توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
سازههای لولهای XV حاوی آخرین پیشرفتهای علمی و مهندسی در زمینه سازههای لولهای است که در پانزدهمین سمپوزیوم بینالمللی سازههای لولهای (ISTS15، ریودوژانیرو، برزیل، 27 تا 29 مه ارائه شده است. 2015). سمپوزیوم بینالمللی سازههای لولهای (ISTS) به عنوان نمایشگاه اصلی لولههای تولیدی و انجمن بینالمللی اصلی برای ارائه و بحث درباره تحقیقات، پیشرفتها و برنامههای کاربردی در این زمینه، شهرت دیرینهای دارد.
انواع مختلف. موضوعات کلیدی و نوظهور در زمینه مقاطع ساختاری توخالی پوشش داده شده است، مانند: کاربردهای خاص و مطالعات موردی، رفتار استاتیکی و خستگی اتصالات و اعضا. اتصالات، اعضای لولهای پر شده و مرکب از بتن و سازههای فراساحلی، پاسخهای دینامیکی و زلزله، مشخصات و پیشرفتهای استاندارد، سازههای فولادی ضد زنگ و مقاوم، مقاومت در برابر آتش، ضربه و انفجار. موضوعات تحقیق و توسعه ارائه شده در این کتاب موضوعی برای ساختمانها، پلها، سازههای دریایی، جرثقیلها، خرپاها و برجها قابل استفاده است.
سازههای لولهای XV بنابراین منبع مرجع مناسبی برای معماران است. مهندسان عمران و مکانیک، طراحان، سازندگان و پیمانکاران فولاد، تولیدکنندگان مقاطع توخالی یا محصولات ساختمانی مرتبط، انجمن های تجاری مرتبط با لوله، صاحبان یا توسعه دهندگان سازه های لوله ای، کمیته های مشخصات فولاد، دانشگاهیان و دانشجویان پژوهشی در سراسر جهان. P>
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Preface Publications of previous international symposia on tubular structures Organization Acknowledgements ISTS Kurobane Lecture Tubular joints - NUS research and applications Y.S. Choo Architecture, applications and case studies Tensegrity chandeliers for a shopping street in the Hague NL M. Eekhout New velodrome in Medellin (Colombia) X. Aguilo & J. Goma Reconstruction of a school building inWolfsburg, Germany H. Pasternak, M. Moradi Eshkafti & T. Krausche Structural design of the roof structure for the SwissTech convention center in Lausanne C. Pirazzi, M. Bosso, G. Guscetti, O. Fleischer & S. Herion MyZeil Frankfurt - Design and execution of the architectural building envelope R. Stroetmann Where tubular structures fail - examples from one engineer's experience R.H. Keays PREON box - The speedy tool for industrial hall constructions N. Genge, C. Remde, K.Weynand & J. Kuck Composite tubular structures Study on the cracking behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) for tall bridge piers subjected to horizontal cyclic loading M. Zhou, X.G. Liu, J.S. Fan & J.G. Nie Circular double-tube concrete-filled tubular columns with ultra-high strength concrete M.L. Romero, A. Espinos, A. Hospitaler, J.M. Portoles & C. Ibanez Experimental study of beam to concrete filled elliptical steel column connections T. Sheehan, J. Yang, X.H. Dai & D. Lam Effect of bolt gauge distance on the behaviour of anchored blind bolted connection to concrete filled tubular structures M. Mahmood,W. Tizani & C. Sansour Beam to concrete-filled rectangular hollow section column joints using long bolts V.L. Hoang, J.F. Demonceau & J.P. Jaspart Influence of outer diameter in confinement effect of CFT sections under bending A.A. Valls & J.M. Carreras Casting of composite concrete-filled steel tube beams with self-consolidating concrete J.M. Flor, R.H. Fakury, R.B. Caldas, F.C. Rodrigues & A.H.M. de Araujo Analytical behaviour of concrete-encased CFST column to steel beam joints W. Li,W.W. Qian, L.H. Han & X.L. Zhao Composite columns made of concrete filled circular hollow sections in fire case and with restrained thermal elongation - numerical and experimental analysis T.A.C. Pires, J.P.C. Rodrigues & J.J.R. Silva Buckling resistance of concrete-filled steel circular tube columns composed of high-strength materials M. Karmazinova Time-dependent response of three-hinged CFST arches M.A. Bradford & Y.-L. Pi Earthquake resistance Elliptical-hollow-section braces under cyclic axial loading Y.M. Huai, T.M. Chan & W.Wang Seismic response and damage distribution of concrete filled steel tube frame K. Goto Seismic design of partially concrete-filled steel tubular columns with enhanced ductility I.H.P. Mamaghani Fire resistance Optimal economic design of unprotected circular concrete-filled steel tubular columns at ambient temperature and under fire condition D. Hernandez-Figueirido, A. Piquer, J.M. Portoles, A. Hospitaler & J.M. Montalva Structural analysis of tubular truss in fire J.A. Diez Albero, T. Tiainen, K. Mela & M. Heinisuo Effects of truss behavior on critical temperatures of welded steel tubular truss members exposed to fire E. Ozyurt & Y.C.Wang Fire performance of innovative slender