فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Organizing Committee, Page v
Temperature and Strain Rate Dependence of the Flow Stress of Fatigued Niobium Single Crystals, Pages 3-8, M. Anglada, F. Guiu
Fundamental Plastic Behaviors in High-purity BCC Metals (Nb, Mo and Fe), Pages 9-14, Y. Aono, E. Kuramoto, K. Kitajima
The Effect of Solute Clusters on Screw Dislocations in BCC Alloys, Pages 15-19, R.J. Arsenault, D.M. Esterling
The Effect of Non-glide Stress on the Peierls Stress in BCC Metals, Pages 21-25, Z.S. Basinski, M.S. Duesbery
A Mechanism for Slip Transfer Across High Angle Grain Boundaries, Pages 27-32, C.T. Forwood, L.M. Clarebrough
A Strain Hardening Law for FCC and BCC Crystals Derived from Latent Hardening and Multislip Tests, Pages 33-38, P. Franciosi
Multislip in FCC and BCC Crystals: a Theoretical Approach Compared with Experimental Data, Pages 39-44, P. Franciosi, A. Zaoui
The Behaviour of Dislocations Near a Free Surface, Pages 45-50, P.M. Hazzledine, S.J. Shaibani
Cross-slip and Work Hardening, Pages 51-56, P.J. Jackson
Low Temperature Plasticity of Molybdenum Single Crystals of High Purity, Pages 57-62, H.-J. Kaufmann
Creep of LiF Crystals in the Temperature Range 1.6–300 K, Pages 63-68, H.-J. Kaufmann, S.V. Lubenets, V.V. Abraimov
Understandings of Slip Behaviors in BCC Metals by Computer Analyses, Pages 69-74, E. Kuramoto, Y. Aono, T. Tsutsumi
The Strength of Polycrystals, Pages 75-82, T. Leffers, O.B. Pedersen
A New Way to Derive Activation Enthalpies of Serrated Flow?, Pages 83-88, E. Pink, A. Grinberg
On the High Temperature Internal Friction Background, Pages 89-94, F. Povolo, B.J. Molinas
Dislocation Motion in FCC Metal Crystals, Pages 95-100, K. Shinohara, S. Kitajima, H. Kurishita
Moving Dislocations in Aluminium and in Aluminium-Copper Alloys: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Transmission Electron Microscopic Study, Pages 101-106, H. Tamler, O. Kanert, J.Th.M. De Hosson
Stoneley Waves at Grain Boundaries in Copper and Aluminium, Pages 107-111, A.R. Thölén
Void Damage in Dual Phase Steels During Plastic Deformation, Pages 115-120, P.S. Baburamani, R.A. Jago, R.M. Hobbs
The Effect of Inclusions on the Structure and Properties of H.S.L.A. Steel Weld Metals, Pages 121-126, G.S. Barritte, R.A. Ricks, P.R. Howell
Micromechanical Concepts for the Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Coarse Ferrite-Martensite Steels, Pages 127-134, J. Becker, E. Hornbogen
Transformation Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Quenched Steels, Pages 135-140, H.W. Bergmann, B.L. Mordike
Microstructure and Fatigue Behavior of Nickel-base Eutectic Composites, Pages 141-146, K. Dannemann, T. Ishii, D.J. Duquette, N.S. Stoloff
Thermomechanical Treatment of a Plain Low Carbon Steel, Pages 147-152, P. Deb, M.C. Chaturvedi
Property-Structure Relations in Quenched and Tempered 2% Mn Steel, Pages 153-159, M.E. de Morton
A Study of the Effect of Low Temperatures on the Strength and Ductility of Commercial HSLA Steels, Pages 161-166, L.R. Cutler, M.R. Krishnadev
Internal Friction Measurements, Hardness and Tensile Tests During the Tempering of 1100°C as Quenched 17% Chromium Steels, Pages 167-172, B. Dubois, F. Hernandez, M. Bouhafs
Precision Measurements of Pre-yield Microstrain in Amorphous Alloys, Pages 173-178, T. Hashimoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Maeda, S. Takeuchi
