توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
تمجید از THIEME اطلس آناتومی: سر و آناتومی عصبی:
پوشش جامع نوروآناتومی ساختارهای جدا شده و همچنین این ساختارها را در سیستمهای عملکردی بزرگتر قرار میدهد... این یک کتاب ضروری است.--ADVANCE for Physical Therapists
فهرست مطالب :
Subject Index\r......Page 0
1.1 Skull, Lateral View......Page 17
1.2 Skull, Anterior View......Page 19
1.3 Skull, Posterior View and Cranial Sutures......Page 21
1.4 Exterior and Interior of the Calvaria......Page 23
1.5 Base of the Skull, External View......Page 25
1.6 Base of the Skull, Internal View......Page 27
1.7 Orbit: Bones and Openings for Neurovascular Structures......Page 29
1.8 Orbit and Neighboring Structures......Page 31
1.9 Nose: Nasal Skeleton......Page 33
1.10 Nose: Paranasal Sinuses\r......Page 35
1.11 Temporal Bone......Page 37
1.12 Sphenoid Bone......Page 39
1.13 Occipital Bone and Ethmoid Bones......Page 41
1.14 Hard Palate\r......Page 43
1.15 Mandible and Hyoid Bone......Page 45
1.16 Temporomandibular joint......Page 47
1.17 Temporomandibular joint. Biomechanics\r......Page 49
1.18 The Teeth in situ......Page 51
1.19 Permanent Teeth and the Dental Panoramic Tomogram\r......Page 53
1.20 Individual Teeth......Page 55
1.21 Deciduous Teeth\r......Page 57
2.1 Muscles of Facial Expression, Overview......Page 59
2.2 Muscles of Facial Expression, Actions......Page 61
2.3 Muscles of Mastication, Overview and Superficial Muscles\r......Page 63
2.4 Muscles of Mastication: Deep Muscles......Page 65
2.5 Muscles of the Head, Origins and Insertions......Page 67
3.1 Arteries of the Head, Overview and External Carotid Artery......Page 69
3.2 External Carotid Artery: Anterior, Medial, and Posterior Branches......Page 71
3.3 External Carotid Artery: Tenninal Branches\r......Page 73
3.4 Internal Carotid Artery: Branches to Extracerebral Structures\r......Page 75
3.5 Veins of the Head and Neck: Superficial Veins......Page 77
3.6 Veins of the Head and Neck: Deep Veins......Page 79
4.1 Overview of the Cranial Nerves......Page 81
4.2 Cranial Nerves: Brainstem Nuclei and Peripheral Ganglia......Page 83
4.3 Cranial Nerves: Olfactory (CN I) and Optic {CN II)......Page 85
4.4 Cranial Nerves of the Extraocular Muscles: Oculomotor (CN Ill), Trochlear {CN IV), and Abducent (CN VI)......Page 87
4.5 Cranial Nerves: Trigeminal (CN V), Nuclei and Distribution......Page 89
4.6 Cranial Nerves: Trigeminal (CN V), Divisions......Page 91
4.7 Cranial Nerves: Facial (CN VII), Nuclei and Distribution......Page 93
4.8 Cranial Nerves: Facial (CN VII), Branches......Page 95
4.9 Cranial Nerves: Vestlbulocochlear (CN VIII)......Page 97
4.10 Cranial Nerves: Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)......Page 99
4.11 Cranial Nerves: Vagus (CN X)......Page 101
4.12 Cranial Nerves: Accessory (CN XI) and Hypoglossal (CN XII)......Page 103
4.13 Neurovascular Pathways through the Base of the Skull. Synopsis\r......Page 105
5.1 Face: Nerves and Vessels......Page 107
5.2 Head, Lateral View: Superficial Layer......Page 109
5.3 Head, Lateral View: Middle and Deep Layers......Page 111
5.4 Infratemporal Fossa......Page 113
5.5 Pterygopalatine Fossa......Page 115
6.1 Oral Cavity, Overview......Page 117
6.2 Tongue: Muscles and Mucosa\r......Page 119
6.3 Tongue: Neurovascular Structures and Lymphatic Drainage......Page 121
6.4 Oral Floor......Page 123
6.5 Oral Cavity: Pharynx and Tonsils......Page 125
6.6 Salivary Glands\r......Page 127
7.1 Nose, Overview......Page 129
7.2 Nasal Cavity: Neurovascular Supply\r......Page 131
7.3 Nose and Paranasal Sinuses. Histology and Clinical Anatomy\r......Page 133
8.1 Eye and Orbital Region......Page 135
8.2 Eye: Lacrimal Apparatus......Page 137
8.3 Eyeball......Page 139
8.4 Eye: Lens and Cornea......Page 141
8.5 Eye: Iris and Ocular Chambers......Page 143
8.6 Eye: Retina......Page 145
8.7 Eye: Blood Supply......Page 147
8.8 Orbit: Extraocular Muscles......Page 149
8.9 Orbit: Subdivisions and Neurovascular Structures......Page 151
8.10 Orbit: Topographical Anatomy......Page 153
9.1 Ear, Overview\r......Page 155
9.2 External Ear: Auricle, Auditory Canal, and Tympanic Membrane......Page 157
9.3 Middle Ear: Tympanic Cavity and Pharyngotympanic Tube......Page 159
9.4 Middle Ear: Auditory Ossicles and Tympanic Cavity\r......Page 161
9.5 Inner Ear, Overview......Page 163
9.6 Ear: Auditory Apparatus......Page 165
9.7 Inner Ear: Vestibular Apparatus......Page 167
9.8 Ear: Blood Supply\r......Page 169
10.1 Coronal Sections. Anterior Orbital Margin and Retrobulbar Space......Page 171
10.2 Coronal Sections. Orbital Apex and Pituitary......Page 173
