توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
کمیسیون اروپا در حال آماده سازی چارچوب آتی سازمان های غیرانتفاعی است که در دسترس اروپایی ها قرار خواهد گرفت. هدف پروژه بنیاد اروپایی توسعه پیش نویس قانونی برای شکل قانونی یک بنیاد اروپایی است. تیمی از متخصصان حقوق تطبیقی از سراسر اروپا، به سفارش بنیاد برتلزمن، Compagnia di San Paolo، و ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin و Gerd Bucerius، تحقیقات امکانسنجی را انجام دادهاند و پیشنهادی را ارائه کردهاند. پیش نویس قانون به دست آمده به وضوح در اینجا ارائه شده است به نحوی که یافتن اطلاعات در مورد مسائل حقوقی خاص را برای خواننده آسان می کند. این پیش نویس توسط فصول توضیحی جامع، و همچنین فصل های مقایسه ای در مورد هر موضوع که کشورهای اروپایی، ایالات متحده آمریکا و چین را پوشش می دهد، پشتیبانی می شود. این کتاب زمینهای را برای سیاستگذاری و ابتکارات حمایتی در بنیاد اروپایی و بخش غیرانتفاعی ایجاد میکند.
فهرست مطالب :
Contents......Page 8
Acknowledgements......Page 22
Art. 1 Definitions......Page 25
Art. 3 Formation......Page 26
Art. 4. Governance......Page 27
Art. 5 Reporting, Transparency and Disclosure......Page 29
Art. 7 State Supervision......Page 30
Art. 8 Fundamental Decisions......Page 31
Art. 9 Applicable Law......Page 32
Art. 1 Definitions......Page 33
Art. 3 Tax Benefits......Page 34
Art. 5 Economic Activities......Page 35
Art. 2 Tax Treatment......Page 36
Introduction Civil Law (Hopt/von Hippel/Then)......Page 38
1. Commentary on Art. 1.1 (Hopt/von Hippel)......Page 48
2. Comparative View to Art. 1.1 (von Hippel)......Page 50
1. Commentary on Art. 1.2 (Fries)......Page 61
2. Comparative View to Art. 1.2 (von Hippel)......Page 65
1. Commentary on Art. 1.3, para. 1 (Melz)......Page 69
2. Comparative View to Art. 1.3, para. 1 (von Hippel)......Page 71
1. Commentary on Art. 1.3, para. 2 (Moosmann)......Page 73
2. Comparative View to Art. 1.3, para. 2 (von Hippel)......Page 74
2. Comparative View to Art. 1.3, para. 3 (von Hippel)......Page 78
2. Comparative View to Art. 2 (von Hippel)......Page 81
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.1 (von Hippel)......Page 84
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.2 (von Hippel)......Page 87
1. Commentary on Art. 3.3 (Künzle/von Hippel)......Page 90
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.3 (von Hippel)......Page 91
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.4 (von Hippel)......Page 92
1. Commentary on Art. 3.5 (Künzle/von Hippel)......Page 93
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.5 (von Hippel)......Page 94
1. Commentary on Art. 3.6 (Künzle/von Hippel)......Page 97
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.6 (von Hippel)......Page 98
1. Commentary on Art. 4.1.1, para. 1 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 100
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.1.1, para. 1 (von Hippel)......Page 103
1. Commentary on Art. 4.1.1, paras. 2-4 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 105
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.1.1, paras. 2-4 (von Hippel)......Page 110
1. Commentary on Art. 4.1.2 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 118
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.1.2 (von Hippel)......Page 120
1. Commentary on Art. 4.1.3 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 126
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.1.3 (von Hippel)......Page 130
1. Commentary on Art. 4.2 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss/von Hippel)......Page 134
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.2 (von Hippel)......Page 138
1. Commentary on Art. 4.3 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 140
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.3 (von Hippel)......Page 141
1. Commentary on Art. 4.4 (Doralt/Hemström/Kalss)......Page 143
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.4 (von Hippel)......Page 144
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.5 (von Hippel)......Page 145
1. Commentary on Art. 5.1 (Dawes)......Page 147
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.1 (von Hippel)......Page 150
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.2 (von Hippel)......Page 153
1. Commentary on Art. 5.3 (Dawes)......Page 155
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.3 (von Hippel)......Page 156
1. Commentary on Art. 6.1 (Ferrer Riba/Moosmann/Then)......Page 158
2. Comparative View to Art. 6.1 (von Hippel)......Page 161
