فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page i
Copyright, Page ii
To the Student, Page v
Introduction: The Nature of Organic Chemistry, Page vii
1 - A Survey of Organic Structures: Carbon Skeletons and Functional Groups, Pages 1-14
2 - Molecular Bonding: Bond Angles, Bond Energies, and Bond Lengths, Pages 15-26
3 - Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: The Three-Dimensional Structure of Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives, Pages 27-46
4 - Stereoisomerism and Chirality: Right- and Left-Handed Chemistry, Pages 47-61
5 - Reactive Intermediates: Formation of Haloalkanes by Way of Free Radicals, Pages 62-78
6 - The Interconversion of Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, and Ethers: Substitution Reactions, Pages 79-107
7 - The Structure of Alkenes: Their Synthesis by Way of Elimination Reactions, Pages 108-136
8 - Physical Methods of Chemical Structure Identification: Basic Mass and Infrared Spectroscopy, Pages 137-146
9 - Photon and Carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Pages 147-161
10 - Addition, Polymerization, and Biological Reactions of Alkenes, Pages 162-188
11 - The Synthesis and Structure of Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic Additions to the Carbonyl Group, Pages 189-213
12 - Chemistry of the Alkynes: Introduction to the Logic of Synthesis, Pages 214-230
13 - Electron Delocalization in Aliphatic Molecules, Pages 231-254
14 - Benzene and the Concept of Aromaticity, Pages 255-270
15 - Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Pages 271-295
16 - Carboxylic Acids, Acid Halides, and Anhydrides, Pages 296-314
17 - Esters, Amides, and Nitriles: An Overview of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives and Their Chemistry, Pages 315-340
18 - Aldol Condensation Reactions: Enols and Enolates, Pages 341-362
19 - Alkylation and Acylation of Enolates, Pages 363-384
20 - Sugars, Nucleosides, and Nucleic Acids, Pages 385-405
21 - Amines, Phosphines, and Sulfides: Basicity, Nucleophilicity, and Valence Shell Expansion, Pages 406-433
22 - Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins: Natural and Synthetic Condensation Polymers, Pages 434-456
23 - Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution: The Chemistry of Aryl Halides and Aryl Diazonium Ions, Pages 457-477
24 - Phenols and Quinones, Pages 478-494
25 - The Chemistry of Aromatic Heterocycles, Pages 495-516
26 - Photochemically Induced Excited States, Carbenes, and Organotransition Metal Intermediates, Pages 517-533
27 - Introduction to Chemical Literature: Books, Abstracts, and Journals, Pages 534-536