توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب برندگان جایزه آبل در ریاضیات را برای دوره 2013-2017 معرفی می کند: پیر دلین (2013). Yakov G. Sinai (2014); جان نش جونیور و لوئیس نیرنبرگ (2015); سر اندرو وایلز (2016)؛ و ایو مایر (2017).
نمایهها دارای اطلاعات زندگینامهای و همچنین توصیفی علمی از کار هر ریاضیدان هستند. علاوه بر این، هر نمایه شامل یک رزومه، یک کتابشناسی کامل و نقل قول کامل از کمیته جایزه است.
این کتاب همچنین شامل عکسهایی برای دوره 2003-2017 است که بسیاری از فعالیتهای اضافی مرتبط با جایزه آبل را نشان میدهد.
به عنوان یک ویژگی افزوده، مصاحبههای ویدیویی با برندگان جایزه و همچنین ویدیوهایی از مراسم اهدای جوایز در یک وب سایت همراه (http://extras.springer.com/) ارائه می شود.
این کتاب در ادامه جایزه آبل: 2003-2007 آمده است. The First Five Years (Springer, 2010) و The Abel Prize 2008-2012 (Springer 2014) که آثار برندگان قبلی جایزه آبل را نشان می دهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Preface......Page 7
Contents......Page 9
Part I 2013 Pierre Deligne......Page 12
Mathematical Autobiography......Page 14
Definition of Mixed Hodge Structures......Page 18
Conjectures on Critical Zeta Values......Page 19
Relations Between Multizeta Values......Page 20
Pierre Deligne: A Poet of Arithmetic Geometry......Page 23
1.1 General Topology......Page 24
Degeneration and Decomposition in the Derived Category......Page 25
Décalage of Filtrations......Page 26
1.3 Cohomological Descent......Page 28
Global Duality......Page 29
The Functors Rf! and Rf!......Page 30
Picard Stacks and Geometric Class Field Theory......Page 31
Symmetric Künneth Formula......Page 33
Finiteness......Page 34
2.1 Deligne–Mumford Stacks......Page 35
2.2 Moduli of Curves of Genus ≥2......Page 36
Generalized Elliptic Curves and Compactifications......Page 37
The Curve Case......Page 38
Higher Dimension: The Riemann–Hilbert Correspondence......Page 39
3.2 Betti–de Rham Comparison Theorems......Page 41
Discontinuous Crystals......Page 43
Liftings of K3 Surfaces, Canonical Coordinates......Page 44
The de Rham–Witt Complex......Page 45
3.4 Irregular Connections......Page 46
3.5 Monodromy of the Hypergeometric Equation, Lattices......Page 47
4.1 Hodge I......Page 50
Homological Algebra Infrastructure......Page 51
Mixed Hodge Theory......Page 54
The Fixed Part and Semisimplicity Theorems......Page 58
1-Motives......Page 60
The du Bois Complex......Page 61
Hodge Theory and Rational Homotopy......Page 62
Axiomatization of Shimura Varieties......Page 63
Canonical Models......Page 65
4.4 Absolute Hodge Cycles......Page 66
Link with the Hodge Conjecture and Intermediate Jacobians......Page 69
Link with the Tame Symbol......Page 70
4.6 Liftings mod p2 and Hodge Degeneration......Page 71
4.7 The Hodge Locus......Page 72
Basic Definitions......Page 73
Statement of the Weil Conjectures......Page 74
Grothendieck\'s Trace Formula......Page 76
5.2 A False Good Plan: Grothendieck\'s Standard Conjectures......Page 77
K3 Surfaces......Page 79
Complete Intersections of Hodge Level ≤1......Page 80
Independence of l......Page 81
5.5 Weil I......Page 84
Mixed Sheaves, Statement of the Main Theorem......Page 87
Ingredients of the Proof......Page 89
First Applications......Page 93
Exponential Sums......Page 98
Definition and First Properties......Page 102
Laumon\'s Contribution and Applications......Page 103
t-Structures......Page 104
Perverse Sheaves in the Étale Setting......Page 107
The Purity and Decomposition Theorems......Page 108
Consequences Over C......Page 110
A Finiteness Theorem......Page 111
Counting Lisse -Adic Sheaves......Page 112
6.1 Construction of -Adic Representations......Page 113
6.2 The Weil–Deligne Group......Page 114
Construction of Local Constants......Page 116
The Case of Function Fields......Page 117
Additional Results......Page 119
6.4 Abelian L-Functions and Hilbert–Blumenthal Moduli Spaces......Page 120
7.1 The Picard–Lefschetz Formula......Page 121
7.2 The Milnor Number......Page 122
7.3 Wild Ramification and Euler–Poincaré Characteristics......Page 123
Local Behavior......Page 124
Surfaces......Page 125
7.4 Nearby Cycles Over General Bases......Page 126
