فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Pages ix-xi, A.I. OPARIN
Introductory Note from the International Union of Biochemistry, Page xiii, M. FLORKIN, E.H. STOTZ, R.H.S. THOMPSON
Editors' Preface, Page xv, F. CLARK, R.L.M. SYNGE
Introductory Address, Pages 1-3, A.I. OPARIN
Discours d'ouverture, Page 5, M. FLORKIN
Some Consideration about the Primaeval State of the Earth, Pages 9-15, V.G. FESENKOV
Primitive Planetary Atmospheres and the Origin of Life, Pages 16-22, HAROLD C. UREY
The Origin of the Biosphere, Pages 23-32,32a,32b,33-37, A.P. VINOGRADOV
The Problem of Stages in Biopoesis, Pages 38-52,52a,52b,53, J.D. BERNAL
The Evolution of the Atmosphere of the Earth, Pages 54-66, V.A. SOKOLOV
The Formation of the Earth from Cold Material and the Problem of the Formation of the Simplest Organic Substances, Pages 67-75, B.YU. LEVIN
Chemical Diversity and the Origins of Life, Pages 76-83, N.W. PIRIE
The Geological Conditions for the Appearance of Life on the Earth, and the Problems of Petroleum Genesis, Pages 84-88,88a,88b,89-92,92a,92b,93-94, P.N. KROPOTKIN
The Role of Dissymmetry in the Origin of Living Material, Pages 95-105, A.P. TERENT'EV, E.I. KLABUNOVSKIÎ
Session I - DISCUSSION, Pages 106-119
Formation of Organic Compounds on the Primitive Earth, Pages 123-135, STANLEY L. MILLER
Photosynthesis in the Shortest Ultraviolet, Pages 136-139, A.N. TERENIN
The Reactions Involved in the Formation of Compounds Preliminary to the Synthesis of Protoplasm and other Materials of Biological Importance, Pages 140-150, K. BAHADUR
The Original Formation of Amino Acids under the Action of Ultraviolet Rays and Electric Discharges, Pages 151-157, T.E. PAVLOVSKAYA, A.G. PASYNSKIÎ
Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis and Asymmetric Catalysis, Pages 158-168, E.I. KLABUNOVSKIÎ
Some Conditions for the Appearance of Life on the Earth, Pages 169-171, R.L. BERG
Session II - DISCUSSION, Pages 172-185
On the Origin of the Fore-protein, Pages 189-196, SHIRO AKABORI
Der Ursprung der Enzyme, Pages 197-206, O. HOFFMANN-OSTENHOF
Evolution of Enzymes and the Photosynthetic Apparatus, Pages 207-212,212a,212b,213-214, MELVIN CALVIN
The Nature of the Forces Operating in the Process of the Duplication of Molecules in Living Organisms, Pages 215-223, LINUS PAULING
The Occurrence of AminoAcids in Nature, Pages 224-230, R.L.M. SYNGE
Ähnlichkeitder Struktur bei Eiweißstoffen, Pages 231-240, F. ŠORM
Die Kontinuität des Eiweisses, Pages 241-255, KURT FELIX
A Chemical Theory of Spontaneous Generation, Pages 256-262, SIDNEY W. FOX
Complex Compounds and Models of Enzymes, Pages 263-274, L.A. NIKOLAEV
Experimental Demonstration of the Occurrence of Metabolic Processesin Simple Proteins, Pages 275-280, M.G. KRITSMAN, A.S. KONIKOVA
The Problem of the Origin of the Proteins, Pages 281-288, F. CEDRANGOLO
Session III - DISCUSSION, Pages 289-294
Nucleic Acids as Carriers of Biological Information, Pages 297-302, ERWIN CHARGAFF
The Infective Nucleic Acid from Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Pages 303-306, H. FRAENKEL-CONRAT, B. SINGER
Die Bedeutung der Virusforschung für die Erkenntnis biologischer Vermehrungsvorgänge, Pages 307-312, G. SCHRAMM
