توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
"SWEET......OMG.........فقط OMG! زیبا، نشاط آور، راحت و خوشمزه! از اینکه سخاوتمندانه به ما اجازه دادید اولین کسانی باشیم که در این امر افراط می کنیم سپاسگزاریم!" Sam Morrissey. کارگردان. بین خطوط صورتی کوچک. "آلیس یک افسانه واقعی در آشپزخانه است و بله باید خدای (کاکائویی) وجود داشته باشد، زیرا من روی نسخه ای از "SWEET" در دست دارم." کیم مک فرسون. مربی بهداشت و تغذیه\"بسیار فوقالعاده برای ادامه کشف این کتاب دستور العمل هیجانزده هستم! من از قبل از طرفداران پر و پا قرص آشپزی آلیس هستم و به تازگی به مغازهها رفتهایم تا مواد پخت را تهیه کنم، برای یک بعدازظهر در این شهر مستقر شدهایم. آشپزخانه... از کجا شروع کنیم؟\" رنی بل. عکاس.غذای بی مزه، بی مزه، کسل کننده گلوتن و بدون قند را بچسبانید و غذای سالم و مغذی بخورید که در واقع باعث می شود بخواهید به صورت خود سیلی بزنید تا ببینید بیدار هستید یا نه. این غذای کامل است. طعمش فوق العاده خوشمزه است شبیه به عکسبرداری وگ است و از آن عکس گرفته شده است. این غذایی است که شما را دوست دارد. آشپزی آگاهانه آن چیزی است که شما را از نظر جسمی و احساسی تغذیه می کند. همه دستور العمل ها با استفاده از مواد تشکیل دهنده تا حد ممکن نزدیک به حالت کامل خود ساخته می شوند و فاقد گلوتن، غلات، شکر تصفیه شده، مواد نگهدارنده و جایگزین های دانه با GI بالا هستند. آنها مملو از مواد مغذی هستند و سیر کننده و خوشمزه هستند. با بیش از 60 صفحه عکس با وضوح بالا و دستور العمل های خوشمزه، Sweet by Alice Nicholls کتابی است که می خواهید آن را روی پایه دائمی آشپزخانه خود قرار دهید یا آن را بخرید. به عنوان یک هدیه عالی برای کسی که دوستش دارید. زیرا همه سزاوار دوست داشتن هستند... و این غذایی است که شما را دوست دارد.
فهرست مطالب :
Beowulf. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Pearl. Noah's flood. The Banns --
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury tales: The prologue. The nun's priest's tale. Chaucer's wordes unto Adam, his owne scriveyn. Lak of stedfastnesse. The compleynt of Chaucer to his empty purse. Truth --
Sir Thomas Malory: Le morte D'Arthur. The nut-brown maid. English and Scottish popular ballads: Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne. Robin Hood's death and burial. The battle of Otterburn. Captain Car or Edom o Gordon. The wife of Usher's well. Kemp Owyne. The daemon lover. Lord Randal. Sir Patrick Spens. Thomas Rymer. Bonny Barbara Allan. The Twa sisters. The cruel brother. Edward --
Sir Thomas Wyatt: Sonnet, The lover for shame-fastness. Sonnet, The lover compareth his state to a ship. Sonnet, The lover having dreamed of enjoying of his life. Sonnet, a reouncing of love. Forget not yet. An earnest suit to his unkind mistress. The lover complaineth the unkindness of his love. The lover sendeth his complaints. Of mean and sure estate --
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey: Description of spring. Complaint of a lover rebuked. Description and praise of his love Geraldine. Complaint of the lover distained. A complaint by night. Vow to love faithfully. Complaint of the absence of her lover. A praise of his love. Description of the restless state of lover. Of the death of Sir Thomas Wyatt. Virgil's Aenid, Book II --
Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst: The induction --
Roger Ascham: The schoolmaster, Book I --
John Lyly: Euphues and his England. Apelles' song. Spring's welcome. Sappho's song. Song (from Gallathea) --
Sir Philip Sidney: An apology for poetry. Astrophel and Stella. Song, the nightingale. Love is dead. Dorus to Pamela. A ditty --
Hakluyt's Voyages: Dedicatory epistle. The last flight of the Revenge. Linschoten's testimony. The loss of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. A report of Virginia. Raleigh's discovery of Guiana. Drake in California --
Edmund Spenser: The Shepheardes calendar. Februarie, October. The faerie queene, Canto I and II. Amoretti. Epithalamion. Prothalamion --
George Gascoigne: A strange passion of a lover --
Sir Edward Dyer: My mind to me a kingdom is --
Sir Walter Raleigh: The silent lover. His pilgrimage. A vision upon this conceit of the Faery Queen. The conclusion --
George Peele: Song from The arraignment of Paris. Harvestmen a-singing --
