توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
برای رقابت موثر در بازارهای کسب و کار دیجیتال، باید بدانید که قانون چگونه بر تجارت فناوری دیجیتال شما تأثیر می گذارد.
محتویات شامل راهنمایی های حقوقی و تجاری ساده انگلیسی در موارد زیر است:
* مالکیت معنوی برای تجارت دیجیتال
* اصول قرارداد دیجیتال
* متن باز
* توسعه و مشاوره
* نرم افزار به عنوان یک سرویس
* صدور مجوز و توزیع نرم افزار
* قراردادهای وب و اینترنت
* حریم خصوصی
* محتوای چند رسانه ای دیجیتال و توزیع
* استانداردهای فناوری اطلاعات
* معاملات فناوری وب و موبایل و محتوا
* معاملات بازی های ویدیویی
* توزیع بین المللی
* مدیریت امور حقوقی
* ضمیمه فرم ها در کتاب و دانلود آنلاین 38 فرم نمونه برای معاملات و معاملات و برای وب
محتوا از اصول اولیه تا موضوعات پیشرفته مانند خارج کردن، ضد دور زدن، مدلهای کسبوکار منبع باز، محتوای ایجاد شده توسط کاربر، مهندسی معکوس، توزیع رسانههای موبایل، توسعه وب و بازی، ترکیببندی، ابزارکهای وب و بهطور انبوه میرود. بازی های چند نفره
این کتاب برای توانمندسازی شما طراحی شده است تا:
* تعامل بین قانون، پول و فناوری را درک کنید
* مجموعه ای از دارایی های IP را بدست آورید و از آن بهره برداری کنید
* ایجاد و تقویت روابط مثبت با سایر شرکت ها
* از فن آوری های خود استفاده کنید
* ریسک ها را در بازارهایی با عدم قطعیت های فراوان مدیریت کنید
* معاملات بهتر انجام دهید و معاملات را سریعتر ببندید
* در مسائل حقوقی با قاطعیت و اطمینان بیشتری عمل کنید
این کتاب شما را در مورد تشخیص مسائل، درک ریسک، تفکر استراتژیک، تعیین اولویت ها و استفاده موثر و کارآمد از خدمات حقوقی بسیار باهوش تر می کند. این جامع ترین کتاب غیرحرفه ای در این زمینه است.
ویژگی های کلیدی:
* یک همراه قانونی \"نیاز به دانستن\" برای کسانی که در بازارهای تجارت دیجیتال در ایالات متحده و سراسر جهان رقابت می کنند
* به رابطه بین مسائل حقوقی و استراتژی ها، نیازها و اهداف تجاری اشاره می کند
* بر اساس 15 سال فعالیت حقوقی در کلیه جنبه های حقوق دیجیتال، فناوری اطلاعات، نرم افزار و کامپیوتر
فهرست مطالب :
cover.jpg......Page 1
Dedication Page......Page 2
Acknowledgment by Gene Landy......Page 3
A Note from the Authors......Page 5
About the Authors......Page 6
Services of the Technology Business Group......Page 8
Downloading Forms......Page 12
Use of Forms......Page 13
Who is this Book For?......Page 14
Organization of this Book......Page 15
Approach of this Book......Page 16
Doing Deals......Page 17
Focusing on Your End Game from the Beginning......Page 18
Using the Legal Forms......Page 19
Limits to the Contents of this Book......Page 20
Legal Counsel......Page 21
Some History......Page 22
The Nature of a Copyright......Page 23
What Is Covered by US Copyright Law?......Page 24
Copyright and Musical Works......Page 25
How to Get a Copyright......Page 26
Copyright vs. Trademark......Page 27
Public Domain......Page 28
Notice......Page 29
Infringement......Page 30
Derivative Works......Page 31
Works Made for Hire......Page 32
Note on the Right to Revoke Copyright Grants and Transfer after 35 Years......Page 33
California Law Issue Involving Work Made for Hire Clauses......Page 34
Fair Use......Page 35
Factor One: What Is the Character of the Use?......Page 36
Applying the Factors......Page 37
Fair Use and Personal Copying......Page 38
The First Sale Rule......Page 39
Thin Copyright Protection for Computer Databases......Page 40
Copy Protection Technology and Anticircumvention Law......Page 41
Anticircumvention Law Concepts......Page 42
Absence of Defenses......Page 43
Registering Your Copyright......Page 44
Advantages of Copyright Registration......Page 45
Filing for Timely Copyright Registration......Page 46
Recording Assignments and Exclusive Licenses......Page 47
More on Copyright Law......Page 48
Conclusion......Page 49
In this Chapter......Page 50
Example......Page 51
Framing......Page 52
Linking and Peer-to-Peer Copying......Page 53
Why Were These Rules Enacted?......Page 54
What Activities Are Protected?......Page 55
No Direct Financial Benefit from Infringement......Page 56
Appointing an Agent and Posting a Policy......Page 57
Put-Back Provisions......Page 58
