فهرست مطالب :
Contents\nI. Introduction\n The Modern Biotic Communities of the Upper Great Lakes\n The Carolinian Biotic Province\n The Canadian Biotic Province\n The Hudsonian Biotic Province\n The Illinoian Biotic Province\nII. Paleoecology\n The Boreal Woodland Period: 12,000 B.C. - 9,000 B.C.\n The Boreal Forest Period: 9,000 B.C. - 7,000 B.C.\n The Pine Forest Period: 7,000 B.C. - 3,500 B.C.\n The Oak and Pine Forest Period: 3,500 B.C. - Present\n Climatic Fluctuation of the Oak and Pine Forest Period\n Xerothermic Maximum: 2,300 B.C. - 1,800 B.C.\n Cool Episode: 1,800 B.C. - 1,300 B.C.\n Late Archaic Episode 1,300 B.C. - 800 B.C.\n Cool Episode: 800 B.C. - 300 B.C.\n Hopewell Episode: 300 B.C. - A.D. 300\n Scandic Episode: A.D. 300 - A.D. 800\n Neo-Atlantic Episode: A.D. 800 - A.D. 1200\n Protohistoric and Historic Climatic Episode: A.D. 1200 - A.D. 1700\nIII. Ethnozoology\n The Identification and Analysis of Faunal Remains\n Focal and Diffuse Economies\n Paleo-Indian Cultures: 10,000 B.C. - 8,000 B.C.\n Early Archaic Cultures: 8,000 B.C. - 6,000 B.C.\n Middle Archaic Cultures: 6,000 B.C. - 3,000 B.C.\n Late Archaic Cultures: 3,000 B.C. - 1,000 B.C\n Early Woodland Cultures: 1,000 B.C. - 300 B.C.\n Middle Woodland Cultures: 300 B.C. - A.D. 400\n Late Woodland and Upper Mississippian Cultures: A.D. 400 - A.D. 1650\nIV. Summary and Conclusions\n Paleo-Indian Cultures: 12,000 B.C. - 9,000 B.C.\n Early Archaic Cultures: 9,000 B.C. - 7,000 B.C.\n Middle Archaic Cultures: 7,000 B.C. - 3,000 B.C.\n Late Archaic Cultures 3,000 B.C. - 1,000 B.C.\n Early Woodland Cultures 1,000 B.C. - 300 B.C.\n Middle Woodland Cultures 300 B.C. - A.D. 400\n Late Woodland and Upper Mississippian Cultures: A.D. 400 - A.D. 1650\nAppendix A. Re-analysis of Faunal Remains from Raddatz Rockshelter, Sauk County, Wisconsin\nAppendix B. Animal Remains from the Feeheley, Hart and Schmidt Sites, Saginaw County, Michigan\nAppendix C. Analysis of the Animal Remains at the Schultz Site, Saginaw County, Michigan\nAppendix D. Faunal Remains from the Mero and Heins Creek Sites, Door County, Wisconsin\nAppendix E. Faunal Remains from the Juntunen Site, Mackinac County, Michigan\nAppendix F. Analysis of the Fauna of the Moccasin Bluff Site, Berrien County, Michigan\nAppendix G. Distribution of Various Animal Species According to Biotic Province\nAppendix H. Habitat Preference of Some of the Animal Species of the Eastern United States\nAppendix I. Archaeological Occurrence of Various Vertebrate Species of the Eastern United States\nLiterature Cited