فهرست مطالب :
List of Maps and Charts (in Color Plates)
List of Illustrations (in Color Plates)
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
Part I. The Indian Ocean between Tang China and the Muslim Empire (Seventh–Tenth Century)
1. Tang China and the Rise of the Silk Roads
The Reunification of China by the Sui Dynasty (581–617)
Tang China (618–907): Buddhism, Long-Distance Trade, and the Development of Markets
\'The Golden Age\' (618–755)
The Chinese Downturn and the Defeat of An Lushan’s Revolt (755–763)
The Second Tang Period: The \'Indian Summer\' (763–907) and the Fall
China and the Indian Ocean: Evidence from Arabo-Persian Texts
The Advent of the Northern Song
2. Islam: The Conquest of Lands and Oceans
From Muhammad to the Umayyads and the Abbasids: Formation of an Empire
Advances in Agriculture, Industry and Knowledge, and Expansion of Trade: The Abbasid “Golden Age” (750–850)
Decline during the Second Half of the Ninth Century and the Tenth Century
3. India: A Core with Four Centers
Northern India: The Gurjara-Pratihāra
The Rāshtrakūta from the Deccan Region, \'Friends of the Muslims\'
The Pāla of Bengal
The Pallava (Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh)
The Prosperity of Sri Lanka
The Emergence of the Chola by the Late Tenth Century
4. Southeast Asia: The Rise of the Srīwijayan Thalassocracy and the Javanese Kingdoms
The Thalassocracy of Srīwijaya
The Thai–Malay Peninsula
Continental Southeast Asia
Dvāravatī: A System of City-States?
The Emergence of the Khmer State
The Javanese Kingdoms: Rice Cultivation and Long-Distance Trade
5. East Africa: Dawn of the Swahili Culture
The \'Zanjian\' Phase (Sixth–Tenth Century)
The Indians and East Africa
The Comorian Hub
Ongoing Austronesian Travels to the Western Indian Ocean
Archaeological Data
Chinese Chronicles between the Third and Tenth Centuries
Arab and Persian Texts between the Ninth and Twelfth Centuries
6. Madagascar (Seventh–Eleventh Century): Early Cultural Hybridization
Archaeological Coastal Sites
First Signs of Human Presence in the Highlands
Part II. Globalization during the Song and Mongol Periods (Tenth–Fourteenth Century), and the Downturn of the Fourteenth Century
7. China: The Golden Age of the Song, the Mongol Conquest, and the Ming Revival
The Northern Song (960–1127)
The Southern Song (1127–1279): Long-Distance Trade and \'Proto-Capitalism\'
China under the Mongol Domination of the Yuan (1279–1368): Exploitation, and Later (1320–) Recession and Uprisings
Ming China and the Confucian Ideal (1368-)
8. India: From the Chola Empire to the Delhi Sultanate
Gujarat and the Western Coast of India
The Chālukya Empire of Kalyana
The Chola Empire: Rice Cultivation and Long-Distance Trade
Magnificence and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
The Emergence and Rise of the Sultanate
The States to the South of the Delhi Sultanate
The Boom in Trade from the Twelfth Century Onward
The Climax of the Delhi Sultanate
The Decline and Disintegration of the Sultanate
9. Southeast Asia: From the Decline of Srīwijaya to the Rise of Mojopahit
Continental Southeast Asia: A Limited Role in Long-Distance Trade (Eleventh–Thirteenth Century)
The Slow Decline of Srīwijaya and the Rising Power of Java
A First Phase of Islamization
The Impact of the Mongol Expansion: Mojopahit Is Created
The Kingdom of Ayuthiā Emerges in Thailand (1350–)
The Development of Mojopahit (Java) during the Fourteenth Century
10. Central and Western Asia: From the Seljuk Empire to the Ilkhanids
From the Seljuk Empire to the Crusader Aggression
The Shock of the Mongol Invasion
The Ilkhāns of Iran: The Flourishing of the Eastern Persian Gulf
The Formation of Tamerlane’s Empire
11. Egypt and Yemen: The Jewish and Kārimī Networks
Egypt under the Fatimids, Ayyūbids, and Mamluks: Prosperity (1000–1340) and Decline (1340–1380)
The Fatimid Reign
Ayyūbid Egypt
Egypt during the Mamluk Period
Yemen, from the Ziyadids to the Rasūlids: Production and Long-Distance Trade
12. East Africa: The Rise of the Swahili Culture and the Expansion of Islam
From the Zanj to the Swahili (Eleventh–Thirteenth Century)
The Fourteenth Century: Kilwa’s Zenith and Decline, and the Flowering of Great Zimbabwe
The Comoros
13. Madagascar: The Development of Trading Ports and the Interior
Ecological Changes during the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries
The Islamic Trading Ports
Archaeological Data
Arabo-Persians’ Accounts of Madagascar
Marco Polo and Madagascar
Chinese Texts and Madagascar
Coasts and the Interior: Relations between Regions
The Highlands: The Fiekena Period
The Southeastern Coast and Anosy
The South
Western Madagascar
Trade Networks and Syncretisms
African Inflows
The Genetic Data
Written and Oral Sources
Comparative Anthropology
New Austronesian Arrivals: Zavaka, Zafiraminia, and Ancestors of the Andriana of Imerina (Twelfth–Fourteenth Century?)
