The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions

دانلود کتاب The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions

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کتاب دیکشنری شکاک: مجموعه ای از باورهای عجیب ، فریب های سرگرم کننده و توهمات خطرناک نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب دیکشنری شکاک: مجموعه ای از باورهای عجیب ، فریب های سرگرم کننده و توهمات خطرناک بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions

نام کتاب : The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions
ویرایش : 1st
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : دیکشنری شکاک: مجموعه ای از باورهای عجیب ، فریب های سرگرم کننده و توهمات خطرناک
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Wiley
سال نشر : 2003
تعداد صفحات : 2418
ISBN (شابک) : 9780471272427 , 0471272426
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 15 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

کتابی بسیار سرگرم کننده برای شکاکان و طرفداران ماوراء الطبیعه. ورودی‌ها پر از اشکال هستند که در آن قسمت‌هایی از ورودی‌ها در مکان‌های مختلف درهم به نظر می‌رسند - بنابراین یک ورودی ممکن است حاوی نیمی از ورودی بعدی باشد.

فهرست مطالب :

Skeptic\'s Shop Music......Page 0
The Skeptic\'s Dictionary Guide to the New Millennium Alphabetical Index......Page 1
abracadabra......Page 16
amulets......Page 17
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments abracadabra......Page 18
zombis and p-zombies......Page 19
acupuncture......Page 23
chi, ch\'i, qi......Page 28
yin and yang......Page 30
iridology......Page 31
reflexology......Page 34
the placebo effect......Page 36
therapeutic touch......Page 43
reiki......Page 47
Transcendental Meditation (TM)......Page 49
Joel D. Wallach, \"The Mineral Doctor\"......Page 55
control group study, double-blind, random tests......Page 61
alternative health practices......Page 64
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments acupuncture......Page 75
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 7......Page 85
ad hoc hypothesis......Page 91
pseudoscience......Page 94
ESP (extrasensory perception)......Page 98
biorhythms - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 102
astrology......Page 111
Occam\'s razor......Page 118
cold reading......Page 122
communal reinforcement......Page 126
post hoc fallacy......Page 128
selective thinking......Page 130
self-deception......Page 132
the Forer effect, subjective validation,the Barnum effect......Page 137
testimonials......Page 142
wishful thinking......Page 145
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 146
Afrocentrism......Page 148
pseudohistory......Page 151
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Afrocentrism......Page 154
Not out of Africa - book review......Page 162
agnosticism......Page 169
theist......Page 171
Atheism......Page 172
Philosophical Skepticism......Page 176
metaphysics......Page 183
Akashic record......Page 186
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)......Page 187
Jeane Dixon......Page 191
Gordon Michael Scallion......Page 193
Nostradamus......Page 195
theosophy......Page 201
anthroposophy, Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925) and Waldorf Schools......Page 207
alchemy......Page 213
philosopher\'s stone......Page 215
homeopathy......Page 216
aromatherapy......Page 220
hypnosis......Page 224
magick......Page 229
chi kung, ch\'i kung, qi gong......Page 232
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments alchemy......Page 234
alien abductions......Page 235
Roswell......Page 246
Area 51......Page 250
UFOs (unidentified flying objects)......Page 252
cattle mutilations - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 257
the Urantia Book......Page 262
auras......Page 266
Charles Tart......Page 270
near-death experiences (NDEs)......Page 273
out-of-body experience (OBE)......Page 277
sleep paralysis......Page 281
hypnagogic state......Page 283
hypnopompic state......Page 284
crop circles......Page 285
flying saucers......Page 288
Men in Black (M.I.B.)......Page 290
mass media bunk 1......Page 292
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments alien abductions, UFOs and ETs......Page 301
allopathy......Page 307
naturopathy......Page 308
chiropractic......Page 310
alphabiotics......Page 314
energy......Page 315
alpha waves......Page 317
altered states of consciousness......Page 319
Raymond Moody......Page 322
confirmation bias......Page 324
natural......Page 327
sympathetic magic......Page 330
regression and the regressive fallacy......Page 332
applied kinesiology......Page 335
aura therapy......Page 337
Ayurvedic medicine and Deepak Chopra......Page 339
chelation therapy......Page 348
craniosacral therapy......Page 351
crystal power......Page 353
DHEA......Page 356
ear candling (coning)......Page 359
Dr. Fritz......Page 361
Facilitated Communication (FC)......Page 363
holistic medicine......Page 369
joy touch......Page 370
macrobiotics......Page 372
massage therapy......Page 374
New Age Psychotherapies......Page 377
psychic surgery......Page 384
Rolfing......Page 387
shark cartilage......Page 389
urine therapy......Page 391
Suburban myths......Page 396
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 9......Page 401
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 8......Page 410
Commentary on Sacramento City College Conference on Belief and Skepticism......Page 417
cellular memory......Page 431
full moon and lunar effects......Page 433
