توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب سیر تحول مدل فرانسوی سرمایهداری را در رابطه با بیثباتی سازشهای سیاسی-اجتماعی تحلیل میکند.
در دهه 2010، فرانسه در وضعیت بحران سیستمی قرار داشت، یعنی عدم امکان یافتن رهبری سیاسی. یک استراتژی تغییر نهادی، یا به طور کلی یک مدل سرمایه داری، که بتواند حمایت اجتماعی و سیاسی کافی را جمع آوری کند. این کتاب تلاشهای مختلف برای اصلاح مدل فرانسوی را از دهه 1980 تحلیل میکند، زمانی که چپها سعی کردند اقتصاد سیاسی فرانسه را قبل از تغییر مسیر و انتخاب جهتگیری سیاستهای کلان اقتصادی و ساختاری متعارفتر به طور خلاصه در جهت سوسیال دمکراتیک/سوسیالیستی جهت دهند. تلاشهای دولتهای راست برای اجرای یک سیاست ساختاری رادیکال نئولیبرالی نیز در مواجهه با یک مخالف اجتماعی قابل توجه شکست خورد. بحران سیستمی پایدار فرانسه بیان تناقضات بین سیاست های اقتصادی اعمال شده توسط دولت های چپ و راست متوالی و وجود یک بلوک اجتماعی مسلط، یعنی ائتلافی از گروه های اجتماعی است که از نظر سیاسی از استراتژی سیاسی مسلط حمایت می کنند.
از سال 1978، هر دو جناح راست و چپ نتوانستهاند راهحلی برای تناقضات بین سیاستهایی که اجرا کردهاند و انتظارات پایگاههای اجتماعی مربوطهشان بیابند، که خود با تنشها و تضادهایی که با اصلاحات ساختاری که به تدریج سرمایه داری فرانسه را دگرگون کرد.
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Cover
Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transition
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1: The Systemic Crises of French Capitalism
1.1 The French Economy since the 1980s
1.2 The Continental European Model: An Outdated Economic Model?
1.3 Political Cowardice Would Explain the Lack of `Necessary Reforms
́ 1.4 Are Neo-Liberal Reforms the Key to Tomorrowś Growth?
1.4.1 Financialization
1.4.2 Labour Market Flexibilization and Employment Performance
1.4.3 Product Market Liberalization and Innovation 1.5 Institutions, Institutional Change, and Political Crises1.6 The Political Crisis
Chapter 2: Opposition Between Two Economic and Social Models
2.1 France at the Beginning of the 1980s: the Enduring Economic Crisis
2.2 The Emergence of a Neoliberal Project
2.2.1 The Influence of the `modernists
́ 2.2.2 The End of Liberalism and the Birth of Neoliberalism
2.2.3 Neoliberalism in France
2.3 The Political Project on the Left
2.3.1 The Programme Commun
2.3.2 The 110 propositions
2.4 The Differentiation between the Left and Right Blocs 2.5 The Differentiation between the Left and Right Blocs: An Empirical Analysis2.5.1 From Social Structure to Political Preferences
2.5.2 Estimation Results
Chapter 3: The Search for a New Model
3.1 Contradictions between the Policy of the Left-wing Government and Left Bloc Expectations
3.1.1 The `U-turn
́ 3.1.2 The Search for a New Social Alliance
3.2 The Mainstream Left
3.2.1 From Modernism to Neoliberalism
3.2.2 The Search for a New Social Base
3.3 Europe as a Reform Strategy
3.3.1 Modernization through Europe
3.3.2 The Lisbon Agenda
3.3.3 The European Constraint 3.4 The Right: the Difficulty of Implementing a Neoliberal Strategy3.4.1 Neoliberal Reforms Divide the Right Bloc
3.4.2 European Integration is a Problem Too
3.5 The Transformation of the French Model
3.5.1 The Right
3.5.2 The Left
Estimations for 1988
Estimations for 1995
Estimations for 1997
Estimations for 2002
Estimations for 2007
Chapter 4: The Unsolved Contradictions of the Modernists
4.1 Before the 2012 Election
4.1.1 Terra Nova (TN) and the Bloc Bourgeois
4.1.2 The Ambiguities of Hollande
4.1.3 Marine Le Penś new Front National? 4.2 Social Structure, Economic Policy Expectations, and Political Support in the 2010s4.2.1 Presentation
4.2.2 Estimation Results
4.3 Hollandeś Presidency
4.3.1 A New Strategy
4.3.2 Pro-business Measures
4.3.3 Fiscal Policy
4.3.4 The Fiscal Compact, a.k.a. TSCG
4.3.5 Austerity
4.3.6 The Elimination of Internal Contestation
4.4 Structural Reforms
4.4.1 Finance
4.4.2 The Macron Law
4.4.3 Collective Bargaining
4.4.4 The `Simplification ́of Labour Law
4.5 The Consolidation of the bloc bourgeois
4.5.1 The Social Base of the PS
4.5.2 The Possibility of an Anti-bourgeois Bloc
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book analyses the evolution of the French model of capitalism in relation to the instability of socio-political compromises.
In the 2010s, France was in a situation of systemic crisis, namely, the impossibility for political leadership to find a strategy of institutional change, or more generally a model of capitalism, that could gather sufficient social and political support. This book analyses the various attempts at reforming the French model since the 1980s, when the left tried briefly to orient the French political economy in a social-democratic/socialist direction before changing course and opting for a more orthodox macroeconomic and structural policy direction. The attempts of governments of the right to implement a radically neo-liberal structural policy also failed in the face of a significant social opposition. The enduring French systemic crisis is the expression of contradictions between the economic policies implemented by the successive left and right governments, and the existence of a dominant, social bloc, that is, a coalition of social groups that would politically support the dominant political strategy.
Since 1978, both the right and the left have failed to find a solution to the contradictions between the policies they implemented and the expectations of their respective social bases, which are themselves inhabited by tensions and contradictions that evolve with the structural reforms that gradually transformed French capitalism.