10.3 Transverse Sections. Orbits and Optic Nerve......Page 175
10.4 Transverse Sections. Sphenoid Sinus and Middle Nasal Concha......Page 177
10.5 Transverse Sections. Nasopharynx and Median Atlantoaxial joint......Page 179
10.6 Midsagittal Section, Nasal Septum and Medial Orbital Wall......Page 181
10.7 Sagittal Sections, Inner Third and Center of the Orbit......Page 183
1.1 Central Nervous System (CNS)\r......Page 187
1.2 Neurons......Page 189
1.3 Neuroglia and Myelination......Page 191
1.4 Sensory Input, Perception and Qualities......Page 193
1.5 Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems......Page 195
1.6 Nervous System, Development......Page 197
1.7 Brain, Macroscopic Organization......Page 199
2.1 Brain and Meninges in situ......Page 201
2.2 Meninges and Dural Septa......Page 203
2.3 Meninges of the Brain and Spinal Cord......Page 205
3.1 Ventricular System, Overview......Page 207
3.2 Cerebrospinal Fluid, Circulation and Cisterns......Page 209
3.3 Circumventricular Organs and Tissue Barriers in the Brain......Page 211
4.1 Telencephalon, Development and External Structure......Page 213
4.2 Cerebral Cortex, Histological Strodure and Functional Organization......Page 215
4.3 Neocortex, Cortical Areas......Page 217
4.4 Allocortex, Overview......Page 219
4.5 Allocortex: Hippocampus and Amygdala......Page 221
4.6 Telencephalon: White Matter and Basal Ganglia\r......Page 223
5.1 Diencephalon, Overview and Development......Page 225
5.2 Diencephalon, External Structure\r......Page 227
5.3 Diencephalon, Internal Structure......Page 229
5.4 Thalamus: Thalamic Nuclei......Page 231
5.5 Thalamus: Projections of the Thalamic Nuclei......Page 233
5.6 Hypothalamus......Page 235
5.7 Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)......Page 237
5.8 Epithalamus and Subthalamus......Page 239
6.1 Brainstem, Organization and External Structure......Page 241
6.2 Brainstem: Cranial Nerve Nuclei, Red Nucleus, and Substantia nigra......Page 243
6.3 Brainstem: Reticular Formation......Page 245
6.4 Brainstem: Descending and Ascending Tracts......Page 247
6.5 Mesencephalon and Pons, Transverse Section......Page 249
6.6 Medulla oblongata, Transverse Section......Page 251
7.1 Cerebellum, External Structure......Page 253
7.2 Cerebellum, Internal Structure......Page 255
7.3 Cerebellar Peduncles and Tracts......Page 257
7.4 Cerebellum, Simplified Functional Anatomy and Lesions\r......Page 259
8.1 Arteries of the Brain: Blood Supply and the Circle of Willis......Page 261
8.2 Arteries of the Cerebrum......Page 263
8.3 Arteries of the Cerebrum, Distribution\r......Page 265
8.4 Arteries of the Brainstem and Cerebellum......Page 267
8.5 Dural Sinuses, Overview......Page 269
8.6 Dural Sinuses:\rTributaries and Accessory Draining Vessels\r......Page 271
8.7 Veins of the Brain: Superficial and Deep Veins......Page 273
8.8 Veins of the Brainstem and Cerebellum: Deep Veins......Page 275
8.9 Blood Vessels of the Brain: Intracranial Hemorrhage......Page 277
8.10 Blood Vessels of the Brain: Cerebrovascular Disease......Page 279
9.1 Spinal Cord, Segmental Organization......Page 281
9.2 Spinal Cord, Organization of Spinal Cord Segments......Page 283
9.3 Spinal: Internal Divisions of the Gray Matter\r......Page 285
9.4 Spinal Cord: Reflex Arcs and Intrinsic Circuits......Page 287
9.5 Ascending Tracts of the Spinal Cord:\rSpinothalamic Tracts\r......Page 289
9.6 Ascending Tracts of the Spinal Cord: Fasciculus gracilis and Fasciculus cuneatus......Page 291
9.7 Ascending Tracts of the Spinal Cord: Spinocerebellar Tracts......Page 293
9.8 Descending Tracts of the Spinal Cord: Pyramidal (Corticospinal) Tracts\r......Page 295
9.9 Descending Tracts of the Spinal Cord: Extrapyramidal and Autonomic Tracts......Page 297
9.10 Tracts of the Spinal Cord, Overview\r......Page 299
9.11 Blood Vessels of the Spinal Cord: Arteries......Page 301
9.12 Blood Vessels of the Spinal Cord: Veins......Page 303
9.13 Spinal Cord, Topography......Page 305
10.1 Coronal Sections: I and II (Frontal)\r......Page 307
10.2 Coronal Sections: Ill and IV......Page 309
10.3 Coronal Sections: V and VI......Page 311
10.4 Coronal Sections: VII and VIII......Page 313
10.5 Coronal Sections: IX and X......Page 315
10.6 Coronal Sections: XI and XII (Occipital)\r......Page 317
10.7 Transverse Sections: I and II (Cranial)\r......Page 319
10.8 Transverse Sections: Ill and IV......Page 321
10.9 Transverse Sections: V and VI (Caudal)......Page 323
10.10 Sagittal Sections: 1-111 (Lateral)\r......Page 325
10.11 Sagittal Sections: IV-VI\r......Page 327