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments alternative health practices......Page 443
charms......Page 452
incantation......Page 453
Amway, Quixtar......Page 454
multi-level marketing......Page 463
pyramid schemes, chain letters and Ponzi schemes......Page 466
mind control, brainwashing......Page 473
Multi-level Marketing (MLM) harassment......Page 483
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Amway......Page 487
review of \"False Prophets\" by Robert L. Fitzpatrick and Joyce Reynolds......Page 501
HIDDEN PERSUADERS, Time Out, June 22 - 29 1994......Page 504
ancient astronauts and Erich von Däniken\'s Chariots of the Gods......Page 510
Nazca lines......Page 513
face on Mars......Page 517
The Dogon and Sirius......Page 520
Zecharia Sitchin and The Earth Chronicles......Page 524
Immanuel Velikovsky\'s Worlds in Collision......Page 527
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments ancient astronauts and Erich von Däniken\'s Chariots of the Gods......Page 535
vitalism......Page 537
angels......Page 538
soul or spirit......Page 540
Satan......Page 542
angel therapy......Page 548
astral projection......Page 550
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments angels......Page 552
past life regression......Page 553
The New Millennium......Page 556
animal quackers......Page 558
quackery......Page 560
psychic......Page 562
topical index alternative medicine......Page 569
animism......Page 573
shamanism......Page 574
dualism......Page 576
anomalous cognition......Page 578
telepathy......Page 579
clairvoyance or second sight......Page 580
precognition......Page 582
remote viewing......Page 583
telekinesis and psychokinesis......Page 587
anomalous perturbation......Page 589
anomalous luminous phenomena......Page 590
anomaly......Page 592
Charles Fort......Page 594
Piltdown Hoax......Page 597
cerebral anoxia......Page 601
anthropometry......Page 602
craniometry (craniology)......Page 604
phrenology (cranioscopy)......Page 606
karma......Page 609
reincarnation......Page 612
Atlantis......Page 615
astral body......Page 619
pagans......Page 620
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Schools......Page 621
apophenia......Page 623
pentagram......Page 626
psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud......Page 628
Rorschach Inkblot Test......Page 633
electronic voice phenomenon (EVP)......Page 636
numerology......Page 638
The Bible (or Torah) Code - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 641
ganzfeld experiments......Page 646
divination (fortune telling)......Page 650
pareidolia......Page 653
Carl Jung (1875-1961), synchronicity, collective unconscious......Page 656
irrelevant appeal to authority......Page 659
apport......Page 661
séance......Page 662
conjuring......Page 663
medium......Page 664
deport......Page 667
teleportation......Page 668
argument from design......Page 669
Intelligent Design......Page 676
argument from design......Page 684
argument to ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam)......Page 686
Bach\'s flower therapy - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 688
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments aromatherapy......Page 690
mind......Page 699
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 702
astrotherapy......Page 704
the Mars Effect......Page 709
Law of Truly Large Numbers......Page 711
cosmobiology......Page 716
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 718
Editorial by Guest Editor Prudence Jones in the Astrological Journal 1996, 38(5), 281-284......Page 731
the unconscious mind......Page 735
Crazy therapies - book review......Page 739
enneagram, enneagon......Page 749
miracles......Page 757
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 761
Ramtha, J.Z. Knight......Page 772
topical index new age nirvana......Page 776
mass media funk......Page 779
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Atlantis......Page 787
chakras......Page 790
Kirlian photography and auras......Page 791
James Randi Paranormal Challenge......Page 794
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments auras......Page 796
automatic writing......Page 801
repressed memory......Page 803
clairaudience......Page 806
James Van Praagh, John Edward, George Anderson......Page 808
channeling......Page 813
Ouija board......Page 815
repressed memory therapy......Page 818
spiritualism (spiritism)......Page 829
avatar......Page 831
prana......Page 833
the pragmatic fallacy......Page 834
bioharmonics - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 836
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments Deepak Chopra and Ayurvedic medicine......Page 840
Aztec UFO hoax......Page 842
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Bach\'s flower therapy......Page 844
Backster effect......Page 846
plant perception, Backster effect......Page 847
backwards satanic messages - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 859
reverse speech and John Oates......Page 861
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)......Page 866
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments backwards satanic messages......Page 868
ball lightning - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 879
begging the question - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 881
cartomancy......Page 883
graphology......Page 884
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator......Page 887
