فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
About This Book
How to Use This Book
Icons Used in This Book
Beyond the Book
Where to Go from Here
Part 1 Getting Your Game On
Chapter 1 Welcome to the World of Twitch
Creating a Twitch Account
Press X to begin: The basics
“New Twitch, who dis?”: Completing the Profile
All in the details: Channel and Videos settings
Controlling the signal: From privacy to connected third parties
Learning at the Feet of Masters: Following and Subscribing to Twitch Channels
Following on Twitch
Subscribing on Twitch
Other Twitch Resources
Chapter 2 Turning a Console into a Streamer’s Studio
What’s Your Preferred Platform?
Nonessentials . . . That Are Essential
Video cameras
Audio gear
Laptop computer or mobile device (on a stand)
Green screen
Virtual assistants
Chapter 3 Making First Impressions
Creating a Complete Twitch Channel
Creating an Info Panel
Deciding which Info Panels to create
Editing and deleting Info Panels
Streaming Off Your Console
Setting up your PlayStation for streaming
Setting up your Xbox for streaming
Chapter 4 And We’re Live! (Wait, We’re LIVE?!)
Streaming Your First Gameplay
OMG! I’m live! What do I do now?!
Wrapping up your stream
Post-Show Production: What to Do After a Stream
Take a bow: Social media shout-outs
YouTube: Your content, on demand
Creating a highlight
Chapter 5 Setting Schedules and Managing Social Media
Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel: Setting Your Schedule
From start to finish: A basic schedule
Your own pocket of time: The length of your stream
Consistency and Communication
Notifications on Twitch
Notifications on Social Media
Notifications on Discord
When Life Happens: Changes in the Schedule
Chapter 6 Improving Your Stream: Being Your Own Harshest Critic
G, PG, PG-13, or R: What’s the Rating?
Setting the Mature Content option
The parameters of adult content
Popularity Versus Pleasure: What Are You Streaming?
Streaming popular games
Streaming games you enjoy
Streaming retro games
Beyond Consoles: Streaming without Video Games
Part 2 Creating Your Broadcasting Studio
Chapter 7 Streaming without Constraints: Streaming from a PC
Looking under the Hood: What a PC Needs
The computer processor
Cooling systems
Random access memory
Graphics card
Capture card
Power supply
Setting Up Your Console
Making Creativity and Interactivity Happen with StreamElements and OBS
Downloading a template from Nerd or Die
Setting up OBS with StreamElements
Incorporating your template
Customizing your template
Adding a camera to your template
Adding a console to your template
Setting Up Audio: Easier Said than Done
Setting up your audio in OBS
Using Discord as your Party Chat solution
Chapter 8 Bells & Whistles: Nifty Add-Ons for Your Twitch Stream
Stand By for Stream: Introduction and Intermission B-roll
Second-in-Command: Channel Moderators
StreamElements: Your Friendly Neighborhood Virtual Assistant
Say it again and again: Using custom commands
Locking it down: Spam protection
Complete Control: The Elgato Stream Deck
Chapter 9 All the World’s Your Stage
Quiet on the Set: A Critical Look at Your Twitch Studio
Streaming from the office studio
Streaming from the set
Twitch on the Go: Streaming from a Mobile Phone
Setting up your mobile stream with Streamlabs
Customizing your mobile stream on Streamlabs
Live from the Metaverse: Streaming in Virtual Reality
Setting up your PC for VR streaming
Launching a VR stream
Part 3 Levelling Up with Twitch
Chapter 10 Let’s GOOOOO, Chat: Welcome to the Show!
Announcing Who, What, Where: Your Show Intro
Gittin’ Gud at Multitasking: Responding to Chat
Checking in with Chat in real time
Checking in with Chat at specific points
Creating Content for Two (or More): Hosting Interviews
Extending interview requests
Asking really great questions
Avoiding really bad questions
Taking a Bow: Ending Your Stream
Chapter 11 In between the Streams
Meanwhile, at Penguin’s Secret Lair: Your Channel between Streams
Why host other streamers?