Some Notes and Take-Aways......Page 59
Topic Two: Copyright and Software Protection......Page 60
Piracy......Page 61
Pieces of Software Programs......Page 62
No Protection for Use of Interfaces and File Formats Needed for Compatibility......Page 63
Copyright Law and the User Interface......Page 64
Lotus vs. Borland......Page 65
Analysis of Similarity of External Characteristics......Page 66
Clean Rooms: Duplicating Without Copying......Page 67
First Question: Is Some Reverse Engineering Fair Use?......Page 68
Reverse Engineering and Anticircumvention Law......Page 69
Copyright Treaties......Page 70
WIPO Copyright Treaty......Page 71
About “Moral Rights” and Copyright......Page 72
Caution about Law in Other Nations......Page 73
In this Chapter......Page 74
What is a Trademark?......Page 75
Trademark Goals......Page 76
Company Names vs. Trademarks......Page 77
Two Kinds of Distinctiveness......Page 78
Strong and Weak Marks......Page 79
Rules of Proper Trademark Use......Page 80
Confusingly Similar Marks......Page 81
Deciding When Two Marks Are Confusingly Similar......Page 82
Priority from First and Continuous Use......Page 83
Priority from Federal Registration after Use......Page 84
Getting Searches Done......Page 85
Limitations of a Trademark Search......Page 86
Prescreening Potential New Trademarks......Page 87
Principal Register......Page 88
Supplemental Register......Page 89
Word Trademarks and Logo Trademarks......Page 90
Trademark Registration Process......Page 91
Keeping Your Federal Registration In Effect......Page 92
Do-It-Yourself Registration of US Trademarks......Page 93
Trademark Notices......Page 94
Vigilant Defense of Your Trademark to Prevent Dilution......Page 95
Legal Protection of Famous Trademarks......Page 96
Taking Trademarks Global......Page 97
Madrid Protocol......Page 98
Trademark Guidelines......Page 100
Co-branding......Page 101
Branded Components......Page 102
Trademark Licensing......Page 103
Meta-tags......Page 104
Domains and Brand Identity......Page 105
Cybersquatters and Remedies......Page 106
Trademark Infringement Litigation......Page 107
Proof of Infringement......Page 108
Infringement Remedies for Federally Registered Trademark......Page 109
Conclusion......Page 110
In this Chapter......Page 111
The Power and Use of Patents......Page 112
Nature of United States Patents......Page 113
Legal Standard for Patents......Page 114
The Importance of the Claims in the Patent......Page 115
The Relationship of Claims and Infringement......Page 116
Apparatus Claims, Method, and Article-of-Manufacturing Claims......Page 117
Patents and Disclosure......Page 118
Types of Infringement......Page 119
About Prior Art......Page 120
Searching in Patent Databases......Page 121
Patents on Software Generally......Page 122
Business Method Patents......Page 123
Doubts about Some Business Method and Software Patents......Page 124
Patent Lawyers and Patent Agents......Page 125
Patent Priority and Documenting Inventions......Page 126
Don't Delay Filing that Patent Application!......Page 127
The Patent Issuance Process......Page 128
Foreign Patent Applications and PCT Applications......Page 129
The European Patent System......Page 130
The Patent Cooperation Treaty......Page 131
Differing Patent Systems......Page 132
Inventing and Patent Strategically......Page 133
Blocking Competitors......Page 134
Deciding to Patent a Particular Invention......Page 135
Getting Serious about Patents......Page 136
Patents in Business Deals......Page 137
Why Engage in Patent Licensing?......Page 138
Covering Contingencies......Page 139
How Patents Can Be Used Against Your Business......Page 141
Who Is at Risk of Patent Claims?......Page 142
If You Receive a Cease-and-Desist Letter from a Patent Holder......Page 143
Patent Infringement Lawsuits......Page 144
Criticism of the Current US Patent Critique and Proposed “Patent Reform”......Page 145
More Information......Page 147
In this Chapter......Page 148
