توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کالج WRITER با ترکیب دستورالعملهای سادهنویسی ساده با دسترسی عالی، متنی کاملاً بهروز شده 4 در 1 است - با بلاغت، خواننده، محقق، و کتاب راهنما - برای دانشآموزان در هر سطح مهارتی. قالب بصری واضح "در یک نگاه" به دانش آموزان کمک می کند تا مفاهیم بزرگتر را با پیوند دادن آنها به مثال های مرتبط درک کنند. در سرتاسر متن، نمونههای نوشتاری متعدد دانشجویی و حرفهای ویژگیهای مهم نویسندگی دانشگاهی و شغلی را برجسته میکنند - از استفاده از صدای مناسب گرفته تا نحوه ترکیب منابع - و مدلهایی برای مقالات خود دانشجویان ارائه میدهند.
فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
Title Page......Page 2
Copyright......Page 4
Contents......Page 6
Preface......Page 20
I. Rhetoric: A College Student’s Guide to Writing......Page 31
1 Critical Thinking Through Reading, Viewing, and Writing......Page 33
Using the SQ3R Reading Strategy......Page 34
Reading Actively......Page 36
Responding to a Text......Page 40
Summarizing a Text......Page 41
Critical Thinking Through Viewing......Page 42
Interpreting an Image......Page 44
Evaluating an Image......Page 46
Critical Thinking Through Writing......Page 48
Practicing Modes of Thinking in Your Writing......Page 51
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 56
2 Beginning the Writing Process......Page 57
The Writing Process: From Start to Finish......Page 58
Understand the Rhetorical Situation......Page 60
Understanding the Assignment......Page 62
Selecting a Subject......Page 64
Freewriting Quick Guide......Page 66
Collecting Information......Page 68
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 72
3 Planning......Page 73
Revisit the Rhetorical Situation......Page 74
Forming Your Thesis Statement......Page 75
Using a Thesis to Pattern Your Writing......Page 76
Developing a Plan or an Outline......Page 78
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 84
4 Drafting......Page 85
Reconsider the Rhetorical Situation......Page 86
Basic Essay Structure: Major Moves......Page 87
Opening Your Draft......Page 88
Developing the Middle......Page 90
Ending Your Draft......Page 97
Working with Sources......Page 99
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 100
5 Revising......Page 101
Consider Whole-Paper Issues......Page 102
Revising Your First Draft......Page 104
Revising for Ideas and Organization......Page 105
Revising for Voice and Style......Page 108
Addressing Paragraph Issues......Page 112
Working with Sources......Page 118
Revising Collaboratively......Page 119
Using the Writing Center......Page 121
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 122
6 Editing and Proofreading......Page 123
Editing Your Revised Draft......Page 124
Combining Sentences......Page 125
Expanding Sentences......Page 126
Checking for Sentence Style......Page 127
Avoiding Imprecise, Misleading, and Biased Words......Page 132
Proofreading Your Writing......Page 137
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 138
7 Submitting Writing and Creating Portfolios......Page 139
Formatting Your Writing......Page 140
Submitting Writing and Creating Portfolios......Page 141
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 142
8 One Writer’s Process......Page 143
Angela’s Assignment and Response......Page 144
Angela’s Planning......Page 146
Angela’s First Draft......Page 148
Angela’s First Revision......Page 150
Angela’s Second Revision......Page 152
Angela’s Edited Draft......Page 154
Angela’s Proofread Draft......Page 155
Angela’s Finished Essay......Page 156
Cross-Curricular Connections......Page 159
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 160
II. Reader: Strategies and Models......Page 161
9 Forms of College Writing......Page 163
Three Curricular Divisions......Page 164
Types of Writing in Each Division......Page 165
Traits of Writing Across the Curriculum......Page 166
10 Narration, Description, and Reflection......Page 171
Reading Personal Essays......Page 172
Brief Narratives: Anecdotes......Page 173
Narration, Description, and Reflection......Page 174
Writing Guidelines......Page 188
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 190
11 Cause and Effect......Page 193
Reading Cause-Effect Writing......Page 194
Cause and Effect......Page 195
Writing Guidelines......Page 208
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 210
12 Comparison and Contrast......Page 211
Reading Comparison-Contrast Writing......Page 212
Comparison and Contrast......Page 213
Writing Guidelines......Page 228
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 230
13 Classification......Page 231
Reading Classification Writing......Page 232
Classification......Page 233
Writing Guidelines......Page 242
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 244
14 Process......Page 245
Reading Process Writing......Page 246
Process......Page 247
Writing Guidelines......Page 258
