فهرست مطالب :
Content: Keynote speakersChallenges and strategies in conducting a health education programme for chronic disease in Indonesia H. MaliniPreparing qualified nurses: Nurse education institutions' role in providing excellent standards of nurse education, graduate transition and work readiness L. McKennaMental health focus: Current global public health challenges R. MachmudCommunity healthFamily support in relation to life quality of the elderly with hypertension G. Sumarsih, D. Satria & D. MurniComparison of health-promoting lifestyles of male and female student nurses R.M. Sihombing & M.G.L.R. SihotangFactors influencing the quality of life of the Minang elderly living in nursing homes: A perspective of Minang culture R. Sabri, A.Y.S. Hamid, J. Sahar & BesralHealth managementThe supervision experience of head nurses in a hospital setting D.S. ParamithaDevelopment and validation of a Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Instrument (TCCNI): Learning from the outcomes I. Yuliati & J.D. LoricaA phenomenological study: The first clinical experience of student nurses in Padang NelwatiNursing students' coping mechanisms against bullying during nursing professional practice Z.M. Putri, I. Erwina & Y. EfendiMaternal healthPromoting kangaroo mother care practice at home through educational video and nurse-assisted practice N. Fajri, Y. Rustina & E. SyahreniAn ergonomic breastfeeding chair design P. Fithri, L. Susanti, I. Arief, D. Meilani & C.T. AngeliaMinangkabau mothers' characteristics and breastfeeding self-efficacy in relation to exclusive breastfeeding practice in Padang V. PriscillaDepression and situational crisis on infertile Minangkabau women Y.P. Sari & M.U. RidwanMental healthCoping mechanisms and stress levels in thesis writing among nursing students F. Fernandes, Dahlia & BasmanellyRelationship between coping mechanism and stress level among parents with mentally retarded children at SLB Wacana Asih, Padang I. Erwina, D. Novrianda & W. RisaMedical and surgicalExamining the effect of logotherapy on the anxiety levels of cervical cancer patients A.R. Ma'rifah, M.M. Budi & R.I. SundariRelationship between duration of intravenous therapy and frequency of intravenous cannula replacement BayhakkiCardiovascular disease risk assessment based on laboratory versus non-laboratory tests: A systematic review D. Prabawati & J. LoricaQuality of life of cervical cancer patients post chemotherapy E.A.F. Damayanti, H. Pradjatmo & W. LismidiatiCommunity knowledge of coronary heart disease in relation to characteristic risk factors E.A. Sari & S.H. PratiwiThe effect of diaphragmatic breathing exercise on pulmonary ventilation function in patients with asthma: A preliminary study E. Afriyanti & B.P. WennyRisk factors associated with hypertension: A case study in Andalas Public Health Centre S. Rahmadani, E. Huriani & R. RefnandesA retrospective study of the association between the quantity and varieties of fruit consumption with the glycaemic status of patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus J. Widiyanto, Isnaniar & T.K. NingrumA dietary assessment of nurses in Klang Valley, Malaysia M.R. Ab Hamid, N.I. binti Ahamad Sidek & N. SaidThe effects of structured education on knowledge, attitude and action of patients with a colostomy R. Fatmadona, H. Malini & M. SudiarsihNurse experiences in conducting diabetic foot risk assessment in diabetic patients in hospital in Medan Y. Ariani & R. TariganNursing educationThe relationship between admission factors and first-semester grade point average in Indonesian nursing students C.L. Sommers & S.H. ParkA systematic review: A tool development process for public health nurses' competencies I. Kusumaningsih & A. TalosigA systematic review: Implementation of reflective learning in nursing practice J. Purwarini & J. LoricaDeterminants of nursing licensure examination performance: A literature review Y. Siswadi & A. TalosigPediatric healthThe effect of a kaleidoscope on pain relief during a venepuncture procedure in children in Padang, Indonesia D. Novrianda, R. Fatmadona & L.B. SafiraFactors influencing nutritional status of children aged under five based on weight-for-height using the CART method H. Yozza, I. Rahmi & H.A. RahmyFactors related to bullying behavior among school-age students in Padang, West Sumatra Hermalinda, Deswita & E. OktarinaFamily-centred care needs of mucositis management in children with cancer I. Nurhidayah, H.S. Mediani, S. Hendrawati & A. MardhiyahAnalysis of phlebitis occurrence in terms of the characteristics of infusion by nurses in RSI Ibnu Sina Payakumbuh L. Fajria, L. Merdawati & NelvizaRelationship between self-efficacy and the stress levels of B 2015 programme nursing students when completing their thesis at the faculty of nursing, Andalas University in 2016 M. Neherta, D. Novrianda & P. Raini