concrete filled steel tubular columns A. Espinos, M.L. Romero, E. Serra, V. Albero & A. Hospitaler Impact, blast and robustness Experimental and theoretical development for pipe-in-pipe composite specimens under impact X. Qian & Y.Wang Field blast testing and FE modelling of RHS members C. Ritchie, J.A. Packer, M. Seica & X.L. Zhao Behaviour of reverse channel tension zone subjected to impact loads P. Barata, J. Ribeiro, A. Santiago & M.C. Rigueiro Offshore structures Tubular based support structures for offshore wind turbines J. Muglitz, S.Weise, J. Hermann, U. Muckenheim & K.A. Buscher Stinger design for Pioneering Spirit - the world's largest pipelay vessel Y. Yu, J. van der Sman & J. van Lammeren Comparative assessment of the design of tubular elements according to offshore design standards and Eurocode 3 T. Manco, J.P. Martins, L.S. da Silva & M.C. Rigueiro Stainless and high strength steel structures Low cycle fatigue of high-strength steel tubes with longitudinal attachments J. Hrabowski, S. Herion & T. Ummenhofer Local and local-overall buckling behaviour of welded stainless steel box section columns H.X. Yuan, X.X. Du, Y.Q.Wang, Y.J. Shi, L. Gardner & L. Yang Experimental investigation of cold-formed high strength steel tubular sections undergoing web crippling H.T. Li & B. Young Behaviour of eccentrically loaded ferritic stainless steel stub columns O. Zhao, L. Gardner, B. Rossi & B. Young CFRP strengthened cold-formed stainless steel tubular sections subjected to concentrated loading under ITF loading condition F. Zhou, P. Huang & H. Peng Tests on ferritic stainless steel simply supported and continuous SHS and RHS beams I. Arrayago, E. Real & E. Mirambell Behaviour of bridging mega-truss tubular structures fabricated from S690 steel plates: Part I - Structural aspects S.P. Chiew, K.W. Cheng & C.K. Lee Behaviour of bridging mega-truss tubular structures fabricated from S690 steel plates: Part II - Material aspects K.W. Cheng, S.P. Chiew & C.K. Lee Compressive behavior of innovative hollow long fabricated columns utilizing high strength and ultra-high strength tubes F. Javidan, A. Heidarpour, X.L. Zhao & J. Minkkinen Innovative corrugated hollow columns utilizing ultra high strength steel tubes M. Nassirnia, A. Heidarpour, X.L. Zhao & J. Minkkinen New experimental determination of fatigue strength of tubular truss joints in steel grades up to S690 S. Herion, T. Ummenhofer, M. Veselcic, F. Zamiri & A. Nussbaumer Connections Stress concentration factors of square bird-beak SHS T-joints under brace axial loading B. Cheng, Q. Qian, J.C. Zhao, Z.A. Lu & X.L. Zhao Experimental evaluation of the directional strength increase for fillet welds to rectangular hollow sections J.A. Packer, M. Sun, P. Oatway & G.S. Frater Investigation of weld effective length rules for RHS overlapped K-connections K. Tousignant & J.A. Packer Experimental investigation of built-in replaceable links in external diaphragm connection between steel I-beam and CHS column M. Khador & T.M. Chan Structural behaviour of T RHS joints subjected to chord axial force A. Nizer, L.R.O. de Lima, P.C.G. da S. Vellasco, S.A.L. de Andrade, E. da S. Goulart, A.T. da Silva & L.F. da C. Neves Influence of tensile chord stresses on the strength of CHS X-joints - Experimental and numerical investigations A. Lipp & T. Ummenhofer Tension testing of welds for X-joints with CHS branches to SHS chord W.Wang, Q. Gu & J.J.Wang Influence of the vent hole shape on the strength of RHS K-joints in galvanized lattice girders. A numerical study M.A. Serrano-Lopez, C. Lopez-Colina, J. Diaz-Gomez, F. Lopez-Gayarre & G. Iglesias-Toquero Design of hollow section joints using the component method J.P. Jaspart & K.Weynand Numerical study of through plate-to-CHS connections A.P. Voth & J.A. Packer A new design equation for side wall buckling of RHS truss X-joints J. Becque & T.Wilkinson Performance of non-diaphragm joint of H-beam to RHS column with partially thickened wall Y. Chen, L. Zhang & W. Jiao Analysis of the possible failure modes in CSH bolted sleeve connections L.R. Amparo, A.M. Sarmanho, A.H.M. de Araujo & J.A.V. Requena RHS beam-to-column connection: Experimental analysis of innovative bolted typology G.B. dos Santos, E. de M. Batista & A.H.M. de Araujo Finite element simulations of 450 grade cold formed K and N joints M. Mohan & T.Wilkinson Axially loaded K joints made of thin-walled rectangular hollow sections O. Fleischer, R. Puthli, T. Ummenhofer & J.Wardenier T joints with chords made of triangular hollow sections O. Fleischer, S. Herion, T. Ummenhofer, D. Ungermann, B. Brune & P. Dissel Reduction of fillet weld sizes O. Fleischer & S. Herion Welding simulation of tubular K-joints in steel S690QH F. Zamiri, J.