Robert Greene: Song from The farewell to folly. Philomela's ode. Song from Menaphon. The shepherd's wife's song --
Robert Southwell: The burning babe --
Samuel Daniel: Sonnets from Delia --
Michael Drayton: Sonnets from Idea. To the Virginian voyage. To the Cambro-Britons and their harp --
Christopher Marlowe: Hero and Leander, the first sestiad --
William Shakespere: Venus and Adonis. Sonnets. Songs from the plays --
England's Helicon: Phyllida and Corydon. As it fell upon a day. To Colin Clout. The shepherd's commendation of his nymph. The herdman's happy life. A nymph's disdain of love. Rosalind's madrigal --
Thomas Campion: When thou must home. Basia. A renunciation. Sic transit --
Ben Jonson: Song to Celia. Hymn to Diana. To heaven. The triumph of Charis. An epitaph on Salathiel Pavy. Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H. To the memory of my beloved, Master William Shakespeare --
John Donne: Song, go and catch a falling star. The indifferent. The canonization. The dream. Love's deity. The funeral. The computation. Forget. Death. A hymn to God the Father --
John Fletcher: Love's emblems. Melancholy. Song to Bacchus. Beauty clear and fair. Weep no more. Aspatia's song --
Francis Beaumont: On the life of man. Lines on the tombs in Westminster --
George Wither: The lover's resolution. When we are upon the seas. The prayer of old age --
William Browne: On the countess dowager of Pembroke --
Robert Herrick: The argument of his book. Corinna's going a-maying. Upon Julia's clothes. To the virgins. To daffodils. To music. An ode, for Ben Jonson. A thanksgiving to God for his house. Grace for a child. His prayer for absolution. Francis Quarles: An ecstasy --
George Herbert: Virtue. Love. The collar. The quip. The world. The pulley --
James Shirley: The glories of our blood and states --
Thomas Carew: Song, Ask me no more. Song, Would you know what's soft? The protestation. Persuasions to joy, a song. Ingrateful beauty threatened. An epitaph --
Sir William Davenant: Song, The lark now leaves his wat'ry nest. Praise and prayer --
Edmund Waller: The story of Phoebus and Daphne applied. To Phyllis. On a girdle. Go, lovely Rose! --
Sir John Suckling: A doubt of martyrdom. The constant lover. Why so pale and wan? --
Richard Crashaw: In the holy nativity of our Lord God --
Sir John Denham: Cooper's hill. On Mr. Abraham Cowley's death and burial --
Richard Lovelace: To Lucasta, going to the wars. To Althea, from prison. The rose. To Lucasta --
Abraham Cowley: The swallow. The wish --
Andrew Marvel: The garden. To his coy mistress --
Henry Vaughan: The retreat. The world. Departed friends --
Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset: Song, to all you ladies now at land --
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: On Charles II --
Francis Bacon: Of truth. Of adversity. Of parents and children. Of marriage and single life. Of love. Of boldness. Of superstition. Of wisdom for a man's self. Of dispatch. Of seeming wise. Of expense. Of discourse. Of riches. Of youth and age. Of negotiating. Of studies --
Sir Thomas Browne: Religio medici. Hydriotaphia, urnburial --
Isaak Walton: The complete angler --
Thomas Fuller: The lift of Sir Francis Drake --
Jeremy Taylor: The faith and patience of the saints --
John Bunyan: The pilgrim's progress --
John Milton: On Shakspeare. L'allegro. Il penseroso. Lycidas. When the assault was intended to the city. To a virtuous young lady. On the detraction which followed upon my writing certain treatises. On the same. To the Lord General Cromwell, May, 1652. On the late massacre in Piedmont. On his blindness. To Cyriack Skinner. On his deceased wife. Paradise Lost, Books I and II. Areopagitica --
John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel. Alexander's feast, or The power ot music. An essay of dramatic poesy --
Samuel Pepys: The diary of Samuel Pepys --
Daniel Defoe: The true born Englishman. The shortest way with the dissenters. Preface to the review. The education of women --
Jonathan Swift: A tale of a tub. A meditation upon a broomstick. A modest proposal --