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments begging the question......Page 896
Bermuda Triangle - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 898
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Bermuda Triangle......Page 901
Cabala - Skeptic\'s Dictionary - (also caballa, kabala, kaballa, Kaballah, qaballah, etc.)......Page 904
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments the Bible code......Page 905
Bigfoot, Abomindable Snowman of the Himalayas, Mapinguari (the Amazon), Sasquatch, Yowie (Australia) or Yeti (Asia)......Page 911
paranormal......Page 916
cryptozoology......Page 919
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 921
bio-ching - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 924
the I Ching or book of changes......Page 926
subliminal......Page 928
orgone energy, Wilhelm Reich......Page 931
magnet therapy, magnetic healing......Page 933
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments bioharmonics......Page 937
Blondlot and N-rays - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 952
mesmerism......Page 955
review of Multiple Identities & False Memories A Sociocognitive Perspective by Nicholas P. Spanos......Page 958
transubstantiation......Page 965
science......Page 966
pathological science......Page 973
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Blondlot......Page 976
blue sense - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 977
psychic detectives, blue sense......Page 979
Bridey Murphy - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 984
false memory......Page 986
free will......Page 991
Dianetics......Page 995
cults......Page 1002
est, Werner Erhard......Page 1006
Rama, Frederick Lenz......Page 1011
inedia......Page 1014
stigmata......Page 1017
The Indigo Children......Page 1020
New Page 1......Page 1025
Inset Fuel Stabilizer, Vitalizer, Mileage Wizard, Hiclone, Fuel Saver......Page 1026
memory......Page 1033
bunyips - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 1041
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments cabala......Page 1043
Cardiff Giant - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 1046
the \"Carlos\" hoax of Jose Alvarez......Page 1048
tarot cards......Page 1051
Carlos Castaneda......Page 1054
Cattle Mutilations -- Severe Lactic Acidosis? copyright 2003 Kevin Sterns......Page 1056
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1060
osteopathy......Page 1072
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Edgar Cayce......Page 1074
The Celestine Prophecy......Page 1078
A Course in Miracles - Skeptic\'s Dictionary......Page 1081
Jean Houston and the Mystery School......Page 1084
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Celestine Prophecy......Page 1091
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments cellular memory......Page 1095
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments pyramid schemes......Page 1097
pyramidiocy......Page 1102
tantra......Page 1105
ghosts......Page 1106
Dr. Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893)......Page 1108
multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder)......Page 1110
psychology......Page 1118
satanic ritual abuse......Page 1122
Ica stones......Page 1125
fetishes......Page 1130
talisman......Page 1131
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1132
feng shui......Page 1138
koro (shook yang)......Page 1141
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1143
palmistry or chiromancy......Page 1157
metoposcopy......Page 1160
physiognomy......Page 1162
personology......Page 1163
dowsing (a.k.a. water witching)......Page 1166
dreams......Page 1172
mentalist......Page 1180
oracles (prophecies and revelations)......Page 1181
runes......Page 1182
scrying......Page 1185
pantheism......Page 1186
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments chiropractic......Page 1187
mass media funk 1......Page 1198
chupacabra......Page 1203
mass media funk 3......Page 1206
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 1214
retrocognition......Page 1219
clustering illusion......Page 1221
optional starting / optional stopping......Page 1224
Texas-sharpshooter fallacy......Page 1226
codependency......Page 1227
substance abuse treatment......Page 1229
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments codependency......Page 1235
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments: law of truly large numbers......Page 1237
Large Group Awareness Training......Page 1239
levitation......Page 1243
psychometry......Page 1245
collective hallucination......Page 1246
Kabbalarian Philosphy......Page 1248
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments The Mineral Doctor......Page 1252
warlock......Page 1257
Lysenkoism......Page 1258
exorcism......Page 1261
Santa Claus: the true story of Christmas......Page 1266
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk......Page 1268
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk......Page 1269
confabulation......Page 1274
parapsychology......Page 1275
curse, Kennedy curse......Page 1280
intuitive, intuitive healer......Page 1282
The Sokal Hoax......Page 1284
thought field therapy......Page 1287
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments confirmation bias......Page 1289
ectoplasm......Page 1290
invocation......Page 1292
the Illuminati......Page 1293
Freemasons......Page 1303
Creationists and Creation Science......Page 1305
