توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مروری جامع از راههایی ارائه میکند که در آن رابطه بین ایدهآلیسم آلمانی و فلسفه فمینیستی بررسی شده است. اهمیت ایده آلیسم آلمانی برای فلسفه فمینیستی را نشان می دهد، و همزمان ارتباط خوانش ها و تفاسیر فمینیستی را برای درک انتقادی ایده آلیسم آلمانی نشان می دهد.
ویژگی های کلیدی:
• کار اصلی را در مورد ایده آلیست های آلمانی ارائه می دهد و میراث آنها را در اندیشه فمینیستی از دیدگاه های مختلف فلسفی در نظر می گیرد.
• دیدگاههایی از نظریه عجیب و غریب، ماتریالیسم جدید و فلسفه انتقادی نژاد را در بر میگیرد و بنابراین ایدهآلیسم آلمانی را از طریق براندازی و دگرگونی معانی و ترتیبات مفهومی بررسی میکند. • مرزهای معرفتی فلسفه را با درگیر کردن افکار زنان معاصر با ایده آلیست های آلمانی مانند بتینا فون آرنیم و کارولین فون گوندروده به چالش می کشد. /p>• کار ایده آلیست های آلمانی را در مورد جنسیت، جنسیت، ازدواج و خانواده در زمینه های گسترده تر استعمار و ملت سازی اروپایی قرار می دهد.
• در نظر میگیرد که چگونه چندین مفهوم کلیدی ایدهآلیسم آلمانی (مانند موضوع، عقل، روشنگری، خودمختاری و متعالی) اهداف اصلی نظریه فمینیستی بودهاند.
• شامل یک فمینیست سیاهپوست است. نقد جهان شمول گرایی کانتی.
به طور کامل منعکس کننده تنوعی است که تفکر فمینیستی امروزی را مشخص می کند، کتاب راهنمای ایده آلیسم آلمانی و فلسفه فمینیستی پالگریو خواندنی ضروری برای محققان و دانشجویان فارغ التحصیل ایده آلیسم آلمانی، فلسفه فمینیستی و نظریه فمینیستی است.
فهرست مطالب :
Note on Sources and Key to Abbreviations
Brentano von Arnim
Notes on Contributors
Chapter 1: Introduction: German Idealism and Feminist Philosophy
1 Feminist Research on Gender Relations in German Idealism
2 Legacies of German Idealism in Feminist Philosophy
3 Structure of the Book
Part I: Kant and Feminist Philosophy
Chapter 2: Black Feminism and Kantian Universalism
1 What Is Universalism?
2 “Nasty Women”: Kant’s Sexism
3 Approaches to Kant’s Sexism and Racism
4 In the Lurch: Black Feminism and Kant Scholarship
5 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Kant and Feminist Political Thought, Redux: Complicity, Accountability and Refusal
1 Locating the Intersectional Exclusions in Kant: The Problem of Public Reason
2 Unpacking Kant’s “As If”: On the Material Conditions of Independence
3 Constructive Complicity: Re-Orienting Kantian Feminisms
4 Intersectional Interruptions: Accountability and Refusing to Work Our Way “Up”
Chapter 4: Feminist Perspectives on Kant’s Conception of Autonomy: On the Need to Distinguish between Self-Determination and Self-Legislation
1 Feminist Responses to Kantian Conceptions of Autonomy
1.1 Objections Addressing Rationalism, Individualism and Social Atomism
1.2 Relational Autonomy
1.3 Feminist Post-Humanism
2 One Term, Six Meanings
3 Why Kant’s Conception of Moral Autonomy Proves Helpful for Feminist Research
3.1 The Obligation to Further the Happiness of Others
3.2 The Need for an Ethical Community
Chapter 5: Reason and the Transcendental Subject: Kant’s Trace in Feminist Theory
1 Introduction: Kant’s Trace in Feminist Theory
2 Kant: Reason and the Transcendental
2.1 The Terms: ‘Subject’ and ‘Reason’
3 The Subject and Reason in Feminist Theory
3.1 Reason and Subject as Male or Philosophy as a Male Dominated Tradition
3.2 The Possibility of the Subject as Female
3.3 No Subject at All?
3.4 Humanity and Human as the Subject: Agency
4 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Rethinking the Sublime in Kant and Shakespeare: Gender, Race and Abjection
1 Situating Kant’s Aesthetics Within His Philosophy as a Whole
2 Aesthetic Judgment as Reflective, Indeterminate and Disinterested
3 The Sublime
4 Gender’s Preservation of Race in Relation to Aesthetic Judgments
5 Within the Bounds of Modernism: Rose’s Kristevan, Abject, Hamlet
6 Beyond Kristeva’s Meaning: Wynter on The Tempest
7 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7: Anthropology and the Nature-Culture Distinction
1 Anthropology in the Eighteenth Century
2 Kant’s Pragmatic Anthropology
3 Kant’s Anthropology of Gender
4 The Moral Gender
5 Questions of Origin
6 The Anthropological as Moral and Political: A Reprise
7 Outlook
Chapter 8: The Taxonomy of ‘Race’ and the Anthropology of Sex: Conceptual Determination and Social Presumption in Kant
1 From Logic to Nature: The Problem of the Natural Genus
2 Kant and ‘Race’ as a Taxonomic Category
3 Kant and the Social and Moral Anthropology of Sex
Chapter 9: Kant on Sexuality and Marriage
1 Treating Humanity Merely as a Means
2 Sexual Use: The Case of Prostitution
3 Kant’s Solution: Monogamous Marriage
4 From Kant to Contemporary Feminism
Part II: Fichte, Schelling, and Feminist Philosophy
Chapter 10: Woman: The Natural Contradiction—Outlines of Fichte’s Philosophical Gender Theory