The Zafiraminia and Their Legacy
Zavaka and Zafiraminia
Links between the Zafiraminia and the Andriana Ancestors of the Merina Kings
Space Structure and Political Power
Mastering Time
The Expansion of Wet Rice Cultivation
The Introduction of New Cultivated Plants
Part III. From the Globalization of the Afro-Eurasian Area to the Dawn of European Expansion (Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries)
14. Ming China: From Expansion to Withdrawal into Threatened Territory
Undertaking the Great Maritime Expeditions
The 1433 Withdrawal: External Threats and Internal Difficulties
Economic Prosperity and Market Advances (Late Fifteenth Century)
15. India: The Flowering of the Sultanates and the Expansion of Vijayanāgara
The Sultanate of Gujarat
The Bahmani Sultanate
Vijayanāgara: A Hindu Empire Open onto Two Seas
The Sultanate of Bengal: An Indian Form of \'Mercantilism\'?
16. Southeast Asia: Era of the Merchant Sultanates
The Flowering of Merchant Sultanates in Insular Asia
The Sultanate of Malacca
Continental Southeast Asia: Expansion of Ayuthiā and Dai Viēt
The Monetization of Economies during the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century
17. Western Asia: Revival of the Persian Gulf
The Timurids, the \'Black Sheep\' and \'White Sheep\' Turkmen, and the Ottoman Empire: A Fluid Political Situation
Hormuz and the Persian Gulf Trade
18. Egypt and Yemen: Advances in State Trade and the End of the Kārimī
Egypt, between Two Threats
Yemen: From the Rasūlid Decline to the Short-Lived Ṭāhirid Revival
19. East Africa and the Comoros
The Decline of Kilwa and Great Zimbabwe; the Rise of Mombasa and Mogadishu
The Comoros of the \'Classical Period\'
20. Madagascar (Fifteenth–Sixteenth Century): The Rise of Trading Ports and Development of the Highlands
The Islamic Trading Ports
Archaeological Data
Madagascar in Arabo-Persian Texts
The Last Austronesian Arrivals
Portuguese Testimonies
Arabico-Malagasy Manuscripts from the Antemoro Kingdom
Coasts and the Interior: Relationships between Regions
The Highlands: The Development of Fortified Villages
The South
The West: Africans along the Malagasy Coasts
Syncretic Islam of the Antemoro Kingdom (Southeast)
Means of Exchange in Madagascar
21. The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean
The Portuguese Arrive on the Scene
The Portuguese in Madagascar
The Reconnaissance of the Malagasy Coasts
Portuguese Testimonies about Life in the Trading Ports of Madagascar
The First World-Systems
Toward the Formation of an Afro-Eurasian World-System
The Pulsations of the World-System
The Fringe Cultures of the Indian Ocean: The Example of Madagascar
Cores, Semi-Peripheries, and Peripheries: Processes of Domination and Coevolution
Production, Commercial, and Cultural Exchanges, and the Building of Hierarchies
Coevolution and Shifting Power Centers
Continuity and Change: The Expansion of the World-System
Capital Accumulation: The State, Religious Networks, and the Private Sector
The Advent of the Modern Capitalist World-System and the Industrial Revolution
Index of Geographical Names
Name Index
Subject Index