The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown

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کتاب تنظیم مجدد بزرگ: نخبگان جهانی و قفل دائمی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown

نام کتاب : The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : تنظیم مجدد بزرگ: نخبگان جهانی و قفل دائمی
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Regnery Publishing
سال نشر : 2022
تعداد صفحات : 0
ISBN (شابک) : 9781684512768 , 9789241514972
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : epub    درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF تبدیل می شود
حجم کتاب : 9 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

01. The Great Reset
“Flu d’État”
“Abuse of Emergency Powers”
“One of the Least Deadly Pandemics in the Last 2000 Years”
“Re-Imagine Economic Systems”
“Who Runs the World? BlackRock and Vanguard”
The Great Food Reset
Sesame Street Is “Here to Help”
02. The Origins of the Great Reset
From Citizens to “Stakeholders”
China Is the Model
Chinese Puppet?
“Suppression Is the Only Viable Strategy”
Failed Models
Follow the Money
Inflating the Risks—and His Reputation¬¬¬
“Control over the Fates of Billions”
How Did They Know?
More Pandemic Scenarios
03. How the COVID-19 Response Accelerated the Great Reset
Waking Up to the Great Reset
“Letting Lab Coats Run the World”
Made in China
WHO Loves Authoritarianism?
04. Following “The Science”—or the Chinese?
“Prisoners in a So-Called Liberal Democracy”
Prisoners of War
“Pure Psychological Torture”
Stockholm Syndrome
“The Fear of Freedom”
The Resistance
“An Inflection Point”
05. A Solution Worse than the Disease: Lockdowns Kill
“Net Harm”
Sweden: Doing Better without Locking Down
Overwhelming Evidence
Unintended Consequences
Suicides and Overdoses
Lefty Celebrities Take Notice
Tuberculosis Makes a Comeback
“The Worst Year”
06. How “The Science” Was Manipulated to Support Long-Desired Policies
“No Longer about Advancing the Truth”
Eisenhower Warned Us
What Changed?
How “The Science” Gets Corrupted
The Surprising Origins of “Social Distancing”
“It Made No Sense”
The Data on Masks
“Mask Madness”
The (Political) Science
When You Lose CNN…
The COVID Censors
Freedom Works
Dodgy Death Counts and Accusations of “Social Murder”
Unheeded Warnings
“We’re Going to Kill Ourselves because of Stupidity”
07. Censorship and Tech Tyranny
Event 201
“Controlling and Reducing Access to Information”
“Mass Formation Psychosis”
“New Dark Age Cometh”
Government Is “Your Single Source of Truth”
The Wall Came Tumbling Down
“Typical of Organized Crime”
“This Is Not Fact Checking. This Is Consensus Checking”
Did We Say Fact-Check? We Meant to Say Opinion-Check
Oppose Lockdowns and Mask Mandates? You’re Mentally Ill!
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Who Are the “Fact-Checkers”?
Cancel Culture
A Surveillance State
“Suck the Fun Out of Everything”
Big Tech Breakup?
08. The New Normal: Immunity Passports and Social-Credit Scores—You Will Exist to Serve the State’s Interest
“If You Are Vaccinated… Here Are the Freedoms That You Have”
The Great Travel Reset
“Second-Class Citizens”
Scapegoating the Unvaccinated
A Bad Precedent
Barcode Tattoos
Medical Segregation
The Chinafication of the West
China’s Social-Credit System
Left Behind in a Volcanic Eruption
“We Have Lost Our Minds”
09. “One of the Greatest Transfers of Wealth in History”
Intended Consequences
“A Doubling of World Poverty”
10. Prominent Left-Wing Figures Dissent from the Great Reset
Ten Steps to Fascism
“In Bed with the Chinese”
“The Nazis Didn’t Just Show Up One Day”
Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill
“Whiter than Usual”
Mixed Reactions
“Believing Such a Bunch of Crap”
“Panic Porn”
11. The COVID-Climate–Reset Connection
“The Powers They Were Unable to Achieve with Climate Fears Fell into Their Hands”
“The Parallels Are Screaming at Us”
The “Ecological Benefits” of the COVID Lockdowns
Never-Ending Crisis
“Shut Down the Whole Global Economy”
Nations Mull a Radical “Pandemic Treaty”
Cause of Death: Climate Change
12. COVID Lockdowns Morph to Climate Lockdowns
“Let’s Not Let This Crisis Go to Waste”
Emergency Powers
You’re Going Nowhere Fast
“If We Can Shut Down the World”
Credit Card Tracks “Carbon Footprint on Every Purchase”
“We Can Actually Take Military Measures”
13. The Great Reject—Mass Defiance Can Defeat the Great Reset
It’s Not Inevitable
“Leaders Who Dared to Defy the So-Called Scientific Consensus”
“We Do Not Consent”
About the Author

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