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Content: Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 2: Materials Fabrication, Properties, Characterization, and Modeling. 2011 Functional and Structural Nanomaterials: Fabrication, Properties, Applications and Implications. Fabrication of Nanomaterials II. Fabrication of Gold-Platinum Nanoalloy by High-Intensity Laser Irradiation of Solution (T. Nakamura, Y. Herbani, and S. Sato). Nanomaterials-Characteristics. Crystallization Kinetics and Giant Magneto Impedance Behavior of FeCo Based Amorphous Wires (R. Roy, P. Sarkar, S. Singh, A. Panda, and A. Mitra). Sunday Evening Poster Session: Functional Materials. Fe-Based Amorphous-Nanocrystalline Thermal Spray Coatings (B. Movahedi, and M. Enayati). Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Modified TiO2 for Degradation of CH2O in Aqueous Suspension(H. Tonga, L. Zhaoc, D. Lia, and X. Zhanga). Preparation and Characterization of ZnS Thin Films Using Chemical Bath Deposition Method: Effects of Deposition Time and Thermal Treatment (W. Hsieh, K. Cheng, and S. Lue). Femtosecond Laser-Induced Synthesis of Colloidal AuAg Nanoalloys from Aqueous Mixture of Metallic Ions (Y. Herbani, T. Nakamura, and S. Sato). Electrochemical Performances of Nanoporous Carbon Anode for Super Lithium Ion Capacitor (Z Xiangyang, L. Shiju, Y. Juan, L. Changlin, and Z. Taikang). Effect of Temperature Schedule on the Particle Size of NiFe204 Spinel Nanopowder during Solid-State Reactions (Z. Zhang, G. Yao, Y. Liu, and J. Du). Interfacial Properties of Cu-Nb Multilayers as a Function of Dislocation/Disconnection Content (N. Abdolrahim, I. Mastorakos, H. Zbib, and D. Bahr). Long-Time Photoluminescence Kinetics in Quantum Dot Samples (K. Krai, and M. Mensik). Synthesis and Characterization of Mullite (K. Paithankar, D. Barbadikar, D. Peshwe, and A. Gandhi). Characterization of Hybrid Carbon-Nanotube Composite Interfaces as a Function of Length Scale (H. Malecki, M. Duffy, S. Markkula, and M. Zupan). Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostrucrure Forsterite Bioceramic for Tissue Engineering Applications (F. Tavangarian, R. Emadi, and M. Enayati). Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Silica/Epoxy Nano-Composites by Molecular Dynamics and Finite Element Modeling (B. Mortazavi, J. Bar don, S. Ahzi, D. Ruch, and A. Laachachi). Tuesday Evening Poster Session: Ultra Fine Grained Materials. Basal-Plane Stacking-Fault Energies of Mg: A First-Principles Study of Li- And Al-Alloying Effects (Z Jin, J. Han, X. Su, and Y. Zhu). Development of A1-TIB2 Nanocomposite (Z Sadeghian, M. Enayati, B. Lotfi, and P. Beiss). Dry Sliding Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Ultrafine-grained HSLA Steel Processed using Multi Axial Forging (A. Padap, G. Chaudhari, and S. Nath). Heterogenity of Microstructure Evolution in NiTi (50 at% Ni) Alloy Severely Deformed by High Pressure Torsion (R. Singh, J. Fiebig, S. Ostendorp, H. Rosner, E. Prokofyev, R. Valiev, S. Divinski, and G. Wilde). Aluminum Alloys: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications. Development and Application. Hot Tensile Behaviour and Constitutive Analysis of Al-5,5Zn-l,2Mg/Zr Alloys (P. Leo, E. Cerri, and H. McQueen). Production of Continuous Cast 3105 Coil-Stock for Thin Gauge Roller Shutters (D. Spathis, and J. Tsiros). Emerging Technologies. Preparation of Al-Li Alloys for Lithium-Air Secondary Battery by Solid Diffusion Method (T. Cheng, Z. Lv, X. Zhai, M. Zhang, and G. Tu). Effects of Process Parameters on Rolled Precursor of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panel (B. Song, G. Yao, G. Zu, L. Wang, and Z. Guan). Preparation of Aluminum Foam Using a Novel Gas-Generating Agent (D. Huo, X. Zhou, T. Zhang, J. Qin, J. Li, and H. Zhao). High