Basis of Trade Secret Law......Page 149
Trade Secret Law vs. Contractual Protection of Confidential Information......Page 150
Source Code as a Trade Secret......Page 151
Confidential Information from Third Parties......Page 152
Patents vs. Trade Secrets......Page 153
Care and Protection of Trade Secrets......Page 154
Controls on Access to Confidential Data......Page 155
Entry Control and Badges......Page 156
Confidentiality Legends on Documents, Code, and Other Data......Page 157
Agreements with Third Parties to Protect Confidentiality......Page 158
New Employee Orientation......Page 159
Exit Process......Page 160
Mutual or Unilateral NDAs......Page 161
What Written Information Is “Confi dential Information”?......Page 162
What Oral or Visual Information Is "Confidential Information"?......Page 163
Prohibition of Disclosure......Page 164
When Does Protection Time-Out?......Page 165
Two-Stage Disclosure......Page 166
Watch Out for "Residuals" Clauses......Page 167
Disclosure Agreements that Are the Opposite of NDAs......Page 168
Violations of Trade Secret Law......Page 169
What Is not Illegal under Trade Secret Law?......Page 170
Dealing with Violations of Trade Secrets......Page 171
Remedies Short of Litigation......Page 172
Is Taking Trade Secrets a Crime?......Page 173
Use of Counsel in Managing Trade Secrets......Page 174
In this Chapter......Page 175
A Note on Terminology......Page 176
Confidentiality Provisions......Page 177
Definition of “Confidential Information"......Page 178
Provisions in Aid of Enforcement......Page 179
Capturing Intellectual Property Rights......Page 180
Special Rule for California and Certain Other States......Page 182
Documents and Records......Page 183
State with Limitations on Restrictive Covenants......Page 184
About Consideration......Page 185
The Nature of the Employment......Page 186
Reasonable Scope and Duration......Page 187
The “Blue Pencil”......Page 188
The Preliminary Injunction......Page 189
Obtaining Assurance of the Absence of Conflicting Prior Agreements......Page 190
Introduction to Digital Product and Service Contracts......Page 192
In this Chapter......Page 193
First Topic: Contract Concepts......Page 194
Contracts Are Binding and Enforceable......Page 195
Trust but Verify......Page 196
LOI and MOUs......Page 197
The Myth of the Two-Page Contract......Page 198
Form Agreements for Your Business......Page 199
First: the Core Economic Bargain......Page 200
Third: the Contingencies (Risk Allocation)......Page 201
Some Limits to this Conceptual Framework......Page 202
About UCITA......Page 203
The Promised Performance......Page 204
The Acceptance Clause......Page 205
The License Grant......Page 206
Contingencies......Page 207
Pricing and Payment......Page 209
“Most Favored Pricing” Clauses......Page 210
The General Rule......Page 211
Additional Considerations......Page 212
Abuses of Revenue Recognition......Page 213
Warranties......Page 214
Some Tips about Warranties......Page 215
“No Open Source” Warranties......Page 216
Disclaiming Implied Warranties......Page 217
Confidentiality Clauses......Page 218
Risk Allocation: Remedies, Limitations, and Damage Caps......Page 220
Categories of Contract Damages......Page 221
Consequential Damages......Page 222
Contractual Damage Limitations......Page 223
Mutual Damage Limitations Provisions......Page 224
Mutual Damage Caps and Carve-Outs......Page 225
Indemnification Clauses......Page 226
The Details of Indemnification......Page 227
Indemnification by Licensees......Page 229
Procedure for Indemnification......Page 230
Term, Termination, and Survival......Page 231
Dispute Resolution......Page 232
Arbitration......Page 233
The Injunctive Relief Clause......Page 234
Choice of Law......Page 235
Choice of Jurisdiction......Page 236
Change of Control......Page 237
Third Topic: Contract Negotiations......Page 239
Get the Background Information You Need......Page 240
Try to Start with Your Own Form......Page 241
