توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مرجع کلیدی برای رویکردهای تاریخی و سیاسی معاصر به جنسیت در اروپای مرکزی شرقی و اوراسیا است. محققان برجسته، سیاست، تاریخ، فرهنگ، قومیت و مذاهب بسیار متنوع منطقه و چگونگی تلاقی این ساختارها با جنسیت در کنار طبقات، تمایلات جنسی، استعمار و نژادپرستی را بررسی میکنند. این کتاب شامل 51 فصل، به شش بخش موضوعی تقسیم میشود: بخش اول بحثهای مفهومی و تفاوتهای روششناختی بخش دوم جنبشهای فمینیستی و زنان با همکاری و تضاد بخش سوم ساختارهای جنسیت در ایدئولوژیهای مختلف قسمت چهارم تجربیات زیستشده افراد در رژیمهای مختلف قسمت پنجم مبهم گذارهای پساکمونیستی بخش ششم مسائل مربوط به سیاست پست کمونیستی با تمرکز بر تعریف بحث ها، این مجموعه بررسی می کند که چگونه تجارب مشترک، به ویژه کمونیسم، بر سازمان جنسیتی نیروهای سیاسی از طریق طیف گسترده ای از موضوعات از جمله فمینیسم، ایدئولوژی، خشونت، استقلال، انتقال رژیم، تاثیر می گذارد. و سیاست عمومی این مجموعه ای بنیادی است که برای دانش پژوهان و دانشجویان در طیف وسیعی از رشته ها از جمله مطالعات زنان، جنسیت و جنسیت و مطالعات اروپای مرکزی شرقی و اوراسیا بسیار ارزشمند خواهد بود.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Series Information
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Part I Conceptual Debates and Methodological Differences
Introduction: Conceptual Debates and Methodological Differences
The Development of the Field
1 Between Regional and Transnational Contexts
The Region: What’s in a Name?
The Nation: Diverse Approaches to Gender Analysis
Transnational and Global Frameworks
2 Fluidity or Clean Breaks?
The Critical Junctures: Transition vs. Transformation
Shaping Gender Identities and Dynamics: Actors and Processes
Interaction of Actors
3 Neoliberal Intervention: Analyzing the Drakulic– Funk–Ghodsee Debates: Analyzing the Drakulic– Funk–Ghodsee Debates
Feminist Disputes Between East and West: Drakulić– Funk in the 1990s
The Impact of Western Donors on Feminism: Funk–Ghodsee in the 2000s
Debating State Socialist Women’s Organizations: Funk–Ghodsee in the 2010s
(Not) Laughing in Communism and Postcommunism: Drakulic–Ghodsee and Others in the 2010s
Feminism in Times of Neoliberalism and Authoritarianism: CEE Authors Engage the Debate
4 Legacies of the Cold War and the Future of Gender in Feminist Histories of Socialism
What is a Cold War Narrative?
Gender Analysis Meets Cold War Narratives of Socialism
Beyond the Cold War Plots
The Trouble with Gender in Counter-narratives of Socialism
5 The Case and Comparative Methods
Tradeoffs in the Use of Case Studies and Other Comparative Methods
Varying Disciplinary Approaches to Case Studies and Comparative Method
Political Science Approaches to Women’s Organizing in Russia
Cultural Anthropology of Women’s Organizing and Lived Experiences of Gender in and Beyond Russia
Sociological Mixed Methods to Women’s Organization and Gender
6 Quantitative and Experimental Methods
Quantitative– Qualitative Debates in Gender and Politics Research
Quantitative Research, Intersectionality, and Multidimensionality
Research on Institutions and Institutional Change in CEE&E
Research on Genderspecific Public Opinion in CEE&E
7 Postcoloniality in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia
After Socialist Internationalism: A New Postcolonial Optic
Multiple Centers and Peripheries
Decolonial Interventions
8 Post-Soviet Masculinities: Sex, Power, and the Vanishing Subject
Masculinity and Homoeroticism
Homosociality and Power
Masculinity and State Power: Who’s on Top?
