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eBook Info: Secure eBooks, Release 2011-12-28\nThe Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health\n Front Cover\n Rear Cover\n Prefix\n Praise for The Rife Handbook\n Copyright info\n Dedication\n Disclaimer\n Table of Contents\n Acknowledgments\n Foreword by Richard Loyd, PhD\n Preface by Jeff Sutherland, PhD\n Introduction\n Addendum to \rIntroduction\n 1 The Politics of Medicine and the Nature of Health\n Chapter 1 Outline\n Introduction\n Defining Health\n Drugs and their Effects\n Drug Damage\n Drug Effectiveness\n Drug Preparation\n Hospital Procedures and their Effects\n Iatrogenic (Doctor-Caused) Disease and Preventable Deaths\n Drug Iatrogenesis\n Hospital Infections\n Deaths from Surgeries and Tests\n Combined Statistics\n The Folly of Vaccines\n Improved Sanitation Fosters Health\n Changing the Name of the \rDisease Skews Statistics\n Recipe Includes \rDangerous Chemicals\n Bodily Waste Touted a\rs Beneficial\n Injections Disable the System\n Altered Viruses Cause Disease\n Alternatives to Vaccines\n Facts and Fallacies About Clinical Trials\n A Human is Not a Lab Rat\n A Human is Not a Test Tube\n How is the Drug Administered?\n How Much of the Drug is Administered?\n How Many Subjects are Tested?\n For How Long are Subjects Tested?\n The Population Tested Does Not Necessarily Represent Who Will Be Taking the Drug\n What If There’s More Than \rOne Drug in the Mix?\n Is a Placebo Really Inert?\n Don’t Underestimate the Effects of Water\n The Paradox of Double-Blind Studies\n Are Clinical Trials for Drugs Registered with the Government?\n No Clinical Trials, but a Drug \ris Marketed Anyway\n Summary\n How Drugs are Approved\n The Pharmaceutical Industry Marriage to Other Government Agencies and Officials\n The Pharmaceutical Industry Merger with Universities and Other Research Institutions\n Bribes and Gifts to Doctors\n Some Tales of Approval\n rBGH\n Aspartame\n How Drugs are Marketed and Publicized\n Corporate-Owned Media\n The Fallacy of Peer-Reviewed Articles\n Industry Ties to Medical Journals\n Industry-Sponsored and Ghostwrit ten \rArticles in Medical Journals\n No Funding for Non-Drug Studies\n Publicity Does Not Mean Quality\n Doping Our Children\n Effects of Psychotropic Drugs\n Waking Up\n Information Cover-up\n Parental Action\n The Consequences of Addiction\n Electronic Media as a Drug\n Doping the Rest of Us, or Drugs Where We Don\'t Want Them\n Antibiotics in Our Food\n Drugs in Our Drinking Water\n Fighting Big Pharma\n Conflict-of-Interest Lawsuits\n The Case Against Paxil®\n The Case Against Vioxx®\n The Case Against Lipitor® andOther Statin Drugs\n The FDA’s Defense\n Big Pharma\'s Campaign Against Nutritional Supplements\n A Holistic, Functional Approach to Health\n Substitution vs. Support\n All Parts Are Connected\n A Holistic Approach to Life\n Chapter 1 Endnotes\n 2 The History of Pleomorphism and the Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife\n Chapter 2 Outline\n Introduction\n Life Cycles of a Microbe: \rBéchamp versus Pasteur\n Contributors to Disease\n Nutritional Deficiencies\n Sleep Deficit\n Oxygen Insufficiency\n Chemical Toxicity\n Electromagnetic Toxicity\n Injury\n pH Imbalance\n Proliferating Pathogens\n Toxic Bodily Responses\n Emotional States and Belief Systems\n Healing the Terrain\n Béchamp’s Scientific Progeny\n Rudolf Virchow\n Florence Nightingale\n Guenther Enderlein\n Bruno Haefeli\n Wilhelm Reich\n Edward Rosenow\n Royal Raymond Rife\n A Renaissance Man\n The Universal