Develop Justifications for Your Positions......Page 242
Make Trades Rather than Concessions......Page 243
Knowing When to Say "No" and When to Say "Yes"......Page 244
The Role of Legal Counsel......Page 245
In this Chapter......Page 246
The Popularity of Open Source Software......Page 247
Proprietary Source Code in Software Business......Page 248
Origins of Open Source......Page 249
The Open Source Model of Licensing......Page 250
Perceived Advantages......Page 251
Open Source Licenses......Page 252
BSD License......Page 253
GPL Version 2......Page 254
Being Copyleft......Page 255
Incompatible and Compatible......Page 258
Anti-Microsoft-Novell......Page 259
The Lesser General Public License or LGPL......Page 260
Which Open Source License Form Should a Developer Use?......Page 261
SCO Litigation......Page 262
Patent Risks......Page 263
Open Source and Implied Patents License Grants......Page 264
Open Source Software and Due Diligence in Company Sales or Investment Deals......Page 265
Making Money with Open Source Programs Generally......Page 266
How Copyleft Programs Can Be Made Quasi-Private......Page 267
Dual Licensing......Page 268
Conclusion......Page 269
In This Chapter......Page 270
Development Deals......Page 271
Why Outside Development?......Page 272
Scale of Development Deals and the Development Forms......Page 273
Development Can Be a Risky Business......Page 274
Process Overview......Page 276
Elements of an RFP-From the Customer's Point of View......Page 278
Responding to RFPs-From the Developer's Point of View......Page 280
The Agreement......Page 281
Structure of a Development Agreement......Page 282
Development Planning......Page 283
Requirements for Providing the Deliverables......Page 284
Oversight and Management......Page 285
"Detailed Design"......Page 286
Dealing with Informal Specifications......Page 287
Personnel Assigned to Development......Page 288
Acceptance Procedures......Page 289
Milestone-Based......Page 290
Time and Materials......Page 291
The Right Schedule......Page 292
The Intellectual Property at Stake......Page 293
Trade Secrets......Page 294
Goals in Negotiating Intellectual Property Clauses......Page 295
Developer Owns/License Grant Clause......Page 296
Work-Made-For Hire Clause/Patent Clause......Page 297
Foreground Intellectual Property and Background Intellectual Property Clause......Page 298
Other Variations......Page 299
When the Web Developer Is Also Providing Web Hosting......Page 300
Noncompetition Clauses......Page 301
Training and Support......Page 302
Disclaimers and Limitations......Page 303
Intellectual Property Warranties and Indemnities......Page 304
Insurance......Page 306
Clause on Customer Non-Solicitation of Developer Employees......Page 307
Termination......Page 308
Boilerplate Provisions......Page 309
About Offshoring......Page 310
Other Types of Consulting Business and IT Services......Page 312
Employment Issues......Page 313
Conclusion......Page 314
In this Chapter......Page 315
A Note on Terminology......Page 316
Goals and Contents of a Beta Test Agreement......Page 317
Marketing Uses of Beta Tests......Page 318
Beta Test Plans......Page 319
Two Forms of Beta Test Agreement......Page 320
In this Chapter......Page 321
Business Setting for Software End-User Agreements......Page 322
Some Guidance on License Design......Page 323
Agreements for Software Plus Hardware......Page 324
Bargaining between Vendor and Customer......Page 325
Vendor and Customer Goals......Page 326
Delivery......Page 327
Acceptance......Page 328
The Permanent License Model: Initial License Fees and Support Fees......Page 329
Permitted Use and Pricing......Page 331
License for Use by a Specifi ed Number of Users......Page 332
License for a Specifi ed Number of Concurrent Users......Page 333
Corporate and Operating Unit License......Page 334
More Scope-of-Use Provisions......Page 335
Home Use of Office Software......Page 336
License Managers or Monitoring Software......Page 337