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 260
15 Definition......Page 261
Reading Definition Writing......Page 262
Definition......Page 263
Writing Guidelines......Page 274
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 276
16 Strategies for Argumentation and Persuasion......Page 279
Building Persuasive Arguments......Page 280
Preparing Your Argument......Page 281
Making and Qualifying Claims......Page 282
Supporting Your Claims......Page 284
Identifying Logical Fallacies......Page 287
Engaging the Opposition......Page 291
Using Appropriate Appeals......Page 292
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 294
17 Taking a Position......Page 295
Reading Position Writing......Page 296
Taking a Position......Page 297
Writing Guidelines......Page 314
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 316
18 Persuading Readers to Act......Page 317
Reading Persuasive Writing......Page 318
Persuading Readers to Act......Page 319
Writing Guidelines......Page 332
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 334
19 Proposing a Solution......Page 335
Reading Problem-Solution Writing......Page 336
Proposing a Solution......Page 337
Writing Guidelines......Page 350
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 352
20 Interview Report......Page 355
Reading Interview Reports......Page 356
Interview Report......Page 357
Writing Guidelines......Page 360
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 362
21 Lab, Experiment, and Field Report......Page 363
Reading Science Writing......Page 364
Experiment Report......Page 365
Field Report......Page 371
Writing Guidelines......Page 374
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 376
22 Writing About Literature and the Arts......Page 379
Reading About Literature and the Arts......Page 380
Writing About a Short Story......Page 381
Writing About a Poem......Page 385
Writing Guidelines......Page 388
Literary Terms......Page 390
Poetry Terms......Page 393
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 394
23 Taking Essay Tests......Page 395
Reviewing for Tests......Page 396
Forming a Study Group......Page 397
Using Mnemonics and Other Memory Guides......Page 398
Taking the Essay Test......Page 399
Writing Under Pressure: The Essay Test Quick Guide......Page 404
Taking an Objective Test......Page 405
Tips for Coping with Test Anxiety......Page 406
24 Writing for the Workplace......Page 407
Writing the Business Letter......Page 408
Writing Memos and E-Mail......Page 410
Applying for a Job......Page 412
Preparing a Resumé......Page 416
25 Writing for the Web......Page 419
Webpage Elements and Functions......Page 420
Developing a Website and Webpages......Page 422
Writing for Different Internet Environments......Page 429
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 430
26 Preparing Oral Presentations......Page 431
Organizing Your Presentation......Page 432
Writing Your Presentation......Page 435
Developing Computer Presentations......Page 439
Overcoming Stage Fright Checklist......Page 440
III. Research and Writing......Page 441
27 Getting Started: From Planning Research to Evaluating Sources......Page 443
Papers with Documented Research Quick Guide......Page 444
The Research Process: A Flowchart......Page 445
Getting Started: Getting Focused......Page 446
Developing a Research Plan......Page 448
Writing a Research Proposal......Page 450
Exploring Information Resources and Sites......Page 452
Conducting Effective Keyword Searches......Page 454
Engaging and Evaluating Sources......Page 456
Creating a Working Bibliography......Page 460
Developing a Note-Taking System......Page 462
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Source Material......Page 466
Avoiding Unintentional Plagiarism......Page 469
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 470
28 Conducting Primary and Library Research......Page 471
Primary and Secondary Sources......Page 472
Conducting Primary Research......Page 473
Using the Library......Page 479
Using Books in Research......Page 482
Finding Periodical Articles......Page 484
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 488
29 Conducting Research on the Internet......Page 489
Understanding Internet Basics......Page 490
Using a Subject Guide/Directory......Page 492
Using Search and Metasearch......Page 493
Using Search Engines as Research Tools......Page 494
Understanding the Uses and Limits of Wikipedia......Page 496
Evaluating Online Sources......Page 498
Sample Evaluations......Page 500
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 502
30 Drafting a Paper with Documented Research......Page 503
Avoiding Plagiarism......Page 504
Avoiding Other Source Abuses......Page 508
Organizing and Synthesizing Your Findings......Page 510
Developing Your First Draft......Page 512
