The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation

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کتاب راهنمای تفسیر کتاب مقدس مسیحیان اولیه آکسفورد نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation

نام کتاب : The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : کتاب راهنمای تفسیر کتاب مقدس مسیحیان اولیه آکسفورد
سری : Oxford Handbooks
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : OUP Oxford
سال نشر : 2019
تعداد صفحات : 785
ISBN (شابک) : 019871839X , 9780198718390
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 5 مگابایت

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کتاب مقدس تقریباً جوهر تمام جنبه های زندگی کلیساهای اولیه بود. کتاب راهنمای تفسیر کتاب مقدس مسیحی اولیه آکسفورد طیف وسیعی از موضوعات مرتبط با پذیرش، اعطای قاضی، تفسیر، کاربردها و میراث کتاب مقدس در مسیحیت اولیه را بررسی می‌کند. هر بخش شامل بررسی های کلی و بورس تحصیلی پیشرفته است که درک این رشته را گسترش می دهد. بخش اول به بررسی متن مادی منتقل شده، ترجمه و سرمایه گذاری شده با اقتدار، و مفهوم سازی کتاب مقدس به عنوان کلام خدا برای کلیسا می پردازد. بخش دوم نگاهی به فرهنگ و رشته ها یا علم تفسیر در سنت های تفسیری معرف دارد. بخش سوم به شیوه‌های مختلف تفسیری ادبی و غیر ادبی می‌پردازد، در حالی که قسمت چهارم پیش‌زمینه مشترک و پیش‌زمینه تفسیر مسیحیت اولیه را بررسی می‌کند، جایی که کتاب مقدس در شکل‌دهی هویت هنجاری مسیحی بسیار مهم بود. بخش پنجم نقش تعیین کننده کتاب مقدس را در تحولات عمده و مناقشات الهیاتی در زندگی کلیساها ارزیابی می کند. قسمت ششم به تفسیر صحیح بازمی گردد و نمونه هایی را نشان می دهد که چگونه برخی از نقوش ماندگار از درون مکاشفه کتاب مقدس توسط تبیین کنندگان اصلی مسیحی رفتار شده است. تاریخ کلی تفسیر کتاب مقدس خود اکنون موضوع تحقیقات فزاینده ای شده است و بخش پایانی به طرز ماهرانه ای بررسی می کند که چگونه تفسیر اولیه مسیحیت در دوره های بعدی تاریخ کلیسا بازیابی و ارزیابی انتقادی شده است. در مجموع، این فصول مسیرهای متنوعی را برای معرفی دانشجویان و دانش پژوهان از طیف گسترده ای از رشته های دانشگاهی، از جمله کلاسیک، مطالعات کتاب مقدس، تاریخ عمومی تفسیر، تاریخ اجتماعی و فرهنگی مسیحیت اواخر باستان و اوایل قرون وسطی، الهیات تاریخی، ارائه می دهد. و الهیات سیستماتیک و زمینه ای. خوانندگان به منابع اصلی و مسائل مربوط به مطالعه انتقادی تفسیر کتاب مقدس مسیحی اولیه معطوف خواهند شد.

فهرست مطالب :

