توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
یادگیری MySQL به لطف این کارگاه عملی، با توضیحات ساده، مثالهای جذاب و تمرینهای واقعبینانه که بر کمک به شما در ساخت و نگهداری مؤثر پایگاههای داده تمرکز دارد، بسیار آسانتر شده است<. /p>
ویژگی های کلیدی
- آشنایی با نحوه راه اندازی و نگهداری پایگاه داده MySQL< /li>
- پرسوجوهای SQL را برای ایجاد، بازیابی و دستکاری دادهها اجرا کنید
- از MySQL به طور مؤثر در مشاغل رایج استفاده کنید. برنامه هایی مانند Excel و MS Access
توضیحات کتاب
آیا می خواهید یاد بگیرید چگونه می توان پایگاه های داده را به طور موثر ایجاد و نگهداری کرد؟ آیا به دنبال پاسخ های ساده برای سوالات اساسی MySQL و همچنین مثال های ساده ای هستید که بتوانید در محل کار از آنها استفاده کنید؟ اگر چنین است، این کارگاه انتخاب مناسبی برای شما است.
این کتاب برای ایجاد اعتماد به نفس شما از طریق تمرین عملی طراحی شده است، این کتاب از یک رویکرد ساده استفاده میکند که بر موارد عملی تمرکز دارد، بنابراین شما می توانید بدون نیاز به مرور صفحات و صفحات تئوری کسل کننده و خشک، مستقیماً به تجارت بپردازید.
همانطور که تمرینات و فعالیت های کوچک را انجام می دهید، یاد خواهید گرفت. نحوه استفاده از ابزارهای مختلف MySQL برای ایجاد پایگاه داده و مدیریت داده های درون آن. خواهید دید که چگونه می توان داده ها را بین پایگاه داده MySQL و منابع دیگر منتقل کرد و از مجموعه داده های دنیای واقعی برای به دست آوردن تجربه ارزشمند دستکاری و به دست آوردن بینش از داده ها استفاده کرد. با پیشرفت، متوجه خواهید شد که چگونه با مدیریت مجوزهای کاربر و انجام پشتیبان گیری و بازیابی منطقی از پایگاه داده خود محافظت کنید.
اگر قبلاً سعی کرده اید SQL را به خود آموزش دهید، اما کارگاه MySQL شما را در مسیر درست هدایت نمیکند.
در پایان این کتاب MySQL، دانش، مهارت و اعتماد به نفس برای پیشرفت شغلی و مقابله با پروژه های بلندپروازانه خود را با MySQL خواهید داشت.
آنچه خواهید آموخت.
- درک مفاهیم پایگاه داده های رابطه ای و ذخیره اسناد
- استفاده از پرس و جوهای SQL، رویه های ذخیره شده، نماها، توابع و تراکنش ها
- اتصال و دستکاری داده ها با استفاده از MS Access، MS Excel و Visual Basic برای برنامه ها (VBA)
- خواندن و نوشتن داده ها در قالب CSV یا JSON با استفاده از MySQL
< li>مدیریت داده ها هنگام اجرای MySQL Shell در حالت جاوا اسکریپت- از X DevAPI برای دسترسی به رابط NoSQL برای MySQL استفاده کنید
- span>
- مدیریت نقشها، اعتبارنامهها و امتیازات کاربر برای ایمن نگه داشتن دادهها
- < span>یک پشتیبان گیری منطقی از پایگاه داده با mysqldump و mysqlpump انجام دهید
این کتاب برای چه کسی است
< span>این کتاب برای هر کسی است که می خواهد یاد بگیرد چگونه از MySQL به روشی سازنده و کارآمد استفاده کند. اگر با MySQL کاملاً تازه کار هستید، به شما کمک میکند تا شروع کنید یا اگر قبلاً از MySQL استفاده کردهاید، شکافها را پر میکند، مفاهیم کلیدی را ادغام میکند و تمرین عملی ارزشمندی را ارائه میدهد. دانش قبلی از SQL ساده یا تکنیک های برنامه نویسی اولیه به شما در درک سریع مفاهیم تحت پوشش کمک می کند، اما ضروری نیست.