Using Source Material in Your Writing......Page 514
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 518
31 MLA Documentation Format......Page 521
MLA Research Paper Guidelines Questions and Answers......Page 522
Guidelines for In-Text Citations......Page 524
Sample In-Text Citations......Page 526
MLA Works Cited Quick Guide......Page 532
Works-Cited Entries: Nonperiodical Print Publications......Page 533
Works-Cited Entries: Print Periodical Articles......Page 539
Works-Cited Entries: Online Sources......Page 542
Works-Cited Entries: Other Sources (Primary, Personal, and Multimedia)......Page 546
Sample MLA Paper......Page 548
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 558
32 APA Documentation Format......Page 559
APA Research Paper Guidelines Questions and Answers......Page 560
Sample In-Text Citations......Page 562
APA References Quick Guide......Page 566
Reference Entries: Books and Other Documents......Page 567
Reference Entries: Print Periodical Articles......Page 570
Reference Entries: Online Sources......Page 572
Reference Entries: Other Sources (Primary, Personal, and Multimedia)......Page 575
Sample APA Paper......Page 576
Learning-Outcomes Checklist......Page 588
IV. Handbook......Page 589
Period......Page 591
Ellipsis......Page 592
Question Mark......Page 593
Exercises......Page 594
Comma......Page 595
Exercises......Page 600
Semicolon......Page 601
Colon......Page 602
Hyphen......Page 603
Dash......Page 605
Exercises......Page 606
Quotation Marks......Page 607
Italics (Underlining)......Page 609
Diagonal......Page 610
Exclamation Point......Page 611
Apostrophe......Page 612
Exercises......Page 614
Capitalization......Page 615
Exercises......Page 619
Plurals......Page 620
Numbers......Page 622
Exercises......Page 624
Abbreviations......Page 625
Acronyms and Initialisms......Page 627
Exercises......Page 628
Basic Spelling Rules......Page 629
Commonly Misspelled Words......Page 630
Steps to Becoming a Better Speller......Page 635
Exercises......Page 636
35 Using the Right Word......Page 637
Exercises......Page 640
Exercises......Page 644
Exercises......Page 648
Exercises......Page 652
Classes of Nouns......Page 653
Forms of Nouns......Page 654
Exercises......Page 656
Pronoun......Page 657
Classes of Pronouns......Page 658
Forms of Personal Pronouns......Page 659
Exercises......Page 661
Classes of Verbs......Page 662
Forms of Verbs......Page 663
Verbals......Page 666
Irregular Verbs......Page 667
Exercises......Page 668
Adjective......Page 669
Adverb......Page 670
Preposition......Page 671
Interjection......Page 672
Exercises......Page 673
The Subject......Page 675
The Predicate (Verb)......Page 677
Exercises......Page 678
Types of Phrases......Page 679
Types of Clauses......Page 681
Kinds of Sentences......Page 682
Structure of Sentences......Page 683
Exercises......Page 684
Subject–Verb Agreement......Page 685
Pronoun–Antecedent Agreement......Page 689
Exercises......Page 690
Shifts in Sentence Construction......Page 691
Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-Ons......Page 692
Exercises......Page 694
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers......Page 695
Ambiguous Wording......Page 696
Exercises......Page 697
Nonstandard Language......Page 698
Exercises......Page 699
Avoiding Sentence Problems Quick Guide......Page 700
Noun......Page 701
Articles and Other Noun Markers......Page 702
Exercises......Page 704
Verb......Page 705
Objects and Complements of Verbs......Page 706
Exercises......Page 711
Adjective......Page 712
Adverb......Page 713
Preposition......Page 714
Exercises......Page 715
Understanding Sentence Basics......Page 716
Sentence Problems......Page 717
Exercises......Page 719
Numbers......Page 720
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots......Page 721
Exercises......Page 722
Idioms......Page 723
Exercises......Page 726
Help for Speakers of Latin Languages......Page 727
Help for Speakers of African and Caribbean Languages......Page 728
Help for Speakers of Middle-Eastern Languages......Page 729
Exercises......Page 730
Exercises......Page 731
Exercises......Page 732
Exercises......Page 733
Exercises......Page 734
Exercises......Page 735
Credits......Page 736
Index......Page 738
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Combining streamlined basic writing instruction with outstanding accessibility, THE COLLEGE WRITER is a fully updated 4-in-1 text--with a Rhetoric, a Reader, a Researcher, and a Handbook--for students at any skill level. The clear visual "at-a-glance" format helps students grasp larger concepts by linking them to pertinent examples. Throughout the text, numerous student and professional writing samples highlight important features of academic and career writing--from using the appropriate voice to how to incorporate references--and offer models for students' own papers.