فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
About this book......Page 2
Table of Contents......Page 3
Title Page......Page 9
Preface......Page 10
Preface to the Second Edition......Page 11
Preface to the Fourth Edition......Page 12
Preface to the Sixth Edition......Page 13
[Original] Table of Contents......Page 14
Additions to the Literature......Page 25
Name and Definition......Page 30
Origin of Creeds......Page 31
Authority of Creeds......Page 33
Value and Use of Creeds......Page 34
Classification of Creeds......Page 35
General Character of the Œcumenical Creeds.......Page 37
The Apostles\' Creed.......Page 38
The Nicene Creed.......Page 47
The Creed of Chalcedon.......Page 53
The Athanasian Creed.......Page 57
The Seven Œcumenical Councils......Page 63
The Confessions of Gennadius, A.D. 1453.......Page 65
The Answers of the Patriarch Jeremiah to the Lutherans, A.D. 1576.......Page 68
The Confession of Metrophanes Critopulus, A.D. 1626.......Page 69
The Confession of Cyril Lucar, A.D. 1631.......Page 70
The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas, A.D. 1643.......Page 73
The Synod of Jerusalem, and the Confession of Dositheus, A.D. 1672.......Page 75
The Synods of Constantinople, A.D. 1672 and 1691.......Page 80
The Doctrinal Standards of the Russo-Greek Church.......Page 81
Anglo-Catholic Correspondence with the Russo-Greek Church.......Page 85
The Eastern Sects: Nestorians, Jacobites, Copts, Armenians.......Page 88
Catholicism and Romanism.......Page 92
Standard Expositions of the Roman Catholic System.......Page 93
The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1563.......Page 97
The Profession of the Tridentine Faith, A.D. 1564.......Page 102
The Roman Catechism, A.D. 1566.......Page 105
The Papal Bulls Against the Jansenists, A.D. 1653, 1713.......Page 107
The Papal Definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, A.D. 1854.......Page 111
The Argument for the Immaculate Conception.......Page 115
The Papal Syllabus, A.D. 1864.......Page 125
The Vatican Council, A.D. 1864.......Page 129
The Vatican Decrees. The Constitution of the Catholic Faith.......Page 139
The Vatican Decrees, Continued. The Papal Infallibility Decree.......Page 141
Papal Infallibility Explained, and Tested by Scripture and Tradition.......Page 149
The Liturgical Standards of the Roman Church.......Page 166
The Old Catholics.......Page 168
The Reformation. Protestantism and Romanism.......Page 177
The Evangelical Confessions of Faith.......Page 181
The Lutheran and Reformed Confessions.......Page 182
The Lutheran Confessions.......Page 189
The Augsburg Confession, 1530.......Page 193
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession. A.D. 1530–1531.......Page 205
Luther\'s Catechisms. A.D. 1529.......Page 206
The Articles of Smalcald. A.D. 1537.......Page 212
The Form of Concord. A.D. 1577.......Page 215
The Form of Concord, Concluded.......Page 251
Superseded Lutheran Symbols. The Saxon Confession. The Würtemberg Confession. 1551.......Page 270
The Saxon Visitation Articles, A.D. 1592.......Page 273
An Abortive Symbol against Syncretism, 1655.......Page 277
The Reformed Confessions.......Page 281
Zwinglian Confessions.......Page 286
Zwingli\'s Distinctive Doctrines.......Page 292
The First Confession of Basle. A.D. 1534.......Page 302
The First Helvetic Confession. A.D. 1533.......Page 304
The Second Helvetic Confession. A.D. 1566.......Page 306
John Calvin. His Life and Character.......Page 325
Calvin\'s Work. His Theology and Discipline.......Page 342
The Catechism of Geneva. A.D. 1536 and 1541.......Page 357
The Consensus of Zurich. A.D. 1549.......Page 360
The Consensus of Geneva. A.D. 1552.......Page 362
The Helvetic Consensus Formula. A.D. 1675.......Page 364
The Reformed Confessions of France and the Netherlands.......Page 372
The Gallican Confession. A.D. 1559.......Page 373
The Declaration of Faith of the Reformed Church in France. A.D. 1872.......Page 378
The Belgic Confession. A.D. 1561.......Page 382
The Arminian Controversy and the Synod of Dort, A.D. 1604–1619.......Page 386
The Remonstrance.......Page 392
The Canons of Dort.......Page 394
The Tetrapolitan Confession.......Page 397
The Heidelberg Catechism. A.D. 1563.......Page 401
The Brandenburg Confessions.......Page 420
Minor German Reformed Confessions.......Page 426
The Bohemian Brethren and the Waldenses.......Page 428
The Bohemian Confessions after the Reformation. A.D. 1535 and 1575.......Page 437
The Reformation in Poland and the Consensus of Sendomir. A.D. 1570.......Page 440
The Reformation in Hungary and the Confession of Czenger. A.D. 1557.......Page 445
The English Reformation.......Page 448
The Doctrinal Position of the Anglican Church and Her Relation to Other Churches.......Page 452
The Doctrinal Formulas of Henry VIII.......Page 462
The Edwardine Articles. A.D. 1553.......Page 463
The Elizabethan Articles. A.D. 1563 and 1571.......Page 464
The Interpretation of the Articles.......Page 470
American Revision of the Thirty-nine Articles, A.D. 1801.......Page 492
The Catechisms of the Church of England. A.D. 1549 and 1662.......Page 495
The Lambeth Articles, A.D. 1595.......Page 497
The Irish Articles. A.D. 1615.......Page 500
The Articles of the Reformed Episcopal Church. A.D. 1875.......Page 502
The Reformation in Scotland.......Page 505
John Knox.......Page 508
The Scotch Confession of Faith. A.D. 1560.......Page 513
The Scotch Covenants and the Scotch Kirk.......Page 516
The Scotch Catechisms.......Page 524
The Puritan Conflict.......Page 528
The Westminster Assembly.......Page 545
The Westminster Confession.......Page 563
Analysis of the Westminster Confession.......Page 569
The Westminster Catechisms.......Page 587
Criticism of the Westminster System of Doctrine.......Page 591
The Westminster Standards in America.......Page 601
The Westminster Standards in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.......Page 610
General Survey.......Page 613
The Congregationalists.......Page 615
English Congregational Creeds.......Page 622
American Congregational Creeds.......Page 627
The Anabaptists and Mennonites.......Page 631
The Regular or Calvinistic Baptists.......Page 634
Arminian or Free-will Baptists.......Page 642
The Society of Friends, or Quakers.......Page 643
The Moravians.......Page 653
Methodism.......Page 659
Methodists Creeds.......Page 666
Analysis of Arminian Methodism.......Page 669
Calvinistic Methodism.......Page 674
The Catholic Apostolic Church (Called Irvingites).......Page 676
The Articles of the Evangelical Alliance.......Page 686
The Consensus and Dissensus of Creeds.......Page 688
The Disciples of Christ.......Page 696
The Universalists.......Page 698
The Unitarians.......Page 699
Index to Volume I......Page 701
Index of Scripture References......Page 723
Index of Citations......Page 726
Index of Names......Page 730
Greek Words and Phrases......Page 748
Hebrew Words and Phrases......Page 757
Latin Words and Phrases......Page 758
German Words and Phrases......Page 793
French Words and Phrases......Page 804
Index of Pages of the Print Edition......Page 806