Regulatory or Industry Changes......Page 338
Technology Change......Page 339
When Support Provisions Become Effective......Page 340
Maintenance Releases......Page 341
Continuing Technical Support......Page 342
Confidentiality Clause......Page 343
Warranty Disclaimers......Page 344
The Damage Cap......Page 345
The Customer’s Obligation to Back-Up Its Data......Page 346
Source Code Escrow Agreements......Page 347
The Problem with Escrow......Page 348
Multi-Beneficiary Escrow......Page 349
Release Conditions......Page 350
Permitted Use of Released Code......Page 351
Caution in Using Form Source Code Escrow Agreements......Page 352
Note on Commercial Licensing Software to the Government......Page 353
Accounting for License Revenue......Page 354
The Concept of Nexus......Page 355
Applicability of Sales Tax to Software Products......Page 356
Conclusion......Page 357
In This Chapter......Page 358
SaaS Business Varieties......Page 359
What Customers Like about SaaS......Page 360
Customer Concerns with the SaaS Model......Page 361
Advantages and Issues for SaaS Vendors......Page 362
Mixing Traditional Software Licensing and SaaS......Page 363
SaaS and Security......Page 364
Measures for Data Security......Page 365
State Security Breach Notification Statutes......Page 366
Contract Provisions on Security......Page 367
Risk from Overstating Your Data Security......Page 368
Sas 70......Page 369
More Mandates......Page 370
Hot, Cold, and Warm Disaster Recovery Sites......Page 371
Open Source: the General Public License and the "SaaS Loophole"......Page 373
Service or License?......Page 374
Customization......Page 375
Security......Page 376
Pass Through of Litigation-Related Costs......Page 377
Uptime Guarantee......Page 378
Bad Customer Data......Page 379
Pricing in SaaS Agreements......Page 380
SaaS Agreement Form......Page 381
In this Chapter (and the Next Chapter)......Page 382
A Note on Terminology-Partners and Resellers......Page 383
Resellers......Page 384
System Integrators......Page 385
Bundling Deals......Page 386
Sales Representatives......Page 387
About Strategic Alliances......Page 388
Reseller Goals......Page 389
The Risk that the Vendor Will Go Direct......Page 390
End Customers Only......Page 391
Exclusive Reseller Territories......Page 392
Channel and Market Restrictions......Page 393
Tiers of Partnerships......Page 394
Price Rise Protection......Page 395
When Payment Is Due......Page 396
Sales Targets......Page 397
Customer Information......Page 398
Marketing, Sale Assistance, and Reseller Training......Page 399
Product Warranties and Remedies......Page 400
Maintenance and Support......Page 401
Warranty Disclaimers and other Limitation......Page 402
Noninfringement Warranties; Indemnification......Page 403
Term, Termination, and Disengagement......Page 404
State and Federal Antitrust Laws......Page 405
Restrictions on Pricing to Distributors......Page 406
The Background of Franchise Regulation......Page 407
Software Distributorship May Be a Franchise......Page 408
How Software Vendors Cope with Franchise Laws......Page 409
Common Errors......Page 410
Form Agreements in this Book......Page 411
In this Chapter......Page 412
OEM as Mass-Market PC Vendor......Page 413
Rebranding or White Label Deals......Page 414
Bundling Deals......Page 417
Embedded Software and Software Components......Page 418
Sales of Packaged Software through Retail Channels......Page 421
Retail Download Distribution......Page 422
Sales Representative Agreements......Page 423
Form Agreements......Page 424
Clickwraps and Browsewraps......Page 425
Uses of Electronic Contracting......Page 426
Shrinkwrap Agreements......Page 427
Clickwrap Agreements......Page 428
Are Electronic Form Contracts Legally Enforceable?......Page 429
Software in the Box......Page 430
Authenticity......Page 431
Are Browsewraps Enforceable?......Page 432
Protecting Web Site Data......Page 433
Product Clickwrap Agreements......Page 434