Cover The oxford handbook of EARLY CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION Copyright Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figures Abbreviations List of Contributors Introduction Part I: SCRIPTURE Chapter 1: Scripture as Artefact Early Christian Biblical Remains Geographical Distribution Early Christian Manuscripts Other Inscriptional Features Scribes and Scriptoria Circulation of Manuscripts Conclusion References Suggested Reading Websites Chapter 2: The Septuagint and Other Translations Introduction Greek Biblical Versions Old Testament The Greek Pentateuch (or: the Septuagint in the Strict Sense) The Other Books of the ‘Septuagint’ (in the Broad Sense) The New Testament The Greek Christian Bible Canon Language Transmission: Christian Recensions Transmission: Dealing with the Hebrew Text and Other Jewish Greek Versions The Latin and Syriac Bible The Latin Bible The Old Latin Versions Jerome’s Revisions and Translation iuxta Hebraeos The Syriac Bible References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 3: Canons and Rules of Faith Terms Canon Rule of Faith Creed Canon of the Old Testament Septuagint Origin of the Septuagint Legends about the Origin of the Septuagint Canon Lists: Old Testament Canon of the Septuagint and Later Controversies Canon of the New Testament Earliest Writings and Collections Emergence of a New Testament Witnesses to the New Testament in the Second Century Canon Lists: New Testament The Rule of Faith Canons, Rules of Faith, and Theology References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 4: Divine Discourse: Scripture in the Economy of Revelation From the Written Word to Scripture Irenaeus: Towards a Holistic Reading of Scripture The Alexandrians and the Enigmatic Quality of Divine Discourse Scriptural Language and the Divine ‘Economy’ Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Part II: INTERPRETERS AND INTERPRETATION Chapter 5: Graeco-Roman Literary Criticism Introduction Early Allegory Plato Aristotle Hellenistic Poetics Late Roman Republic Early Imperial Period Neoplatonic Poetics References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 6: Early Christian Handbooks on Interpretation Types of Handbooks on Biblical Interpretation Hermeneutical Issues in Important Handbooks Origen’s De principiis Tyconius’ Liber regularum Augustine’s De doctrina Christiana Eucherius’ Compendia Adrian’s Introductio in sacras scripturas References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 7: From Letter to Spirit: The Multiple Senses of Scripture Introduction Figurative Exegesis and Tradition Tertullian and God Irenaeus and Creation Origen and the Gospel Augustine The Literal Sense References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 8: Ideal Interpreters Topic Scholarly Trajectories Ideal Interpreters: Main Characteristics Interpreter’s Aim Interpreter’s Education Interpreter’s Manner Moral Credentials, Doctrinal Criteria Exegetical Precedent Exegetical Virtues Inspired Interpreter Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Part III: SETTINGS AND GENRES OF SCRIPTURAL INTERPRETATION I. EXEGETICAL GENRES Chapter 9: Commentaries Beginnings: Hellenistic Literary-Rhetorical Education and its Genres Origen and the ‘Invention’ of the Biblical Commentary Commentary ‘Topics’—‘Scientific’ Commenting and its Consequences After Origen: The Emergence of an Antiochene Tradition The Emergence of a Latin Tradition Jerome, Augustine, and beyond Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 10: Scholia Introduction Classical Scholia Early Christian Scholia Exegetical Scholia Marginal Scholia Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 11: Questions and Responses Exegetical Method and Literary Genre: Some Preliminaries An Overview of the ‘Questions and Responses’ on the Bible in Patristic Literature Greek Questions and Responses Latin Questions and Responses Conclusion: The Sacred Text Submitted to Question References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 12: Paraphrase and Metaphrase Introduction Overview and Definition of Paraphrase in Graeco-Roman Antiquity Prose Paraphrase of Scripture Verse Paraphrase of Scripture Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 13: Catenae References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 14: Sentences Sentences in Classical Antiquity and Early Christianity The Sentences of Sextus Evagrius Ponticus The Apophthegmata Patrum Maximus Confessor References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading II. LITURGICAL INTERPRETATION Chapter 15: Catecheses and Homilies An Intimate Relationship Scripture and the Origins of Preaching/Catechesis Two Genres or One with Fluid Boundaries? Where the Bible was Encountered Which Bible? A Multiplicity of Interpretative Modes References Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 16: Poetry and Hymnody Defining Hymnody and Exegesis Imitation and Exegesis Hymns and Heresy Authors and Texts: The Syriac Tradition Authors and Texts: The Greek Tradition Performative Exegesis Hymnody and Rewriting Comparative Hymnic Exegesis References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 17: Liturgy as Performative Interpretation Basil of Caesarea on the ‘Obscurity’ of Ritual Actions Liturgical Practice as Christian Habitus Interpretation as a Practice of Christian Habitus Use of Scripture as a Constitutive Practice Eucharist: An Example of Scriptural Interpretation of Liturgical Practice Conclusion: Performative Interpretation as Discovery References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading III. NARRATIVE AND VISUAL INTERPRETATION Chapter 18: Christian Apocrypha References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 19: Novels References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 20: Hagiography Classical and Christian Origins of Hagiography Hellenistic Lives of Philosophers The Acts of the Martyrs Holy Men and Women in Egyptian Desert Literature Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers Later Saints’ Lives Bishops’ Lives Lives of Confessors Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 21: Early Christian Visual Art as Biblical Interpretation Overview: Narrative Art and Biblical Interpretation The Sacrifice of Isaac in Early Christian Art: A Case Study Conclusion References Ancient Sources Suggested Reading Part IV: COMMUNITIES AND CRITERIA Chapter 22: Christianity and Judaism Introduction Problems A Shared Bible? Exegesis: Shared Culture and Varied Encounter Christian Reliance upon Jewish Interpretation Christian Use of the Old Testament in Adversus Judaeos Literature Jewish Responses to Christian Interpretation Context of Discussion Jews and the New Testament Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 23: Christians and Pagans Early Reaction to the Septuagint Pseudo-Longinus Numenius of Apamea Lucian of Samosata Celsus Galen Porphyry Amelius Gentilianus Sossianus Hierocles Julian The Anonymous Philosopher of Macarius of