Selecting other streamers
Twitch on Demand: Past Broadcasts
Past broadcasts on Twitch
Past broadcasts on YouTube
Highlight Reels, Revisited
Creating highlight reels with iMovie
Leveling up: video editing with HitFilm Express
Chapter 12 From Hobby to Side Hustle . . . to Full-Time Job?
Semi-Pro: The Affiliate Streamer
Expressing yourself: Emotes
Patrons of the Arts: Subscribers
Expressing your loyalty: Subscriber badges
A penny for your thoughts: Bits
Skipping the intermediary: the Tip
Achievement Unlocked: Partnership
Why become a Twitch Partner?
The checklist for a Twitch Partner
Show Me the Money: Revenue Opportunities
This Twitch stream is sponsored by . . .
Affiliate programs: Working together
So, Chat, let me tell you about this amazing product from . . .
Show me your swag!
Don’t Quit Your Day Job Just Yet
Part 4 Beyond the Console
Chapter 13 Building Your Twitch Community
Check Me Out Now: Publicizing Your Stream
Creating a social media strategy
Who Is “The Fam” and Why Do They Matter?
Oh hai, Mark: Talking to Chat
The Fam includes other streamers too
The Community Board: Discord
Setting up channels
Share with the class: Talking to your Chat
Family Matters: The Unseen Community Members
The significant other
When your kids want to stream
Chapter 14 Twitch Etiquette
Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out: Bad Behavior on Twitch
Yo, check out my stream . . .
Hey, Streamer! Hey! Listen! Pay attention to ME!
Well, I support this stream, so you owe me
They See Me Trollin’ and Hatin’ . . .
You just earned a timeout, kiddo: Muting trolls in stream
Hate raids
Not-So-Merry Melodies: Twitch, the RIAA, and the DMCA
What the DMCA is
When the DMCA leveled up
The simple (but complicated) relationship between the RIAA and Twitch
Where to find stream-safe music
Positive Impressions: Putting your best foot forward on Twitch
Chapter 15 Game Over: Twitch Outside of Gaming
Game On: The Rise of Esports
NASA TV: Going Live in the Sky
The Food of Love on Twitch: Music
Harping on a passion: Meadow Fox
Sing a song: Ashley Abbink and Camila Knight
The Sounds of Serenity: ASMR
Phasmo for Real: Old Spirits Investigations Live
Gaming for Good: Charity Streaming
Remembering rule 1: Charity streaming is not about you!
Setting up a Tiltify profile
Doing a little prep before you get started
Part 5 The Part of Tens
Chapter 16 Ten (or More) Life Lessons from Twitch
Twitch Enabled Me to Take Center Stage
Twitch Opened the World to Me
Twitch Helped Me Realize I Am Not Alone
Success Is Waiting for You If You’re Willing to Work for It
Twitch Encourages Me to Look for Improvement
You Always Have Someone Watching Your Back
Twitch Can Surprise You in the Best of Ways
One Life Lesson from Twitch
It’s a Glimpse of How Good We Can Be
Twitch Took My Education and Leveled It Up
Twitch Restored My Faith in People
To Thine Own Self Be True
Twitch Doesn’t Believe in a Comfort Zone, and That’s a Good Thing
Twitch Opened Doors I Didn’t Know Existed
There Are a Lot of Good People in the World — Connect with Them
Twitch Taught Me the Power of Community
If You Have Something to Share, You Have to Make It Happen
Twitch Proves the Power of Paying It Forward
Chapter 17 Ten Final Thoughts from a TeeMonster on Twitch
Five Lessons from Five Years
Grow at your own pace
Don’t let life pass you by
Stream fearlessly
Make yourself your stream’s top priority
Stream because you love it
Five Goals for the Streams to Come
Don’t define yourself by analytics
A good mantra to focus on: My stream is a fun place to be
Remember, there’s no silver bullet to success
To thine own self be true
Partnership is not the endgame