توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
اکنون در چاپ دوم، این کتاب نگاهی تازه و کاوشگر به یکی از بزرگترین تراژدی های بشری در تاریخ مدرن دارد. دیوید ام. کرو با مروری دقیق بر تاریخ یهودیان و مبارزه دو هزار ساله آنها با تعصبات و تبعیض ضد یهودی و ضد یهود که زمینه را برای هولوکاست فراهم کرد، سپس تحولات سیاست های نژادی نازی ها را مورد بحث قرار می دهد. دهه های 1920 و 1930 و نقش آنها در توسعه راه حل نهایی هیتلر در سال 1941 - کشتار دسته جمعی یهودیان در سراسر اروپای اشغال شده توسط نازی ها. برنامه آلمان نه تنها شامل ایجاد اردوگاه های مرگ مانند آشویتس و تربلینکا، بلکه مکان های کشتار جمعی در سراسر اروپای شرقی و اتحاد جماهیر شوروی بود. در حالی که یهودیان قربانیان اصلی بودند، گروههای دیگری که تهدیدهای نژادی یا بیولوژیکی برای هدف هیتلر برای ایجاد اروپای خالص آریایی تلقی میشدند نیز مورد هدف قرار گرفتند، از جمله رومها و معلولان. این کتاب به سیاستهای نازیها در هر کشور در اروپای تحت اشغال آلمان و همچنین نقش بیطرفان اروپا در طرحهای بزرگتر آلمان میپردازد. همچنین نگاهی عمیق به آزادی، آوارگان، تأسیس اسرائیل، و تلاشها در سراسر جهان غرب برای محاکمه جنایتکاران جنگی نازیها و همکارانشان دارد. این ویرایش دوم شامل فصل جدیدی در مورد اهمیت حافظه و هولوکاست، سیر تحول مطالعات و رسانه های تفسیری هولوکاست، بحث های اخیر درباره مسئولیت ملی، و کار موزه ها، آرشیوها و کتابخانه های هولوکاست در اسرائیل، اروپا و ایالات متحده است. برای ترویج آموزش و حافظه هولوکاست. این کتاب با ظهور نئونازیسم، ناسیونالیسم سفیدپوست و سایر جنبشها در آلمان و ایالات متحده، و ارتباط آنها با پرسشهایی درباره حافظه هولوکاست و درسهای آن به پایان میرسد. جامع و ارائه یک چشم انداز طولانی، این منبع عالی برای دانش آموزانی است که به دنبال درک عمیق این فاجعه هستند.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Preface to the Second Edition
Sources for Further Study and Research
1. Jewish History: Ancient Beginnings and the Evolution of Christian Anti-Judaic Prejudice Through the Reformation
Jewish Beginnings
Exile and New Traditions of Faith
The Jews, Hellenism, and the Maccabean (Hasmonean) Rebellion
Hasmonean Israel and Rome
Roots of Anti-Jewish Sentiment: The Jewish-Greek Conflict
Judaism, Jews, and the Coming of Christianity
The Jewish War and the Great Revolt (66–70 c.e.)
Judaism, Christianity, and the Bar Kochba Rebellion
Constantine, Christianity, and the Jews
Jews in the Last Century of the Western Roman Empire
Jews in Early Medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire
The Crusades and the Jews of the Mediterranean World
Pope Innocent III and the Jews
Medieval Usury: Christians and Jews
The Myth of Ritual Murder
The Deadly Centuries: The Jews at the End of the Middle Ages
The Expulsion of the Jews from Western Europe
The Black Death
The Final Humiliation: Expulsion from Spain and Portugal
The Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Luther and the Jews
Zwingli, Calvin, and the Jews
The Roman Catholic Church, the Jews, and the Counter Reformation
Sources for Further Study and Research
2. Jews, the Enlightenment, Emancipation, and the Rise of Racial Anti-Semitism Through the Early Twentieth Century
The Jews in Post-Reformation Europe
The Enlightenment
The French Revolutions of 1789–1799, Napoleon I, and the Jews
The Jews in Post-Napoleonic Europe
The Intellectual and Nationalistic Origins of Anti-Semitism in the Nineteenth Century
Political Anti-Semitism in Germany, Austria, France, and Russia Prior to World War I
French Anti-Semitism and the Dreyfus Affair
The Jews of Poland and Lithuania
The Jews in Postpartition Russia
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Sources for Further Study and Research
3. The World of Adolf Hitler, 1889–1933: War, Politics,
and Anti-Semitism
Adolf Hitler: Family Roots and Questions of Jewish Ancestry
Hitler’s Early Life
Hitler’s Vienna Years
Hitler, Munich, and German Anti-Semitism
Hitler and World War I
Hitler, Versailles, and the Early Weimar Republic
Hitler, the Early Nazi Party, and Anti-Semitism
Sources for Further Study and Research
4. The Nazis in Power, 1933–1939: Eugenics, Race, and Biology; Jews, the Handicapped, and the Roma
Germany’s Interwar Jewish Community
The Nazification of Germany and the “Jewish Question”: 1933–1935
The Nuremberg Laws
The Nazi Aryan Olympics (1936)
Aryanization and the Road to Kristallnacht
The Early Campaign of Forced Sterilization
Euthanasia: Theory and Nazi Practice
The Roma (Gypsies)
Homosexuals, or Gays
Sources for Further Study and Research
5. Nazi Germany at War, 1939–1941: “Euthanasia” and the Handicapped; Ghettos and Jews
Children’s “Euthanasia” Program
Adult “Euthanasia” Program
The Road to War and the German Invasion of Poland
Racial War in Poland: Polish Christians
The Creation of the General Government: Nazi Germany’s “Racial Laboratory”
The Jews in Interwar Poland
The War Against the Jews in Poland
The Physical and Economic Exploitation of the Jews in the General Government
The Nisko Plan, the Lublin Reservation, and Madagascar
The Madagascar Plan
The Creation of the Ghettos in German-Occupied Poland
Łodź (Litzmannstadt): Jews and Roma
Kraków (Cracow)
