فهرست مطالب :
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Introduction, Pages vii-xi
Conclusions and Recommendations, Pages xiii-xiv
List of Contributors, Pages xv-xvi
The Value of Bio-Aeronautics - A Geographical View, Pages 3-12
Aircraft Equipment and Biological Objectives, Pages 13-22
Application Techniques and Biology, Pages 23-31
Perspectives of Aerial Agricultural Equipment Development and Agricultural Aviation Ground Support Mechanization, Pages 33-37
The Role of the International Agricultural Aviation Centre, Pages 39-43
Airborne Infrared Equipment as an Aid for Agriculture and Other Economic Activities, Pages 45-55
A Method for Determining the Technical and Economic Characteristics of Airplanes and Helicopters used in Agriculture, Pages 57-69
Evaluation of Quality and Efficacy of Herbicide Spraying by Helicopter, Pages 71-86
Effectiveness of Aircraft in Cereal Fertilization, Pages 87-93
Application of the Quantimet Image Analyser to Agricultural Aviation Problems, Pages 95-105
An Isotopic Method for Determining the Distribution of Chemicals in Agricultural Aviation, Pages 107-115
Methodology for the Economic Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Use of Airborne Equipment in Sectors of the National Economy, Page 117
An Outline of Aviation Insurance Covering Aircraft used in Bio-Aeronautical Operations, as Regulated by Italian Law, Page 119
Special Instruments for Agricultural Airplanes, Pages 123-135
New Type of Airborne Agricultural Equipment, Pages 137-143
Field Performance of Micronair Atomisers with Ulvair and Water-based Sprays, Pages 145-157
The Bifoil Atomiser, Pages 159-167
The Design of an Aircraft-mounted Net for Catching Airborne Insects, Pages 169-180
Development and Testing of New Types of Agricultural Equipment for the KA-26 Helicopter, Pages 181-191
Technical Forecasting and Classification of Agricultural Aircraft, Pages 193-194
Applications for Aerostats in Agriculture, Page 195
Les Techniques Aerostatiques au Service de l'Agriculture et d'Autres Secteurs de l'Economie, Pages 196-204
The Agricultural Aircraft Noise Problem, Pages 205-210
Use of Helicopters in Building and Assembly Work in the U.S.S.R., Pages 213-219
Increased Efficiency in the Use of Civil Aviation in Industry, Geology and Construction, Pages 221-225
The Use of Helicopters in Construction and Erection Work, Pages 227-231
A New Positioning Aid for Agricultural Aviation, Pages 233-238
Effects on Aircraft Construction Materials of Contact with Pesticides, Pages 239-244
Remotely-piloted Aircraft for Crop Protection, Pages 245-252
Selected Problems of the Technical and Operational Applicability of Helicopters in Agriculture, Pages 253-257
Result of Experience of Many Years' Standing of the Agricultural Aero-Services Department, Pages 259-263
Experience Gained during Utilization of Agricultural Helicopters for Crop Growth in Poland, Pages 265-269
Organization and Results of the Agricultural Work Performed in the Opole District by Means of Mi-2 Helicopters, in 1975-1977, Page 271
The Influence of the Aircraft Wake on the Downwind Dispersal of ULV Sprays, Pages 273-281
The Importance of the Use of Aircraft in the Intensification of Crop Production in the German Democratic Republic, Pages 283-290
Problems of Droplet Drift by Low-Volume Spraying, Pages 291-296
Monitoring of Environmental Pollution, Using Airborne Equipment (Some Technical and Economical Aspects), Pages 299-304
Helicopter as a Means for Protecting the Natural Environment of the Swietokrzyski National Park, Pages 305-312
Distribution of Aerially Applied Small Drops in Conifer Forests in Canada, Pages 313-322
Use of Light Aircraft for Fighting Forest Fires in France, Pages 323-334
Use of Air Transport in the Control of Forest Fires and for the Protection of the Natural Environment in the Lombardy Region, Pages 335-338
Modern Equipment used on Movable-wing Aircraft for Fighting Forest Fires in the Piedmont, Pages 339-343
The Use of Aircraft for Forest Protection Against Fire in Italy, Pages 345-348
Decamethrin, a New Non-Polluting Agricultural Insecticide Particularly Suitable for Ultra-Low-Volume Aerial Applications, Pages 349-353
Studies on Malathion Pollution in the Air after Mosquito Control in Two Areas of Hungary, Pages 355-358