توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این جلد مقالات برگزیدهای را گرد هم میآورد که بر بینالمللیسازی آموزش عالی منتشر شده است که در اخبار دانشگاه جهانی (UWN) و آموزش عالی بینالمللی (IHE) بین سالهای 2011 تا 2016 منتشر شده است. یک رشته تحصیلی از طریق گفتگوهای عمومی و مداوم. اخبار، تحلیلها و انتشارات تفسیری مانند UWN و IHE هستند که این گفتگو را تسهیل میکنند و با بهروزترین پیشرفتها در این زمینه همگام میشوند. با هم، مقالات موجود در این جلد - در کنار مقدمههای بخش - تصویری غنی و مرتبط از وضعیت پویای بینالمللی شدن آموزش عالی در سطح جهانی ارائه میدهند. در حالی که هر دو نشریه به صورت رایگان به صورت آنلاین در دسترس هستند، این کتاب مجموعهای از مقالات منسجم از نظر موضوعی را ارائه میکند و دیدگاهی قابل دسترس و تحلیلی در مورد نگرانیهای مبرم بینالمللیسازی آموزش عالی معاصر ارائه میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xx
Front Matter ....Pages 1-3
Global: Changing the Mindset in Internationalisation Research (Nico Jooste, Savo Heleta)....Pages 5-7
Global: Internationalization of Higher Education: Nine Misconceptions (Hans De Wit)....Pages 9-12
Global: Five Truths About Internationalization (Jane Knight)....Pages 13-15
Global: Internationalisation: Variations and Vagaries (Peta Lee)....Pages 17-20
Global: Internationalization and Global Tension: Lessons From History (Philip G. G. Altbach, Hans De Wit)....Pages 21-24
Europe: the Future of Internationalization of Higher Education in Europe (Hans De Wit, Fiona Hunter)....Pages 25-28
France: Learning From the Past: Historical Trends in Internationalization of French Higher Education (Guillaume Tronchet)....Pages 29-31
Front Matter ....Pages 33-35
Global: International Branch Campuses Expanding, Geopolitical Landscape Changing (William Lawton, Alex Katsomitros)....Pages 37-39
Global: World Economies and the Distribution of International Branch Campuses (Li Zhang, Kevin Kinser, Yunyu Shi)....Pages 41-43
Global: Financial Aspects of Offshore Activities (John Fielden)....Pages 45-47
Global: Five Models of International Branch Campus Facility Ownership (Jason E. Lane)....Pages 49-51
Global: financing of education Hubs: who are the investors? (Jane Knight)....Pages 53-55
Global: the Impact of transnational Education in Receiving Countries (Jane Knight, John Mcnamara)....Pages 57-60
Europe: Franchising, Validation, and Branch Campuses in the European Union (Lukas Bischof)....Pages 61-63
United Kingdom: Technology: the Silent Partner in Transnational Education? (Esther Wilkinson)....Pages 65-67
Front Matter ....Pages 69-71
Global: International Higher Education and the “Neo-liberal turn” (Esther Wilkinson)....Pages 73-75
Global: Growing Pathways to Study Abroad (Nic Mitchell)....Pages 77-81
Global: Coil—Virtual Mobility Without Commercialisation (Hans De Wit)....Pages 83-85
Global: in Search of Solutions for the Agent Debate (Rahul Choudaha)....Pages 87-89
Europe: Fees and International Students in Nordic Nations (Jan Petter Myklebust)....Pages 91-93
France: France Debates International Student Fees (Ariane De Gayardon)....Pages 95-97
Front Matter ....Pages 99-101
Global: Another Week, Another Scandal: Immigration Dilemmas and Political Confusion (Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg)....Pages 103-106
Global: Corruption: A Key Challenge to Internationalization (Philip G. Altbach)....Pages 107-110
Global: are Double/Multiple Degree Programs Leading to “Discount Degrees”? (Jane Knight)....Pages 111-113
Europe: Using Lessons From Erasmus Mundus to Improve Erasmus+Joint Degrees (Claire Morel)....Pages 115-117
Latin America: Costa Rica Rejects High Number of Medical Graduates From Cuba (Chrissie Long)....Pages 119-121
Japan: Conservatism, Red Tape Thwart International Education (Suvendrini Kakuchi)....Pages 123-125
Front Matter ....Pages 127-129
Global: National Policies for Internationalization—do they work? (Robin Matross Helms, Laura G. Rumbley)....Pages 131-134
Global: The United Nations, International Higher Education, and Knowledge Diplomacy (Nanette Svenson)....Pages 135-137
Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda Strike He Harmonisation Fee Deal (Gilbert Nganga)....Pages 139-141
Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan’s Bolashak Scholarship Program (Aida Sagintayeva, Zakir Jumakulov)....Pages 143-146
Brazil: Brazil Seeks Academic Boost by Sending Students Abroad (Marcelo Knobel)....Pages 147-149
Front Matter ....Pages 151-153
Global: Ensuring Equality in Higher Education Partnerships Involving Unequal Universities in Divergent Contexts (Cornelius Hagenmeier)....Pages 155-157
Global: Perspectives on Global University Networks (Robin Middlehurst)....Pages 159-161
Global: The Dragon’s Deal: Sino-African Cooperation in Education (Milton O. Obamba)....Pages 163-165
Asia: Partnership with Russia for New, World-Class University (Hiep Pham)....Pages 167-169