Protocols of the Elders of Zion......Page 1316
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments illuminati......Page 1319
the ideomotor effect......Page 1322
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments cosmobiology......Page 1324
cosmology......Page 1328
prayer......Page 1329
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments A Course in Miracles......Page 1337
IQ and Race......Page 1340
naturalism......Page 1346
empiricism......Page 1350
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments creationism......Page 1352
mass media funk......Page 1358
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments crop circles......Page 1366
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Aleister Crowley......Page 1373
cryptomnesia......Page 1376
Loch Ness Monster, Nessie......Page 1378
psi......Page 1384
topical index cryptozoology......Page 1386
electromagnetic fields (EMFs)......Page 1388
crystal skulls......Page 1394
paratrinkets......Page 1399
mass media bunk 3......Page 1400
Rael, Raël and the Raëlians......Page 1407
review of The Rediscovery of the Human Soul by L. Ron Hubbard......Page 1411
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments cults......Page 1422
the evil eye......Page 1423
spells......Page 1425
déjà vu, deja vu......Page 1426
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments deja vu......Page 1429
dermo-optical perception (DOP)......Page 1431
extraordinary human function (EHF)......Page 1432
determinism......Page 1434
devadasi......Page 1435
jogini......Page 1437
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments DHEA......Page 1438
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments dianetics......Page 1441
geomancy......Page 1449
papyromancy......Page 1450
scapulimancy......Page 1451
stichomancy......Page 1453
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments divination......Page 1454
the divine fallacy......Page 1456
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1457
Review of The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan......Page 1461
E-rays......Page 1465
ley lines......Page 1466
the Quadro QRS 250G Detector and the Psi-Tronics Super-Sensor Dowsing Rod......Page 1468
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments dowsing......Page 1473
lucid dreaming......Page 1480
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments dreams......Page 1484
Druids......Page 1486
Wicca......Page 1489
true believer syndrome......Page 1493
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 1498
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments electronic voice phenomenon......Page 1501
Gurdjieff......Page 1502
Petyr Demianovich Ouspensky (1878-1947)......Page 1505
Dave\'s Enneagram Pages: Ichazo......Page 1507
golf and the enneagram......Page 1508
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments - E-rays......Page 1511
Landmark Forum......Page 1512
firewalking......Page 1518
neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)......Page 1521
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Werner Erhard, est and Landmark Forum......Page 1530
shoehorning......Page 1534
retroactive clairvoyance......Page 1536
retrospective falsification......Page 1537
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)......Page 1538
psi-missing......Page 1541
thoughtography (a.k.a. psychic photography)......Page 1542
shotgunning......Page 1545
haunted houses......Page 1546
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)......Page 1549
unicorns......Page 1554
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments EMDR......Page 1555
Our Lady of Watsonville, Our Lady of Guadalupe......Page 1563
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments facilitated communication......Page 1566
fairies......Page 1570
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments fairies......Page 1572
faith......Page 1576
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments faith......Page 1580
fakir......Page 1583
the Indian rope trick......Page 1586
Sai Baba......Page 1588
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 1590
review of Daniel Schacters\'s \"Searching for Memory\"......Page 1594
falun gong......Page 1602
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments feng shui......Page 1606
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments firewalking......Page 1607
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments flying saucers......Page 1611
spontaneous human combustion......Page 1613
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Charles Fort and the Forteans......Page 1616
materialism......Page 1623
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments free will......Page 1625
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments psychoanalysis......Page 1628
paraskevidekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia......Page 1633
gambler\'s fallacy......Page 1635
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments gambler\'s fallacy......Page 1637
Uri Geller......Page 1638
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Uri Geller......Page 1641
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments ghosts......Page 1647
glossolalia......Page 1649
xenoglossy......Page 1651
gods......Page 1652
polygraph (aka the lie detector machine)......Page 1654
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments graphology......Page 1660
Mass Media Bunk 6......Page 1677