Part II Feminist and Women’s Movements Cooperating and Colliding
Introduction: Feminist and Women’s Movements Cooperating and Colliding
Women’s Organizing Under Empires
9 Challenging Tradition and Crossing Borders: Women’s Activism and Literary Modernism in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Women’s Philanthropic Organizations and Salons
The National Movements and Women’s Organizations
The Fight for Women’s Education
The Role of Women’s Professional Organizations
Women’s Alliances
Women Writers
10 The First All-Russian Women’s Congress: “The Women’s Parliament”
Revolution, Repression, and Resistance
Ladies, Laborers, and Professionals
Congress Sessions: Debating Feminist Theory and Practice
The Final Congress Resolutions: Advocating Within an Autocracy
The Short- and Long-term Impact of the Congress
Socialist (Feminist) Interpretations
11 the Russian Revolution and Women’s Liberation: Rethinking the Legacy of the Socialist Emancipation Project
Labor Feminism and the Russian Revolution
Soviet Socialism and the Woman Question
The Socialist Model and Its Discontents
Dissident Women and Feminisms
12 Czechoslovak Feminisms During the Interwar Period
Czech and Slovak Women’s Emancipation Efforts Prior to Independence
The First Republic
13 Women in Poland’s Solidarity
Women Within Male Political and Religious Narratives
The Development of a Gendered Perspective of Dissent
Religious/ Cultural Factors Influencing Gender Roles
Women’s Rights and Opposition to Socialism
Women Organize the Underground: Solidarity’s “Third Space”
A Gendered Elite
The Rise of Feminist and Nationalist Turns
The New Patriarchy
Postcommunist NGO Feminisms and Beyond
14 From Soviet Feminism to the European Union: Transnational Women’s Movements Between East and West
East– West Exchanges After 1945
From International to Local: Impact of International Networks on Local Gender Politics
Postsocialist Feminism, the European Union Accession, and the Turn to “Connective” Action
15 Transnational Feminism and Women’s NGOs: the Case of the Network of East– West Women
Structural Steps to Minimize Risks of US Feminist Domination
Neww as Transnational Feminist Donor Without Colonization
Neww Commitment to Intersectionality
How Not to be Donor Driven
Avoiding Complicity in Neoliberalism
NEWW’s Difficulties
16 Contentions of Funding Gender Equality in Central-Eastern Europe
Gender Equality and Women’s Organizing Under Late State Socialism
Frameworks for Funding: The Civil Society and Philanthrocapitalist Approaches
NGOization, Project Feminism, and Movement Building
Neoliberalism, Governance Feminism, and Movement Building
Austerity, Identity, and Intersectional Movement Building
17 Pussy Riot and Femen’s Global Trajectories in Law, Society, and Culture
Design and Strategies
Common Roots, Diverging Routes
From Postcommunist Post-Secularism to “Sextremism”
A Moving Vector with no Endpoint
Part III Constructions of Gender in Different Ideologies
Introduction: Constructions of Gender in Different Ideologies
18 Nationalism and Sexuality in Central-Eastern Europe
Strange but Magnetic Bedfellows: Prostitution and Nationalism
Eugenics and the Scientific Legitimization of Racialized Nationalism
Nationalism and Homosexuality
Sexuality and Nationalism Through the Lens of Antisemitism
19 Gender, Militarism, and the Modern Nation in Soviet and Russian Cultures
Intertwined National and Gender Identities
Hegemony and Challenge: Masculinity and the Military
The Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland
Late Soviet Responses to Military Masculinity
20 Farright Expectations of Women in Central-Eastern Europe
Research on Women and Fascism in CEE After WWII
Gendered Analyses of Fascism in CEE After Communism
The Birth of Gendered Antimodernism in Central-Eastern Europe
Gender and Fascism During World War II in CEE
Socialisms and Communisms
21 Paradoxes of Gender in Soviet Communist Party Women’s Sections (the Zhenotdel), 1981-1930
Tensions from the Beginning
Organizational Struggles Force the Women’s Sections to Become More Compliant
Assessing the Work of the Women’s Sections
The Gender Politics of Backwardness
22 Women’s Education, Entry to Paid Work, and Forced Unveiling in Soviet Central Asia
Debates About the Soviet Emancipatory Project
Bolshevik Ideas on Women’s Education and Emancipation: the “Woman of the East”
Bolshevik Ideas on Work Among “Women of the East”
Soviet Ideology on the Transformation of Women’s Family and Private Life: The Case of hujum
23 “Gypsies”/ Roma and the Politics of Reproduction in Post-Stalinist Central-Eastern Europe
Pronatalism and Eugenic Thought in the First Half of the 20th Century
“New Eugenics” in Postworld War II Reproductive Politics
“Gypsies”/ Roma as Targets of Post-world War II “Racialist Thinking”
“Gypsies”/ Roma and Racialized Selective Pronatalism
24 Legalizing Queerness in Central-Eastern Europe
Discourses on Decriminalization
Ideological Continuities in the Conceptualization of Homosexualities
Ideological Approaches to Legislation in Post-Stalinist CEE
Postsocialist Decriminalization
Grassroots Mobilizations Under Different Ideologies
Movements and
25 Gender and the Democratic Paradox in Latvia
Political Legacies of 20th-century Latvia
Women and Opposition: Building the Foundations of Democratic Development
Gender and Early Postcommunist “Normalization” in Latvia
Public Representation and Political Practices in a Gendered Democracy
26 Anti-Gender Mobilization and Right-Wing Populism
Origins and Core Claims of the Anti-Gender Discourse
Transnational Antigender Networks and Organizations
Antigender Campaigns in CEE
Anti-Genderism and Populism: Political Alliances and Discursive Patterns
Central-Eastern Europe: Is There a Difference?