Deligne–Lusztig Varieties......Page 127
A Fixed Point Formula......Page 129
Properties of the RθT......Page 130
Duality......Page 131
8.2 Central Extensions......Page 132
8.3 Braid Groups......Page 133
8.4 Reductive Groups Over Local Fields......Page 134
The Tannakian Formalism......Page 136
Further Results......Page 138
Values of L-Functions at Critical Integers......Page 139
Mixed Tate Motives......Page 142
10 Deligne\'s Conjectures......Page 147
11 Expository Articles......Page 151
References......Page 152
List of Publications for Pierre R. Deligne......Page 163
Curriculum Vitae for Pierre R. Deligne......Page 173
Part II 2014 Yakov G. Sinai......Page 175
Autobiography......Page 178
1 Introduction......Page 183
2 A Geometric Trapping Method for NSS......Page 184
3 Power Series and Diagrams......Page 188
4 Complex Valued Solutions and Renormalization Group......Page 193
5 Bifurcations of Solutions to Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Systems......Page 197
6 Stochastic Hydrodynamics......Page 198
References......Page 201
Billiards......Page 203
1 Mathematical Billiards......Page 204
3 Hyperbolicity of Sinai Billiards......Page 206
4 Sinai\'s Fundamental Theorem of the Theory of Hyperbolic Billiards......Page 209
5 Mechanism of Defocusing and Hyperbolic Focusing Billiards......Page 210
References......Page 212
Ya.G. Sinai\'s Work on Number Theory......Page 214
References......Page 225
1 Prehistory of Dynamical Entropy (Shannon, Khinchin, Kolmogorov)......Page 228
2 Emergence of Dynamical Entropy......Page 229
3 Early Development of Entropy Theory......Page 232
3.2 Isomorphism Problem: First Results......Page 234
3.3 First Examples of Smooth K-Systems......Page 236
3.5 Entropy and Periodic Orbits......Page 238
4 Topological Entropy and Emergence of Thermodynamic Formalism......Page 239
5 Ornstein\'s Theory......Page 242
6 Kakutani Equivalence......Page 243
7 Other Entropy Type Characteristics of Dynamics......Page 244
8 Entropy for Actions of General Groups......Page 245
References......Page 247
1 Introduction......Page 250
2 Statistical Mechanics......Page 251
3 Spectral Theory of Schrödinger Operators......Page 253
4 Random Walks in Random Environment......Page 256
5 Renormalization Methods in Dynamical Systems......Page 257
6 Random Burgers Equation......Page 259
References......Page 261
1 Introduction......Page 263
1.1 From Scientific Determinism to Deterministic Chaos......Page 264
1.2 Markov Partitions and Symbolic Representations of Chaotic Dynamics......Page 265
1.3 Entropy......Page 266
1.4 Hyperbolicity......Page 267
2.1 Uniform Hyperbolicity......Page 268
2.2 Nonuniform Hyperbolicity......Page 270
2.3 Partial Hyperbolicity......Page 271
3.1 Definition of Markov Partitions......Page 272
3.2 Symbolic Models......Page 273
3.3 Sinai\'s Construction of Markov Partitions......Page 274
4.2 Natural and Physical Measures......Page 276
4.3 SRB Measures......Page 277
4.4 Uniformly Hyperbolic Attractors......Page 279
4.5 First Proof of Theorem 4 (Sinai [60])......Page 280
4.6 Second Proof of Theorem 4 (Pesin and Sinai, [53])......Page 281
5.1 Chaotic Attractors: The Concept......Page 282
5.3 The Hénon Attractor......Page 283
5.5 Chaotic Attractors: Constructing SRB-Measures......Page 284
6.1 Partially Hyperbolic Attractors......Page 285
6.2 SRB-Measures on Partially Hyperbolic Attractors......Page 286
6.3 Dominated Splitting and SRB-Measures......Page 287
References......Page 288
2 Posing the Problem: The Investigated Models......Page 292
2.2 Transitive Cylindric Billiards......Page 294
2.4 Transverseness......Page 295
3.2 Step II......Page 296
3.3 Step III......Page 297
4 The Conditional Proof......Page 298
5.1 Formulation of Theorem......Page 301
References......Page 302
1 Introduction......Page 304
2 Markov Partitions for Anosov Maps (and for Axiom A Maps)......Page 306
3 Sinai Billiard and Lorentz Process......Page 309
Handling the Singularities......Page 312
4 Statistical Properties of 2D Periodic Lorentz Processes......Page 313
4.1 Bunimovich–Sinai, 1980......Page 314
4.2 Bunimovich–Chernov–Sinai, 1990–1991......Page 315
