توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
ریچارد پاپکین 63 محقق برجسته را گرد هم آورده است تا گزارشی زمانی از توسعه سنت های فلسفی غرب بسازد. از افلاطون تا ویتگنشتاین و از آکویناس تا هایدگر، این جلد تحلیلهای تاریخی زنده، عمیق و بهروز از تمام شخصیتها، مکاتب و جنبشهای فلسفی غرب ارائه میکند. هر فصل شامل یک مقاله مقدماتی است و پاپکین یادداشت هایی را ارائه می دهد که بین مقالات جداگانه ارتباط برقرار می کند. اطلاعات کتابشناختی غنی و فهرست اسامی و اصطلاحات این جلد را به منبعی ارزشمند تبدیل کرده است.
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Introduction / Richard H. Popkin --
1. Origins of Western Philosophic Thinking --
Introduction / Richard H. Popkin. --
The Pre-Socratic Philosophers / Thomas M. Robinson. --
The Sophists / Thomas M. Robinson. --
Socrates and the Socratics / David K. O\'Connor. --
Plato / Gerald A. Press. --
Aristotle / Richard Bodeus. --
Brief Summary of Aristotle\'s Writings / Gerald A. Press --
Hellenistic Philosophy / A.A. Long --
Middle Platonism / Harold Tarrant --
Gnosticism / Harold Tarrant --
Plotinus and Neoplatonism / Lloyd P. Gerson --
Early Jewish and Christian Uses of Philosophy / Steve Mason --
The Greek Tradition in Early Christian Philosophy / John Peter Kenney --
The Latin Tradition in Early Christian Philosophy / James J. O\'Donnell --
2. Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy --
Introduction / Richard H. Popkin --
Sa\'adya Gaon / Seymour Feldman --
Jewish and Early Muslim Neoplatonism / Alfred L. Ivry --
Abu Nasr Muhammed al-Farabi / Therese-Anne Druart --
Avicenna / Michael E. Marmura --
Al-Ghazali / James Naify --
Philosophical Mysticism in Islamic Thought / Fadlou Shehadi --
Introduction / Richard H. Popkin --
Solomon ibn Gabirol / T.M. Rudavsky --
Judah Halevi / Barry S. Kogan --
Averroes / Alfred L. Ivry --
Moses Maimonides / Daniel H. Frank --
Jewish Averroism / Alfred L. Ivry --
Gersonides / Robert Eisen --
Hasdai Crescas, Joseph Albo, and Isaac Abrabanel / Warren Zev Harvey --
Moses de Leon and the Zohar / Allison Coudert --
Isaac Luria and the Lurianic Kabbalah / Allison Coudert --
Abraham Cohen Herrera / Richard H. Popkin --
Conclusion / Richard H. Popkin --
3. Medieval Christian Philosophy --
Early Period / Stephen F. Brown --
Translation and Transmission of Greek Philosophy / Stephen F. Brown --
Bonaventure / Stephen F. Brown --
Thomas Aquinas / Stephen F. Brown --
Latin Averroism / Stephen F. Brown --
Scotus and Scotism / Stephen F. Brown --
Late Scholasticism / Stephen F. Brown --
Realism Versus Nominalism / Stephen F. Brown --
4. The Renaissance --
Between Ockham and Descartes / Brian P. Copenhaver --
Aristotelianisms / Brian P. Copenhaver --
Humanism / Michael R. Allen --
Platonism / Brian P. Copenhaver and John Monfasani --
Doubt and Innovation / Brian P. Copenhaver --
5. Seventeenth-Century Philosophy --
The Sceptical Crisis / Richard H. Popkin --
Rene Descartes / Harry M. Bracken --
Seventeenth-Century Philosophy After Descartes / Richard H. Popkin --
Thomas Hobbes / G.A.J. Rogers --
Blaise Pascal / Jose R. Maia Neto --
The Philosophy of the Royal Society of England / Richard H. Popkin --
The Kabbala denudata / Allison Coudert. The Cambridge Platonists / Sarah Hutton --
Baruch de Spinoza / Richard H. Popkin --
John Locke / G.A.J. Rogers --
Nicolas Malebranche / Harry M. Bracken --
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz / Donald Rutherford --
Pierre Bayle and Bishop Huet, the Master Sceptics / Richard H. Popkin --
Europe and Non-European Cultures / Richard H. Popkin --
China and Western Philosophy in the Age of Reason / Yuen-Ting Lai --
6. Eighteenth-Century Philosophy --
Introduction / Richard H. Popkin --