Temperature Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium-Silicon / Graphite Composite Processed by Stir Casting (G. Rajar am, S. Kumar an, T. Rao, and M. Kamaraj). Preparation and Characterization of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites (P. Yan, G. Yao, J. Shi, X. Sun, and G. Lv). Materials Characterization. Effect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on a 5456 Aluminum Alloy Characterized through Micro-Specimen Testing and X-Ray Tomography (C. Scheck, K. Tran, C. Cheng, and M. Zupan). Failure Loads and Deformation in 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy Spot Welds (R. Florea, K. Solanki, D. Bammann, B. Jordon, and M. Castanier). Numerical Modeling. Modeling Performance of Protection Materials Aluminum 7020-T651 and Steel (J. Chinella). Comprehensive Thermo-Mechanical Validation of Extrusion Simulation Cycle for Al 1100 Using HyperXtrude (A. Parkar, C. Bouvard, S. Horstemeyer, E. Marin, P. Wang, and M. Horstemeyer). Mechanical Properties and Casting Characteristics of the Secondary Aluminum Alloy AlSi9Cu3(Fe) (A226)(P. Pucher, H. Bottcher, H. Kaufmann, H. Antrekowitsch, and P. Uggowitzer). Comparison of Different FEM Codes Approach for Extrusion Process Analysis (L. Donati, L. Tomesani, N. Khalifa, and A. Tekkaya). Numerical Prediction of Grain Shape Evolution during Extrusion of AA6082 Alloy (A. Segatori, L. Donati, and L. Tomesani). Analysis of Charge Weld Evolution for a Multi-Hole Extrusion Die (A. Segatori, L. Donati, B. Reggiani, and L. Tomesani). Solidification. Simulation og the Deformation of a Flexible Combo Bag in a DC Aluminium Casting (A. Kharicha). Solidification Analysis of Al-Si Alloys Modified with Addition of Cu Using In- Situ Neutron Diffraction 279 D. Sediako, W. Kasprzak, I. Swainson, and O. Garlea Novel Grain Refiner for Al-Si Alloys 291 M. Nowak, andN. Babu Application of Neutron Diffraction in Analysis of Residual Stress Profile in the Cylinder Web Region of as-Cast V6 Aluminum Engine Block with Cast-In Iron Liners 299 D. Sediako, R. Ravindran, C. Hubbard, F. D\'Elia, A. Lombardi, A. Machin, and R. Mackay Effects of A1-8B Grain Refiner on the Structure, Hardness and Tensile Properties of a New Developed Super High-Strength Aluminum Alloy (M. Alipour, M. Emamy, J. Rasizadeh, M. Karamouz, and M. Azarbarmas). Thermal Mechanical Processing. Study of the Artificial Aging Kinetics of Different AA6013-T4 Heat Treatment Conditions (J. Berneder, R. Prillhofer, J. Enser, P. Schulz, and C. Melzer). Estimating Response to Hot Rolling of Al-Mn-Mg Alloys from Hot Torsion Testing (H. McQueen). Microstructural Characterization and Heat Treatments of Different Al-Zn-Mg/Zr Alloys (P. Leo, E. Cerri, andH. McQueen). Commonality of Phenomena in Composite Materials II. Characterization and Processing Techniques for Composites. Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Hdpe/Sugarcane Bagasse Fiber/Organoclay Nanocomposites (A. Castillo, A. Teran, A. Chinellato, M. Nascimento, F. Diaz, and E. Moura). Development of New Composite Materials. Machinable Aluminum Matrix Composite (W. Harrigan). Stability and Lithium Adsorption Property of LiMn2O4-LiSbO3 Composite in Aqueous Medium(X. Shi, L. Ma, B. Chen, H. Xu, X. Yang, and K. Zhang). Reinforced Steel/Polymer/Steel Sandwich Composites with Improved Properties (H. Palkowski, O. Sokolova, and A. Carrada). Understanding Composite Performance. Higher-Order Micromechanics and Effective Elastic Moduli of Particle Reinforced Composites (K. Yanase, andJ. Ju). Modelling Shear Fracture of Hybrid CFRP/Ti Laminates with Cohesive Elements