5.1 Markov Towers......Page 316
5.2 Standard Pairs......Page 318
Applications of the Method of Standard Pairs......Page 319
References......Page 321
List of Publications for Yakov G. Sinai......Page 325
Curriculum Vitae for Yakov Grigorevich Sinai......Page 348
Part III 2015 John F. Nash, Jr. and Louis Nirenberg......Page 350
Autobiography......Page 354
John Nash, His Life......Page 359
References......Page 378
Autobiography......Page 380
1 Introduction......Page 391
2.1 Introduction......Page 392
2.2 Real Algebraic Structures and Main Statements......Page 394
2.3 Technical Preliminaries......Page 397
2.4 The Algebraic Description of Nash Manifolds and the Characterization of Representations as Sheets......Page 400
2.5 Proof of the Existence of Representations and of the Approximation Theorem......Page 403
2.6 Proof of the Uniqueness of the Nash Ring......Page 409
3.1 Introduction......Page 410
3.2 Main Iteration......Page 413
3.3 Decomposition in Primitive Metrics......Page 418
3.4 Proof of the Main Iterative Statement......Page 419
4.1 Introduction......Page 424
4.2 The Perturbation Theorem......Page 426
4.3 Proof of the Smooth Isometric Embedding Theorem......Page 428
4.4 Smoothing Operator......Page 433
4.5 A Smooth Path to Prove the Perturbation Theorem......Page 437
4.6 A Priori Estimates for Solutions of Nash\'s Regularized Flow Equations......Page 440
4.7 Global Existence and Convergence to an Isometry......Page 447
4.8 Higher Regularity of the Map u......Page 450
4.9 The Nonclosed Case......Page 453
5.1 Introduction......Page 454
5.2 Preliminaries and Main Statements......Page 458
5.3 Three Elementary Inequalities......Page 461
5.4 Energy, Entropy and Moment Bounds......Page 465
5.5 G Bound......Page 467
5.6 Overlap Estimate......Page 473
5.7 Proof of the a Priori Estimate......Page 479
5.8 Proof of Nash\'s Parabolic Regularity Theorem......Page 480
5.9 Proof of the De Giorgi–Nash Theorem......Page 486
6.1 A Path Space and Stiefel–Whitney Classes......Page 489
6.2 Le problème de Cauchy pour les équations différentielles d\'un fluide général......Page 490
6.4 Arc Structure of Singularities......Page 492
6.5 The Nash Blow-Up......Page 494
References......Page 495
1 Introduction......Page 500
2 The Weyl Problem, the Minkowski Problem, and Fully Nonlinear PDE in Two Space Dimensions......Page 502
3 Elliptic Regularity for Boundary Value Problems: The Agmon–Douglis–Nirenberg Estimates......Page 505
4 Functions with Bounded Mean Oscillation......Page 508
5 Partial Regularity for the 3D Navier–Stokes Equations......Page 511
6 Nonlinear Elliptic Equations Involving Critical Exponents......Page 516
7 The Method of Moving Planes and the Sliding Method......Page 519
8 Conclusion......Page 523
References......Page 524
List of Publications for John Forbes Nash, Jr.......Page 528
List of Publications for Louis Nirenberg......Page 531
Curriculum Vitae for John Forbes Nash, Jr.......Page 544
Curriculum Vitae for Louis Nirenberg......Page 546
Part IV 2016 Sir Andrew J. Wiles......Page 548
First Steps......Page 551
1 Introduction......Page 557
2 Explicit Reciprocity Laws......Page 558
2.1 The Hilbert Symbol......Page 559
2.2 The Explicit Reciprocity Laws of Artin, Hasse, and Iwasawa......Page 560
2.3 Wiles\'s Higher Explicit Reciprocity Laws......Page 561
2.4 Example: The Formal Multiplicative Group Over Zp......Page 563
2.5 Further Developments......Page 564
3.1 The Coates–Wiles Homomorphisms......Page 565
3.2 Groups of Local Units......Page 567
3.3 Example: Cyclotomic Units......Page 568
3.4 Example: Elliptic Units......Page 570
3.5 Further Developments......Page 573
4.1 Elliptic Curves and the BSD Conjecture......Page 574
4.2 The Coates–Wiles Theorem......Page 575
4.3 Idea of the Proof: Bird\'s Eye View......Page 576
4.4 A Variation on the Proof in CoatesWiles-BSD......Page 577
4.5 Further Developments......Page 578
5.1 Iwasawa\'s Main Conjecture......Page 579
The Main Conjecture of Iwasawa Theory for Totally Real Fields......Page 580
The Main Conjecture with μ-Invariant......Page 582
A Refined Class Number Formula......Page 583