Isaac Newton / James E. Force --
The Newton-Leibniz Controversy / Donald Rutherford. Deism / Justin A.I. Champion --
George Berkeley / Harry M. Bracken --
Immaterialism in the American Colonies: Samuel Johnson and Jonathan Edwards / Richard H. Popkin --
David Hume / Richard H. Popkin --
The French Enlightenment / Richard H. Popkin --
Christian Thomasius and Christian Wolff / Manfred Kuehn --
Moses Mendelssohn / Manfred Kuehn --
Thomas Reid / Harry M. Bracken --
Scepticism Before Kant / Manfred Kuehn --
The Berlin Academy / John Christian Laursen --
Immanuel Kant / Karl Ameriks --
Vico, Hamann, and Herder / Richard H. Popkin --
Eighteenth-Century Racism / Richard H. Popkin --
7. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy --
Introduction / Rudolf A. Makkreel --
Early Sceptical, Religious, and Literary Responses to Kantian Philosophy / Frederick Beiser --
The Flowering of Idealism. Johann Gottlieb Fichte / Gunter Zoller. F.W.J. Schelling / Dale E. Snow --
G.W.F. Hegel / Tom Rockmore --
The Turn from Idealism. Arthur Schopenhauer / Gunter Zoller --
Soren Kierkegaard / Merold Westphal --
Ludwig Feuerbach / Tom Rockmore --
Karl Marx / Tom Rockmore --
The Problem of Values in the Late Nineteenth Century / Rudolf A. Makkreel --
France / Francois Azouvi --
Nineteenth-Century British Philosophy / John Skorupski --
American Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century / Richard H. Popkin --
The Beginnings of Pragmatism: Peirce, Wright, James, Royce / Robert G. Meyers --
John Dewey / Richard H. Popkin --
8. Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy --
Introduction / Avrum Stroll --
Symbolic Logic / Avrum Stroll --
The Logistic Thesis / Avrum Stroll --
The Theory of Descriptions / Avrum Stroll --
Logical Positivism / Avrum Stroll --
Ludwig Wittgenstein / Avrum Stroll --
Gilbert Ryle and J.L. Austin / Avrum Stroll --
Karl Popper and W.V.O. Quine / Avrum Stroll --
Direct-Reference Theorists / Avrum Stroll --
Donald Davidson and John Searle / Avrum Stroll --
New Directions / Avrum Stroll --
9. Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy --
The Early Decades: Positivism, Neo-Kantianism, Dilthey / Steven Galt Crowell --
Husserl and Phenomenology / David Carr --
Martin Heidegger / Tom Nenon --
Continental Philosophy of Science / Joseph J. Kockelmans --
Existentialism and Beyond / Thomas R. Flynn --
Hermeneutics: Gadamer and Ricoeur / G.B. Madison --
Continental Theistic Philosophers / Daniel Guerriere --
Continental Philosophy: Neo-Marxism / David Ingram --
French Feminist Philosophy / Jeanine Grenberg --
Poststructuralism: Derrida and Foucault / Franz Peter Hugdahl --
Continental Philosophy at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century A1 Charles E. Scott --
Epilogue / Richard H. Popkin --
Epilogue on the History of Philosophy --
History of Philosophy and Reconstructing Philosophy / Constance Blackwell --
Women in the History of Philosophy / Mary Ellen Waithe --
Philosophy and the History of Philosophy / Richard H. Popkin.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Richard Popkin has assembled 63 leading scholars to forge a chronological account of the development of Western philosophical traditions. From Plato to Wittgenstein and from Aquinas to Heidegger, this volume provides lively, in-depth, and up-to-date historical analyses of all the key figures, schools, and movements of Western philosophy. Each chapter includes an introductory essay, and Popkin provides notes that draw connections among the separate articles. The rich bibliographic information and the indexes of names and terms make the volume a invaluable resource.