-M. Drezet & A. Nussbaumer Experimental investigation of the static capacity of grade C450 RHS K and N truss joints Z. Yao & T.Wilkinson Through-bolts to control ovalization of CHS T-joints under brace member compressive loads M.A. Mohamed, A.A. Shaat & E.Y. Sayed-Ahmed Experimental study on static behavior of multi-planar overlapped CHS KK-joints X.Z. Zhao, S.S. Han, K.H. Hu, Y.Y. Chen & A.H.Wu Tubular joints with welder-optimized CJP-equivalent welds under high-cycle fatigue loading X. Qian & P.W. Marshall Assessment and representation of ductile fracture failure for welded tubular joints X. Qian Application of theWeibull stress approach to the prediction of brittle fracture originating from defects at the ends of groove-welded joints T. Iwashita & K. Azuma Recent research developments in China on fatigue behaviour of welded joints of concrete-filled tubular trusses L.W. Tong, K.P. Chen & X.L. Zhao Fatigue behaviour and detailing of slotted tubular connection C. Baptista, L. Borges, S. Yadav & A. Nussbaumer Performance of tube-based moment connections under cyclic loads D.Wei, J. McCormick, M. Hartigan & M. Fadden Effect of the secondary bending moment on K-joint capacity T. Bjork, N. Tuominen & T. Lahde Structural behaviour of cross-sections and members Assessment of Eurocode 9 slenderness limits for elements in compression M. Su, B. Young & L. Gardner Design strength of LDSS flat oval stub column under pure axial compression K. Sachidananda & K.D. Singh A new design method for hollow steel sections: the Overall Interaction Concept J. Nseir, E. Saloumi, M. Hayeck & N. Boissonnade Experimental characterization of the rotational capacity of hollow structural shapes E. Saloumi, M. Hayeck, J. Nseir & N. Boissonnade Effects of cyclic loading on occurrence of brittle fracture in notched specimens T. Iwashita & K. Azuma The effect of steel strip on the quality of cold-formed hollow sections P. Ritakallio Considerations in the design and fabrication of tubular steel transmission structures R.M. Slocum The continuous strength method for circular hollow sections C. Buchanan, L. Gardner & A. Liew Use of Ramberg-Osgood material laws in the finite element modeling of cold-formed tubes M. Hayeck, J. Nseir, E. Saloumi & N. Boissonnade Strength and ductility evaluation of steel tubular columns under cyclic multiaxial loading I.H.P. Mamaghani, B. Dorose & F. Ahmad Experimental study and associated analysis of inner-stiffened cold-formed SHS steel columns A.Z. Zhu, H.P. Zhu & Y. Lu On the first order and buckling behaviour of thin-walled regular polygonal tubes R. Goncalves & D. Camotim CFRP strengthened square hollow section subject to pure torsion J. Sharrock, C.Wu & X.L. Zhao Author index
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Tubular Structures XV contains the latest scientific and engineering developments in the field of tubular structures, as presented at the 15th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS15, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27-29 May 2015). The International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS) has a long-standing reputation for being the principal showcase for manufactured tubing and the prime international forum for presentation and discussion of research, developments and applications in this field.
Various key and emerging subjects in the field of hollow structural sections are covered, such as: special applications and case studies, static and fatigue behaviour of connections and members; joints, concrete-filled and composite tubular members and offshore structures, earthquake and dynamic response, specification and standard developments, stainless and high strength steel structures, fire, impact and blast resistances. Research and developments issues presented in this topical book are applicable to buildings, bridges, offshore structures, cranes, trusses and towers.
Tubular Structures XV is thus a pertinent reference source for architects, civil and mechanical engineers, designers, steel fabricators and contractors, manufacturers of hollow sections or related construction products, trade associations involved with tubing, owners or developers of tubular structures, steel specification committees, academics and research students all around the world.