10.12 Sagittal Sections: VII and VIII (Medial)\r......Page 329
11.1 Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems, Organization......Page 331
11.2 Autonomic Nervous System. Actions and Regulation......Page 333
11.3 Parasympathetic Nervous System. Overview and Connections......Page 335
11.4 Autonomic Nervous System: Pain Condudion......Page 337
11.5 Enteric Nervous System......Page 339
12.1 Sensory System, Overview\r......Page 341
12.2 Sensory System: Stimulus Processing......Page 343
12.3 Sensory System: Lesions......Page 345
12.4 Sensory System: Pain Condudion\r......Page 347
12.5 Sensory System: Pain Pathways in the Head and the Central Analgesic System\r......Page 349
12.6 Motor System, Overview......Page 351
12.7 Motor System:\rPyramidal (Corticospinal) Tract\r......Page 353
12.8 Motor System: Motor Nuclei......Page 355
12.9 Motor System: Extrapyramidal Motor System and Lesions......Page 357
12.10 Radicular Lesions: Sensory Deficits\r......Page 359
12.11 Radicular Lesions: Motor Deficits......Page 361
12.12 Lesions of the Brachial Plexus......Page 363
12.13 Lesions of the Lumbosacral Plexus\r......Page 365
12.14 Lesions of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerves: Sensory Deficits\r......Page 367
12.15 Lesions of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerves: Motor Deficits......Page 369
12.16 Lesions of the Spinal Cord, Assessment\r......Page 371
12.17 Visual System, Overview and Geniculate Part\r......Page 373
12.18 Visual System, Lesions and Nongeniculate Part......Page 375
12.19 Visual System: Reflexes......Page 377
12.20 Visual System: Coordination of Eye Movement......Page 379
12.21 Auditory Pathway......Page 381
12.22 Vestibular System......Page 383
12.23 Gustatory System (Taste)......Page 385
12.24 Olfactory System (Smell)......Page 387
12.25 Limbic System......Page 389
12.26 Brain: Fiber Tracts......Page 391
12.27 Brain: Functional Organization......Page 393
12.28 Brain: Hemispheric Dominance......Page 395
12.29 Brain: Clinical Findings\r......Page 397
A......Page 404
B......Page 406
C\r......Page 407
E......Page 409
F......Page 410
G\r......Page 411
H......Page 412
L......Page 413
M......Page 414
N......Page 416
Q......Page 421
P\r......Page 420
S\r......Page 422
T......Page 424
V......Page 426
Z\r......Page 427
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Praise for the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy: Head and Neuroanatomy:
Comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy describes isolated structures and also situates these structures within the larger functional systems...It is a must-have book.--ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants
Setting a new standard for the study of anatomy, the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, with access to WinkingSkull.com PLUS, is more than a collection of anatomical images--it is an indispensable resource for anyone who works with the human body.
- An innovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread presents a self-contained guide to a specific topic
- 1,182 original, full-color illustrations present comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy to skillfully guide the reader through the anatomy of the head, from cranial bones, ligaments, and joints, to muscles, cranial nerves, topographical anatomy, and the anatomy of sensory organs
- Hundreds of clinical applications emphasize the vital link between anatomical structure and function
- Expertly rendered cross-sections, x-rays, and CT and MRI scans vividly demonstrate clinical anatomy
- Clearly labeled images help the reader easily identify each structure
- Summary tables appear throughout -- ideal for rapid review
- A scratch-off code provides access to Winking Skull.com PLUS, featuring over 600 full-color anatomy illustrations and radiographs, labels-on, labels-off functionality, and timed self-tests
The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series also features General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System and Neck and Internal Organs. Each atlas is available in softcover and hardcover and includes access to WinkingSkull.com PLUS.
Use the Head and Neuroanatomy Image Collection to enhance your lectures and presentations; illustrations can be easily imported into presentation software and viewed with or without labeling.
Teaching anatomy? We have the educational e-product you need.
Instructors can use the ThiemeTeaching Assistant: Anatomyto download and easily import 2,000+ full-color illustrations to enhance presentations, course materials, and handouts.