1. Commentary on Art. 6.2 (von Hippel/Habersack/Hansen )......Page 165
2. Comparative View to Art. 6.2 (von Hippel)......Page 171
2. Comparative View to Art. 6.3 (von Hippel)......Page 179
1. Commentary on Art. 7 (von Hippel/Trstenjak/van Veen)......Page 181
2. Comparative View to Art. 7 (von Hippel)......Page 186
1. Commentary on Art. 8.1 (von Hippel)......Page 195
2. Comparative View to Art. 8.1 (von Hippel)......Page 198
2. Comparative View to Art. 8.2 (von Hippel)......Page 203
Commentary on Art. 9 (Hansen/von Hippel)......Page 208
Introduction, Tax Law (Walz/von Hippel/Schäfers)......Page 215
Part 2A: Harmonized Tax Law Art. 1 Definitions......Page 221
1. Commentary on Art. 1 Tax Law (Walz/von Hippel/Fries)......Page 222
2. Comparative View to Art. 1 Tax Law (Bater/von Hippel)......Page 224
1. Commentary on Art. 2 Tax Law (Bater/Melz)......Page 227
2. Comparative View to Art. 2 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 228
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.1 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 230
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 231
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.1, para. 2 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 232
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 233
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.1, para. 3 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 234
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.1, para. 4 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 235
1. Commentary on Art. 3.1, paras. 5 and 6 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 236
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 238
1. Commentary on Art. 3.2 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 241
2. Comparative View to Art. 3.2 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 243
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 244
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 245
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 246
2. Comparative View to Art. 4.1 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 247
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 248
1. Commentary on Art. 4.2 Tax Law (Melz)......Page 249
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 250
1. Commentary on Art. 5.1 and Art. 5.2 (Beltrame)......Page 251
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.1 and Art. 5.2 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 252
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 254
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.3 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 255
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator......Page 256
2. Comparative View to Art. 5.4 Tax Law (Bater)......Page 257
3. Policy Recommendation for the Legislator (Beltrame)......Page 258
1. Commentary on Art. 6 Tax Law (Habighorst)......Page 259
3. Recommendations for the Legislator (Habighorst)......Page 262
1. Commentary on Art. 1 Tax Law Part B (Schäfers)......Page 264
Art. 2 Tax Treatment......Page 267
1. Commentary on Art. 2.1 Tax Law Part B (Schäfers)......Page 268
1. Commentary on Art. 2.2 Tax Law Part B (Schäfers)......Page 272
1. Commentary on Art. 2.3 Tax Law Part B (Schäfers)......Page 275
Bibliography......Page 277
Abbreviations of Law Journals......Page 285
Country Index......Page 286
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The European Commission is already preparing the future framework of not-for-profit organizations which will be available to Europeans. The aim of the European Foundation Project is to develop the legislative draft for the legal form of a European Foundation. A team of experts in comparative law from across Europe, commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Compagnia di San Paolo, and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius, has undertaken feasibility research, and developed a proposal. The resulting draft legislation is clearly presented here in a way which makes it easy for the reader to locate information on specific legal issues. The draft is supported by comprehensive explanatory chapters, as well as comparative chapters on each issue which cover European countries, the USA and China. This book lays the groundwork for policy and advocacy initiatives in the European foundation and the not-for-profit sector.