Sir Richard Steele: The Tatler, the Advertisement. A recollection. The Spectator, The club. Sir Roger on men of parts. Sir Roger in love. A day in London --
Joseph Addison: The Spectator, The Spectator introduces himself. A country Sunday. Sir Roger at the Assizes. Town and country. Sir Roger at the play. The death of Sir Roger. Party patches. Detraction among poets. Westminster Abbey --
Alexander Pope: An essay on criticism. The rape of the lock. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot --
James Thomson: Summer. Autumn. Winter. A hymn. The castle of indolence --
Thomas Gray: Sonnet on the death of Mr. Richard West. An ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. Hymn to adversity. Elegy written in a country churchyard. The progress of poesy. The bard. The fatal sisters. Letters to Richard West, Mrs. Dorothy Gray, Thomas Wharton, Horace Walpole, William Mason, Thomas Wharton, Rev. Norton Nicholls. William Collins: Dirge in Cymbeline. Ode, how sleep the brave. Ode to evening. Ode to simplicity. The passions. Ode on the death of Mr. Thomson --
Thomas Chatterton: An excellent ballad of charity. Mynstrelles --
Oliver Goldsmith: Song, when lovely woman. The deserted village. The retaliation --
Samuel Johnson: The life of Addison. Letter to the Earl of Chesterfield. Letter to James Macpherson. Letter to the Reverend Dr. Taylor. The vanity of human wishes --
James Boswell: The life of Johnson --
Edmund Burke: The speech for conciliation with the colonies --
Edward Gibbon: The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, chapter LXVIII --
Thomas Ken: Doxology --
Isaac Watts: There is a land of pure delight. Christ crucified. Psalm LXXII. Psalm XC. Against quarreling and fighting. Against idleness and mischief. A cradle hymn --
Charles Wesley: Love divine, all love excelling. Christmas carol. Jesu, lover of my soul --
John Fawcett: Blest be the tie that binds --
Augustus Montague Toplady: Rock of ages --
Edward Perronet: Coronation --
William Cowper: Walking with God. Table talk. The task, books I, II, III, IV. On the receipt of my moher's picture. Sonnet to Mrs. Unwin. On the loss of the Royal George.The castaway. Letters to Joseph Hill, Rev. William Unwin, Joseph Johnson, Rev. John Newton, Mrs. Bodham, Lady Hesketh --
George Crabbe: The village, book I --
William Blake: To spring. To the muses. Mad song. The piper. The shepherd. The little black boy. Cradle song from Songs of innocence. Cradle song from Songs of experience. A dream. The divine image. The chimney sweeper. The clod and the pebble. The tiger. Ah sunflower. Nurse's song. From Milton, And did those feet in ancient time --
Robert Burns: Song, Mary Morison. Song, My nanie, o. Song, Green grow the rashes. Lines to John Lapraik. To a mouse. The cotter's Saturday night. Address to the deil. A bard's epitaph. Of a' The airts the winds can blow. Go fetch me a pint o' wine. Auld lang syne. John Anderson My Jo. Tam Glen. To Mary in heaven. Tam O'Shamter. Willie Brewed a peck o' maut. A winter night. Highland Mary. Flow gently, sweet Afton. Bonie Doon. Duncan Gray. Scots wha hae. A man's a man for a' that --
William Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical ballads. The prelude, book I. Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey. Strange fits of passion have I known. She dwelt among the untrodden ways. I traveled among unknown men. Three years she grew in sun and shower. A slumber did my spirit seal. Michael. My heart leaps up when I behold. The sparrow's nest. To the cuckoo. Resolution and independence. To a young lady. She was a phantom of delight. The solitary reaper. Yarrow unvisited. I wandered lonely as a cloud. To a skylark. Elegiac stanzas. Ode to duty. Character of the happy warrior. Ode, intimations of immortality from Recollections of early childhood. Nuns fret not. Composed upon Westminster Bridge. Composed by the seaside near Calais. It is a beauteous evening. On the extinction of the Venetian Republic. To Toussaint L'Ouverture. September, 1802, near Dover. London, 1802. It is not to be thought of. When I have borne in memory. To the men of Kent. Thought of a Briton on the subjugation of Switzerland. The world is too much with us. Afterthought to the River Duddon. Inside of King's College chapel, Cambridge. Continued. On the departure of Sir Walter Scott. There, said a stripling. Conclusion. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Biographia literaria, chapters X and XIv. The rime of the ancient mariner. Christabel. Kubla Khan. Frost at midnight. Humility, the mother of charity. Epitaph --