Microscope\n The Rife Ray\n Case Studies\n The Persecution of Rife\n John Crane, John Marsh, and the Next Generation of Frequency Devices\n The Modern Pleomorphism Era\n Virginia Livingston-Wheeler\n Eleanor Alexander-Jackson\n Irene Corey Diller\n Florence Seibert\n Lida Mattman\n Gaston Naessens\n Kurt Olbrich and Bernhard Muschlien\n Implications for Healing\n Endnotes\n 3 Complementary Therapies\n Chapter 3 Outline\n Introduction\n Water\n Water’s Unique Properties\n Water Sources\n The Importance of Decontamination\n The Relationship of Minerals to Water\n Heavy Metals\n Unabsorbed Minerals\n Electrolytes: Minerals with a Charge\n Filtering\n Water Electrolysis (Ionization)\n Distillation\n Restoring the Water\n How Much and How Often?\n Summary\n Popular Beverages and “Health” Drinks\n Not for the Sick, and Unwise for the Healthy\n Coffee\n Soda\n In Moderate Amounts\n Black and Green Tea\n High-Sugar Vegetable and Fruit Juices\n Restorative\n Vegetable Juices and Green Drinks\n Herbal “Teas” and Similar Drinks\n Vitamin C Powders\n Summary\n Food\n One Size Does Not Fit All\n Ethnicity and Geographical Ancestry\n Biochemistry and Metabolism\n Current Needs and Health Condition\n Buildup, Breakdown or Maintenance\n Balance of Nutrients\n Time of Day\n Atmosphere\n Attitude\n In Brief\n How We Raise Our Food\n Factory Farmed\n Birds\n Foie gras from ducks or geese\n Eggs\n Pigs\n Cattle\n Milk Fed\n Farm Raised\n Genetically Engineered (GE)\n Irradiated\n Cloned\n Organic\n Wildcrafted or Wild\n Heirloom or Open Pollinated\n Unsprayed\n Local\n Free Range\n Cage Free\n All Natural\n Naturally Raised\n Grass Fed\n Vegetarian Fed or Grain Fed\n Pastured Poultry\n Animal Compassionate or Humanely Raised\n Sustainable\n High Brix\n Staples\n Red Meat\n Poultry\n Eggs\n Fish and Seafood\n Dairy\n Vegetables\n Fruits\n Legumes\n Seeds and Nuts\n Fats and Oils\n Grains\n Sweeteners, Synthetic Chemicals,and Synthesized “Foods”\n Natural, Refined, and Artificial Sweeteners\n Sucrose (Table Sugar, White Sugar)\n Molasses\n Dehydrated Sugar Cane Juice\n Maple Syrup\n Date Sugar\n Honey\n Fructose\n High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)\n Agave Syrup\n Xylitol and Other Sugar Alcohols\n Aspartame\n Sucralose\n Stevia\n Preservatives, Dyes, Fragrances and Flavorings\n Fabricated Fats\n Food Conditioners\n “Recreational” Drugs\n The Discoveries of Weston A. Price\n Selected Food Preparation Methods\n Frying\n Raw\n Fermentation\n Canned Foods\n Microwave Ovens\n Cookware\n A Final Word\n Herbs\n Selected Nutritional Supplements\n Why We Need Supplements\n Food-Based versus Synthetic Supplements\n Minerals\n Enzymes\n Summary\n Oxygen Therapies\n Hydrogen Peroxide\n Ozone\n History of Ozone\n Dispelling Negative Myths about Ozone\n How Ozone Works\n Ozonated Drinking Water\n Ozone Insufflation\n Ozone Funneling and Limb Bagging\n Injectable Ozone\n Breathing Ozone Through Oils\n Ozonated Olive Oil Salve\n Oxygen Supplements\n Ozone for Purifying Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs\n Ozone Generators\n Ozone Saunas\n Summary\n Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)\n Colloidal Silver\n History of Colloidal Silver\n Disabling Microbes\n Enhancing Immunity\n Normalizing Cancerous Tissue\n Contraindications\n Making Colloidal Silver, and Particle Size\n Argyria and CS Toxicity Propaganda\n Colloidal Silver Generators for Home Use\n Storing Colloidal Silver\n Therapeutic Applications and Amounts\n Internal Use\n Inhalation Therapy\n External Use\n Summary\n Colon