فهرست محتوا
<. ol>
مفاهیم پس زمینهایجاد پایگاه داده< li>
استفاده از SQL برای کار با پایگاه دادهانتخاب، تجمیع و اعمال توابعهمبستگی داده ها در جداولرویه های ذخیره شده و سایر اشیاء span>ایجاد کلاینت های پایگاه داده در Node.jsکار با داده ها با استفاده از Node.js مایکروسافت اکسس قسمت 1مایکروسافت اکسس قسمت 2 MS Excel VBA و MySQL - قسمت 1 MS Excel VBA و MySQL - قسمت 2دریافت داده در MySQLدستکاری مجوزهای کاربرپشتیبانگیری منطقی
فهرست مطالب :
Title page
Copyright and credits
About the reviewer
Table of Contents
Section 1: Creating Your Database
Chapter 1: Background Concepts
Introducing databases
Database architecture
MS Access as a database
Database management system
Exploring MySQL
Data types
Exercise 1.01: Organizing data in a relational format
Exploring MySQL architecture
The MySQL layers
Storage engines (InnoDB and MyRocks)
ACID compliance
Data modeling
Activity 1.01: Creating an optimized table for an employee project
Chapter 2: Creating a Database
Developing databases
The MySQL Workbench GUI
Connecting the Workbench GUI to MySQL
Exercise 2.01 – creating a connection with the MySQL Workbench GUI
Accessing MySQL through the command-line interface
Creating a database
Exercise 2.02 – creating the autoclub database
Using Workbench to add a table
Importing objects from a SQL script file
Exercise 2.03 – importing tables from an SQL script file
MySQL table indexes and foreign keys
Exercise 2.04 – creating an index
Indexes on multiple columns
Foreign keys
Exercise 2.05 – creating a foreign key
Reverse engineering a database
Exercise 2.06 – creating an EER model from the autoclub database
Exercise 2.07 – using the EER diagram and forward engineering to manage the database model
Exercise 2.08 – committing model changes to the production database with Synchronize Model
Activity 2.01 – modifying the EER diagram, the model, and the database
Chapter 3: Using SQL to Work with a Database
An introduction to working with databases using SQL
Working with data
Types of SQL statements
Backing up databases
Exercise 3.01 – Backing up the autoclub database
Restoring databases
Exercise 3.02 – restoring the autoclub database
Working with SQL code to maintain a database
Creating a new database
Exercise 3.03 – creating a new database
Creating and modifying tables
Exercise 3.04 – creating a new table
SQL queries to create indexes and foreign keys
Exercise 3.05 – creating tables with indexes and foreign keys
Activity 3.1 – creating a table with indexes and foreign keys
Altering table queries
Exercise 3.06 – modifying an existing table
Adding data to a table
Exercise 3.07 – adding a single record to a members table
Updating data in a record
Exercise 3.08 – updating a record
Deleting data from tables
Drop queries
Blobs, files, and file paths
Exercise 3.09 – files and blobs
Files and file paths
Activity 3.2 – adding image file paths to the database
Chapter 4: Selecting, Aggregating, and Applying Functions
An introduction to querying data
Querying tables in MySQL
Exercise 4.01 – working with simple queries
Filtering results
Exercise 4.02 – filtering results
Using functions on data
Math functions
String functions
Date and time functions
Exercise 4.03 – using functions
Aggregating data
Exercise 4.04 – aggregating data
Case statements
Exercise 4.05 – writing case statements
Activity 4.01 – collecting information for a travel article
Section 2: Managing Your Database
Chapter 5: Correlating Data across Tables
Introduction to processing data across tables
Joining two tables
Accidental cross joins
Exercise 5.01: Joining two tables
Analyzing subqueries
Dependent subqueries
Exercise 5.02: Using a subquery
Common table expressions
Recursive CTE
Exercise 5.03: Using a CTE
Analyzing query performance with EXPLAIN
Exercise 5.04: Using EXPLAIN
Activity 5.01: The Sakila video store
Activity 5.02: Generating a list of years
Chapter 6: Stored Procedures and Other Objects
Introduction to database objects
Exploring various database objects
Working with views
Exercise 6.01 – creating a mailing list with a view
Updatable views
Activity 6.01 – updating the data in a view
Working with user-defined functions
Exercise 6.02 – creating a function
Working with stored procedures
Exercise 6.03 – creating a stored procedure
Exercise 6.04 – stored procedures and parameters
Working with IN, OUT, and INOUT
Exercise 6.05 – IN and INOUT
Exploring triggers
Advantages of triggers
Disadvantages of triggers
Restrictions with triggers
Exercise 6.06 – triggers to enforce business rules
Using transactions
Exercise 6.07 – implementing a transaction
Chapter 7: Creating Database Clients in Node.js
Introduction to database management with Node.js
Best practices for SQL client development
Installing a development MySQL server
Creating a development MySQL server
Backing up before making changes
Restoring a database
Recovering from accidental data deletion
Exercise 7.01 – safely deleting records
JavaScript using Node.js
Setting up Node.js
Getting started with Node.js
Basics of Node.js
Exercise 7.02 – basic output in the console
Exercise 7.03 – testing outputs in a browser
Writing outputs to files
Exercise 7.04 – writing to a disk file
Connecting to MySQL
Exercise 7.05 – connecting to the MySQL server