Other Formulations......Page 584
5.2 The Proof by Mazur and Wiles......Page 585
The Good Quotient......Page 586
The Extension......Page 587
5.3 Wiles\'s Proof for Totally Real Fields......Page 588
5.4 Further Developments......Page 590
6 Galois Representations......Page 591
6.1 Galois Representations of Modular Forms......Page 592
6.2 Pseudorepresentations......Page 593
6.3 Ordinarity of Galois Representations......Page 594
6.4 Galois Representations of Hilbert Modular Forms......Page 595
6.5 Further Developments......Page 596
7 Modularity of Elliptic Curves and Fermat\'s Last Theorem......Page 597
7.1 Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms......Page 598
7.2 Modularity in Terms of Galois Representations......Page 599
7.4 Modularity of Semistable Elliptic Curves and FLT......Page 601
A Ring-Theoretic Reformulation......Page 602
RD = TD: the minimal case......Page 605
RD= TD: Relaxing Restrictions......Page 606
7.7 Modularity of Residually Reducible Representations......Page 607
7.8 Further Developments......Page 610
8 Solvable Points on Genus One Curves......Page 611
The Case of Analytic Rank at Most One......Page 612
9 Class Groups of Quadratic Fields......Page 613
References......Page 615
Other References......Page 616
List of Publications for Sir Andrew J. Wiles......Page 619
Curriculum Vitae for Sir Andrew John Wiles, KBE, FRS......Page 622
Part V 2017 Yves Meyer......Page 624
For My Mother......Page 627
References......Page 637
Foreword......Page 638
1 Harmonic Analysis, Quasicrystals and Number Theory......Page 639
1.1 Spectral Synthesis......Page 640
1.2 Coherent Sets of Frequencies......Page 643
1.3 Mathematical Models of Quasicrystals......Page 645
1.4 Universal Sampling Sets......Page 648
1.5 New Poisson Summation Formulas......Page 650
2 The Calderón Program......Page 652
2.1 Calderón–Zygmund Operators and Calderón\'s Conjectures......Page 653
2.2 Commutators and the Cauchy Integral......Page 656
2.3 Offsprings and Related Results......Page 659
3 Wavelets and Time-Frequency Analysis......Page 662
3.1 From Fourier Transforms to Wavelet Transforms......Page 663
3.2 Orthonormal Wavelet Bases......Page 665
3.3 Multiresolution Analysis......Page 668
3.4 Smoothness Spaces and Sparsity......Page 671
3.5 Chirps, Time-Frequency Bases and Gravitational Waves......Page 674
3.6 Pointwise Smoothness and Multifractal Analysis......Page 676
4.1 The Wave Equation and Control Problems......Page 678
4.2 Compensated Compactness......Page 681
4.3 Improved Sobolev Embeddings and the Space BV......Page 684
4.4 Oscillations in Nonlinear Evolution PDEs......Page 687
References......Page 690
List of Publications for Yves F. Meyer......Page 695
Curriculum Vitae for Yves F. Meyer......Page 710
Part VI Abel Activities......Page 712
Abel Prize Citations 2003–2012......Page 729
The Abel Committee......Page 742
The Niels Henrik Abel Board......Page 744
The Abel Lectures 2013–2017......Page 746
The Abel Laureate Presenters 2013–2017......Page 748
The Interviews with the Abel Laureates......Page 749
Addenda, Errata, and Updates......Page 751
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The book presents the winners of the Abel Prize in mathematics for the period 2013–17: Pierre Deligne (2013); Yakov G. Sinai (2014); John Nash Jr. and Louis Nirenberg (2015); Sir Andrew Wiles (2016); and Yves Meyer (2017).
The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a scholarly description of each mathematician’s work. In addition, each profile contains a Curriculum Vitae, a complete bibliography, and the full citation from the prize committee.
The book also includes photos for the period 2003–2017 showing many of the additional activities connected with the Abel Prize.
As an added feature, video interviews with the Laureates as well as videos from the prize ceremony are provided at an accompanying website (http://extras.springer.com/).
This book follows on The Abel Prize: 2003-2007. The First Five Years (Springer, 2010) and The Abel Prize 2008-2012 (Springer 2014), which profile the work of the previous Abel Prize winners.