Rule, Life, and Work in the Kraków Ghetto
Forced Labor and Food
Sources for Further Study and Research
6. The Invasion of the Soviet Union and the Path to the “Final Solution”
Jews in Soviet-Conquered Territory
Zwartendijk and Sugihara: Righteous Gentiles in Vilnius
Operation Barbarossa and Plans for Mass Murder
The Einsatzgruppen
The Wehrmacht
The German Invasion of the Soviet Union
Early German Killing Operations in the Soviet Union
Collaboration in Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine
Hungarian and Romanian Collaboration
The Roma and the Handicapped
The Roma
The Handicapped
Sources for Further Study and Research
7. The “Final Solution,” 1941–1944: Death Camps and Experiments with Mass Murder
Planning for the Final Solution
The Transfers from the Greater Reich
Experiments with the Machinery of Death
The Wannsee Conference
The Final Solution
The Aktion Reinhard Death Camps: Bełżec, Sobibór, and Treblinka
The Sobibór Uprising and the “Erntefest” Massacres
The Treblinka Uprising
The Factory of Death: Auschwitz II-Birkenau
The Gypsy Family Camp
Medical Experiments in Auschwitz I and II
Auschwitz III-Buna/Monowitz
Resistance in Auschwitz
Liquidation of the Major Ghettos
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: April 19–May 16, 1943
Sources for Further Study and Research
8. The Final Solution in Western Europe and the Nazi Allied States
The Holocaust in Western Europe
Belgium and Luxembourg
The Netherlands
The Nazi-Allied States
Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia and Slovakia
The Roma in the Protectorate
The Roma
The Roma
Yugoslavia (Croatia and Serbia)
The NDH (Croatia)
Sources for Further Study and Research
9. The Holocaust and the Role of Europe’s Neutrals: Then and Now
Europe’s Neutrals
The Vatican
Sources for Further Study and Research
10. Liberation, DPs, and the Search for Justice: War Crimes Investigations and Trials in Europe, the United States, and Israel
Liberation of the Camps
Displaced Persons: Jews and Roma
The Jews
The Roma
The Trials of the Major War Criminals
The International Military Tribunal
International Military Tribunal Nuremberg Trial
Allied Nuremberg Trials
War Crimes Trials in the British Zone
The Federal Republic of Germany
War Crimes Investigations and Trials in Western Europe
German Democratic Republic
War Crimes Trials in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union
Sources for Further Study and Research
11. Historiography, Memorialization, and Lessons ‘Unlearned’
The Pain and Stress of Memory
Commemoration, Education, Research, and Documentation
United States
German Democratic Republic
Federal Republic of Germany since 1990
The Past as Prologue?
Sources for Further Study and Research
Appendix A—Estimates of Jewish Deaths During the Holocaust
Appendix B—Estimates of Roma Deaths During the Holocaust
Appendix C—Yad Vashem: Righteous Among the Nations
Appendix D—SS Ranks (Based on US Army Equivalents)
Appendix E—German Army Ranks (Based on US Army Equivalents)
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Now in its second edition, this book takes a fresh, probing look at one of the greatest human tragedies in modern history. Beginning with a detailed overview of the history of the Jews and their two-millennia struggle with the anti-Judaic and anti-Semitic prejudice and discrimination that set the stage for the Holocaust, David M. Crowe then discusses the evolution of Nazi racial policies in the 1920s and 1930s and their role in the development of Hitler's Final Solution of 1941 - the mass murder of Jews throughout Nazi-occupied Europe. The German program involved the creation of not only death camps like Auschwitz and Treblinka, but also mass murder sites throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. While the Jews were the principal victims, other groups who were deemed racial or biological threats to Hitler's goal of creating an Aryan-pure Europe were also targeted, including the Roma and the handicapped. This book discusses Nazi policies in each country in German-occupied Europe as well as the role of Europe's neutrals in the larger German scheme-of-things. It also takes an in-depth look at liberation, Displaced Persons, the founding of Israel, and efforts throughout the western world to bring Nazi war criminals and their collaborators to justice. This second edition includes a new chapter on the importance of memory and the Holocaust, the evolution of interpretative Holocaust scholarship and media, recent controversies about national responsibility, and the work of Holocaust museums, archives, and libraries in Israel, Europe, and the U.S. to promote Holocaust education and memory. It concludes with the rise of Neo-Nazism, white nationalism, and other movements in Germany and the US, and their relationship to questions about Holocaust memory and its lessons. Comprehensive and offering a long perspective, this is the perfect resource for students looking to gain a deep understanding of this tragedy.