Magnesia Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 24: Marcion and his Critics Marcion’s Philosophy Marcion’s Philology Marcion’s Hermeneutics Marcion’s Bible The Critical Response to Marcion Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 25: Gnostics and their Critics The Gnostic School of Thought Valentinus, the ValentinianSchool, and their Critics Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 26: Manichaean Biblical Interpretation Mani and the Biblical Literary Tradition Dualism Christology The Mandatum Christi The Passion Manichaean Exegesis of Paul Manichaean Criticism of the Old Testament Manichaean Criticism of the New Testament Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Part V: SCRIPTURE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Chapter 27: Scripture and Martyrdom Introduction Martyrdom as Imitatio Christi: The New Testament Discourse and its Reception Biblical Exempla: The Maccabees and Stephen the Protomartyr Psalm 115.6 as Example of a Biblical Chorus Matthew 10.23 and Kairological Martyrdom Differing Biblical Approaches to Martyrdom in Augustine and the Donatists References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 28: Scripture in the Trinitarian Controversies Proverbs 8.22 Scripture as Limit and Interruption John 5.19 Fit to Interpret? References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 29: Scripture in the Christological Controversies In Accordance with the Scriptures From Biblical Questions to Scholastic Answers The Era of the Ancient Christological Councils From Scholastic Answers Back to Biblical Questions References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 30: Scripture and a Christian Empire Introduction Eusebius of Caesarea and the Christian Empire Other Voices Augustine Borderlands Dissenters The Bible and Military Service in the Christian Empire References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 31: Scripture and Asceticism Audience Types of Ascetic Interpretation of the Bible The Old Testament: Problem and Source ‘Purity’ and ‘Impurity’: Old Testament Law and Christian Adaptation Some Techniques: A ‘Difference in Times’? Other Techniques: Origen’s Allegory The New Testament: Source and Problem 1 Corinthians 7 Syriac Exegesis References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Part VI: SCRIPTURAL FIGURES AND MOTIFS Chapter 32: Creation Interpreting the Bible on the Origins of the World Interpreting Creation as a Divine Economy ‘Groaning’ and Renewed Creation in Patristic Interpretation Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 33: Adam and Eve Hebrew Bible New Testament Adam as Humanity Adam, Eve, and Sin Adam and Christ Eve and her Sex Adam and Eve as Historic Persons Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 34: Covenants Definitions and Biblical Usage Covenant in the Epistle of Barnabas Covenant in Justin Martyr Themes Associated with Covenant in Groups Outside the Mainstream of the Church Covenant in Irenaeus Covenant in Clement of Alexandria Covenant in Tertullian Covenant in Origen Covenant in John Chrysostom Covenant in Augustine Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 35: Exodus Introduction The Exodus Motif in Scripture The Exodus Motif in the Wake of the New Testament The Exodus Narrative in Origen Fourth-Century Treatises on Exodus: Ephrem the Syrian and Gregory of Nyssa The Exodus: A Common Fourth-Century Reading Questions on Exodus in the Fifth Century: Theodoret and Augustine Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 36: Law Anti-Judaism and Early Christian Interpretation of the Law Interpretation of the Law of Moses in the Teeth of Dualist Forms of Christianity Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 37: Psalms Introduction A New Way of Reading Characterizing the Early Christian Reading of the Psalms How the Psalms Functioned Liturgy and Worship Hermeneutics and Interpretation Apologetic Prophecy and Fulfilment Theological Instruction Moral Instruction Spiritual Diagnosis, Therapy, and Exercise Mystical Ascent References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 38: Sermon on the Mount Early Foundations of Interpretation Beatitudes The Lord’s Prayer and Prayer Antitheses (Matthew 5.21–48) Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 39: The Gospel of John Introduction: The Unique Attraction and Influence of John Survey of Modern Scholarship The Multifarious Influence of John in the Life and Mission of the Church In Scriptural Interpretation In Preaching and Liturgy In Outreach: Evangelism, Apologetic, Protreptic Development of Doctrine: Christology and Trinitarianism John, Judaism, and Docetism Logos Christology in the Apologists Pneumatology/Montanism Monarchianism Arianism Iconography Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 40: Paul the Apostle Introduction: Paul and his Legacy Paul in Controversy Paul as Model Ascetic Paul as Guide on the Road to Perfection: Origen Paul as Champion of Free Will: Pelagius Paul as Herald of Salvation by Divine Grace Alone: Augustine In Praise of Paul as Embodiment of all Virtue: John Chrysostom References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 41: The Cross The Apocalypse of the Cross Images of the Cross References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 42: Heaven and Hell Resources in Scripture for the Development of Heaven and Hell Scripture Invoked in Contexts Related to Heaven and Hell in Patristic Literature Corporeality in the Afterlife and the Status of the Dead Now The Millennial Reign of Christ The Permanent or Temporary Nature of Hell The Development of Purgatory and Prayer for the Dead Christ’s Sojourn in the Underworld Differentiated Rewards in Heaven The Nature of Punishments and Rewards References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Part VII: RETRIEVALS AND CRITICISMS Chapter 43: Medieval Latin Reception From Jerome to Early Scholasticism High Scholastic Readings of 1 Timothy 2.4 Conclusion References Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 44: Byzantine Reception Liturgical Contexts of Biblical Interpretation Exegetical or Theological Treatises, Commentaries, and Illustrated Manuscripts Biblical Interpretation and the Byzantine Laity The Monastic Background Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 45: Reception in the Renaissance and Reformation Introduction Renaissance Humanism Protestant Reception in Continental Europe Appropriation of Fathers on Polemics English Reception Catholic Reception Conclusion References Primary Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 46: Modern Biblical Criticism and the Legacy of Pre-Modern Interpretation The Fathers, Irenicism, and the Republic of Letters Hugo Grotius and Richard Simon After Simon Conclusion References Ancient Sources Scholarship Suggested Reading Chapter 47: Retrievals in Contemporary Christian Theology Orthodox Retrievals Catholic Retrievals Protestant Retrievals Conclusion References Suggested Reading Author Index General Subject Index

