توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
از سازماندهندگان کارگری گرفته تا فعالان مهاجر، از طرفداران محیطزیست تا مبارزان حقوق بشر، از معترضان به عدالت جهانی تا مبارزان اسلامی، این کتاب نشان میدهد که چگونه مردم عادی دیدگاههای جدیدی به دست میآورند، اشکال جدیدی از عمل را تجربه میکنند، و گاهی هویتهای جدیدی از طریق تماسهای خود در آن سوی مرزها پدیدار میشوند. . این سؤال میپرسد که کنشگری فراملی تا چه اندازه بازیگران داخلی، اشکال ادعای آنها و راهبردهای غالب آنها را تغییر میدهد. آیا صرفاً درگیریها و صفبندیهای آشنا از سیاست داخلی را به صحنهای وسیعتر فرافکنی میکند یا عرصه سیاسی جدیدی را ایجاد میکند که در آن منازعات داخلی و بینالمللی در هم میآمیزند؟ و اگر مورد دوم باشد، این تحول چگونه بر بین المللی شدن و تقسیم سنتی بین سیاست داخلی و بین المللی تأثیر خواهد گذاشت؟
فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
Half-title......Page 3
Series-title......Page 5
Title......Page 7
Copyright......Page 8
Contents......Page 11
Tables......Page 13
Figures......Page 14
Preface and Acknowledgments......Page 15
The New Transnational Activism......Page 19
1 Introduction......Page 21
Transnational Activism......Page 22
Historical Transnationalism......Page 23
So What’s New?......Page 24
Globalization and Contention......Page 25
Internationalism as Opportunity Structure......Page 27
Available Resources......Page 29
Disclaimers and Claims......Page 31
PART ONE Structure, Process, and Actors......Page 33
2 Internationalism and Contention......Page 35
Globalization and Internationalization......Page 36
States and Markets in the Great Transformation......Page 37
Contemporary Conjunctions......Page 38
Transnational Relations and “Complex Interdependence”......Page 40
International Political Economy and Constructivism......Page 41
From Social Movement Theory......Page 42
The Social Movement Paradigm......Page 43
This Book’s Approach......Page 44
Double-Edged Institutions......Page 45
Co-optation, Conflict, and Cooperation......Page 47
Rooted Cosmopolitans and Transnational Activists......Page 48
Mechanisms and Processes......Page 49
Contentious (and Sometimes Transnational) French......Page 50
Three Sets of Processes......Page 52
3 Rooted Cosmopolitans and Transnational Activists......Page 55
A Shipper from Bremen......Page 56
A German Exile in Paris......Page 57
A Nordic Cosmopolitan......Page 59
Rooted Cosmopolitanism......Page 60
Cognitive and Relational Cosmopolitanism......Page 61
Rooted Cosmopolitans......Page 62
A Growing Phenomenon......Page 63
Working Transnationals......Page 65
Local “No-Globals”......Page 66
Transnational Immigrant Communities......Page 68
Contemporary Connections......Page 69
Nesting Pigeons......Page 71
Birds of Passage......Page 73
Cosmopolitan Contradictions......Page 74
Conclusions......Page 76
PART TWO The Global in the Local......Page 77
4 Global Framing......Page 79
Frame Bridging and Frame Transformation......Page 81
A Model of Global Framing......Page 82
Structural Equivalence: The IMF “Riots”......Page 84
A Singularly Common Repertoire......Page 85
Global Thinking......Page 88
Limited Elite Globality......Page 89
Unglobal Citizens......Page 90
The Real Globalizers......Page 92
Frame Transformation......Page 94
Conclusions......Page 95
5 Internalizing Contention......Page 97
Protest in a Composite Polity......Page 100
Fish Wars......Page 103
A National-Local Alignment......Page 104
Mapping European Contention......Page 105
Euro-Protest......Page 106
Internalization in Italy......Page 108
Opposing Agricultural Reform......Page 109
Europe’s Rooted Cosmopolitans......Page 110
Farmers and Other People......Page 112
Internalization and Transnationalization......Page 113
Conclusions......Page 114
PART THREE Transitional Processes......Page 117
6 Diffusion and Modularity......Page 119
Constraints and Inducements......Page 122
Pathways of Transnational Diffusion......Page 123
Diffusing Nonviolence......Page 126
The Gandhian Origins of Nonviolence......Page 127