Part IV Lived Experiences of Individuals in Different Regimes
Introduction: Lived Experiences of Individuals in Different Regimes
Empires and Monarchies
27 Late Imperial Russia and Its Gendered Order in the Countryside
Peasant Male Authority and Its Potential Enhancement by Way of the Stolypin Reforms
Improvements in Peasant Women’s Standard of Living
Sexual Norms, Violence Against Peasant Women, and Peasant Women’s Agency
Religious Devotion as Resistance
28 Gendered Moral Panics in the Late Habsburg Monarchy: Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, and Venereal Disease
Varying Prostitution Regulations Across Austria-Hungary
The Specter of Sex Trafficking
The Panic over Venereal Disease
The Afterlife of Regulation
29 the Promise of Gender Equality in Interwar Central-Eastern Europe
Women in Politics in Interwar Central-Eastern Europe
The Meaning of Citizenship: Equality, Difference, Nation
The Appeal of the Nationalist Right
Nazism, Stalinism, and War
30 Sexuality in the Holocaust
Pleasure and Love
Sexual and Sexualized Violence
Sexual Barter
Men Selling Sex
Sexuality as a Tool of Othering
Samesex Desire in the Camps
31 Deportation and Gulag as Gendered Processes
Gendered Traumas and Gendered Processes of Deportation
The Dynamics of Survival: Hunger and Food
The Worst Experiences and the Ways of Coping with Them
The Small Zone and the Larger Zone
Women’s Stories and Political Transition from Communism to Democracy
Socialisms and Communisms
32 Yugoslav Gender Experiments and Soviet Influences
Charting Socialist Gender Policies
Postwar Legal Transformation
Broader Interventions and Resistance
33 Struggles to Reconcile Women’s Wage Labor and Kitchen Labor in the German Democratic Republic
Communist Approaches to Cooking
Women’s Work and Kitchen Labor in the GDR
Collective Meals and Female Emancipation
Remaking “Home Cooking” as a Communist Necessity
Part V the Ambiguous Postcommunist Transitions
Introduction: the Ambiguous Postcommunist Transitions
Democratic and Economic Changes
34 Gender and the Ambiguities of Economic Transition in Romania
The Gendered Dimensions of Privatization
Negotiating Precarity and Uncertainty
Sink, Swim, or Tread Water? Navigating Neoliberalism
35 Democratization, Authoritarianism, and Gender in Russia
Regime Type and Gender Equality
The Gender Regime in Russia
36 Europeanization and the Challenge of Gender Equality
EU Impact on Gender Equality Legislation: “hard Law” and “soft Law”
National Machineries for the Advancement of Gender Equality
The Agency of Women’s Movements
37 the Europeanization and Politicization of LGBT Rights in Serbia
Antidiscrimination Policies and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Serbia
Pride Parades as a Battlefield on Europe
38 Russianspeaking LGBTQ Communities in the West
Negotiating Queerness in Post-Soviet Diasporas
Statesponsored Homophobia and LGBTQ Migration After 2013
Activism and Gender(ed) Matters in LGBTQ Migration and Asylum
39 Postsocialist Migration and Intimacy
Postsoviet Migrants, Gender, Intimacy
Intimate Practices: Labor, Sexuality, and Nurturing
Armed Conflict/Resolution
40 the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Development of Legal Frameworks on Violence ...