Limitations on Installation and Use of the Product......Page 435
Limited Warranties and Support......Page 436
Disclaimers and Liability Limitation......Page 437
No-Warranty EULAs......Page 438
Export Control Clause......Page 439
Arbitration......Page 440
Other Provisions that You Might Consider......Page 441
Assent to DRM......Page 442
Clickwraps Are Not Limited to Product EULAs......Page 443
The Magnuson-Moss Act and Consumer Product Warranties......Page 444
Foreign Customs, Language, and Law......Page 446
In this Chapter......Page 447
About Web Terms of Use......Page 448
Registration Rules......Page 449
Termination of User Registration......Page 450
Permitted Use......Page 451
License to User-Submitted Content......Page 452
No Framing......Page 453
No Deep Linking......Page 454
Patent and Other IP Grantbacks......Page 455
Web Site Proprietary Notice......Page 456
More Web Site Forms......Page 457
Privacy and Use of Personal Data......Page 458
Personal Data and IT......Page 459
Use of the Internet to Obtain Personal Data......Page 460
Other Identifiers......Page 461
Overview of US Law on Personal Data......Page 462
The FTC Act and Little FTC Acts......Page 463
Using Privacy Policy Forms......Page 466
The Substance of Your Privacy Policy......Page 467
Use Seal-of-Approval Programs......Page 471
California Online Privacy Protection Act......Page 472
California's "Shine the Light Law" and "Your California Privacy Rights"......Page 473
Data Security Breach Notification Laws......Page 476
California Law on Security Breach Notification......Page 477
The Law in Other States......Page 478
More Potential Liability for Financial Loss......Page 479
Credit Report Security Freeze Laws......Page 480
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act......Page 481
Anti-Spam Provisions of US Federal Law......Page 488
The Commercial Rules......Page 489
Financial Services......Page 490
Health Care......Page 491
Privacy and the International Data Economy......Page 492
EU Directive on Data Protection......Page 493
Taking Advantage of the EU-US "Safe Harbor Agreement"......Page 494
Conclusion......Page 497
In this Chapter......Page 498
How Do New Digital Technology Standards Matter to Your Business?......Page 499
Sources of Standards......Page 500
Establishment Standard Setting Organizations......Page 501
Other Broadly Based Organizations......Page 502
Consortia and Alliances......Page 503
Consortia Characteristics......Page 504
Part icipating in a Consortium-Business Issues......Page 505
Process and Organization......Page 506
Tension between Patents and Standards......Page 507
Key Concepts in Standards-Related Patent Licenses......Page 508
"Contributions" and Patent Licenses......Page 511
Identifying Your Necessary Claims......Page 512
Do You Really Need a License to All So-Called Necessary Claims?......Page 513
Patent Rules and SDOs......Page 514
Staying Out of Trouble with Standards......Page 515
Unfair Competition and Standards......Page 516
Patent Pools......Page 517
Royalty-Free......Page 518
Forming Your Own Consortium......Page 519
Conclusion......Page 520
In This Chapter......Page 521
Forms for Content......Page 522
Copyright and Content......Page 523
What Content Items Need Clearance......Page 527
Copyrights Clearance for Prose and Graphic Works......Page 528
A Note about Fonts......Page 529
Copyright and Clearing Music......Page 530
"Promotion Use" of Thumbnails and Clips......Page 532
Sampling......Page 533
Special Rules for Webcasting......Page 534
Agreements that License Content for Digital Products and Services......Page 541
Rights Clearance in User-Supplied Content......Page 545
Carefully Crafted Terms of Use......Page 546
Blogging Terms of Use......Page 547
Issues and Opportunities from User-Supplied Video Content......Page 548
About Spidering......Page 550
Search Engines and Fair Use......Page 551
About Mashups......Page 554
Conclusion......Page 557
In this Chapter......Page 558
