فهرست مطالب :
List of Figures
List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
1. General Introduction
Beach A., Cochelin I.
2. The Monastic Laboratory: Perspectives of Research in Late Antique and Early Medieval Monasticism
Diem A., Rapp C.
3. Re-Reading Monastic Traditions: Monks and Nuns, East and West, from the Origins to c. 750
Helvétius A.-M.
4. The Archaeology of the Earliest Monasteries
Brooks Hedstrom D., Dey H.
5. Egyptian Nuns in Late Antiquity as Exemplars
Chiara Giorda M.
6. Psalmody and Prayer in Early Monasticism
Jeffery P.
7. Heterodoxy and Monasticism around the Mediterranean Sea
Brakke D.
8. The Invention of Western Monastic Literature: Texts and Communities
Alciati R.
9. Monastic Rules (Fourth to Ninth Century)
Diem A., Rousseau Ph.
10. Social Plurality and Monastic Diversity in Late Antique Hispania (Sixth to Eighth Century)
Díaz P.
11. Female House Ascetics from the Fourth to the Twelfth Century
Magnani E.
12. The Archaeology of the Earliest Monasteries in Italy and France (Second Half of the Fourth Century to the Eighth Century)
Bully S., Destefanis E.
13. Nuns and Monks at Work: Equality or Distinction between the Sexes? A Study of Frankish Monasteries from the Sixth to the Tenth Century
Réal I.
14. Ascetic Prayer for the Dead in the Early Medieval West
Blennemann G.
15. Monastic Identity in Early Medieval Ireland
Bitel L.
16. Constructing Monastic Space in the Early and Central Medieval West (Fifth to Twelfth Century)
Lauwers M.
17. The Economy of Byzantine Monasteries
Kaplan M.
18. The Historiography of Central Medieval Western Monasticism
Lifshitz F.
19. Sources for the History of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages (c. 800-1100)
Bruce S.
20. Questions of Monastic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy and Sicily (c. 500-1200)
Ramseyer V.
21. Discerning “Reform” in Monastic Liturgy (c. 750-1050)
Billett J.
22. Monasticism, Reform, and Authority in the Carolingian Era
Kramer R.
23. Carolingian Monastic Schools and Reform
Contreni J.
24. Monastic Economics in the Carolingian Age
Devroey J.-P.
25. Missions on the Northern and Eastern Frontiers, c. 700-1100
Raaijmakers J.
26. Minsters and Monasticism in Anglo-Saxon England
Jones Ch.
27. Monastic Art and Architecture, c. 700-1100: Material and Immaterial Worlds
Cohen A.
28. Monastic Daily Life (c. 750-1100): A Tight Community Shielded by an Outer Court
Cochelin I.
29. The Double Monastery as a Historiographical Problem (Fourth to Twelfth Century)
Beach A., Juganaru A.
30. Interactions between Monks and the Lay Nobility (from the Carolingian Era through the Eleventh Century)
Rosé I.
31. Monastic Reform from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century
Vanderputten S.
32. Monastic Canon Law in the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Centuries
Rolker Ch.
33. Eastern Influence on Western Monasticism, 850-1050
Howe J.
34. Historiographical Approaches to Monasticism in the Long Twelfth Century
Van Engen J.
35. Sources for Monasticism in the Long Twelfth Century
Mancia L.
36. Hermitism in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
Jasper K., Howe J.
37. Monastic Theologies, c. 1050-1200
Mews C.
38. Monastic Preaching and the Sermon in Medieval Latin Christendom to the Twelfth Century
Baker T., Kienzle B.
39. The Mass in Monastic Practice: Nuns and Ordained Monks, c. 400-1200
Griffiths F.
40. Reclusion in the Middle Ages
L’Hermite-Leclercq P.
41. Similarities and Differences between Monks and Regular Canons in the Twelfth Century Vones-Liebenstein U.
42. The Institutionalization of Religious Orders (Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries)
Melville G.
43. Gender and Monastic Liturgy in the Latin West (High and Late Middle Ages)
Muschiol G.
44. Monastic Landscapes
Röckelein H.
45. Later Monastic Economies
Berman C.
46. Nobility and Monastic Patronage: The View from Outside the Monastery
Lyon J.
47. The Medical Role of Monasteries in the Latin West, c. 1050-1300
Brenner E.
48. East-Central European Monasticism: Between East and West?
Jamroziak E.
49. Monasticism, Colonization, and Ethnic Tension in Late Medieval Ireland
Ó Clabaigh C.
50. Late Medieval Monasticism: Historiography and Prospects
Lusset E., Roest B.
51. Sources of Late Medieval Monasticism
Caby C.
52. Monastic Liturgy, 1100-1500: Continuity and Performance
Boynton S.
53. Books and Libraries within Monasteries
Schlotheuber E., McQuillen J.
54. Art in Monastic Churches of Western Europe from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century
Gajewski A., Seeberg St.
55. Lay Brothers and Sisters in the High and Late Middle Ages
Cassidy-Welch M.
56. Female Religious Life in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Andenna C.
57. Striving for Religious Perfection in the Lay World of Northern Europe
More A., Mulder-Bakker A.
58. Monks and the Universities, c. 1200-1500
Clark J.
59. Bishops, Canon Law, and the Religious, c. 1140-1350
Sharp T.
60. Daily Life in Late Medieval Monasteries
Knudsen Ch.
61. Monastic Preaching, c. 1350-1545
Clark J., Bush K.
62. Research on Monasticism in the German Tradition
Hirbodian S.
63. Satirical Depictions of Monastic Life
Steckel S.
64. A Crisis of Late Medieval Monasticism?
Roest B.