Pages 361-381
D. Hemming, H. Griffiths, N.J. Loader, A. Marca, I. Robertson, D. Williams, L. Wingate, D. Yakir

Applications of Stable Isotope Measurements for Early‐Warning Detection of Ecological Change Review Article
Pages 383-398
David G. Williams, R. David Evans, Jason B. West, James R. Ehleringer

Stable Isotopes as Indicators, Tracers, and Recorders of Ecological Change: Synthesis and Outlook Review Article
Pages 399-405
Kevin P. Tu, Gabriel J. Bowen, Debbie Hemming, Ansgar Kahmen, Alexander Knohl, Chun‐Ta Lai, Christiane Werner

Series Editors
Page II

Todd E. Dawson, Rolf T.W. Siegwolf

Contributors to Volume 1

Pages 407-417

Page XV

Pages V-VII

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