From India to America......Page 128
Postsocialist Nonviolence......Page 129
Brokerage in the Balkans......Page 131
From Belgrade to Tbilisi......Page 132
Diffusion from Chiapas......Page 133
Relational and Nonrelational Diffusion......Page 135
Mediated Diffusion......Page 136
Conclusions......Page 137
7 Shifting the Scale of Contention......Page 140
A Descriptive Model of Upward Scale Shift......Page 141
Political Islamism Shifts Upward......Page 144
War Shifts the Scale of Contention......Page 146
The World Social Forum......Page 148
From Parallel Summits to Countersummits......Page 149
From Davos to the World Social Forum......Page 150
The Social Forum Shifts Downward......Page 152
Collective Identities: Embedded and Detached......Page 155
The Internet as Movement Form......Page 156
Conclusions......Page 158
PART FOUR The Local in the Global......Page 161
8 Externalizing Contention......Page 163
Launching the Boomerang......Page 165
Beyond the Boomerang......Page 167
Monitoring Mistreatment......Page 169
Multilevel Governance and Unequal Access......Page 171
Reversing Gender Inequality......Page 172
Direct Action in Mexico......Page 174
The Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladora......Page 176
Conclusions......Page 178
Refusing the Trojan Pig......Page 181
Networks, Coalitions, and Movements......Page 183
Transnational Coalition Building......Page 185
A Typology of Transnational Coalitions......Page 186
Insiders and Outsiders in Mexico......Page 188
The Battle of Seattle and Other Events......Page 190
European Environmental Federations......Page 192
The International Landmine Campaign......Page 193
Seizing and Making Opportunities......Page 195
Institutionalization and Its Paradoxes......Page 196
Conclusions......Page 198
PART FIVE Transnational Impacts at Home and Abroad......Page 201
Truth and Reconciliation in Cape Town......Page 203
Toward a Model of Domestic Impacts......Page 205
The Diffusion and Reception of Human Rights......Page 208
Brokering Transitional Justice......Page 210
Mobilization after Intervention in Europe......Page 212
Certification......Page 214
Certification and Decertification in Moscow......Page 215
The Militarization of Protest Policing......Page 216
The Diffusion of “Public Order Management Systems”......Page 217
From Public Order to Police Riot......Page 218
Conclusions......Page 219
11 Transnational Activism and Internationalization......Page 221
What Is Happening Here?......Page 222
Internationalism and Internationalization......Page 223
Processes of Transnational Contention......Page 224
Rooted Cosmpolitanism......Page 225
Resilient States, Fragile Movements......Page 226
Processes and Mechanisms......Page 228
New Attitudes......Page 229
New Forms of Organization......Page 230
Shifting Campaigns and Composite Organizations......Page 231
Resilience and Change in Local Contention......Page 232
Internal Contention and International War......Page 234
After Internationalism?......Page 236
Glossary......Page 241
Sources......Page 245
Index......Page 269
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
From labor organizers to immigrant activists, from environmentalists to human rights campaigners, from global justice protesters to Islamic militants, this book shows how ordinary people gain new perspectives, experiment with new forms of action, and sometimes emerge with new identities through their contacts across borders. It asks to what extent transnational activism changes domestic actors, their forms of claim making, and their prevailing strategies. Does it simply project the conflicts and alignments familiar from domestic politics onto a broader stage, or does it create a new political arena in which domestic and international contentions fuse? And if the latter, how will this development affect internationalization and the traditional division between domestic and international politics?