Effects of Geometry and Material Properties (P. Naghipour, M. Bartsch, J. Hausmann, andK. Schulze). Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics. Brent Fultz Honorary Session II. Phonon Thermodynamics of Binary Fe Alloys (M. Lucas). Defects: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, Surfaces and Dislocations. Phase-Field Simulation of Segregation to Stacking Fault (Suzuki Effect) in Co-Ni Based Superalloy (Y. Koizumi, S. Suzuki, T. Otomo, S. Kurosu, Y. Li, H. Matsumoto, and A. Chiba). Microstructual Evolution. Phase-Field Simulations of Bainitic Phase Transformation in 100Cr6 (W. Song, U. Prahl, W. Bleck, and K. Mukherjee). Microstructure Evolution and Analysis of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy during Compression Creep (Z Shu, T. Sugui, L. Fushui, L. Anan, andL. Jingjing). Poster Session: Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials. The Application of Thermodynamic Analysis in Preparing the MnZn Ferrites Precursor (X. Ping, Y. Yaohua, Z. Peiyu, and C. Xiaofang). Phase Equilibria of the La-Ni-Cu Ternary System at 673 K: Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation (X. An, Q. Li, J. Zhang, S. Chen, and Y. Yang). Statistical Model of Precipitation Kinetics for Recycled Commercial Aluminum Alloys (Z Liu, V. Mohles, O. Engler, and G. Gottstein). Thermodynamics Calculation of CuO-NH3+NH4Cl Solution System(W. Zheng, D. Li, Z. Xiao, Q. Chen, and H. Tong). Development of Accurate Models for the Microstructure and Properties of Molten Salts (A. Gray-Weale, P. Masset, and A. Jacob). A Heat Management Model for Hardness Uniformity of Multi-Pass Laser Heat Treatment Using Direct Diode Laser (S. Santhanakrishnan, and R. Kovacevic). Thermodynamics, Phase Stability and Phase Transformations. Thermomechanical Processing Design of Nanoprecipitate Strengthened Alloys Employing Genetic Algorithms (P. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo, Maarten de Jong, and M. Sluiter). David Pope Honorary Symposium on Fundamentals of Deformation and Fracture of Advanced Metallic Materials. Deformation, Fracture, and Advanced Characterization Techniques. Intelligent Microscopy for the Study of Fracture and Fatigue (D. Fullwood, B. Adams, T. Rampton, and A. Khosravani). Deformation, Fracture, and Hydrogen Effects. Influence of Hydrogen Loading on the Tensile Behavior of Fe-Ga Alloys (M. Ramanathan, B. Saha, C. Ren, G. Garside, andS. Guruswamy). Grain Boundaries, Phase Transformations, and Steels. Truncated Dislocation Sources in Nanometric Aluminum Crystals: A Molecular Dynamics Study (B. Biner, and L. Kubini). Geometrical Construction and Structure of Quasi-Periodic Grain Boundaries in Cubic Materials (M. Shamsuzzoha). Influences of Material and Process Parameters on Delayed Fracture in TR1PAided Austenitic Stainless Steels (X. Guo, and W. Bleck). Intermetallics I. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dual Two-Phase Intermetallic Alloys Composed of Geometrically Close Packed Ni3Al and Ni3V Structures(T. Takasugi, and Y. Kaneno). Intermetallics II and Ti alloys. Some Unusual Aspects of the Deformation Of FeAl and Fe2MnAl(I. Baker). Recent Progress in High Temperature TiAl Alloys (G. Chen, L. Zhao, J. Lin, andX. Xu). Intermetallics III, Superalloys, and Gum Metal. Overview of Creep Deformation of Nickel Base Superalloys and Intermetallics (D. Shah). Localized Shear Deformation in Gum Metal at Ideal Strength (S. Kuramoto, T. Furuta, N. Nagasako, and J. Morris). Deformation, Damage, and Fracture of Light Metals and Alloys. Session I. The Effect of Crystallographic Orientation on Void Growth: A Molecular Dynamics Study (M Bhatia, K. Solanki, A. Moitra, and M. Tschopp). Room Temperature Creep and Substructure Formation in Pure Aluminum at Ultra-Low Strain Rates (S Junjie, I. Ken-ichi, H. Satoshi, and N. Hideharu). Session II. Development of <
Fiber Texture and {111 }<