Cleansing\n Exercise\n Benefits of Exercise\n Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise\n Exercise and the Lymphatic System\n Exercise and Anti-Inflammatory Effects\n Exercise and Anti-Aging\n When and How Much\n Bodywork\n The Physiological and Emotional \rImplications of Touch\n Massage\n Myofascial Release\n Oriental Energy Modalities\n Acupuncture\n Qigong\n CranioSacral Therapy\n Chiropractic\n Rubenfeld Synergy\n Do It Yourself: Skin Brushing\n Summary\n Light and Color\n Our Therapeutic Sun\n Ultraviolet Wavelengths\n Infrared Wavelengths\n The Pineal Gland and Light\n Light Therapy for SAD\n Single-Color Light Therapy\n Dinshah’s Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy\n Summary\n Sauna Therapy\n Sleep, Rest and Meditation\n Sleep\n Effects of Sleep Deprivation\n Darkness and Sleep\n Sleep-Inducing Food and Supplements\n A Proper Mattress\n Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT)\n Rest\n Meditation\n Endnotes\n 4 All About Frequency Devices and Rife Sessions\n Chapter 4 Outline\n Introduction: How to Use This Chapter\n Special Precautions for Using\rthis Equipment\n If You Have a Heart Condition, But Are Not Wearing a Pacemaker\n Electrode (Pad) Unit\n Radiant Plasma Light Unit\n If You are Wearing a Pacemaker for Your Heart Condition\n Electrode (Pad) Unit\n Radiant Plasma Light Unit with Radio Frequency (RF)\n Radiant Plasma Light Unit withoutRadio Frequency (RF)\n If You Are Pregnant\n Electrode (Pad) Unit\n Radiant Plasma Light Unit with Radio Frequency (RF)\n Radiant Plasma Light Unit without Radio Frequency (RF)\n If You Are Nursing\n If You Have Blood Clots\n If You are Taking Pharmaceuticals or Herbs\n If You are Wearing Metal Implants, Stents, or Breast Implants\n Metal Implants\n Stents\n Breast Implants\n If You Are Especially Sensitive to High Levels of Concentrated Electromagnetic Radiation\n If You Cannot Adequately Eliminate the Toxic Waste Materials Released by the Rife Sessions\n If You Want to Give Sessions toan Infant or Small Child\n If You Want to Give Sessions to a \rPet, Farm Animal, or Zoo Animal\n Types of Frequency Devices\n Optimal Features of All Units\n Reliable Frequencies\n Signal Acceptance by the Body\n Programmable Duration\n Memory\n Sweep Function\n Basic Unit Construction\n Freestanding Radiant Plasma Light Unit\n History\n Frequency Emitting Component (Tube)\n Power and Frequency Emission Range\n How the Unit is Used\n Advantages of This Method\n Disadvantages of This Method\n Hand-Held Radiant Plasma Light Unit\n History\n Frequency Emitting Component (Tube)\n Power and Frequency Emission Range\n How the Unit is Used\n Advantages of This Method\n Disadvantages of This Method\n Electrode (Pad) Unit\n History\n Frequency Emitting Component (Electrodes)\n Power and Frequency Emission Range\n How the Unit is Used\n Advantages of This Method\n Disadvantages of This Method\n Lasers and LEDs\n General Sweep Unit\n Frequencies on CDs and DVDs\n Combination Unit\n Summary\n What to Look For in a Frequency Device Manufacturer\n Accessibility\n Customer Service and Technical Support\n Warranty\n Money Back Guarantee\n Repair Record\n Ease of Shipping the Unit\n Fair Price\n Frequently Asked Questions\n Frequency Devices and Manufacturers\n Hand Built EMEM Devices from Experienced Engineers\n Frequency Device from Resonant Light Technology Inc.\n Frequency Devices from Whitman Technology\n Frequency Devices from Pulsed Technologies\n Frequency Devices from Health Balances\n Frequency Devices from AAA Productions\n Laser from LED Healing Light Inc.