A Thermodynamic Model to Predict the Precipitation Behaviour of Both Titanium Nitride and Sulfide During Steel Solidification. Effects of the Globularisation of the Sulfides on the Isotropy of the Mechanical Properties, Pages 179-184, J-C. Herman, P. Messien, T. Gréday
The Contribution of Cobalt to the Tempering Resistance and Hot Hardness of Tool Steels and Cobalt Replacement, Pages 185-191, J.P. Hirth, E.J. Dulis, V.K. Chandhok
Effects of Co, Mo and Ti Contents on Age-hardening in 15% Ni Maraging Steels, Pages 193-198, K. Hosomi, Y. Ashida, H. Hato, H. Nakamura
Dynamic Strain Aging of Cast Iron, Pages 199-204, D. Löhe, O. Vöhringer, E. Macherauch
Athermal, Stress and Strain Induced Transformation Strengthening in Multiphase Stainless Steels, Pages 205-210, F.D.S. Marques, N.N. Thadhani
Comparison of the Efficiency of Various Rolling Schedules to Obtain Dual-phase Steel Plates, Pages 211-216, H. Mathy, T. Greday
The Influence of Plate Gauge on the Strength and Impact Properties of Steels, Pages 217-222, B. Mintz
Deformation Behaviour of Austenite-Ferrite Structures, Pages 223-228, J. Ruzzante, G. Carfi, J. Tormo, A.M. Hey
The Influence of Cementite Content and Cementite Shape on the Bauschinger Effect of Plain Carbon Steels, Pages 229-234, B. Scholtes, O. Vöhringer, E. Macherauch
Ferrite Grain Refinement in HSLA Steels, Pages 235-240, R.M. Smith, T. Chandra, D.P. Dunne
Control of Strain Age Hardening in Ti Bearing Hot Rolled Strip Steels, Pages 241-246, J.G. Williams
Coated Sheet Steel Viewed as a Composite Material, Pages 247-252, D.J. Willis
Designing of an Optimum Aluminium Alloy for De-salination Applications, Pages 255-261, Z. Ahmed
Effect of Microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of Transage 134, Pages 263-268, R.W. Coade, T.W. Duerig, G.H. Gessinger
The Tensile Deformation of Aluminium Foil, Pages 269-274, I.R. Dover, J.A. Eady, R.C. Gifkins
Effect of the Phase Transformation on the Mechanical Properties of Initially Cold-worked Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys, Pages 275-280, G. Bouquet, B. Dubois
Mechanical Properties During the Tempering of Martensitic Copper-Aluminium Alloys, Pages 281-287, B. Dubois, G. Ocampo, G. Demiraj, G. Bouquet
The Influence of Post-extrusion Thermomechanical Treatments on the Tensile Properties of Zr-2.5 wt% Nb Alloy, Pages 289-294, R.G. Fleck, G.K. Shek
Strengthening Mechanisms in Dispersion Hardened Copper Polycrystals, Pages 295-300, N. Hansen, B. Ralph
Deformation Behaviour of the Ordering Alloy Cu2NiZn, Pages 301-306, J.Th.M. De Hosson, G.J.L. Van Der Wegen, P.M. Bronsveld
Analysis of Strengthening Factors in Thermomechanical Treatment of an Al-Cu-Mg-Mn Alloy, Pages 307-312, Ting-Chuan Lei, De-Zun Wang
Dispersion Strengthened Titanium Alloys by Rapid Solidification Processing, Pages 313-318, B.C. Muddle, D.G. Konitzer, H.L. Fraser
Alloy Softening in Molybdenum-Carbon Single Crystals, Pages 319-325, M.I. Ripley, J.W. Christian
Solution Hardening of FCC Alloys by the Chemical Interaction Between Solute Atoms and a Dislocation, Pages 327-332, H. Suzuki
An Investigation of Mechanical Thermal Treated Al-Al3Ni Eutectic Alloy, Pages 333-338, C.M. Wan, S.M. Kuo, Y.C. Chen, T.H. Wang, M.T. Jahn, C.T. Hu, J. Heh
The Flow Stress-Grain Size Relationship in a Precipitation-hardening Al Alloy, Pages 339-344, J. Wert
The Hardening Reaction in Dental Amalgam, Pages 347-352, J.R. Abbott, D.R. Miller, D.J. Netherway
Strengthening of Alumina by Heat Treatment, Pages 353-359, D.G. Brandon, E.Y. Gutmanas, Z. Nissenholz, J. Ozeri, D. Shechtman, N. Travitzki, Y. Yeshurun