mass media bunk 2......Page 1683
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Gurdjieff......Page 1690
witches......Page 1698
A Skeptic\'s Halloween......Page 1703
herbal fuel, Ramal Pillai......Page 1705
Paul Henri Thiry, Baron d\'Holbach (1723-1789)......Page 1707
hollow earth......Page 1709
Holocaust Denial and nazism (National Socialism)......Page 1713
Why People Believe Weird Things Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Schermer - Skeptic\'s Dictionary: review of......Page 1717
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1725
mass media funk......Page 1728
mass media funk......Page 1736
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments homeopathy......Page 1743
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 11......Page 1745
houri......Page 1755
jinni......Page 1757
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Jean Houston......Page 1758
the hundredth monkey phenomenom......Page 1760
Truster ( omputer Voice Stress Analyzer......Page 1762
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments hypnosis......Page 1764
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments Ica stones......Page 1767
incorruptible bodies......Page 1769
mahasamadhi......Page 1772
Januarius or St Gennaro......Page 1773
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments incorruptible bodies......Page 1775
Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC)......Page 1776
orbs......Page 1777
occult and occultism......Page 1779
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments IQ and Race......Page 1780
Higgins\' review of Politics of Racial Research......Page 1790 1795 1796
jamais vu......Page 1797
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments karma......Page 1798
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments kirlian photography......Page 1802
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments channeling......Page 1804
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments Large Group Awareness Training......Page 1811
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 1813
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments ley lines......Page 1814
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments polygraph......Page 1815
Laboratory for Scientific Interrogation Scientific Content Analysis......Page 1823
Pleiades and the Pleiadians......Page 1826
positive-outcome bias, publication bias......Page 1827
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Loch Ness Monster \"Nessie\"......Page 1829
logical positivism......Page 1834
scientism......Page 1835
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments lucid dreaming......Page 1836
lycanthropy......Page 1843
vampires......Page 1844
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments lunar effects......Page 1847
morphic resonance......Page 1852
werewolf......Page 1855
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Lysenkoism......Page 1856
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments macrobiotics......Page 1857
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments magnet therapy......Page 1862
St. Malachy (Bishop Malachy O\'Morgair) [1094-1148]......Page 1863
manifesting......Page 1865
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments manifesting......Page 1871
Marfa lights......Page 1873
occult statistics......Page 1874
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments massage therapy......Page 1878
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk......Page 1882
mass media funk......Page 1889
mass media funk......Page 1896
mass media funk......Page 1904
mass media bunk 4......Page 1911
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 13......Page 1917
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk 14......Page 1924
ontology......Page 1933
metempsychosis......Page 1934
Internet Bunk......Page 1935
pious fraud......Page 1944
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments miracles......Page 1945
Mokele Mbembe......Page 1947
moment of silence......Page 1949
mass media funk......Page 1951
mass media funk......Page 1958
mass media funk......Page 1968
paradigm and paradigm shift......Page 1976
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments morphic resonance......Page 1980
the Moses syndrome......Page 1982
Mozart effect......Page 1983
Multi-frequency discrimination or Molecular Frequency Discrimination......Page 1988
Noah\'s Ark......Page 1989
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments multi-level marketing......Page 1992
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments multiple personality disorder......Page 1998
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Myers-Briggs Type Indicator......Page 2012
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2022
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2025
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments neurolinguistic programming......Page 2038
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Noah\'s ark......Page 2051
nocebo effect......Page 2062
Skeptic\'s Dictionary and Refuge: Mass Media Bunk......Page 2065
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Nostradamus......Page 2072
Frauds & Hoaxes......Page 2075
Zener cards......Page 2078
rods......Page 2079
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Wilhelm Reich & orgone energy......Page 2080
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2082 2083
