The Rise of the New Network Industries: Regulating Digital Platforms

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کتاب ظهور صنایع شبکه جدید: تنظیم پلتفرم های دیجیتال نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Rise of the New Network Industries: Regulating Digital Platforms

نام کتاب : The Rise of the New Network Industries: Regulating Digital Platforms
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ظهور صنایع شبکه جدید: تنظیم پلتفرم های دیجیتال
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Routledge
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 293
ISBN (شابک) : 0367693054 , 9780367693053
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 24 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

این کتاب با غلبه بر سردرگمی پیرامون ماهیت و پیامدهای دیجیتالی‌سازی، ظهور شبکه‌های دیجیتال جدید، نحوه تأثیرگذاری آن‌ها بر زیرساخت‌های سنتی و اینکه چگونه در نهایت نیاز به تنظیم دارند را بررسی می‌کند. نویسندگان بررسی می‌کنند که چگونه دیجیتالی‌سازی بر زیرساخت‌های مخابرات، حمل‌ونقل و انرژی تأثیر می‌گذارد و چگونه پلت‌فرم‌های دیجیتال خود را به‌عنوان یک شبکه جدید در بالای شبکه‌های سنتی و علاوه بر آن تثبیت می‌کنند.

مختلط مفاهیم از طریق داستان‌های کوتاه و رنگارنگ درباره بنیان‌گذاران محبوب‌ترین پلتفرم‌ها (گوگل، فیس‌بوک، اسکایپ، اوبر و غیره) و نحوه رشد آن‌ها به موقعیت‌های قدرت معرفی می‌شوند و با قدرت انحصاری صنایع شبکه سنتی صدساله مشابهت می‌کنند. AT

فهرست مطالب :

Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of contents
Part I The Digitalization Dilemma in the Network Industries
Chapter 1 Digitalizing the Network Industries
1.1 Network Industries
1.2 Digitalization
1.3 Smart Networks
1.4 Challenges in Digitalizing Networks
1.5 Disruption
Chapter 2 Platforms in Multi-Sided Markets
2.1 Newspapers
2.2 Payment Cards
2.3 Videogame Consoles
2.4 Multi-sided Markets and Network Effects
2.5 Platforms
Chapter 3 Digital Platforms
3.1 eBay, Amazon, and Marketplace Platforms
3.2 Google and Searches
3.3 Facebook and Social Networks
3.4 Airbnb and the Sharing Economy
3.5 Algorithmic Network Effects
Chapter 4 Disruption by Digital Platforms: Substitution and Platformization
4.1 What Is Disruption?
4.2 Napster and the Music Industry
4.3 Google and the “Link Wars”
4.4 Disruption by Substitution
4.5 Disruption by “Platformization”
Chapter 5 Network Industries Disrupted by Platforms
5.1 Substitution
5.2 Platformization
5.3 The Digitalization Dilemma
5.4 The Role of Regulation
Part II Platforms in the Communications Industries
Chapter 6 Network Effects in Communications
6.1 Network Effects at the Origins of Telephony in the US
6.2 Network Effects and Regulation
6.3 Digitalization and the End of the Telephone Monopoly
6.4 The Internet: New and Larger Network Effects
6.5 Deregulation and Fragmentation of the Market
Chapter 7 Email: Postal Networks are Substituted
7.1 The (Originally) Glorious Days of Postal Services
7.2 The Creation of Network Mail
7.3 Hotmail Makes Email the Killer App on the Internet
7.4 A Network on Top of Networks
7.5 Substitution of Letter Mail
Chapter 8 Skype and WhatsApp: Telecom Carriers are Platformed
8.1 Skype and Voice Over IP
8.2 WhatsApp and OTTs
8.3 Platforms and Communications Services
8.4 Telecom Carriers Are Platformed
8.5 IOS and Android: Apps Are Platformed
Chapter 9 YouTube: Traditional Media Substituted and Platformed
9.1 YouTube and User-Generated Content Platforms
9.2 Media Substituted by Platforms
9.3 Media Platformed in the Display of Content
9.4 Media Platformed in the Relationship with Advertisers
9.5 Digital Platforms as Coordinators of the System
Chapter 10 The Regulatory Challenges Posed by Communications Platforms
10.1 Level Playing Field
10.2 Regulating Concentration
10.3 Platform to Telecoms Relations
10.4 Platform Neutrality
10.5 General Interest
Part III Platforms in the Transport Industries
Chapter 11 Scale and Networks in Transportation
11.1 The Adventure of Traveling
11.2 Scale Up!
11.3 Transport networks
11.4 Legal Monopolies
11.5 The Limits of Supply Side Economies of Scale
11.6 From Supply to Demand Side Economies of Scale
Chapter 12 Amadeus, Sabre, and Air Transport
12.1 Global Distribution Systems
12.2 Conflicts in the Aviation Ecosystem
12.3 The First Platform Regulation?
Chapter 13 Uber and Urban Mobility
13.1 A Wild Ride
13.2 “A Network Layer on Top of It”
13.3 Regulatory Bumps
13.4 Substitution of taxi
Chapter 14 BlaBlaCar and Long-Distance Mobility
14.1 Carpooling Digital Platforms
14.2 The Sharing Economy
14.3 Substitution of Mass-Transit Services
Chapter 15 Mobility-as-a-Service: The Network of Networks
15.1 What Is MaaS?
15.2 Network Effects
15.3 The Network of Networks
15.4 The Race to Be the Network on Top
Chapter 16 Transport Providers are Platformed
16.1 Platformed
16.2 Market Power
16.3 Vertical Integration
16.4 The Digitalization Dilemma
16.5 General Interest
Part IV Platforms in the Energy Industries
Chapter 17 Network Effects in the Energy Industries
17.1 Network Effects in the Early Electricity Industry
17.2 Growing Network Effects
17.3 Peaking Network Effects
17.4 Deregulation
Chapter 18 Distributed Systems and the Need for Coordination
18.1 Tesla’s Ambitions
18.2 Decentralized Generation: New Technologies and New Policies
18.3 Further Technological Innovations at the Interface of Generation and Transmission
18.4 What Is the Smart Grid?
18.5 What Is New? Platformization in Electricity Distribution
Chapter 19 The Future of Energy
19.1 From Electricity to Energy
19.2 What Role for Digital Platforms in Energy?
19.3 How Far Will Platforms Be Able to Go?
19.4 What Does This Mean for Regulation?
Part V Regulating Platforms as the New Network Industries
Chapter 20 Platforms as the New Network Industries
20.1 Digital Platforms and Network Effects
20.2 The Business of Creating Value through Network Effects
20.3 Digital Platforms Are the New Network Industries
20.4 Differences between the Old and the New Network Industries
20.5 Implications for Regulation
Chapter 21 Regulating Platforms as Intermediaries
21.1 Platforms Provide Intermediation Services
21.2 Obligation to Protect and Promote the Interests of Their Clients
21.3 Transparency
21.4 Liability as Intermediaries
21.5 Redress Mechanisms
Chapter 22 Regulating Platforms as Superintermediaries
22.1 Digital Platforms as Superintermediaries
22.2 Liability of Superintermediaries
22.3 Fairness and Transparency for Business Users
22.4 Network Industries and Superintermediaries
Chapter 23 Regulating Platforms with Market Power
23.1 Winner-Takes-All?
23.2 Competition Law and Regulation
23.3 Pro-competition Behavioral Obligations
23.4 Pro-competition Structural Obligations
23.5 Fair, Reasonable and Non-discrimination Obligations
Chapter 24 Regulating Platform Ecosystems
24.1 Promoting Network Effects
24.2 Platforms and the General Interest
24.3 Institutional Framework
24.4 Transparency in Algorithms
24.5 The European Model

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

Cutting through the confusion around the nature and implications of digitalization, this book explores the rise of the new digital networks, how they affect traditional infrastructure, and how they will eventually need to be regulated. The authors examine how digitalization affects infrastructures in telecommunications, transport, and energy, and how digital platforms establish themselves as a new network on top of and in addition to traditional ones.

Complex concepts are introduced through short and colorful stories about the founders of the most popular platforms (Google, Facebook, Skype, Uber, etc.) and how they grew to positions of power, drawing parallels with century-old traditional network industries’ monopoly power (AT&T, General Electric, etc.). The authors argue that these digital platforms strongly interfere with traditional infrastructures that are heavily regulated and provide essential services for society – meaning that digital platforms should be considered as a new and much more powerful type of infrastructure and will require regulation accordingly.

A global audience of policy makers, public authorities, consultants, lawyers, students, and academics, as well as anyone with an interest in these digital platforms, will find this book enlightening and essential reading.

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