The Shear Band Deformation Process in Metallic Glasses, Pages 361-365, P.E. Donovan, W.M. Stobbs
Metal Glass Composites as Engineering Materials, Pages 367-372, K.U. Kainer, H.W. Bergmann, B.L. Mordike
Strength/Ductility-Microstructure Relationships in Two-phase Materials, Pages 373-378, K. Tangri, A.H. Yegneswaran
Origin of the Recrystallization Texture in Rolled Low Zinc Brass, Pages 381-385, C. Carmichael, A.S. Malin, M. Hatherly
Yield of Mild Steel at Very High Strain Rates, Pages 387-392, N.P. Fitzpatrick, P.L. Pratt
Luders Band Fronts in Mild Steel, Pages 393-399, E.O. Hall, R.J. Carter, G. Vitullo
Microstructures and Deformation Mechanisms in Polycrystalline Aluminium, Pages 401-406, N. Hansen, B. Bay
Yield Points in Micro-alloyed Titanium Steels, Pages 407-412, R.W.K. Honeycombe, G.M. Smith
Heterogeneous Formation of Slip Bands in Neutron-irradiated Copper Crystals, Pages 413-418, S. Kitajima, K. Shinohara
Plastic Instability in an Al-Mg-Si Alloy, Pages 419-423, G.J. Lopriore, P.G. McCormick
Substructure Strengthening of Cold Rolled Aluminium Alloys, Pages 425-430, E. Nes, A.L. Dons, N. Ryum
On the Nature of the Bauschinger Effect in Copper and Copper Aluminium, Pages 431-436, H. Ono, D.J.H. Corderoy, H. Muir
The Effect of Strain Rate and Geometry on Development of Microstructure During the Forming of an Aluminium-Magnesium Alloy, Pages 437-442, B.A. Parker, R.G. O\'Donnell
Analysis of Local Plastic Heterogeneities by Use of the Kossel Technique, Pages 443-448, C. Rey, M. Berveiller, A. Zaoui
Control of the Anisotropy of Mechanical Properties in Steel Plate, Pages 449-454, I.D. Simpson, G.J.M. MacDonald
Role of Internal Stress for the Initial Yielding of Dual-phase Steels, Pages 455-460, T. Sakaki, K. Sugimoto, T. Fukuzato
Tensile Deformation of a Fine-grained Al-alloy, Pages 461-466, H. Westengen
The Effect of Penetrator Geometry on the Deformation of Ductile Metal Targets, Pages 467-472, C.J. Osborn, R.L. Woodward
Cyclic Cracking and Plastic Flow in Metal Cutting Under Built-up-edge Conditions, Pages 475-480, R.L. Aghan, G.R. Wilms
Plastic Stress-Strain Relationships of Some Polycrystalline Metals Tested in Biaxial Tension to High Strain, Pages 481-486, M. Atkinson
The Effect of a Dispersed Phase upon the Deformation Structure of Rolled Copper Crystals, Pages 487-492, I. Baker, J.W. Martin
The Tensile Properties of Cold Twisted Steel Bars, Pages 493-498, G.G. Brown, J.D. Watson
Effect of Manganese on the Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Titanium-bearing Microalloyed Steels, Pages 499-504, T. Chandra, M.G. Akben, J.J. Jonas
Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization in a Duplex Stainless Steel, Pages 505-510, T. Chandra, D. Bendeich, D.P. Dunne
The Significance of High Strain Deformation in Machining, Pages 511-516, E.D. Doyle, D.M. Turley
Dynamic Recrystallization of Copper Observed by SEM Channeling Contrast, Pages 517-522, H.J. McQueen
Microstructure and Texture of Rolled C.P.H. Metals, Pages 523-528, A.S. Malin, M. Hatherly, V. Piegerova
Dynamic Recrystallization in Ferritic Stainless Steel, Pages 529-534, T. Maki, S. Okaguchi, I. Tamura
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Heavily Deformed Copper, Pages 535-540, R.B. Nethercott, J.A. Retchford, R.A. Coyle
Microstructure and Texture of Heavily Deformed Copper, Pages 541-546, R.G. Solomon, A.S. Malin, M. Hatherly