Troubleshooting connection errors
Modularizing the MySQL connection
Exercise 7.06 – modularizing the MySQL connection
Creating databases in Node.js
Exercise 7.07 – creating a new database
Creating tables in Node.js
Exercise 7.08 – creating a table in a database
Activity 7.01 – building a database application with Node.js
Chapter 8: Working with Data Using Node.js
Interacting with databases
Inserting records in Node.js
Exercise 8.01 – inserting a record into a table
Inserting multiple records
Exercise 8.02 – inserting multiple records into a table
Inserting with multiple fields
Exercise 8.03 – populating records from the existing tables
Updating the records of a table
Exercise 8.04 – updating a single record
Activity 8.01 – multiple updates
Displaying data in browsers
Exercise 8.05 – formatting data to the web browser
ODBC connections
Types of DSNs
Determining whether ODBC drivers have been installed
Local, LAN, and remote ODBC connections
Exercise 8.06 – creating a LAN or remote DSN/ODBC connection to the world_statistics database
Creating file DSN/ODBC connections
Activity 8.02 – designing a customer database
Section 3: Querying Your Database
Chapter 9: Microsoft Access – Part 1
Introduction to MS Access
MS Access database application configurations
Upsizing an MS Access database to MySQL
Exercise 9.01 – preparing your MySQL database and ODBC
Manually exporting MS Access tables
Exercise 9.02 – manually upsizing a table
Adjusting field properties
Exercise 9.03 – manually migrating tables and adjusting their field properties
Migrating with wizards
Exercise 9.04 – using the Workbench Migration Wizard to upsize the table
Linking to your tables and views
Exercise 9.05 – linking a good MySQL table to Access
Exercise 9.07 – linking a problematic MySQL table to Access
Refreshing linked MySQL tables
Activity 9.01 – linking the remaining MySQL tables to your MS Access database
Chapter 10: Microsoft Access – Part 2
Introduction to MS Access
Migrating an MS Access application to MySQL
Passthrough queries
Exercise 10.01 – Passthrough (simple SQL conversion)
Activity 10.01 – Converting gender and job statistics
Calling MySQL functions
Exercise 10.02 – Passthrough (calling MySQL functions)
Activity 10.02 – Creating a function and calling it
Calling MySQL stored procedures
Exercise 10.03 – Calling a MySQL stored procedure
Activity 10.03 – Creating MySQL stored procedures and using them in VBA
Using parameters
Parameterized stored procedures
Exercise 10.04 – Parameterized stored procedure (series list)
Activity 10.04 – Parameterized stored procedure (series list)
Exercise 10.05 – Multiple parameters stored procedure (country list)
Activity 10.05 – Multiple parameters stored procedure (date list)
Exercise 10.06 – Multiple parameters stored procedure (crosstab queries)
The Bad Bits form
Exercise 10.07 – Bad Bits demonstration
Unbound forms
Another way to unbind a form from a linked table
Exercise 10.08 – Removing all linked tables
Chapter 11: MS Excel VBA and MySQL – Part 1
Introduction to Excel
Exercise 11.01 – Setting up a sample MySQL database
Exploring the ODBC connection
The Developer menu
Exercise 11.02 – Activating the Developer tab and the VBA IDE
Exploring the Excel VBA structure
Preparing your Excel project
Exercise 11.03 – Creating a code module
Learning about VBA libraries
Exercise 11.04 – Referencing a library
Exercise 11.05 – Inserting worksheets
Connecting to the MySQL database using VBA
Setting the scene
Exercise 11.06 – The connection variable
Connection functions in VBA
Exercise 11.07 – Creating a connection function
Reading data from MySQL using VBA
Exercise 11.08 – ReadGenreSales
Exercise 11.09 – Genre dropdown
Auto-running functions when opening a workbook
Exercise 11.10 – Auto-running functions when opening a workbook
Populating charts
Populating a chart – Genre sales
Exercise 11.11 – Loading Genre Sales chart data
Running code on changes to a document
Exercise 11.12 – Detecting and working with worksheet changes
Activity 11.01 – Creating a chart (artist track sales)
Chapter 12: Working With Microsoft Excel VBA – Part 2
An introduction to MySQL connections
Connecting to the MySQL database using ODBC
Exercise 12.01 – creating a DSN connection function
Exploring generic data read functions
Exercise 12.02 – a generic data reader
Creating connections to MySQL in Excel
Exercise 12.03 – creating a connection to MySQL
Inserting data using MySQL for Excel
Exercise 12.04 – inserting the top 25 selling artists
Updating data using MySQL for Excel
Exercise 12.05 – updating MySQL data – employees
Pushing data from Excel
Exercise 12.06 – pushing data from Excel to a new MySQL table
Pivot tables
Exercise 12.07 – album sales
Activity 12.01 – building a MySQL-based Excel document
Section 4: Protecting Your Database
Chapter 13: Getting Data into MySQL
An introduction to data preparation
Working with the X DevAPI
An example of the X DevAPI
Using MySQL Shell with the X DevAPI
Exercise 13.01 – inserting values with MySQL Shell in JS mode
Inserting documents
Exercise 13.02 – inserting documents into a table
Loading data from a SQL file
Exercise 13.03 – loading data from a SQL file and viewing tables
