The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education, Third Edition

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کتاب بحران نژادی در آموزش عالی آمریکا، ویرایش سوم نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education, Third Edition

نام کتاب : The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education, Third Edition
ویرایش : 3
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : بحران نژادی در آموزش عالی آمریکا، ویرایش سوم
سری : Critical Race Studies in Education
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : State University of New York Press
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 388
ISBN (شابک) : 1438492723 , 9781438492728
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 3 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

List of Illustrations
Part 1. Contextualizing the Crisis
1 Institutionalized White Racism: The Impact on US Higher Education
Institutionalized White Racism Overview
White Privilege
Institutionalized White Racism: Contemporary Responses
US Higher Education Today
Schooling Versus Education: A Dilemma
Curriculum Reform, Broadly Defined: An Opportunity
2 Who Gets “Left Out”: Pacific Islanders, Data Aggregation, and Native Erasure
Who Are Pacific Islanders?
History of the Asian Pacific Islander Category
Pacific Islanders as Indigenous People / What Does Indigeneity Have to Do with It?
The Need for Race in Left Out
The Startling Statistics
Disaggregated Data
3 Black Male Genocide: Systemic Racism and Implications for Black Male Presence and Success in Higher Education
Infant Mortality
Racial Battle Fatigue
The School-to-Prison Pipeline
Zero Tolerance and Suspensions
Violent Deaths and Murders
Higher Education
Black Male Attrition and Disparities in Degree Attainment in Higher Education
Arrest and Death of College-Aged Black Males
Postgraduation Employment and Income
Economic Exclusion
Professional Occupations and Higher Education
Health and Life Expectancy
Negative Health Outcomes
Racialized Stress
Part 2. Considering History
4 Presidential Responses to Campus Racism: A Historical Perspective
5 Race-Conscious Affirmative Action in US Higher Education in an Era of Pronounced White Racial Backlash
Race-Conscious Admissions Practices in the New Millennium
White Backlash: Universities under Threat
Student Activism and Race-Conscious Admissions
Implications of Current Court Cases and Judicial Updates
Color-Blind Policy Framework Challenges and Myths
Race-Neutral Alternatives
The Mismatch Hypothesis
Myth of Meritocracy
Post-Racial Myths
Part 3. The Day-to-Day Realities
6 The Psychosocial Antecedents of Racial Battle Fatigue
Defining Racism and Subordinate-Racialized Groups
We Charge Genocide: Identifying (Racist) Racial Misandry and Racial Misogyny
Racial Battle Fatigue in Society and Schools
Operationalizing Racial Battle Fatigue as a Theoretical Framework
Applying Trauma-Informed Care to Racial Battle Fatigue
7 Outsiders Within: Black Faculty in US Higher Education
Theoretical Framework
Critical Race Theory
Black Critical Theory and Anti-Blackness
Review of Literature
Obstacles Encountered by Black Faculty
Retention and Campus Racial Climate and Cultures
Promotion and Tenure
The Black Tax—Teaching, Mentoring, and Service
Race and Gender: Misogynoir in the Professoriate
Locating Black faculty in the Academy
Few and Far Between: Underrepresentation of Black Faculty with Tenure
The Road Less Traveled: Black Faculty on the Tenure Track
Black Faculty Not on the Tenure Track
Teaching at the Intersection: Race and Gender Demographics of Black Faculty
Summary, Discussion, and Conclusion
Seeing through the Smog of Anti-Blackness
Benefits of Diversity at the Expense of Black Faculty
Reimagining an Academy with Black Faculty Included
Black Life Making in the Academy
8 African American Faculty and Administrators in Higher Education: From Recruitment to Retention
The Data
Theoretical Framework
Geography of African Americans in Higher Education
Geographical Mobility among Faculty
What Contributes to African American Faculty Mobility?
Geographical Mobility among Administrators
What Contributes to African American Administrator Lack of Mobility?
Patterns of Employment across Institutional Characteristics
Growing Faculty Participation in the Private Sector and Two-Year Institutions
Growing Administrator Participation at Research Institutions and Two-Year Institutions
Changing Representation of Higher Education Leaders in the Academy
African American Faculty
African American Administrators
Recurring Challenges from Recruitment to Retention
9 Asian American Faculty Discrimination: Why Does It Matter?
Faculty of Color Matter
Campus Climate Matters
Needs, Challenges, and Contributions
Implications for the Inclusion of Asian American Faculty
Part 4. Leadership Does Matter
10 HBCU Activism: The Evolving Role of HBCUs in Resolving Racial Tensions and Advancing Racial Conciliation in Higher Education
HBCUs during Reconstruction and Post-Reconstruction (1862–1900)
HBCUs during the New Negro Movement (1900s–1940s)
HBCUs during the Civil Rights Movement (1940s–1960s)
HBCUs during the Black Power Movement (1960s–1970s)
HBCUs during the Afrocentric Movement (1980s–2000s)
The Black Lives Matter Movement (2010s–Present)
Summary and Conclusions
11 Exploring the Latinx-Servingness of Faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Contexts and Structures of Servingness at Southeastern University and Western University
Faculty Acts of Servingness
Navigating College
Navigating STEM
12 Black Women Faculty Engendering Brave (Online) Spaces for Black/Students of Color and Themselves
Birth of My Calling: Why We Came and Why We Stay
Labor Practices
We Don’t Teach in a Vacuum
Harmonize Our Voices
“But Some of us are brave”: Synthesis
Design Effectively
Set Boundaries
Re/Imagine Space
13 Diversity Leadership at the University of Michigan: From Desegregation to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Historical Shifts in Societal Diversity Policies
From Desegregation to Affirmative Action: Sociopolitical and Campus Diversity Challenges
Black Student Activism and Affirmative Action
Anti–Affirmative Action Backlash: From the Reagan Era to the Michigan Diversity Defense
Evolution of Strategic Diversity Leadership at Michigan
Hatcher Era (1951–1967): Legal Segregation to Desegregation Strategies
Fleming Era (1968–1979): Civil Rights to Black Power and BAM I Activism
Shapiro Era (1980–1987): Managing Racial Tensions and Developing Strategic Diversity Responses at the University of Michigan
Duderstadt Era (1988–1996): Michigan Mandate to Legal Opposition
Bollinger Era (1996–2001): Anti–Affirmative Action Lawsuits to Diversity Legal Strategy
Coleman Era (2002–2014): Affirmative Action Ban to Institutional Diversity Strategy
Innovative Diversity Research and Training (2005)
New National Center for Institutional Diversity (2006)
Schlissel Era (2014–2022): Institutional Diversity to DEI Strategic Planning Strategy
Conclusions and Implications
Bridging DEI Strategic Evaluation and Related Scholarship: Reciprocal Translation
Afterword: Equity, Justice, and The Racial Crisis

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