Charles Lamb: The old familiar faces. Mackery end in Hertfordshire. Dream children: a reverie. A chapter on ears. A dissertation upon roast pig --
Sir Walter Scott: Marmion, Canto VI. Soldier, rest! --
George Noel Gordon, Lord Byron: Sonnet on Chillon. Childe Harold, Cantos III and IV. The vision of judgment. Don Juan, Canto III and IV --
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Hymn to intellectual beauty. Ozymandias. Stanzas written in dejection, near Naples. Prometheus unbound, act IV. Ode to the west wind. The Indian serenade. The cloud. To a skylark. A lament. To --
Music, when soft voices die. Adonais. To night. To --
One word is too often profaned. With a guitar, to Jane. Lines, when the lamp is shattered. A dirge --
John Keats: Keen, fitful gusts are whispering here and there. On first looking into Chapman's Homer. Endymion, Book I, proem. The eve of St. Agnes. Ode, Bards of passion and of mirth. Robin Hood. Lines on the Mermaid Tavern. Ode on a Grecian urn. Ode to a nightingale. Ode on melancholy. To autumn. Hyperion, Book I. In a drear-nighted December. La belle dame sans merci. On seeing the Elgin marbles. On the sea. To one who has been long in city pent. To Chatterton. When I have fears that I may cease to be. Bright star! Would I were steadfast as thou art --
Robert Southey: The Battle of Blenheim --
Walter Savage Landor: Rose Aylmer. Mild is the parting year. Past ruined Ilion. The death of Artemidora. Dirce. On Lucretia Borgia's hair. Memory and pride. The love of other years. To Robert Browning. On timely death. To age. On his seventy-fifth birthday --
Thomas Campbell: Ye mariners of England --
Thomas Moore: Oft in the stilly night. The harp that once through Tara's halls --
Leigh Hunt: Rondeau --
Thomas Love Peacock: The men of Gotham. The war-song of Dinas Vawr. The friar's song --
Charles Wolfe: The burial of Sir John Moore --
John Keble: United States --
Thomas Hood: Fair Ines. The bridge of sighs. The song of the shirt --
Winthrop Mackworth Praed: The belle of the ball-room. A letter of advice --
William Barnes: Blackmwore maidens. The surprise --
Thomas Lovell Beddoes: Dream-pedlary. Ballad of human life. To sea, to sea! Dirge (If thou wilt ease thine heart). Song (Old Adam, the carrion crow) --
William Hazlitt: On going a journey --
Thomas De Quincy: Confessions of an English opium eater --
Thomas Babington Macaulay: The romance of history. The history of England: volume 1, chapter III --
John Henry, Cardinal Newman. The idea of a university discourse VI --
Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution: Volume I, book V, chapter VI. Past and present: book III, chapters Xi and XII --
John Ruskin: Traffic --
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Mariana. Song (A spirit haunts the year's last hours). The poet. The Lady of Shalott. The palace of art. A dream of fair women. Saint Agnes Eve. You ask me why, though ill at ease. Of old sat freedom on the heights. Sir Galahad. A farewell. Morte D'Arthur. Ulysses. Locksley Hall. Break, break, break. The poet's song. Songs from The princess. In memoriam, A. H. H. Maud, a monodrama: Song, from Guinevere. Tithonus. Milton. Northern farmer, old style. The revenge. To Virgil. Frater ave atque vale. Crossing the bar --
Robert Browning: Songs from Pippa passes, All service ranks the same with God, The year's at the spring, Give her but a least excuse. My last duchess. Count Gismond. Incident of the French camp. The Italian in England. The lost leader. Home-thoughts from abroad. Home-thoughts from the sea. Saul. Love among the ruins. A woman's last word. A toccata of Galuppi's. My star. The last ride together. Memorabilia. De gustibus. Andrea Del Sarto. The guardian angel. A grammarian's funeral. One word more. Abt Vogler. Rabbi Ben Ezra. Prospice. Herve Riel. Two poets of Croisic: Prologue, Epilogue. Pheidippides. Cavalier tunes. Asolando: epilogue --
