توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
عهد عتیق اکثریت کتاب مقدس مسیحی را تشکیل می دهد و بسیاری از زبان ایمان مسیحی را ارائه می دهد. با این حال، بسیاری از کلیساها تمایل دارند این بخش مهم کتاب مقدس را نادیده بگیرند. این کتاب به موقع تعدادی از راه هایی را که عهد عتیق نشانه هایی از زوال، زوال، و مرگ قریب الوقوع در کلیسا را نشان می دهد، شرح می دهد. برنت استراون نقش مهم عهد عتیق را در ایمان و عمل مسیحی به ما یادآوری میکند، از سوء تفاهمهای کنونی که به بیتوجهی آن کمک میکند انتقاد میکند و راههایی برای احیای استفاده از آن در کلیسا ارائه میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
ContentsTestimoniaPart 1: The Old Testament as a Dying Language1. The Old Testament Is DyingA (Non)Telling VignetteThe Diagnosis, in Brief, with a CaveatThe Old Testament Is (Like) a LanguagePlan of the Book and Two Additional Caveats2. Initial TestingThe U.S. Religious Knowledge SurveyThe "Best"(?) SermonsThe Psalms in Mainline HymnodyThe Revised Common Lectionary (and the Psalms)Conclusion3. On Language Growth and Change, Contact and DeathLanguage Change and Language ContactPidgins and Creoles, Pidginization and CreolizationLanguage DeathConclusionPart 2: Signs of Morbidity4. The New AtheismDawkins and the New Atheists on the Old TestamentAnswering DawkinsPidgin versus Pidgin5. Marcionites Old and NewThe Old MarcionTertullian contra MarcionVon Harnack pro Marcion, or the New Marcion(ism)Contra von Harnack, or the Deadly Ramifications6. New Plastic Gospels: The "Happiologists"The Bible and Your Best Everything Right Now!Assessing Osteen "and Company"Conclusion to Part 2Part 3: Path to Recovery7. Recommended TreatmentOn Saving Dying LanguagesResurrecting HebrewLearning First, New, and Very Old LanguagesBilingualism and Code-SwitchingIt Could Happen to You (Us)8. Saving the Old TestamentEvidence of Further DeclineDeuteronomy as a Model of/for Second-Language Acquisition (SLA)9. Ways Forward and NotThe Most Basic (and Obvious) Recommendation: Regular UseThe Need for Adequate Linguistic TrainingIntentionality in Language Practice and Language LearningOn Creating BilingualsOn "Bothness"The Challenge of Future ChangeMusic, Memory, Poetry, . . . and Children (Again)ConclusionAppendix 1: Newton SeriesAppendix 2: Butler SeriesAppendix 3: Cox SeriesAppendix 4: Size of TestamentsAppendix 5: Sermon Data from Walter BrueggemannAppendix 6: Old Testament Texts Used by Walter BrueggemannIndexes
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The Old Testament constitutes the majority of the Christian Bible and provides much of the language of Christian faith. However, many churches tend to neglect this crucial part of Scripture. This timely book details a number of ways the Old Testament is showing signs of decay, demise, and imminent death in the church. Brent Strawn reminds us of the Old Testament's important role in Christian faith and practice, criticizes current misunderstandings that contribute to its neglect, and offers ways to revitalize its use in the church.