Women’s Presence in Developing International Justice
Violence Against Women in War: International Law and Feminist Critiques
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Redefining Sexual Violence in Wartime and Changing Procedures
Rape, Genocide, Victimhood, and Nationalist Narratives
Limits of the Law
41 Gender, Conflict, and Social Change in Armenia and Azerbaijan
The Gendered Impact of Conflict and Transition
Women’s Activism Within and Across Borders
Male Dominance, Militarism, and Authoritarianism
Part VI Postcommunist Policy Issues
Introduction: Postcommunist Policy Issues
Political Leadership
42 Women’s Representation in Politics
The Mixed Communist Legacy
The Gradual Increase in Women’s Descriptive Representation After 1990
The Growing Impact of Substantive Representation
Emerging Patterns of Representation at the EU Level
Gender-based Violence
43 Hybrid Regimes and Gender Violence Prevention Campaigns in Ukraine
Violence Against Women in Soviet Ukraine
European Integration and Comprehensive Gender Violence Policy
High-level Subversion Under Yanukovych and During the Hybrid War
44 Bride Kidnapping and Polygynous Marriages: Gendered Debates in Central Asia
The Social Value of Marriage in Central Asia
Bride Kidnapping and Polygyny in the Presoviet and Soviet Periods
Postsoviet Revivals
Debates About Polygyny
Debates About Bride Kidnapping
45 Trafficked Women and Men to and from Russia
Human Trafficking Policy in Postsoviet Russia
The Reality of Human Trafficking in Russia
International and Regional Comparisons
Reproductive Rights
46 Assisted Reproduction: Poland in a Comparative Perspective
Assisted Reproduction in Postcommunist Countries: Between Global Trends and Local Specificities
Opposition to Arts in Poland: the Synergy Between Nationalism and Neoliberalism
47 Abortion and Reproductive Health in Eurasia: Continuity and Change
Expanding Contraceptive Knowledge and Access
Uneven Reproductive Health Improvements
Rising Nationalism and Falling Birthrates
Fertility Patterns and Pathways of Control and Choice
Social Policy and Health
48 Single Mothers, Family Change, and Normalized Gender Crisis in Russia
A Stalled Gender Revolution in Family Life
Creating “Single Mothers” in the Postwar Soviet Period (1944–1967)
Single Motherhood in the Late Soviet Period (1968–1991)
Single Motherhood in Post-soviet Russia (1992–Present)
49 Social Welfare and Family Policies in Central-Eastern European Countries
Legacies of the Pre-world War II Period
State Socialism and the New Interpretation of Gender Roles: Pre-1956
Reinterpretation of Gender Roles After 1956
The Collapse of State Socialism, Transformation, and Comparative Studies of the Region
From Defamilialization to Degenderization
Gender, Right-Wing Populism, and Recent Welfare Policy Reforms
50 Women’s Representation in Sport
Physical Culture and Professional Sport Under Communism
The Privatization of Leisure Sport and the Marketization of Professional Sport in the Postcommunist Era
Women’s (un)recognition in Postcommunist Professional Sport
51 Gender, Sexuality, and Disability in Postsocialist Central-Eastern Europe
State Socialism and Its Legacy
Postsocialist Neoliberalization
Postsocialist Agencies
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This Handbook is the key reference for contemporary historical and political approaches to gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Leading scholars examine the region’s highly diverse politics, histories, cultures, ethnicities, and religions, and how these structures intersect with gender alongside class, sexuality, coloniality, and racism. Comprising 51 chapters, the Handbook is divided into six thematic parts: Part I Conceptual debates and methodological differences Part II Feminist and women’s movements cooperating and colliding Part III Constructions of gender in different ideologies Part IV Lived experiences of individuals in different regimes Part V The ambiguous postcommunist transitions Part VI Postcommunist policy issues With a focus on defining debates, the collection considers how the shared experiences, especially communism, affect political forces’ organization of gender through a broad variety of topics including feminisms, ideology, violence, independence, regime transition, and public policy. It is a foundational collection that will become invaluable to scholars and students across a range of disciplines including Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Central-Eastern European and Eurasian Studies.