On the Nature of Viruses, Genesand Life, Pages 313-321, WENDELL M. STANLEY
On the Species Specificity of the Nucleic Acids of Bacteria, Pages 322-331, A.N. BELOZERSKIÎ
Die Spezifizität der Desoxyribonukleinsäure, Pages 332-333, A. WACKER
Die Entstehung des dynamischen Zustandes, Pages 334-343, E. BRODA
Synthèse Enzymatique des Ribopolynucléotides, Pages 344-352,352a,352b,352c,352d,353-357, MARIANNE GRUNBERG-MANAGO
A Note on the Evolution of Nucleic Acids, Pages 358-360, A.E. MIRSKY
Les Acides Nucléiques et l'Origine des Protéines, Pages 361-367, J. BRAUCHET
Session IV - DISCUSSION, Pages 368-381
The Scale of Structural Units in Biopoesis, Pages 385-399, J.D. BERNAL
The Part Played by Structural Elements in the Biochemical Function of Cells, Pages 400-417, N.M. SISAKYAN
Problèmes d'Évolution dans la Thermodynamique des Phénomènes Irréversibles, Pages 418-427, I. PRIGOGINE
Biochemical Processes in the Simplest Structures, Pages 428,428a,428b,429-432,432a,432b,433-436, A.I. OPARIN
The Origin of Life and the Formation and Organizing Functions of Natural Membranes, Pages 437-443, P. MITCHELL
Enzymic Reactions in Stationary Open Systems, Pages 444-454, A.G. PASYNSKIÎ
Biosynthesis of Enzymes and their Origin, Pages 455-459, F.B. STRAUB
Cell Structure and Protein Synthesis, Pages 460-465, R. KHESIN
Some Relation ships Between Coacervates and Enzymes, Pages 466-469, E. MACOVSCHI
Protein Complexes as Biochemically Active Systems, Pages 470-479, G.A. DEBORIN
Session V - DISCUSSION, Pages 480-496,496a,496b,496c,496d,497-500
L'Extension de la Biosphère et l'Évolution Biochimique, Pages 503-515, MARCEL FLORKIN
Über einige wahrscheinliche Wege der Evolution des Stoffwechsels bei den Mikroorganismen, Pages 516-526, V.N. SHAPOSHNIKOV
The Pathways of Biological Assimilation and Dissimilation of Nitrogen and Some Aspects of Their Evolution, Pages 527-543, A.E. BRAUNSHTEÎN
Le Rôle de l'Ammoniaque dans l'Assimilation Autotrophe de l'Azote, Pages 544-554, V.L. KRETOVICH
Meaning of Nitrate and Sulphate Reduction in the Process of Metabolic Evolution, Pages 555-561, M. ISHIMOTO, F. EGAMI
The Comparative Characters of the Oxidative Systems of Various Groups of Organisms in Relation to Their Evolution, Pages 562-571, B.A. RUBIN
The Effect of Cysteine on the Methionine Content of the Animal and Plant Organism, Pages 572-577, SIMION OERIU
Session VI - DISCUSSION, Pages 578-582
Au Sujet du Passage de la vie Anaérobie à la vie Aérobie, Pages 585-592, E. AUBEL
Significance of Molecular Hydrogen Metabolism in the Transitionary Stage from Anaerobiosis to Aerobiosis, Pages 593-605, YOSHIHARU ODA
Development of the Mode of Action of the Photocatalytic System in Organisms, Pages 606-618, A.A. KRASNOVSKIÎ
The Relation between Primitive and Present-day Photobiological Processes, Pages 619-625, C. REID
The Evolution of Chemosynthesis, Pages 626-634, YU.I. SOROKIN
Entstehung und Evolution der phototrophen Ernährungsweise, Pages 635-641, D.J. SAPOZHNIKOW
Die Grundetappen der Biogenese des Chlorophylls, Pages 642-649, T.N. GODNEV
Thermal Factors in Archaeometabolism, Pages 650-651, S. SCHER
Session VII - DISCUSSION, Pages 652-656
Author Index, Pages 657-673
Subject Index, Pages 674-691