Matthew Arnold: The study of poetry. Shakspeare. The forsaken merman. The buried life. Self-dependence. Morality. Sohrab and Rustum. The scholar gipsy. Requiescat. Rugby chapel --
Dover beach. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: My sister's sleep. The blessed damozel. Francesca Da Rimini. Love's nocturn. The cloud confines. Three shadows. The king's tragedy. Sonnets from The House of life: A sonnet is a moment's monument. Love-sight. Silent noon. Love-sweetness. Mid-rapture. Stillborn love. Inclusiveness. Known in vain. The choice, I, II, and III. Lost days. A superscription. Newborn death I, II. The one hope --
William Morris: The earthly paradise: Atalanta's race. The lady of the land --
Algernon Charles Swinburne: Choruses from Atalanta in Calydon: When the hounds of spring! Before the beginning of years. We have seen thee, o love. The garden of Proserpine. Hertha. A forsaken garden. Thalassius. Etude realiste. The roundel. On a country road. Cor cordium. Non dolet. On the deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot. Christopher Marlowe. A match --
George Meredith: Love in the valley. The last words of Juggling Jerry. The old chartist. France, 1870. The lark ascending. The woods of Westermain. Modern love --
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnets from the Portuguese --
Edward Fitzgerald: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --
William Makepeace Thackeray: At the church gate. The end of the play --
Arthur Hugh Clough: Qua Cursum Ventus. Whither depart the brave. Where lies the land. Ah! Yet consider it again! In the depths. The latest decalogue. Say not the struggle nought availeth. Life is struggle --
Frederick Locker-Lampson: To my grandmother. My mistress's boots --
Coventry Patmore: The spirit's epochs. The married lover. If I were dead --
Sidney Dobell: America --
Christina Rossetti: Song (When I am dead, my dearest). Remember. Abnegation. Trust. Up-hill --
Charles Stuart Calverley: Companions --
Austin Dobson: A dead letter --
James Thomson: Melencolia --
Arthur O'Shaughnessy: Has summer come without the rose. Ode (We are the music-makers) --
Robert Bridges: The growth of love (sonnet no. 50). Moonlight --
Alice Meynell: Parted. The lady poverty. The shepherdess --
William Ernest Henley: Out of the night that covers me. Pro rege nostro --
Sir William Watson: Wordsworth's grave --
John Davidson: Thirty bob a week --
Francis Thompson: The hound of heaven --
Alfred Edward Housman: A Shropshire lad, Reveille, The new mistress --
Sir Henry Newbolt: Drake's drum. Vitai Lampada. Clifton Chapel --
Rudyard Kipling: The ballad of east and west. Danny Deever. Recessional --
William Butler Yeats: The lake isle of Innisfree. Into the twilight. Red Hanrahan's Song about Ireland. Song from The land of heart's desire. A.E. (George Russell): The earth breath --
Thomas Henry Huxley: Emancipation, black and white --
Samuel Butler, Notebooks: Young people. The family. Unconscious humor. Homer's Odyssey. Melchisedee. Bacon for breakfast. God and man. The Homeric deity and the Pall Mall Gazette. Good breeding the Summum Bonum. Advice to the young. Religion. Heaven and hell. Priggishness. Lohengrin. Swells. Science and religion. Gentleman. The finest men. On being a swell all round. Money. A luxurious death. Money, health, and reputation. Solicitors. Doctors. Priests --
Walter Horatio Pater: Style --
Robert Louis Stevenson: The foreigner at home. A child's garden of verses, Whole duty of children. Bed in summer. System. Happy thought. To auntie. In the states. Heather ale --
George Moore: The organziation of art --
George Bernard Shaw: The case for the critic dramatist --
Joseph Conrad: With the Marseilles pilots --
H. G. Wells: The contemporary novel --
John Galsworthy: The lost dog --
Arnold Bennett: Salary earning girls --
John Masefield: Sea fever --
Hilaire Belloc: The south country --
Walter de la Mare: All that's past. Miss Loo --
Frank Taylor: England's dead --
