فهرست مطالب :
Content: Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 1. John Roth's Paths and Pathways, Kelly T. Hughes and Stanley Maloy 2. Giving a Seminar: Suggestions for Graduate Students, John Roth 3. Phage and Bacterial Genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Stanley Maloy and Kelly T. Hughes 4. Reflections of a Beer Auxotroph, Thomas J. Silhavy II. GENE EXPRESSION AND GENETIC REGULATION 5. The Biotin Operon of Escherichia coli, Allan Campbell and Alice del Campillo-Campbell 6. Why Galactose? The Early Curiosities and the Consequences, Sankar Adhya 7. Control of Gene Expression by Compartmentalization: the put Operon, Stanley Maloy 8. Genetics of the Heme Pathway and Its Regulation, Thomas Elliott 9. Regulation of NAD(P) Metabolism in Salmonella, Julianne House Grose 10. Ethanolamine Utilization in Salmonella, David Roof and David Sheppard 11. Fishing for Fluke: the Genetics of Flk and the Flagellar Type 3 Secretion Specificity Switch, Kelly T. Hughes III. tRNA AND SUPRESSORS 12. Souvenirs from My Genetic Initiation, Lionello Bossi 13. Complementary Studies in the Histidine Operon and on Frameshifting: a Compliment to What Roth Has Wrought, John F. Atkins 14. Adventures with Frameshift Supressor tRNAs, Glenn R. Bjork IV. PHYSIOLOGY AND METABOLISM 15. Microbial Channels: Forbidden Fruit from Missense Rather than Nonsense, Ian R. Booth 16. Of Bacteria and Bile, Josep Casadesus, Sara B. Hernandez, Ignacio Cota, and Francisco Ramos-Morales 17. Swarming Adventures, Rasika M. Harshey 18. Using Genetic Approaches To Delineate the Pathway of Contact-Dependent Growth Inhibition, Stephanie K. Aoki and David A. Low 19. Covert Operations: the Adaptable Plan of Attack Deployed by Pathogenic Bacteria, Michael J. Mahan, Robert L. Sinsheimer, William R. Shimp, and Douglas M. Heithoff 20. Phenotypic Variation and Gene Regulation in the Pathogenesis of Salmonella Infection, Brad T. Cookson V. GENES, CHROMOSOMES, AND REARRANGEMENTS 21. DNA Methylation and Mismatch Repair, Martin Marinus 22. Salmonella Genetics, Kenneth E. Sanderson 23. Finding Inversions, Molly Schmid 24. Barriers to the Formation of Inversion Rearrangements in Salmonella, Lynn Miesel 25. Adventures with Mutation and Selection in Beehive and Cow Country, Diarmaid Hughes and Dan I. Anderson VI. GENOMES AND EVOLUTION 26. From Genetics to Genomics, Garret Suen, Frank O. Aylward, Steven C. Slater, and Barry S. Goldman 27. Baltimore and Beyond: from Gene Action to the Postgenomic Era, Robert A. LaRossa 28. Three Histories of Competence and Transformation, Rosemary J. Redfield 29. A Plethora of Putative Phages and Prophages, Sherwood R. Casjens 30. Impact of Horizontal Gene Transfer on the Evolution of Bacterial Genomes, Jeffrey G. Lawrence 31. Germline DNA Parasites That Have Converged on an Altruistic Somatic Excision Strategy, Glenn Herrick 32. Recombineering: Advanced-Advanced Bacterial Genetics, James A. Sawitzke VII. EPILOGUE 33. Predicting the Future: a Fish Story, John Roth