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

The Bible was the essence of virtually every aspect of the life of the early churches. The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation explores a wide array of themes related to the reception, canonization, interpretation, uses, and legacies of the Bible in early Christianity. Each section contains overviews and cutting-edge scholarship that expands understanding of the field. Part One examines the material text transmitted, translated, and invested with authority, and the very conceptualization of sacred Scripture as God's word for the church. Part Two looks at the culture and disciplines or science of interpretation in representative exegetical traditions. Part Three addresses the diverse literary and non-literary modes of interpretation, while Part Four canvasses the communal background and foreground of early Christian interpretation, where the Bible was paramount in shaping normative Christian identity. Part Five assesses the determinative role of the Bible in major developments and theological controversies in the life of the churches. Part Six returns to interpretation proper and samples how certain abiding motifs from within scriptural revelation were treated by major Christian expositors. The overall history of biblical interpretation has itself now become the subject of a growing scholarship and the final part skilfully examines how early Christian exegesis was retrieved and critically evaluated in later periods of church history. Taken together, the chapters provide nuanced paths of introduction for students and scholars from a wide spectrum of academic fields, including classics, biblical studies, the general history of interpretation, the social and cultural history of late ancient and early medieval Christianity, historical theology, and systematic and contextual theology. Readers will be oriented to the major resources for, and issues in, the critical study of early Christian biblical interpretation.

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