Forms......Page 559
The Web and Mobile Communications Environment......Page 560
The Players......Page 561
Internet and Mobile......Page 562
Duration of the Deal......Page 565
Technology Distribution through Multiple Levels......Page 566
Indemnification for Digital Communications Products......Page 567
Technology On or Over the Copyright Edge......Page 568
Standards and Patents......Page 569
Topic II: Digital Content Deals......Page 570
The Flow of Content......Page 571
Specifying the Offering......Page 573
The License Grant......Page 574
Digital Rights Management......Page 575
Restrictions......Page 577
Links to Content Rather Than the Content Itself......Page 578
Who Do You Trust to Supply Clearance?......Page 579
Indemnities......Page 580
Payment Terms......Page 581
Topic III: Hosting and other Services......Page 582
About Widgets......Page 584
Licensing and Widgets......Page 585
Conclusion......Page 588
In this Chapter......Page 589
The Players......Page 590
Industry Segments and Genres......Page 591
Features of the Video Game Business......Page 592
What's in a Video Game?......Page 595
Copyright and Games......Page 597
Trademarks and Video Games......Page 598
Patents and Games......Page 599
Publicity Rights (Right of Personality)......Page 600
Third Party Game Engines/Game Tools/Libraries......Page 601
The Role of Publishers......Page 602
About Leverage......Page 603
Short Forms/Binding MOUs......Page 604
Prototype and Game Design Agreements......Page 605
The Development Provisions......Page 606
Game Asset Ownership and Licensing......Page 613
The Money Provisions......Page 615
Sequels......Page 621
Multigame Deals......Page 622
Geographic and Platform Limitation and Reversions......Page 623
Other Important Provisions......Page 627
Massively Multiplayer Online Games......Page 628
How MMOs Work......Page 629
Creating MMOs......Page 630
MMORPGs and Virtual Money......Page 631
Other Real World Issues......Page 633
Conclusion......Page 634
The Opportunity......Page 635
In this Chapter......Page 636
Getting into Global Markets......Page 637
Direct Licensing or Sale from the United States......Page 638
Can Your Business Be Sued in a Foreign Court?......Page 639
Sales Agents......Page 640
Benefits and Disadvantages of Distribution......Page 641
International Distribution Agreements......Page 643
Establishing Foreign Subsidiaries of Your Company......Page 649
Foreign Technology Development Subsidiary......Page 653
Joint Ventures......Page 655
Localization by Language......Page 660
Other Localization......Page 661
Dispute Resolution Procedures......Page 663
International Patent Strategy......Page 664
Taking Trademarks Global......Page 665
Technological Measures......Page 666
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)......Page 667
Conclusion......Page 668
Why Export Controls Matter......Page 669
Do You Need to Worry About Export Controls?......Page 670
Multiple Regulators......Page 671
Trade Sanctions......Page 672
Prohibited Persons......Page 673
What Is an Export?......Page 674
Overview of Rules......Page 675
Some Countries Are Treated Differently......Page 677
Range of Technologies......Page 678
Conclusion......Page 680
The Need for Control of Legal Affairs......Page 681
Intellectual Property Protection Procedures......Page 682
Information Protection and Control......Page 683
Contract Management......Page 684
Dispute and Litigation Records......Page 685
Lists of Consultants and Professionals......Page 686
Periodic Legal Audits and Strategic Reviews......Page 687
Conclusion......Page 688
About These Forms......Page 689
About the Forms in The IT/Digital Legal Companion......Page 690
Use of Forms......Page 691
Notification of Alleged Copyright Infringement......Page 692
Counter Notification......Page 693
Introductory Note......Page 695
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 704
Introductory Note......Page 715
Purpose of Agreement......Page 716
Introductory Note......Page 730