“Microbands” in Cold Worked Metals, Pages 547-552, F.J. Torrealdea, J. Gil Sevillano
Substructural Size Effect in Metal Cutting, Pages 553-558, D.M. Turley, E.D. Doyle
Formability of Ni-Fe Alloy Sheets, Pages 559-566, Yeon Chul Yoo, Dong Nyung Lee
Experimental Analysis of the Relationship Between Dip Test Techniques and the Plastic Equation of State, Pages 569-574, J. Birocheau, C. Oytana
Biaxial Dip Tests Measurements of Internal Stresses During High Temperature Plastic Flow, Pages 575-580, P. Delobelle, A. Mermet, C. Oytana
Verification of a Microstructurally-based Equation for Elevated-temperature Transient Isotropic Hardening, Pages 581-587, M.E. Kassner, K.A. Rubin, A.K. Miller
The Interpretation of the Scaling Relationship Shown by the log σ–log є Creep and Stress-relaxation Curves, Pages 589-594, F. Povolo, G.H. Rubiolo
Stress and Microstructure Dependence of the Creep Resistance of Mo-5% W Alloy, Pages 595-600, L. Bendersky, A. Rosen, A.K. Mukherjee
Stress Rupture Behaviour of Copper-Chromium Weather Resistant Steels, Pages 601-606, R.H. Edwards, T. Payne, K.W. Gunn
Multiple Strengthening in Creep of Wrought Ni-Cr-base Superalloys, Pages 607-612, F. Gabrielli, V. Lupinc
Anomalous and Constant Substructure Creep Transients in Pure Aluminum, Pages 613-618, J.C. Gibeling, W.D. Nix
Creep Rupture Properties of a Niobium Bearing Pressure Vessel Steel Containing Small Amounts of Molybdenum, Pages 619-624, K. Gunn, T. Payne
Inhomogeneous Deformation of Some Aluminium Alloys at Elevated Temperature, Pages 625-630, F.J. Humphreys
Creep and Fatigue Interactions in a Nickel-base Superalloy, Pages 631-636, H.J. Kolkman, R.J.H. Wanhill
The Influence of Grain Size on Elevated Temperature Deformation Behaviour of a Type 316 Stainless Steel, Pages 637-642, S.L. Mannan, K.G. Samuel, P. Rodriguez
Development of Creep Resistant Magnesium Rare Earth Alloys, Pages 643-648, J.E. Morgan, B.L. Mordike
The Influence of Traces of Sb and Zr on Creep and Creep Fracture of Ni-20% Cr, Pages 649-654, J.H. Schneibel, C.L. White, R.A. Padgett
The Effect of Pre-aging on the Creep Behaviour of Type 321 Stainless Steel, Pages 655-663, K.U. Snowden, P.A. Stathers, D.S. Hughes
High Temperature Creep and Fatigue of Cu-Cr Alloys, Pages 665-670, N.Y. Tang, D.M.R. Taplin, G.L. Dunlop
High Temperature Intergranular Fracture Enhanced by Grain Boundary Migration in Alpha Iron-Tin Alloy, Pages 671-676, T. Watanabe, M. Obata, S. Karashima
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Creep Deformation and Fracture of Type 304 Stainless Steel, Pages 677-682, M.H. Yoo, J.C. Ogle, J.H. Schneibel, R.W. Swindeman
Cyclic Deformation of Superplastic Zinc-Aluminum Alloys, Pages 683-688, J.W. Bowden, B. Ramaswami
A Metallographic Study of Cavitation During Superplastic Deformation of CDA 638 Alloy, Pages 689-694, W.J. Clegg, J.A. Rooum, A.K. Mukherjee
The Role of Grain Boundary Dislocations in Superplastic Flow, Pages 695-700, P.R. Howell, L.K.L. Falk, G.L. Dunlop
Mechanisms for the Low-stress Regime I of Superplasticity, Pages 701-705, R.C. Gifkins
Strain Effect on Stress-Strain Rate Relations of Superplastic IN744 Steel, Pages 707-712, B.P. Kashyap, A.K. Mukherjee
Elevated Temperature Deformation and Fracture of Ingot and Powder Processed Aluminum Alloys, Pages 713-719, N.E. Paton, C.C. Bampton, A.K. Ghosh
Anelasticity in Superplastic Metals, Pages 721-726, S.H. Vale, P.M. Hazzledine
Enhanced Superplasticity in Modified Ti-6%Al-4%V Alloys, Pages 727-732, J.A. Wert, N.E. Paton