Rupert Brooke: The old vicarage, Grantchester --
James Elroy Flecker: The ballad of Iskander --
Francis Ledwidge: The death of Ailill --
Laurence Binyon: For the fallen --
Rupert Brooke: The soldier --
Herbert Gardner: Aftermath --
Gilbert K. Chesterton: The wife of Flanders --
Robert Offley Ashburton: A harrow grave in Flanders --
Walter de la Mare: How sleep the brave --
John Drinkwater: The defenders --
W. W. Gibson: Raining. The question. His father --
Violet Gillespie: The dead --
Greg Goddard: The airman --
Julian Grenfell: Into battle --
Nora Griffiths: The Wykhamist --
Cicely Hamilton: Non-combatant --
Maurice Hewlett: Soldier soldier --
Ronald A. Hopwood: The old way --
Elinor Jenkins: A legend of Ypres --
Winifred M. Letts: The spires of Oxford --
Rose Macauley: Many sisters to many brothers --
John Masefield: The island of Skyros --
Alfred Noyes: The searchlights. Wireless. Kilmeny --
Will K. Ogilvie: Canadians --
O. M.: Master and pupil --
Stephen Phillips: Revenge for Rheims --
Jessie Pope: Socks --
Frak Sidgwick: Form fours --
Charles Hamilton Sorley: All the hills and vales along --
Andrew John Stuart: Sailor, what of the debt we owe you? --
Katharine Rynan: A girl's song --
Iolo Aneurin Williams: From a Flemish graveyard --
Margaret L. Woods: The first Battle of Ypres --
Joseph Campbell: I am the mountainy singer --
Padraic Colum: The plougher. What the shuiler said as she lay by the fire in the farmer's house --
William H. Davies: Leisure. Money. Sheep. The muse --
Helen Parry Eden: An idol of the market place. Ars immortalis --
John Freeman: English hills. Happy is England now. The return --
Robert Graves: Goliath and David. Not dead. Over the brazier --
Thomas Hardy: For life I had never cared greatly. Afterwards. The coming of the end --
Ralph Hodgson: Eve. The bull --
D. H. Lawrence: The bride. Study --
Susan L. Mitchell: Ambition in Cuffe Street. How would it be? --
Harold Monro: The rebellious vine. Change of mind. Suburb. Milk for the cat --
Siegfried Sassoon: The old huntsman --
James Stephens: What Tomas An Buile said in a pub --
Edward Thomas: Sowing. Bright clouds. The gallows --
Gilbert K. Chesterton: The return of the barbarian --
Max Beerbohm: William and Mary --
Gilbert Cannan: The English novel --
Sir Philip Gibbs: What England thinks of America --
W. H. Hudson: My first visit to Buenos Ayres --
John Maynard Keynes: Europe before the War --
Hugh Walpole: Romance and realism --
Lytton Strachey: Romance and realism --
Aldous Huxley: At sea.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
"SWEET......OMG........just OMG! Beautiful, Uplifting, Comforting and Delicious! Thank you for so generously allowing us to be the first ones to indulge!" Sam Morrissey. Director. Between Little Pink Lines."Alice is a genuine legend in the kitchen and yes there must be a (cacao) god for I have my hands on a copy of 'SWEET'." Kim McPherson. Health and Nutrition Coach"So incredibly excited to continue to explore this recipe book! I am already a big fan of Alice's cooking, and having just gone to the shops to stock up on baking supplies, we are settling in for an afternoon in the kitchen... Where to start?" Renee Bell. Photographer.Screw bland, tasteless, boring gluten and sugar-free food and eat healthy, nourishing, food that actually makes you want to slap yourself in the face to see if you're awake. It's whole food. It tastes freakin' delicious. It's been styled and photographed like its in a Vogue shoot.THIS IS FOOD THAT LOVES YOU.Conscious cooking is that which nourishes you both physically andemotionally. All recipes are created using ingredients as close to their whole state as possible and are free from gluten, grains, refined sugar, preservatives and high GI grain substitutes. They are packed with nutrients and are filling and delicious.With over 60 pages of stunning hi-resolution pictures and mouth-watering recipes, Sweet by Alice Nicholls is a book you will want to place on a permanent stand in your kitchen, or buy it as a superb gift for someone you love.Because everyone deserves to be loved...and this is food that loves you.