Introductory Note......Page 735
Introductory Note......Page 738
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 751
Introductory Note......Page 781
Introductory Note......Page 794
Introductory Note......Page 810
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 811
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 825
Introductory Note......Page 844
Introductory Note......Page 850
Introductory Note......Page 857
Introductory Note......Page 862
Introductory Note......Page 878
Introductory Note......Page 893
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 913
Introductory Note......Page 934
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 935
Introductory Note......Page 956
Introductory Note......Page 975
Introductory Note......Page 988
Introductory Note......Page 1000
Introductory Note......Page 1007
Introductory Note......Page 1015
About WebCo’s Online Community......Page 1022
Violations and Reports......Page 1024
WebCo Contributions......Page 1025
User Contributions......Page 1026
No Robots and Spiders......Page 1027
Changes to Terms of Use......Page 1028
Copyright Complaints......Page 1029
Registration......Page 1030
Product Information and Offers......Page 1031
Communications with Others......Page 1032
Security Technology......Page 1033
Changes in This Privacy Policy......Page 1034
Your California Privacy Rights......Page 1035
Introductory Note......Page 1036
Introductory Note......Page 1041
Introductory Note......Page 1045
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 1048
Introductory Note......Page 1065
Introductory Note......Page 1083
Terms and Conditions......Page 1084
Introductory Note......Page 1097
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 1098
Purpose of This Agreement......Page 1140
Introductory Note......Page 1163
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U......Page 1183
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Z......Page 1185
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
To compete effectively in digital business markets, you need to understand how the law affects your digital technology business.
The contents include detailed plain English business and legal guidance on:
* Intellectual Property for Digital Business
* Digital Contract Fundamentals
* Open Source
* Development and Consulting
* Software as a Service
* Software Licensing and Distribution
* Web and Internet Agreements
* Privacy
* Digital Multimedia Content and Distribution
* IT Standards
* Web and Mobile Technology and Content Deals
* Video Game Deals
* International Distribution
* Legal Affairs Management
* Forms Appendix in the book and downloadable online 38 sample forms for deals and transactions and for the Web
The content goes from the basics to advanced topics such as off-shoring, anti-circumvention, open source business models, user-created content, reverse engineering, mobile media distribution, web and game development, mash-ups, web widgets, and massively multiplayer games.
This book is designed to empower you to:
* Understand the interaction between law, money and technology
* Obtain and exploit a portfolio of IP assets
* Build and reinforce positive relationships with other companies
* Leverage your technologies
* Manage risks in markets with many uncertainties
* Make better deals and close deals more quickly
* Act more decisively and confidently in legal matters
This book will make you much smarter about spotting issues, perceiving risk, thinking strategically, setting priorities and using legal services effectively and efficiently. This is the most comprehensive layperson's book on the subject.
Key Features:
* A "need-to-know" legal companion for those competing in digital business markets in the US and around the world
* Points out the relationship between legal issues and business strategies, needs and goals
* Based on 15 years of legal practice in all aspects of digital, IT, software and computer law