1 Fichte’s Philosophical Approach and Philosophical-Historical Position
2 The Systematic Place of Fichte’s Gender Theory
3 Gender Theory in the Foundations of Natural Right
3.1 Fichte’s Doctrine of Right and Morality
3.2 Marriage, Love and Right
4 From Contract Association to Love Community: an Act of Liberation or Legitimation of Female Immaturity?
Chapter 11: Life, Matter and Gender. Schelling’s Philosophical Projects from the Philosophy of Nature to the Ages of the World
1 Naturphilosophie: The Dynamics of Reproduction and Sexual Duality
2 Decentering the Subject: The Female Ground of Existence
3 Matter and Time: Schelling’s Patriarchal “Genealogy of Time” in the Ages of the World and the Limits of Idealism
4 Conclusion
Part III: Hegel and Feminist Philosophy
Chapter 12: Hegel, Schelling and Günderrode on Nature
1 Introduction: Feminist History of Philosophy and German Idealist Philosophies of Nature
2 Schelling’s Philosophy of Nature and its Gendered Aspects
3 Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature and its Gendered Aspects
4 Günderrode’s Philosophy of Nature
Chapter 13: Family, Civil Society and the State
1 Reading the Philosophy of Right
2 Women and Gender in the Philosophy of Right
3 Feminists on Hegel, Women and the Family
4 The Legacy of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right in Feminist Ethical and Political Thought
5 Conclusion
Chapter 14: Antigone’s Dissidence: Bringing Hegelian Dialectics and the Kantian Sublime to the Limit
1 Kant’s Sublime and Beyond
2 Troubling Hegel: Antigone’s Family Ethics in Crisis
3 Antigone before Death
4 With and in Spite of Hegel’s Dialectic
5 Engaging the Antinomies of Feminine Sublime
Chapter 15: The Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic from a Feminist Standpoint
1 Simone de Beauvoir
2 Judith Butler
3 Stubborn Attachment, Bodily Subjection: Rereading Hegel on the Unhappy Consciousness
Chapter 16: Ethical Life and the Feminist Critic
1 Ethical Life
2 Feminism and Ethical Life
3 Conclusion
Chapter 17: Hegel on Political Economy and Property: Feminist Genealogies and Critiques
1 Political Economy and the Idea of Production
1.1 Hegel’s Civil Society as a ‘System of Needs’
1.2 Production as a Historical Force: From Hegel to Marx and Engels
1.3 Feminist Emancipation through Participation in Production
2 Hegel’s Theory of Property and its Impact for Feminist Theory
2.1 Subjects of Property: Property and the Person in the Context of ‘Abstract Right’
2.2 The Family, Private Property and the State: Historicizing Patriarchy
3 Conclusion
Chapter 18: Race, Feminism and Critical Race Theories: What’s Hegel Got to Do with It?
1 Hegel on Race(s)
2 Hegel and Racism
3 Feminist Readings of Hegel, Gender, and Race
4 Alison Stone and Kimberly Hutchings: Reinterpreting Hegel, Rethinking Feminism
5 Critical Philosophy of Race and Racial Justice: What’s Hegel Got to Do with It?
Part IV: Feminist Philosophy and Thinkers Connected to German Idealism
Chapter 19: Beyond Complementarity: Nature, Gender and Plants in German Romanticism and Idealism
1 Introduction
2 Goethe’s Botany
3 Schlegel and Novalis
4 Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature
5 The Women of German Romanticism
6 Conclusion
Chapter 20: Staging History: Bettina Brentano von Arnim’s Günderode and the Ideal of Symphilosophy
1 Günderode: An Overview
2 Effective History in “The Manes”
3 Continuity of the Self
4 The Matter of History
5 The Meaning of Proof
6 Conclusion: Symphilosophy in Günderode
Chapter 21: Sister, Spouse and a Subversive Split: The Ambiguous Place of Gender in Schleiermacher’s Philosophy
1 Introduction
2 Gender in Schleiermacher’s Early Works
3 A Post-Kantian Reading of Spinoza
4 Religion and Individuality
5 Gendering of Intuition and Feeling
6 Outline of Brouillon on Ethics 1805–1806
7 Theory of Gender Characters in Brouillon
8 Incompatibility of Gender Difference with the Ethical System
8.1 Theoretical Construction of Gender Difference
8.2 The Family as the Original Individuality
8.3 Love Between Siblings as the Original Friendship Between the Genders
9 Conclusion
Chapter 22: Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics and Ethics: Mapping Influences and Congruities with Feminist Philosophers
1 Introduction
2 Schopenhauer’s Philosophy and Its Popularity
3 May Sinclair
4 Simone de Beauvoir
5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 23: Conclusion
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the ways in which the relation between German Idealism and feminist philosophy has been explored. It demonstrates the significance of German Idealism for feminist philosophy, and simultaneously brings out the relevance of feminist readings and interpretations for a critical understanding of German Idealism.
Key Features:
• Presents original work on the German Idealists and considers their legacy within feminist thought from different philosophical perspectives.
• Incorporates perspectives from queer theory, new materialism and critical philosophy of race, and so explores German Idealism through the subversion and transformation of meanings and conceptual arrangements. • Challenges the epistemic boundaries of philosophy by engaging the thought of women contemporary with the German Idealists such as Bettina von Arnim and Karoline von Günderrode.
• Places the work of the German Idealists on gender, sexuality, marriage and family within the wider contexts of colonialism and European nation building.
• Considers how several key concepts of German Idealism (such as subject, reason, enlightenment, autonomy and the sublime) have been central targets of feminist theory.
• Includes a Black feminist critique of Kantian universalism.
Fully reflecting the diversity that characterizes feminist thinking today, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Feminist Philosophy is essential reading for scholars and graduate students of German idealism, feminist philosophy and feminist theory.