\n LEDs from Light Energy Inc.\n LEDs from Good Energy Products\n Frequency Device from Senergy Medical Group\n The Ergonom Microscope from Grayfield Optical Inc.\n Rife Sessions—General Questions Pertinent to All Machines\n Frequency Selection and Microbe Response\n Specific Health Conditions\n Endnotes\n 5 Frequency Directory\n Chapter 5 Outline\n Getting Started\n The Categories\n Explanatory text in each entry\n Different frequency possibilities\n What the numbers and symbols mean\n Length of time for each frequenc\ry\n Thinking Holistically\n Outline of all Categories\n A\n B\n C\n D\n E\n F\n G\n H\n I\n J K L\n M\n N\n O\n P\n Q R\n S\n T\n U\n V\n W\n Y\n Z\n Endnotes\n 6 Creating a Better World, Inside and Out\n Chapter 6 Outline\n Introduction\n The Personal\n The Trauma of Illnessand Death\n The Five Stages of Dying\n Denial and Isolation\n Anger\n Bargaining\n Depression\n Acceptance\n The Need to Let Go\n Doctor Support, or Lack of It\n The Political\n A Privileged Few Control the World’s Wealth\n When Corporations Become Government\n Legal Theft\n Criminal Commerce\n Waking Up\n Dominator (Dominant) Paradigm Tactics\n The Transcendent\n Beyond the Dominator (Dominant) Paradigm\n Research Outside the Box\n The Interconnection of Quantum Particles\n The Human as Hologram\n The Power of Prayer\n The Power of Long Distance Healing\n The Power of Group Intention\n Healing with the Heart\n Changing the Structure of Water\n Changing Our DNA\n Love Is a Resonance\n Self-Empowerment Is Spiritual Maturity\n Endnotes\n Appendixes\n Appendix A - Resources\n Air Purification\n Body-Mind Therapies\n Cancer Treatments\n Colloidal Silver Generators\n Color Therapy\n ElectroMedicine Modalities and Devices\n Energetic Technology and Therapy Organizations\n Food Safety and Natural Diets\n Holistic / Complementary Health, Medicine and Dentistry: Practitioner and Educational Organizations\n Hospice\n Microscopes\n Nutritional Supplements\n Ozone\n Personal Care and Household Cleaning Products\n Political Action and Social Change\n Rife-Related\n Books and DVDs\n Frequency Devices\n Frequency Databases\n Internet Support Groups\n Miscellaneous\n Websites\n Saunas\n Vaccination Resource Organizations\n Appendix B - Legal Implications of Rife Sessions\n Appendix C - Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies\n Introduction\n Electromedicine Throughout \rHistory\n The ElectroMagnetic Spectrum and Sound\n EM Spectrum Defined by Its Particles and their Effects\n Frequency, Wavelength, and Amplitude\n Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields\n Sound\n Different Shapes of Waves\n Symmetry and Asymmetry: The \rLanguage of Math and Music\n Pulsed Magnetic Fields\n The Electromagnetic Body\n Energy in Living Systems\n Harmful Effects of EM Radiation and EM Fields\n Healing Effects of EM Radiation and EM Fields\n EM Radiation: Rife Frequency \rTherapy\n Electrical Current\n Frequency Specific Microcurrent\n The Tennant Biomodulator®\n Oscillating Magnetic Fields: Dr. Henry Lai’s Malaria Treatment\n Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: The Ondamed®\n Monochromatic Visible Light: Laser and LED\n Far Infrared Heat Therapy\n Sound\n Summary\n Endnotes\n Appendix D - Selected Published Studies in Electromedicine\n Appendix E - Rife Research in the United States\n References\n Index\n #, A\n B\n C\n D\n E\n F\n G, H\n I\n J, K, L\n M\n N\n O, P\n Q, R\n S\n T\n U, V\n W, X, Y, Z\n About The Author\n The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy