توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این جلد اساساً مجموعه مقالات سمپوزیوم بین المللی در مورد سنگدانه های بی بند در جاده ها (UNBAR3) است که در دانشگاه ناتینگهام در 11-13 آوریل 1989 برگزار شد. این یک منبع مرجع برای طراحان راه، پیمانکاران، تامین کنندگان، کارگران مواد و کارگران تحقیقاتی است. رویه فعلی و توسعه اخیر در استفاده از سنگ خرد شده، شن های طبیعی و سنگدانه های مصنوعی در جاده ها، بدون سیمان یا قیر، در این کتاب پوشش داده شده است. یک مرور کلی از موضوع در شش گزارش کلی و چهار مقاله کلیدی ارائه شده است و به دنبال آن مقالاتی در مورد موضوعات خاص تر در هر بخش ارائه می شود. بخش مهمی به مشخصات و استانداردسازی سنگدانه های غیرقابل بند، از جمله جنبه های هماهنگ سازی اروپایی می پردازد. این کتاب با توصیه هایی برای توسعه مداوم روش های خوب در استفاده از سنگدانه های غیرمحصول به پایان می رسد.
فهرست مطالب :
Inside Front Cover, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Page ix, Ron Jones, Andrew Dawson
Consultative committee for the UNBAR3 symposium, Page x
Foreword, Page xi, F.J. Parker
List of participants, Pages xii-xiii
1 - Introduction, Pages 1-2, R.H. Jones, A.R. Dawson
2 - General report: mechanical properties, Pages 3-6, N.H. Thom
3 - General report: drainage and permeability, Pages 7-8, C.J. Baker
4 - General report: waste alternative materials, Pages 9-16, R.A. Macarthy
5 - General report: the specification of granular materials for unbound pavement layers, Pages 17-26, A.R. Dawson
6 - Keynote paper. Placement and compaction of unbound aggregates, Pages 27-37, A. Quibel
7 - Production-integrated compaction testing, Pages 38-45, E. Lindh
8 - Compaction meter and compaction documentation system, Pages 46-51, H.F. Thurner, A. Sandström
9 - Discussion, Pages 52-53
10 - Keynote paper. Granular drainage layers in pavement foundations, Pages 55-69, R.H. Jones, H.A. Jones
11 - Horizontal permeability of compacted aggregates, Pages 70-77, H.A. Jones, R.H. Jones
12 - A new method for the determination of horizontal and vertical permeability of cohesionless basecourse materials, Pages 78-85, R. Floss, U. Berner
13 - Technical note. ln-situ permeability testing of sub-bases on the M5 motorway, Pages 86-93, M. Roy, S.K. Sayer
14 - Stormwater flow through unbound aggregate sub-bases, Pages 94-101, C.J. Pratt, J.D.G. Mantle
15 - Discussion, Pages 102-107
16 - Keynote paper. Mechanical properties of unbound aggregates, Pages 109-129, W.W. Crockford
17 - The mechanical properties of unbound aggregates from various sources, Pages 130-142, N.H. Thorn, S.F. Brown
18 - A repeated load triaxial apparatus for granular materials, Pages 143-158, S.F. Brown, M.P. O'Reilly, J.W. Pappin
19 - The measurement of residual stresses due to compaction in granular materials, Pages 159-168, J. Zeilmaker, R.J. Henny
20 - The degradation of furnace bottom ash under compaction, Pages 169-177, A.R. Dawson
21 - Assessing basalt durability - rapid alternative techniques, Pages 178-187, A.R. Woodside, W.D.H. Woodward
22 - Discussion, Pages 188-191
23 - Specifications for materials used as an unbound aggregate, Pages 193-203, A. Penning
24 - Steel slags as unbound aggregate in road construction: problems and recommendations, Pages 204-211, A. Verhasselt, F. Choquet
25 - Design of pavement thicknesses incorporating alternative granular materials, Pages 212-218, E. Straube, H. Beckedahl, A. Gerlach
26 - Natural and waste material - a chance for competition?, Pages 219-226, G.H. Suss
27 - Technical note. Alternative materials in road construction - an approach for research implementation, Pages 227-234, E.J. de Jong
28 - Discussion, Pages 235-238
29 - Keynote paper. Design philosophy, Pages 239-252, G.T.H. Sweere
30 - The French technique in the use of unbound roadbase in pavements, Pages 253-260, J.L. Paute
31 - Technical note. Specifications and standards for unbound aggregates and their use in the Federal Republic of Germany, Pages 261-269, H. Beckedahl, E. Straube
32 - Specifications and standards for unbound aggregates and their use in Italy, Pages 270-275, P. Moretti, B. Cutruzzula
33 - Specifications and standards for unbound aggregates and their use in Portugal, Pages 276-278, L. Quaresma
34 - Technical note. A study on Singapore rocks for use as unbound road base material, Pages 279-283, S.D. Ramaswamy, M.A. Aziz
35 - Use of unbound pavement materials in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, Pages 284-291, P. Höbeda, H. Thorén
36 - Specifications and standards for unbound aggregates in roads and their use in the UK, Pages 292-297, S.J. Biczysko
37 - A summary of selected US basecourse specifications, Pages 298-303, R.D. Barksdale
38 - The relation between risks of non-compliance and production, sampling and testing variations, Pages 304-312, R. Sym
39 - What price granular materials in road construction?, Pages 313-321, C.R. Curtis
40 - The improvement of roads in developing countries to bituminous standards using naturally occurring laterites, Pages 322-332, H. Grace, D.G. Toll
41 - Discussion, Pages 333-341
42 - Structural contribution of self-cementing granular bases to asphalt pavements, Pages 343-353, G.T.H. Sweere
43 - In-situ determination of granular basecourse stiffness, Pages 354-366, G.T.H. Sweere, P.J. Galjaard
44 - Assessing the quality of gravel sub-base, Pages 367-379, M.G. Earland, H.C. Mayhew
45 - The use of uniform sand for road construction, Pages 380-387, S. Stojadinovic
46 - Measurement of nonlinear deformation characteristics of unbound aggregates by natural vibrations method, Pages 388-396, O.M.Ch. Ehrler
47 - Technical note. Development of a prototype variable impact testing apparatus, Pages 397-407, J.R. Boyce, M.I. Cobbe, P.R. Fleming
48 - Discussion, Pages 408-411
49 - Conclusions and recommendations for the use of unbound aggregates in roads, Pages 413-415, A.R. Dawson, R.H. Jones
Author Index, Page 417
Keyword index, Pages 419-420
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This volume is essentially the proceedings of the International Symposium on Unbound Aggregates in Roads (UNBAR3) held at the University of Nottingham on 11-13 April 1989. It is a reference source for road designers, contractors, suppliers, material workers and research workers. Current practice and recent development in the use of crushed rock, natural gravels and man-made aggregated in roads, unbound by cement or bitumen, are covered in this book. An overview of the subject is given in six general reports and four keynote papers, followed by papers on more specific topics within each section. An important section deals with the specification and standardization of unbound aggregates, including European harmonization aspects. The book concludes with recommendations for the ongoing development of good practice in the use of unbound aggregates