توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
انئادهای فلوطین اثری است که در تاریخ فلسفه در اواخر باستان نقش اساسی دارد. این جلد اولین نسخه کامل Enneads به زبان انگلیسی برای بیش از هفتاد و پنج سال است، و همچنین شامل زندگی پلوتین پورفیری است. به رهبری لوید پی. گرسون، تیمی از کارشناسان ترجمه های به روزی را ارائه می کنند که بر اساس بهترین متن موجود، ویرایش جزئی هنری و شوایزر و تصحیحات آن است. ترجمه ها از نظر واژگان سازگار هستند و حجم را برای مطالعه استدلال های فلسفی فلوطین ایده آل می کند. آنها همچنین حاشیه نویسی گسترده ای را برای کمک به خواننده همراه با ارجاعات متقابل و استناد ارائه می دهند که به کاربران امکان می دهد راحت تر در متون پیمایش کنند. این نسخه تاریخی برای محققان فلوطین با یا بدون یونانی باستان و همچنین برای دانشجویان سنت افلاطونی ارزشمند خواهد بود.
فهرست مطالب :
General Introduction to the Translations page 1
Porphyry’s Arrangement of the Enneads 8
List of Textual Changes to Henry Schwyzer Editio Minor 10
On the Life of Plotinus and the Order of his Books by Porphyry of Tyre 17
Ennead One 39
1.1 (53) What Is the Living Being and What Is the Human
Being? 41
1.2 (19) On Virtues 54
1.3 (20) On Dialectic 63
1.4 (46) On Happiness 69
1.5 (36) On Whether Happiness Increases with Time 86
1.6 (1) On Beauty 91
1.7 (54) On the Primary Good and on the Other Goods 104
1.8 (51) On What Evils Are and Where They Come From 108
1.9 (16) On Exiting from the Body 124
Fragment: Plotinus on Voluntary Death, by Elias 126
Ennead Two 127
2.1 (40) On the Cosmos 129
2.2 (14) On the Motion of Heaven 140
2.3 (52) On Whether the Stars Are Causes 145
2.4 (12) On Matter 164
2.5 (25) On ‘Potentially’ and ‘Actually’ 183
2.6 (17) On Substance or On Quality 190
2.7 (37) On Complete Blending 196
2.8 (35) On Seeing, or On How It Is That Distant Things
Appear Small 202
2.9 (33) Against the Gnostics 206
Ennead Three 237
3.1 (3) On Fate 239
3.2 3 (47
and 48) On Providence 249
3.4 (15) On Our Allotted Daemon 283
3.6 (26) On the Impassibility of Things without Bodies 305
3.7 (45) On Eternity and Time 332
3.8 (30) On Nature, Contemplation, and the One 354
3.9 (13) Various Considerations 369
Ennead Four 375
4.1 (21) On the Substantiality of the Soul 1 377
4.2 (4) On the Substantiality of the Soul 2 383
4.3 5 (27,
28, and 29) On Problems of the Soul 1 3 385
4.6 (41) On Sense Perception and Memory 481
4.7 (2) On the Immortality of the Soul 487
4.8 (6) On the Descent of Souls into Bodies 510
4.9 (8) On Whether All Souls Are One 523
Ennead Five 529
5.1 (10) On the Three Primary Hypostases 531
5.2 (11) On the Generation and Order of the Things
Which Come after the First 548
5.3 (49) On the Knowing Hypostasis and on That Which Is
Transcendent 552
5.4 (7) How That Which Is after the First Comes from
the First, and on the One 576
5.5 (32) That the Intelligibles Are Not outside the Intellect,
and on the Good 581
5.6 (24) On the Fact That That Which Transcends
Being Does Not Think and on What the Primary
Thinking Is and What Is Secondary 598
5.7 (18) On Whether or Not There Are Ideas of Individuals 605
5.8 (31) On the Intelligible Beauty 609
5.9 (5) On Intellect, Ideas, and Being 625
Ennead Six 639
6.1 3 (42, 43,
and 44) On the Genera of Being 1 3 641
6.4 5 (22 and 23) That Being, One and Identical, Is Simultaneously
Everywhere Whole 1 2 737
6.6 (34) On Numbers 773
6.7 (38) How the Multiplicity of the Ideas Came to Exist,
and on the Good 798
6.8 (39) On the Voluntary, and the One’s Wishing 851
6.9 (9) On the Good or the One 880
Greek Glossary of Key Terms 899
English Glossary of Key Terms 905
Bibliography of Principal Editions of Secondary Sources 928
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The Enneads by Plotinus is a work which is central to the history of philosophy in late antiquity. This volume is the first complete edition of the Enneads in English for over seventy-five years, and also includes Porphyry's Life of Plotinus. Led by Lloyd P. Gerson, a team of experts present up-to-date translations which are based on the best available text, the editio minor of Henry and Schwyzer and its corrections. The translations are consistent in their vocabulary, making the volume ideal for the study of Plotinus' philosophical arguments. They also offer extensive annotation to assist the reader, together with cross-references and citations which will enable users more easily to navigate the texts. This monumental edition will be invaluable for scholars of Plotinus with or without ancient Greek, as well as for students of the Platonic tradition.