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments out-of-body experiences......Page 2090
tachyons and takionics......Page 2095
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments past life regression......Page 2099
penile plethysmograph......Page 2103
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2109
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments personology......Page 2113
The Philadelphia Experiment......Page 2115
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2120
Catia Rivas pious fraud, stigmatic channeler......Page 2122
shroud of Turin......Page 2126
mass media funk 21......Page 2132
Silva Mind Control (Silva Method)......Page 2139
mass media funk 8......Page 2142
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2150
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2152
review of \"Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the Heyday of Psychoanalysis by Edward Dolnick\"......Page 2154
DielectroKinetic Laboratories LifeGuard......Page 2173
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments psychic......Page 2176
vinyl vision......Page 2179
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2181
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments psychic surgery......Page 2184
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments pyramidiots and pyramidiocy......Page 2185
Internet Bunk Pharoah\'s Pump Foundation......Page 2186
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments Raëlians (Raelians)......Page 2190
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2191
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments reflexology......Page 2195
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments reiki......Page 2198
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2200
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments repressed memory therapy......Page 2206
mass media funk 2......Page 2208
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2216
Comparison of Renovacion Evangelica allegedly dictated to the alleged stigmatic Catalina Rivas by Jesus Himself in 1996 to......Page 2218
plagiarism of Catalina Rivas: document 1......Page 2223
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2225
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Rorschach ink blot test......Page 2232
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2238
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments runes......Page 2242
saint......Page 2243
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments: saint......Page 2245
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Santa Claus......Page 2246
star child......Page 2251
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2252
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2256
topical index logic, science & philosophy......Page 2257
topical index junk science & pseudoscience......Page 2259
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2263
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments shroud of Turin......Page 2264
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments: Zecharia Sitchin and The Earth Chronicles......Page 2275
sixth sense......Page 2281
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2282
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments philosophical skepticism......Page 2283
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments sleep paralysis......Page 2293
Slick 50 and other ail additives......Page 2294
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments slick 50 and other engine oil additives......Page 2299
sorcery......Page 2311
speed-reading......Page 2312
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments spontaneous human combustion......Page 2314
victim soul......Page 2319
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments stigmata......Page 2321
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments......Page 2322
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments subliminal......Page 2330
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments substance abuse treatment......Page 2332
the Concorde fallacy......Page 2343
swastika......Page 2345
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments takionics......Page 2347
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2352
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments testimonials......Page 2354
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2356
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments thought field therapy......Page 2361
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2362
trepanation......Page 2365
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments Urantia......Page 2367
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments urine therapy......Page 2372
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments James Van Praagh......Page 2378
vastu......Page 2384
Skeptic\'s Dictionary reader comments......Page 2386
Skeptic\'s Dictionary: reader comments wicca......Page 2401
wizard......Page 2417
zermatism......Page 2418

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

A very entertaing book for skeptics and fans of the paranormal. The entries are full of gltiches where bits of entries appear scrambled in different places-so an entry might contain half the next of another entry

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