Deformation Mechanisms in Dunite–the Results of High Temperature Testing, Pages 735-740, J.D. Fitz Gerald, P.N. Chopra
Measurements of Strain Rate Continuity in LiF Crystals, Pages 741-746, T.H. Alden, J.C. Gibeling
The Deformation of Polycrystalline Sodium Nitrate (Calcite Structure), Pages 747-752, P.D. Tungatt, F.J. Humphreys
Recovery and Recrystallization in Olivine, Pages 753-756, S. Karato
Deformation of Olivine, and the Application to Lunar and Planetary Interiors, Pages 757-762, T.G. Langdon, A. Dehghan, C.G. Sammis
Factors Influencing the Fracture Toughness of High Strength Aluminum Alloys, Pages 765-771, K.R. Brown
Fracture Toughness and Critical Crack Length Parameters in Fatigue Failure, Pages 773-779, G. Clark
The Bauschinger Effect, Pages 781-785, R. Hsu, R.J. Arsenault
The Influence of the Addition of Boron on the Grain-boundary Segregation of Phosphorus and Fracture Behavior of Medium-carbon Ultra-high Strength Steel, Pages 787-792, T. Inoue, Y. Namba
The Effects of Thermomechanical Treatment on the Notch Toughness of a 4340 Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy Steel, Pages 793-798, M.T. Jahn, C.K. Huang, C.M. Wan
The Crack-tip Ductility of Structural Steels, Pages 799-804, J.F. Knott
Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Single Fibre Coated with Ductile or Brittle Layer, Pages 805-810, S. Ochiai, Y. Murakami, K. Osamura
A Comparison of Spall Fractures with Fractures in Tensile Tests, Pages 811-816, J.M. Yellup
Low Amplitude Fatigue of Copper Crystals at Room Temperature, Pages 819-824, Z.S. Basinski, S.J. Basinski
Back Stress Variation Along the Hysteresis Loop, Pages 825-831, Y.S. Chung, A. Abel
Fatigue Crack Initiation on Slip Bands, Pages 833-838, M.E. Fine
Detection of Crack Propagation in Fatigue with Acoustic Emission, Pages 839-844, F. Hamel, M.N. Bassim
Fatigue Crack Growth in the Near-threshold Region, Pages 845-850, A.J. McEvily, K. Minakawa
Fatigue Behaviour of Nitrided Steel, Pages 851-857, J.M. Cowling
Corrosion Fatigue of SiC/Al Metal Matrix Composites in Salt Ladened Moist Air, Pages 859-865, C.R. Crowe, D.F. Hasson
The Effect of Overloads on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Offshore Structural Steels, Pages 867-872, M. Drew, K.R.L. Thompson, L.H. Keys
The Influence of Dispersoids on the Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloys, Pages 873-878, L. Edwards, J.W. Martin
The Effects of Frequency and Hold Times on Fatigue Crack Propagation Rates in a Nickel Base Superalloy, Pages 879-885, S. Golwalkar, N.S. Stoloff, D.J. Duquette
Fatigue Crack Propagation Characterization of 18–8 Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Repeated Impact Loading, Pages 887-893, Jin-hua Zhu, Ming-jing Tu, Hui-jiu Zhou
The Fatigue Studies of Steel with Bainitic Structure, Pages 895-900, T.F. Liu, M.H. Yang, C.M. Wan, M.T. Jahn, C.T. Hu, J. Heh
High Temperature Fatigue of an Austenitic Stainless Steel, Pages 901-906, A.J. Pacey, A. Plumtree
Dislocation Structures in Fatigued Cu Polycrystals, Pages 907-912, R. Pascual, L.C. Rolim
Influence of Cyclic Stress on Substructure in Aluminum and Iron, Pages 913-918, A. Plumtree, E.S. Kayali
Influence of Overloads on the Subsequent Crack Growth of a Fatigue Crack in a E 36 Steel, Pages 919-925, C. Robin, C. Chehimi, G. Pluvinage
The Effect of Strain Rate in Air and Vacuum on the High-temperature Low-cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Cast IN100 Alloy, Pages 927-932, D. Ranucci, M. Marchionni, E. Picco, F. Gherardi, O. Caciorgna
