فهرست مطالب :
1 Background
A Brief History of the American Communist Party,
The Clandestine Activities of the CPUSA,
The Question of Joseph McCarthy, 1
The Historiographic Debate,
2 Clandestine Habits: The 1 9 20s and the Early 1930s
The Comintern and Covert Operations,
John Reed and Clandestine Funding of American Communism,
Julius and Armand Hammer,
Other Secret Communications,
Earl Browder and Undercover Operations in Asia,
Harrison George and the Secret Work of the PPTUS,
Agnes Smedley, Comintern Agent,
3 The Secret Apparatus of the CPUSA: The Early Years
The CPUSA Establishes Its Secret Apparatus,
J. Peters and the Secret Apparatus, 1932-1938,
Rudy Baker Replaces J. Peters,
The Washington Communist Underground, 1933-1943,
The Ware Group and the La Follette Committee,
Peters and the Washington Informant Group, 1943,
Copying Confidential State Department Letters, 1936, no chapter four The Secret Apparatus Branches Out 1
4 The Secret Apparatus Branches Out
Fighting Ideological Deviationists and Other Enemies, 1
Weeding Out Internal Enemies,
Stealing the Files of Party Enemies, 1
Enforcing Ideological Conformity,
Max, the Agent Who Wouldn’t Go Home, 1939-1942,
The Surveillance of Bertram Wolfe, 1937,
The Death of Albert Wallach, 1938,
“Suspicious Individuals and Deserters” in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion,
5 Other Faces of the Secret World
Ann Cadwallader Coles, a Southern Artist in the Secret World,
American Communists and Soviet Radio Propaganda, 1937—1942,
Williana Burroughs, New York Teacher and Soviet Radio Propagandist,
American Students in the International Lenin School,
American Communists in Red Army Uniforms, 1936,
6 The American Communist Party, the Secret Apparatus, and the NKVD
The Brother-Son Network in World War II, Z05 The Brother-Son Network and Soviet Atomic Espionage,
Morris Cohen, Atomic Spy,
Recruiting Japanese Cadre for the Comintern,
Earl Browder and the NKVD,
Earl Browder as an NKVD Talent Spotter, 1940,
Margaret Browder, NKVD Agent, 1938,
Irene Browder, Commissar with “Emergency Powers,”
Earl Browder’s “Back Channel” to the White House,
7 The American Communist Underground Fights World War II
The CPUSA, the OSS, and Soviet Intelligence,
Recruiting Veterans of the International Brigades for the OSS, 1941-1945,
Eugene Dennis, William Donovan, and the Infiltration of the OSS and OWI,
Reporting on the American Embassy in Moscow, 1942—1943,
8 Soviet Intelligence and American Communists, 1942—1945
NKVD and GRU Inquiries about Americans,
Judith Copion, Soviet Spy,
Albert Feierabend, Soviet Agent,
Edmund Stevens, Pulitzer Prize- Winning Reporter,
Veterans of the International Brigades,
OSS and State Department Employees,
Elizabeth Bentley and the Perlo Group,
The Credibility of Whittaker Chambers,
9 Conclusion
Appendix A The Archival Record
Appendix B Organization of the American Communist Party
Selected Readings