Shear Bands in Pure Al Metal by Wire Drawing (M. Shamsuzzoha). Damage Evolution in Ultrasonic Welded Aluminum/Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Joints with Different Welding Geometries (N. Konchakova, R. Mueller, F. Barth, F. Balle, and D. Eifler). Role of Austenite Plasticity in the Deformation of Superelastic Nitinol (D.Xu, and R. Ritchie). Vanadium Effects on a BCC Iron Sigma 3 (111) [1-10] Grain Boundary Strength (S. Kim, S. Kim, and M. Horstemeyer). Fracture Behavior of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composite (P. Yan, G. Yao, J. Shi, and X. Sun). Session III. Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Friction Stir Spot Welds of Magnesium AZ31 Alloy (T. Tang, M. Horstemeyer, B. Jordan, and P. Wang). Deformation Induced Phase Transformation during Machining of Ti-5553 (D. Y an, G. Littlefair, and T. Pasang). Fatigue and Corrosion Damage in Metallic Materials: Fundamentals, Modeling and Prevention. Fatigue and Corrosion Interaction and Materials Corrosion. Effect of Proximity and Dimension of Two Artificial Pitting Holes on the Fatigue Endurance of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 under Rotating Bending Fatigue Tests (G Almaraz, V. Lemus, andJ. Lopez). Fatigue of Nanocrystalline Materials and Fatigue. Property Enhancement. Research on HCF Tests and Damage Model of TCI 1 Alloy Welded Joints (X. Liu, and G. H ai-ding). Fatigue Behavior of Al 6082-T4 and Al 7075-T73 after Ball Burnishing (Y. Fouad, M. Mhaede, andL. Wagner). Fatigue Propertv-Microstructure Relationships and Crack Growth. A Modified LEFM Approach for the Prediction of the Notch Effect in Fatigue (M. Endo, K. Yanase, S. Ikeda, and A. McEvily). Resistivity Based Evaluation of the Fatigue Behaviour of Cast Iron (H. Germann, P. Starke, and D. Eifler). Microstructure-Sensitive Probabilistic Fatigue Modeling of Notched Components (W. Musinski, and D. McDowe). Materials Corrosion and Prevention. Electrochemical Evaluation of Martensitic-Austenitic Stainless Steel in Sulfuric Acid Solutions (M. Sadawy). Effect of Temperature on the Loss of Ductility of S-135 Grade Drill Pipe Steel and Characterization of Corrosion Products in CO2Containing Environment (A. Bajvani Gavanluei, B. Mishra, and D. Olson). Corrosion Behavior and Galvanic Corrosion Studies of TI-6A1-4V Alloy GTA Weldment in HC1 Solution (M. Atapour, E. Mohammadi Zahrani, M. Shamanian, and M. Fathi). Comparative Study of Hot Corrosion Behavior of Plasma Sprayed Yttria and Ceria Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings in Na2SO4+V2O5 at 1050 C (M Mahdipoor, M. Rahimipour, and M Habibi). The Effect of Temperature on the Corrosion Behavior of 625 Superalloy in PbS04-Pb305-PbCl-ZnO Molten Salt System with 10 wt. % CdO (E. Mohammadi Zahrani, and A. Alfantazi). Frontiers in Solidification Science. Experimental Studies. Nucleation Catalysis Potency of Ceramic Nanoparticles in Aluminum Matrix Nanocomposites (M. De Cicco, J. Perepezko, L. Turng, and X. Li). Posters. The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Direct-Quenched and Tempered AISI 4140 Steel (A. Meysami, R. Ghasemzadeh, H. Seyedyn, M. Aboutalebi, and R. Rezaei). A Numerical Benchmark on the Prediction of Macrosegregation in Binary Alloys (H. Combeau, M. Bellet, Y. Fautrelle, D. Gobin, E. Arquis, O. Budenkova, B. Dussoubs, Y. Duterrail, A. Kumar, B. Goyeau, S. Mosbah, T. Quatravaux, M. Rady, C. Gandin, and M. Zaloznik). ICME: Overcoming Barriers and Streamlining the Transition of Advanced Technologies to Engineering Practice - The 12th MPMD Global Innovations Symposium. Emerging and Fundamental Techniques and the Advancement of ICME in Industry. Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Wheel Casting for Automobile (L. Huo, Z. Han, X. Zhu, J. Duan, A. Wang, and B. Liu). Modeling and Simulation Tools. Assessing Data Completeness and Predictive Potential in Magnesium Alloy Databases (K. Ferris, and D. Jones). Massively Parallel Simulations of Materials Response. Session II. Lights - Open Source Discrete Element Simulations of Granular Materials Based on Lamps (C. Kloss, and C. Gonina). Session III. Atomic Scale Deformation Mechanisms of Amorphous Polyethylene under Tensile Loading (M. Tschopp, J. Bouvard, D. Ward, and M. Horstemeyer). Recent Developments in the Processing, Characterization, Properties and Performance of Metal Matrix Composites. General and Nano-Composites. Low Density Magnesium Matrix Syntactic Foams (J. DeFouw, and P. Rohatgi). Joining of Advanced Aluminum-Graphite Composite (N. Hung, M. Velamati, M. Garza-Castanon, E. Aguilar, and M. Powers). Multimodal, Processing and Microstructure. Effect of A1+B4CAgglomerate Size on Mechanical Properties of Trimodal Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (B. Yao, T. Patterson, Y. Sohn, M. Shaeffer, C. Smith, M. van den Bergh, and K. Cho). Effects of S PS Parameters on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Titanium Reinforced with Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Hot Extrusion (T. Threrujirapapong, K. Kondoh, J. Umeda, B. Fugetsu, and T. Mimoto). Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties I. Microstructural Development of Al-15wt.%Mg2Si In Situ Composite with Be Addition (M Azarbarmas, M. Emamy, J. Rasizadeh, M. Alipour, and M. Karamouz). Microstructural Properties and Wear Behaviour of AlSi9Mg Matrix B4CP Reinforced Composites 837 F. Top tan, I. Kerti, A. Sagin, M. Cigdem, S. Daglilar, and F. Yuksel Modification of Al-Mg2Si In Situ Composite by Boron (M. Azarbarmas, M. Emamy, J. Rasizadeh, M. Karamouz, and M. Alipour). In-Situ Synthesis of A1N/Mg Matrix Composites (X. Ma, S. Kuplin, D. Johnson, and K. Trumble). Performance Evaluation of Particulate Reinforced Al-SiC Bolted Joints (G. William, S. Shoukry, and J. Prucz). Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties II. Effect of MgAl204 on the Superficial Hardness of Hybrid-Multimodal Al/SiC Composites Processed by Reactive Infiltration (M. Montoya-Davila, M. Pech-Canul, and R. Escalera-Lozano). Corrosion and Wear Behaviour of Aluminum Alloy 6061-Fly Ash Composites (A. Bhandakkar, B. Balaji, R. P ras ad, and S. Sas try). Interface Evolution in Tungsten Wire Reinforced Stainless Steel Composites (P. Kumar, and M. Krai). Effects of Annealing on the Growth Behavior of Intermetallic Compounds on the Interface of Copper/Aluminum Clad Metal Sheets (L. Xiaobing, Z. Guoyin, and D. Qiang). Surfaces and Heterostructures at Nano- or Micro-Scale and Their Characterization, Properties, and Applications. Coatings, Surfaces, and Interfaces II - and - Magnetic Heterostructures I. Application of the Strong Contrast Technique to Thermoelastic Characterization of Nanocomposites (M. Baniassadi, A. Ghazavizadeh, D. Ruch, Y. Remond, S. Ahzi, and H. Garmestani). Energy and Catalysis Technologies II - and - Biological Applications. Colloid-Chemical Nanoprocesses and Nanotechnologies on the Basis of Oxyhydrate Systems of Rare-Earth Elements (T. Prolubnikova, Y. Sucharev, T. Ukolkina, and K. Nosov). Thermally Activated Processes in Plastic Deformation Deformation Mechanisms and Polvcrystal Plasticity. Comparative Hot-Work Constitutive Analyses Of Carbon/HSLA and Stainless Steels with Linkage to Microstructural Evolution (H. McQueen, Y. Li, I. Rieiro, M. Carsi, and O. Ruano). Grain Boundary Evolution and Dislocation Core Effects. Experimental Measurements of the Shear-Coupled Stress Driven Grain Boundary Migration in Al Bicrystals (D. Molodov, T. Gorkaya, andG. Gottstein). International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing. Smelting and Reduction Processes. Experimental Study on Reduction Roasting and Separation of Nickeliferous Latente by Microwave Heating (L. Yi, Z. Huang, B. Hu, X. Wang, and T. Jiang). Author Index. Subject Index.
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