فهرست مطالب :
Volume Introduction: Comedy as Theory, Industry, and Academic Discipline. Nick Marx and Matt Sienkiewicz
1.The Carnivalesque
Introduction: The Naked Gun
A: Rabelais and His World, Mikhail Bakhtin
B: “The Frames of Comic ‘Freedom,’” Umberto Eco
C: “Sacred Catastrophe, Profane Laughter: Family Guy’s Comedy in the Ritual of National Trauma,” Philip Scepanski
2. Comedy Mechanics & Absurdity
Introduction: Man Seeking Woman
A: Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic, Henri Bergson
B. The Logic of the Absurd, Jerry Palmer
C: “Pie and Chase: Gag, Spectacle, and Narrative in Slapstick Comedy,” Donald Crafton
D: “The New Logic of the Absurd: The Eric André Show,” Evan Elkins
3. Psychoanalyzing Comedy
Introduction: Archer
A: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, Sigmund Freud
B. “Humor,” Sigmund Freud
C: “Lacan’s Harpo,” Paul Flaig
D: “Revenge of the Nerds: Failure, Laughter, and Liberation on The Big Bang Theory,” Andrew J. Owens
4. Irony
Introduction: Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner 2006
A: Irony’s Edge, Linda Hutcheon
B. “Speaking Too Soon: SNL, 9/11, and the Remaking of American Irony,” Matt Sienkiewiczi
C: “Welcome to the Clickhole: The Economics of Internet Parody and Critique,” Amber Day
5. Genre
Introduction: 22 Jump Street
A: Popular Film and Television Comedy, Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik
B: “Comedy Verité? The Observational Documentary Meets the Televisual Sitcom,” Ethan Thompson
C. “Inventing the Situation Comedy: Jack Benny, the ‘Fall Guy,’ and the Making of a Genre,” Kathryn Fuller-Seeley
6. Race & Ethnicity
Introduction: Key and Peele
A. Watching Race, Herman Gray
B: “The Culture Behind Closed Doors: Issues of Gender and Race in the Writers’ Room,” Felicia D. Henderson
C: “Naturalizing Racial Differences Through Comedy: Asian, Black, and White Views on Racial Stereotypes in Rush Hour 2,” Ji Hoon Park, Nadine G. Gabbadon, and Ariel R. Chernin
D. “‘Indians on TV (and Netflix)’: The Comedic Trajectory of Aziz Ansari,” Bhoomi K. Thakore and Bilal Hussain
7. Gender & Sexuality
Introduction: Inside Amy Schumer
A: The Unruly Woman, Kathleen Rowe Karlyn
B: Pretty/Funny, Linda Mizejewski
C: “Generic Closets: Sitcoms, Audiences, and Black Male Gayness,” Alfred L. Martin, Jr.
8. Nation & Globalization
Introduction, Peter Kragh Jensen and Matt Sienkiewicz
A: A National Joke, Andy Medhurst
B: “Transnational TV Comedy Audiences,” Inger-LiseKalviknes Bore
C: “Transgressing Boundaries as the Hybrid Global: Parody and Postcoloniality on Indian Television,” Sangeet Kumar
D: “Comedy and the Nation in The Trip,” Brett Mills