Understanding and Fighting Corruption in Europe: From Repression to Prevention

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کتاب درک و مبارزه با فساد در اروپا: از سرکوب تا پیشگیری نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Understanding and Fighting Corruption in Europe: From Repression to Prevention

نام کتاب : Understanding and Fighting Corruption in Europe: From Repression to Prevention
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : درک و مبارزه با فساد در اروپا: از سرکوب تا پیشگیری
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Springer
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 150
ISBN (شابک) : 3030824942 , 9783030824945
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 2 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Chapter 1: Preventing Corruption in Europe: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Chapter 2: Limits of Corruption Repression and New Prevention Policies
2.1 Basic Trends and International Influences
2.2 The Traditional Criminal Approach and Its Limits
2.3 The Architecture of Corruption Prevention
2.3.1 The National Anti-corruption Strategy (NAS)
2.3.2 Anti-corruption Authorities
2.4 Administrative Corruption Prevention Measures
2.5 Regulation of Lobbies and Prevention of Corruption
2.6 Plans and Procedures for the Management of ``Corruption Risk´´
2.7 The Concept of Corruption in Light of Prevention Policies
Chapter 3: Corruption, Mass Media and Public Opinion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Complexity of Corruption
3.3 Perception of Corruption and Populism
3.4 The Media´s Role in Curbing Corruption
3.5 The Politicization of Corruption
3.6 Conclusions
Chapter 4: Measuring Corruption
4.1 Knowing and Measuring Corruption
4.2 An Overview of `Classical´ Measures and Indicators of Corruption
4.3 Administrative Anti-corruption Assessment Through Surveys
4.3.1 An Indicator of Administrative Fight Against Corruption: An Italian Case Study The Italian Survey Questionnaire
Risk Management
Staff Training
Staff Rotation
Unfitness for Public Positions
Incompatibility for Specific Administrative Positions
Appointments and Authorization of Assignments
Whistleblowing Data and Methods Evolution Over Time of Corruption Prevention Accomplishment
4.4 Corruption Risk Assessment Through Red Flags
4.5 Toward Latest Corruption Measures: The Big Data and Computational Data Revolution
4.6 The Latest Generation of Corruption Measures
4.7 Prospects and Future Developments in the Measurement Of Corruption
4.7.1 Toward Valid Single Indicators of Corruption Risk
4.7.2 Toward Robust Composite Indicators of Corruption Risk
4.7.3 The Need for Ontologies
4.7.4 OntoPiA: The Collection of Italian Ontologies
4.7.5 Perspectives and Open Issues of AI Exploitation in European Administrative Systems
Chapter 5: Good Administration, Integrity and Corruption
5.1 The Ethical Infrastructure Between Politics and Bureaucracy
5.2 Corruption and the Right to Good Administration
5.2.1 Evolution of the Concept of ``Good Administration´´
5.2.2 The Right to Good Administration in the European and International Context: Art. 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights...
5.3 Preventing Corruption Through the Promotion of the Right to Good Administration
5.4 Ethical Behavior in Organizational Settings: A Socio-psychological Perspective
5.4.1 Groups, Social Norms, and Ethical Behavior
5.4.2 Ethical Leadership and Ethical Culture
5.4.3 Workplace as a Moral Laboratory
5.5 Codes of Ethics as a Tool for Preventing Corruption
5.6 The Role of Public Management in Fighting Corruption and Their Independence: Anti-corruption Measures, Recruitment, Career...
Chapter 6: Transparency, Digitalization and Corruption
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Digital Paths to Transparency
6.2.1 Transparency as a Byproduct of Informatization
6.2.2 Transparency as an e-Government Service
6.2.3 The Web as a Means of Dissemination of Information and the Embedding in the FOIA Laws
6.2.4 The Open Data Approach The Availability of Open Data as Transparency in Itself Data Reuse and Mediated Transparency
6.2.5 The Mixed Impact of Digital Transparency, But for Corruption
6.3 Open Data, Big Data and Machine Learning as Tools to Detect and Prevent Corruption
6.3.1 Open Data and Public Collaboration in the Fight Against Corruption Open Public Data and Its Impact on the Fight Against Corruption Public Collaboration in the Fight Against Corruption: Collaborative Transparency The Limits of Open Data and Collaborative Transparency in the Prevention of and Fight Against Corruption
6.3.2 Big Data and the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against Corruption Big Data and the Fight Against Corruption The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against Corruption Legal Problems with the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against Corruption
Opacity in the Fight Against Corruption
The Lack of Grounds for the Decisions Adopted in the Fight Against Corruption
Discrimination in the Fight Against Corruption
Infringement of Data Protection and Privacy Rights in the Fight Against Corruption
6.4 Digitalization and Anticorruption Policies in Context: Critical Success Factors and Barriers
6.4.1 Review of the Literature on Digitalization as a Tool for Anticorruption
6.4.2 Theories Behind Digitalization for Anticorruption
6.4.3 Policy Recommendations on Digitalization for Anticorruption
6.4.4 Conclusive Remarks
Chapter 7: Public Procurement and Corruption: Perspectives, Rules, Experiences
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Procurement and Corruption: An Economic Perspective
7.2.1 The Relationship Between Corruption and Economic Efficiency
7.2.2 Public Procurement: A Possible Transmission Channel
7.3 Demand for Regulation and Corruption in the Public Procurement Context
7.4 Public Procurement as Part of Anti-corruption Strategy
7.5 The Discipline of Public Contracts and Corruption
7.6 The Regulation of Anti-corruption and Public Procurement: Notes Starting from the Italian Case
7.7 Disaster and Prevention of Corruption: The Case of the 2016 Earthquake in Central Italy

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