Fatigue of Spinodally Decomposing Alloys, Pages 933-938, H.R. Sinning, P. Haasen
The Work Hardening of Copper-Aluminium Alloys, Pages 941-946, D.J.H. Corderoy, N. Ono
A Model for Plane Strain Ductile Fracture Toughness, Pages 947-952, D. Firrao, R. Roberti
In situ Plastic Deformation of Metals and Alloys in the 200 kV Electron Microscope, Pages 953-957, L.P. Kubin, J. Lépinoux, J. Rabier, P. Veyssière, A. Fourdeux
Control of Discontinuous Yielding by Temper Rolling, Pages 959-964, J.S.H. Lake
Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructure Development and Grain Orientation in Rolled Copper-alloys, Pages 965-970, K. Lücke, J. Hirsch
The Constancy of Density of Deformation Energy at Macro- and Microlevels in Case of Automodelle Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Materials, Pages 971-976, L. Maslov
The Coarsening of Precipitates, Pages 977-982, M.B. McGirr, S.Y. Lee
Fabrication of a Cu-Al Composite Wire and its Mechanical Properties (Part I), Pages 983-988, Y. Mitani, H. Balmori
Fracture Toughness of Soft Soldering Composite Laminates Made from 4340 Steel in High Vacuum Atmosphere, Pages 989-994, M.R. Sabayo
The Calculations of Weight Functions for Certain Configurations, Pages 995-1000, K-R. Wang, G. Pluvinage
Influence of Microarea Chemical Composition and Microstructure on Fracture Properties of a Medium Carbon Ultrahigh Strength Steel, Pages 1001-1006, Shou-Lian Xu, Xue-Fei Feng
Fundamentals of Strengthening Mechanisms, Pages 1009-1024, H. Gleiter
The Application of the Fundamentals of Strengthening to the Design of New Aluminum Alloys, Pages 1025-1044, Edgar A. Starke Jr.
Reflections on the Industrial Application of Fundamental Research, Pages 1045-1058, G.F. Boiling
Microstructure and Mechanisms of Fracture, Pages 1059-1073, E. Hornbogen
Routes to Higher Strength and Ductility of Steels, Pages 1075-1088, T. Gréday
Ductile Fracture, Pages 1089-1103, J.D. Embury
Deformation at High Temperatures, Pages 1105-1120, Terence G. Langdon
Strengthening from the Melt: Castings and Weldments, Pages 1121-1136, G.J. Davies
Deformation Problems in Minerals and Rocks, Pages 1137-1145, M.S. Paterson
Design Against Variable Amplitude Fatigue — an approach through Cyclic Stress-Strain Response, Pages 1147-1163, Campbell Laird, Fernando Lorenzo, Alex S. Cheng
Deformation for Manufacture: Forming and Shaping, Pages 1165-1179, T. Furukawa
Deformation at High Strains, Pages 1181-1195, M. Hatherly
Doing more with less Materials: Perspectives for Research and Development in the Eighties, Pages 1197-1210, Dieter G. Altenpohl
Cyclic Response of the Directionally Solidified Superalloy 73C, Pages 1213-1218, M.A. Abdellatif, A. Lawley
The Role of Deformation Character on Fatigue Crack Growth in Titanium Alloys, Pages 1219-1224, John E. Allison, James C. Williams
The Development of a High Strength Manganese Steel, Pages 1225-1230, R.D. Jones, G.R. Palmer, V. Jerath, S. Kapoor, R.J. Yeldham
The Effects of Composition and Temperature on the Dislocation Structure of Cyclically Deformed Ti-Al Alloys, Pages 1231-1236, H.M. Kim, J.C. Williams
Relationship between Microstructure and Strength Properties of Copper-Tin-Nickel Alloys Prepared by Powder Metallurgy, Pages 1237-1243, N.C. Kothari
Thermomechanical Treatment of Dual-phase Low Carbon Steels, Pages 1245-1250, T.C. Lei, D.Z. Yang, H.P. Shen
Author Index, Pages 1251-1254
Subject Index, Pages 1255-1268