Exercise 13.04 – importing a SQL file using MySQL Workbench
Loading data from a CSV file
Exercise 13.05 – loading data from a CSV file
Loading data from a JSON file
Exercise 13.06 – loading data from a JSON file
Using the CSV storage engine to export data
Exercise 13.07 – utilizing the CSV storage engine to export data
Using the CSV storage engine to import data
Exercise 13.08 – utilizing the CSV storage engine to import data
Searching and filtering JSON documents
Exercise 13.09 – Searching collections and filtering documents
Using JSON functions and operators to query JSON columns
Exercise 13.10 – querying JSON data with SQL
Using generated columns to query and index JSON data
Activity 13.01 – Exporting report data to CSV for Excel
Chapter 14: Manipulating User Permissions
Introduction to user permissions
Exploring users and accounts
How to connect to MySQL with a set of credentials
Creating, modifying, and dropping a user
Granting permissions
Inspecting users
Exercise 14.01 – creating users and granting permissions
Changing users
Flush privileges
Changing permissions
Exercise 14.02 – modifying users and revoking permissions
Using roles
Exercise 14.03 – using roles to manage permissions
Troubleshooting access problems
Activity 14.01 – creating users for managing the world schema
Chapter 15: Logical Backups
An introduction to backups
Understanding the basics of backups
Logical and physical backup
Types of restore
Performing backups
Using mysqldump
Exercise 15.01 – backup using mysqldump
Using mysqlpump
Exercise 15.02 – backing up using mysqlpump
Scheduling backups
Full restore
Partial restore
Exercise 13.03 – restore a single schema backup
Using point-in-time recovery with binlog files
GTID format
Using mysqlbinlog to inspect binlog contents
Activity 15.01 – backing up and restoring a single schema
Activity 15.02 – performing a point-in-time restore
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Learning MySQL just got a whole lot easier, thanks to this hands-on workshop, complete with simple explanations, engaging examples, and realistic exercises that focus on helping you to build and maintain databases effectively
Key Features
- Learn how to set up and maintain a MySQL database
- Run SQL queries to create, retrieve, and manipulate data
- Use MySQL effectively with common business applications such as Excel and MS Access
Book Description
Do you want to learn how to create and maintain databases effectively? Are you looking for simple answers to basic MySQL questions as well as straightforward examples that you can use at work? If so, this workshop is the right choice for you.
Designed to build your confidence through hands-on practice, this book uses a simple approach that focuses on the practical, so you can get straight down to business without having to wade through pages and pages of dull, dry theory.
As you work through bite-sized exercises and activities, you'll learn how to use different MySQL tools to create a database and manage the data within it. You'll see how to transfer data between a MySQL database and other sources, and use real-world datasets to gain valuable experience of manipulating and gaining insights from data. As you progress, you'll discover how to protect your database by managing user permissions and performing logical backups and restores.
If you've already tried to teach yourself SQL, but haven't been able to make the leap from understanding simple queries to working on live projects with a real database management system, The MySQL Workshop will get you on the right track.
By the end of this MySQL book, you'll have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advance your career and tackle your own ambitious projects with MySQL.
What you will learn
- Understand the concepts of relational databases and document stores
- Use SQL queries, stored procedures, views, functions, and transactions
- Connect to and manipulate data using MS Access, MS Excel, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
- Read and write data in the CSV or JSON format using MySQL
- Manage data while running MySQL Shell in JavaScript mode
- Use X DevAPI to access a NoSQL interface for MySQL
- Manage user roles, credentials, and privileges to keep data secure
- Perform a logical database backup with mysqldump and mysqlpump
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to use MySQL in a productive, efficient way. If you're totally new to MySQL, it'll help you get started or if you've used MySQL before, it'll fill in any gaps, consolidate key concepts, and offer valuable hands-on practice. Prior knowledge of simple SQL or basic programming techniques will help you in quickly grasping the concepts covered, but is not necessary.
Table of Contents
- Background Concepts
- Creating a Database
- Using SQL to Work with a Database
- Selecting, Aggregating, and Applying Functions
- Correlating Data across Tables
- Stored Procedures and Other Objects
- Creating Database Clients in Node.js
- Working with Data using Node.js
- Microsoft Access Part 1
- Microsoft Access Part 2
- MS Excel VBA and MySQL - Part 1
- MS Excel VBA and MySQL - Part 2
- Getting Data into MySQL
- Manipulating User Permissions
- Logical Backups