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Foreword to the XVIII UISPP Congress Proceedings
Understanding and accessibility of pre-and proto-historical research issues: sites, museums and communication strategies
Abandonment, rehabilitation and accessibility of open air sites: the case of El Castillar
List of Figures
Abandonment, rehabilitation and accessibility of open air sites: the case of El Castillar
Figure 1. State of abandonment of one of the housing structures prior to the start of the 2017 campaign, and after the 2018 restauration campaign.
Figure 2. Volunteer children learning archaeological techniques.
Fig 3. Guided visit from 2017.
Beyond Museum Walls: The Potential of Untraveled Prehistoric Heritage Sites as Archaeotourism Destinations
Figure 1. The Veldwezelt-Hezerwater Neanderthal Site, Community of Lanaken, Belgium (red contour).
Figure 2. The Veldwezelt-Hezerwater Neanderthal Site, aerial view (red contour).
Figure 3. Levallois refit from the Veldwezelt-Hezerwater site.
Figure 4. People visiting the Veldwezelt-Hezerwater Heritage Site.
Figure 5. Visitors admiring the reconstructed Neanderthal living floor at the Veldwezelt-Hezerwater Heritage Site.
Reality, strategies and projects to Prehistory and Protohistory in the state museums and archaeological sites in the Molise region (Southern Italy)
Figure 1. A panoramic view of the Pre-Protohistoric sector of the Samnitic Museum (picture by V. Epifani).
Figure 2. Lithic and bronze materials from the Neolithic/Chalcolithic period to the Final Bronze Age. In middle the Early Bronze Age hoard of Vinchiaturo. (picture by V. Carbonara).
Figure 3. Screenshot from the draw-motion video ‘Tik & Tuk’(picture by V. Carbonara).
Figure 4. 3D model of bronze dagger. (picture by V. Carbonara).
Figure 5. The National Museum of the Paleolithic of Isernia(picture by A. Di Nucci).
Figure 6. Archaeological area of ‘Isernia La Pineta’, detail. (picture by A. Priston).
Figure 7. Room dedicated at the site of Isernia La Pineta, with a portion of original re-enact paleosurface (picture by A. Di Nucci).
Figure 8. The exposition room ‘Prehistory in Molise’ (picture by A. Di Nucci).
Figure 10. the materials from the neolithic settlement of Venafro- Tenuta Nola in the exhibition (picture by D. Delfino).
Figure 11. The Neolithic baby skeleton in the new exhibition (picture by D. Delfino).
Figure 12: the high school “A. Giordano” during the inauguration of the exposition (picture by D. Delfino).
Unlocking La Cotte de St. Brélade: making Jersey’s Pleistocene heritage accessible
Figure 1. Aerial view of La Cotte de St Brélade & Portlet Common – 6th August 2015 © Chris Brookes Aerial Photography.
Figure 2. General plan of site conservation measures. Failed Slope is a Head deposit, the gabion wall will protect the Pleistocene sediments from storm surges and a rising sea-level. © Geo-Design Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Figure 3. View along the West Ravine. Security netting has been installed against the unstable rock face. Head deposits are under the black matting, these will be archaeologically investigated over several years.
Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet: education, ancient technology and experimental archaeology (Revine Lago, Treviso, Italy)
Figure 1. Satellite image, Google Earth. Lago and Santa Maria lake, municipality of Revine Lago and Tarzo. Province of Treviso, Veneto Region (225 m asl). Contextualisation of Colmaggiore di Tarzo archaeological site and Livelet Park and detail of the two
Figure 2. Particular of the Copper (half on land and half on water) and Bronze Age pile dwelling (on water) reconstruction. The one of Neolithic, not reported in the photo was completely built on the mainland.
Figure 3. Map of Livelet: 1) parking; 2) first building with bookshop and projection room; 3) playground area with barbecue and picnic area; 4) reconstruction of small pile-dwellings used for one of our workshops; 5) burial mound area; 6) pond protected
The Temple Machine. A New Communication Model for the Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum
Figure 1. Villa Giulia: view of the central courtyard towards the nymphaeum (©MiBAC, Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum. Ph. M. Benedetti).
Figure 2. Villa Giulia: The re-enactment of the sarcophagus of the spouses in presence for the disability day of December 3, 2017 (ph. AGCult).
Figure 3. Villa Giulia: the presentation of the cycle ‘Stories of People and Museums’; from the left facing right: A. Campitelli, V. Nizzo, T. Maffei, A. Pinna (©MiBAC, Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum. Ph.).
Figure 4. Villa Giulia: the reconstruction of the Etruscan Italic temple of Alatri built at the end of the 19th century by A. Cozza and at the center of the project ‘The Temple Machine’ (©MiBAC, Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum. Ph. M. Benedetti).
Figure 5. State of fact and reconstruction of the interventions falling on the Riganti’s Tanneries of Villa Poniatowski (elaboration of the Prof. A. Grimaldi’s team, Faculty of Architecture, ‘Sapienza’, Rome).
Education, dissemination and new technological approaches for a museum opened behind closed doors: the University Museum of Paleontology and Prehistory ‘P. Leonardi’
Figure 1. Location of the ‘P. Leonardi’ Paleontology and Prehistory Museum in Italy (A) and in Ferrara (B). View of the Quadrivio degli Angeli and location of Palace Turchi di Bagno (C). Palace Turchi di Bagno (D). Vertebrate Paleontology (E) and Prehis
Figure 2. Pictures from educational and dissemination workshops concerning Paleontology, Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology.
Figure 3. Elaboration of a Gigapixel image and final result (A). Pictures from the virtual tour of the ‘P. Leonardi’ Paleontology and Prehistory Museum realized via cospaces (B).
La carte de visite. Impact formel, contrainte méthodologique et choix impopulaires pour l’Aire mégalithique du Parc archéologique et Musée de Saint-Martin-de-Corléans à Aosta (Italie) : un cas d’étude
Figure 1. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Aire archéologique (cliché Pietro Fioravanti).
Figure 2. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Traces de labour (cliché Pietro Fioravanti).
Figure 3. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Puits (cliché Diego Cesare).
Figure 4. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Trous de poteaux (cliché Diego Cesare).
Figure 5. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Stèles (cliché Diego Cesare).
Figure 6. Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Dolmen (cliché Pietro Fioravanti).
Beyond Museum Walls: The Potential of Untraveled Prehistoric Heritage Sites as Archaeotourism Destinations
Reality, strategies and projects to Prehistory and Protohistory in the state museums and archaeological sites in the Molise region (Southern Italy)
Unlocking La Cotte de St. Brélade: making Jersey’s Pleistocene heritage accessible
Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet: education, ancient technology and experimental archaeology (Revine Lago, Treviso, Italy)
The Temple Machine. A New Communication Model for the Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum
Education, dissemination and new technological approaches for a museum opened behind closed doors: the University Museum of Paleontology and Prehistory ‘P. Leonardi’
La carte de visite. Impact formel, contrainte méthodologique et choix impopulaires pour l’Aire mégalithique du Parc archéologique et Musée de Saint-Martin-de-Corléans à Aosta (Italie) : un cas d’étude
Author list