فهرست مطالب :
The Political Economy of Italy’s Decline
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Boxes
List of Abbreviations
Italy’s Decline and the Risks It Entails
‘Bits of Paper’, Violence, and ‘Little Oligarchies’
The Stagnation of Productivity
Political Problems
A Sketch of Our Interpretation
Outline of the Book
The Reasons for This Book
Invisible Facts and Petrifying Ones
1: Introduction: Italy’s Decline, the Existing Interpretations, and Our Hypothesis
The Gravity of Italy’s Decline
Interpretations of Italy’s Decline: the Main Questions
Secular Weaknesses, the End of Convergence, and Four Shocks
Sisyphus’s Reforms: the Adjustment to Changed Conditions
The Empirical Studies and their Conclusions
The Open Questions and Our Interpretation
2: The Conceptual Framework: Growth, Institutions, and Social Orders
Long-Term Growth and Institutions
Convergence, Stages of Development, and ‘Appropriate Institutions’
The Emergence and Persistence of Inefficient Institutions
The Primacy of Political Institutions and the Political Economy of Growth
Institutions: Definitions, Normative Theories, Controversies, and their Relevance
A Theory on Violence and Social Orders
The Subversion of the Formal Institutions, Transition, and Institutional Change
3: The Conceptual Framework: Collective Action, Trust, Culture, and Ideas
Introduction: the Core of Our Conceptual Framework
The Collective Action Problem: the Common Good, Individual Rationality, and the Capacity of Citizens to Organize
The Consequences: ‘Distributional Coalitions’ and Institutional Sclerosis
Overcoming the Collective Action Problem: Laws and Social Norms
The Question of Compliance: Rational Choice, Beliefs, and Expectations
Social Norms: Origin and Change
Social Capital, Trust, and ‘Civicness’
Trust, Good Government, and Development: the Question of Causality
A Critique of the Cultural Hypothesis
The Largely Independent Role of Ideas
4: Vicious Circles and Multiple Equilibria: The Spiral
An Illustration: Public Services, Taxation, Corruption, and Political Accountability
The Public Interest, Individual Interests, and Multiple Equilibria
A Sketch of Italy’s Problems
Institutions, Trust, Civicness, and Their Co-Evolution; Preferences and Ideas
5: Italy’s Social Order between Unification and Fascism
Social Order and Elites in the Nineteenth Century
Italy’s Late Industrialization and the Policies of the Giolittian Era
World War I, Fascism, and the Rise of the State-Entrepreneur
The Liberal Elites and Fascism: the Regression of Italy’s Social Order
6: The Formation of the Republican Institutions
The Resistance and the Birth of the Republic
A Sketch of the Post-War Period: the Contest over Italy’s Social Order
The Emergence of the Post-War Political Cleavages and Alignments (1944–1947)
A Constitutional Compromise Written Behind a Rawlsian Veil of Ignorance
The Consolidation of Italy’s Democracy and its Ideological Fractures (1948–1953)
Continuity and the Subversion of the New Political Institutions
Collective Action in the Agrarian South
Reconstruction and the Economic Institutions
The Nature of Italy’s Democracy and the Character of its Institutions in the 1950s
7: The ‘Economic Miracle’ and an Ambitious Reform Programme
Overview and Periodization
The ‘Economic Miracle’ and Full Employment (1950–1963)
The Juncture of 1962–1964 and the Defeat of an Ambitious Reform Programme
A Battle of Ideas
The Political Influence of Organized Crime
8: Continuity and Instability: The Spiral Sets In
Social Tensions, Macroeconomic Instability, Political Violence, and Selective Inclusion
Between the Economic Miracle and the Outburst of Tension
Italy’s Long 1968 and its Aftermath
Policies of Particularistic Inclusion
IRI’s Decline and the Response of the Private Sector to the Challenges of the 1970s
Industrial Districts
Collusion and Corruption
A Decline in Political Polarization and the Evolution of the PCI
A ‘Metastasis of the Institutions’ and a Revelation of Their Distortions
Counterpoises: ‘Democratic Citizens’, the Judiciary, the Bank of Italy
The Evolution of the Presidency of the Republic
The Growing Independence of the Judiciary and the Countermeasures It Attracted
The Bank of Italy
9: The Last Four Decades: The Spiral Unperturbed, Halted, Resumed
The Spiral Unperturbed (1980–1992): a Tipping Point Is Passed
A ‘Missed Opportunity’
The Rule of Law
Collusion and Competition
Inappropriate Institutions and Italy’s Incipient Divergence from the Frontier
The South and Organized Crime
‘They Only Looked for Votes’
The Rupture of 1992–1994
The Storm Gathers (1991)
The Equilibrium Is Shaken (1992)
A ‘Pitiable End’ (1993)
A Fresh Political Elite Rises (1994)
The Spiral Resumed (1994–2011)
The Quality of the Rule of Law
The Synthetic Indicators
Legislation on Corruption
Social Tolerance for Corruption, Blackmail, and Trust in the Judiciary
Tax Evasion
Organized Crime
The Italian Landscape
Political Accountability
Closing the Circle: Economic Policy, Institutions, and Performance
The Rupture of 2011–2013 and Its Aftermath
Name Index
General Index