Europe: Western Balkan Nations Collaborate on Higher Education (Ard Jongsma)....Pages 171-173
Global: is America’s 100,000 Strong China Initiative Anaemic? (Joseph Stetar, Modi Li)....Pages 175-177
Front Matter ....Pages 179-182
Global: Global Postgraduate Student Mobility Trends to 2024 (Karen Macgregor)....Pages 183-186
Global: International Student Enrollment: Evidence-Driven Strategies (Rahul Choudaha)....Pages 187-189
Asia: Far East Aims High for International Student Numbers (Ryan M. Allen)....Pages 191-192
China: Thousands to Head to Hong Kong for US Examinations (Patrick Boehler)....Pages 193-195
China: The Role of Chinese Parents in Decisions about Overseas Study (Peter Bodycott, Ada Lai)....Pages 197-201
Vietnam: Struggling to Attract International Students (Hiep Pham)....Pages 203-205
Sweden: is Sweden Recovering from the International Student Crash? (Nic Mitchell)....Pages 207-210
India: Mobility Trends (Wesley Teller)....Pages 211-213
India: International Students in Indian Universities (Veena Bhalla, Krishnapratap B. Powar)....Pages 215-217
Front Matter ....Pages 219-221
Europe: Questioning the Student Mobility Imperative (Bernd WÄchter)....Pages 223-226
China: The Study-Abroad Fever Among Chinese Students (Zha Qiang)....Pages 227-230
Canada, US and UK: Canada’s Immigration Policies to Attract International Students (Anita Gopal)....Pages 231-233
Australia: Foreign Students Exploited as Temporary Workers (Bob Kinnaird)....Pages 235-238
Australia: Schools are the New Battleground for Foreign Students (Brendan O’Malley)....Pages 239-242
Front Matter ....Pages 243-245
Global: Professors: The Key to Internationalization (Gerard A. Postiglione, Philip G. Altbach)....Pages 247-249
Global: Faculty and International Engagement: Has Internationalization Changed Academic Work? (Douglas Proctor)....Pages 251-253
Global: International Visiting Scholars: Brain-Circulation and Internationalization (Yukiko Shimmi)....Pages 255-257
Global: Flying Faculty Teaching—Who Benefits? (Karen Smith)....Pages 259-261
Japan: Young Researchers Need More International Experience (Tomoaki Wada)....Pages 263-265
Europe: More Focus Needed on Higher Education Staff Mobility (Nic Mitchell)....Pages 267-269
Germany: The Value of Administrative Staff for Internationalization (Uwe Brandenburg)....Pages 271-273
Front Matter ....Pages 275-277
Global: International Advisory Councils: A New Aspect of Internationalization (Philip G. Altbach, Georgiana Mihut, Jamil Salmi)....Pages 279-281
Global: Integrating Institutional Policies and Leadership for 21st Century Internationalization (John K. Hudzik)....Pages 283-286
Global: The Changing Role of Leadership in International Education (Hans De Wit)....Pages 287-289
Global: Brics University League Starts to Form, But Needs True Collaboration (Maxim Khomyakov)....Pages 291-293
Asean: The Need for an Asean University (Roger Y. Chao Jr.)....Pages 295-297
United States: Value of Foreign-Born University Leaders is Rising (Mary Beth Marklein)....Pages 299-301
Front Matter ....Pages 303-306
Global: Gender and International Research Cooperation (Agnete Vabø)....Pages 307-309
Africa: The Value of Research Networks in Africa (Piyushi Kotecha)....Pages 311-314
Africa: International Collaboration in African Research—Who Wins? (Sharon Dell)....Pages 315-317
Europe: Progress, Problems with Researcher Mobility in Europe (Karen Macgregor)....Pages 319-323
Central America: The Value of International Academic Cooperation (Nanette Svenson)....Pages 325-327
Europe: “Internationalists” and “Locals” in Research: Similar Productivity Patterns Across Europe (Marek Kwiek)....Pages 329-331
Saudi Arabia: Internationalizing Research in Saudi Arabia: Purchasing Questionable Privilege (Manail Anis Ahmed)....Pages 333-335
China: Joint Research: Alternative to Branch Campus? (Yojana Sharma)....Pages 337-339
Front Matter ....Pages 341-343
Global: Internationalization, the Curriculum, and the Disciplines (Hans De Wit, Betty Leask)....Pages 345-347
Global: English as “Lingua Franca” and the Internationalization of Academe (Michele Rostan)....Pages 349-352
Global: Graduate Employability and Internationalization of the Curriculum at Home (Elspeth Jones)....Pages 353-355
Japan: Nationalism vs Internationalism (Jeremy Rappleye, Edward Vickers)....Pages 357-361
Norway: Increasing Internationalisation in Phd Education (Jan Petter Myklebust, Jacquie Withers)....Pages 363-365
Front Matter ....Pages 367-369
Global: Neo-Nationalism: Challenges for International Students (Jenny J. Lee)....Pages 371-373
Global: Transnational Education and Human Rights Obligations (Gearóid Ó. Cuinn)....Pages 375-377
Global: Beyond the Syrian Refugee Crisis (Hans De Wit)....Pages 379-380
Global: Moving From Soft Power to Knowledge Diplomacy (Jane Knight)....Pages 381-382
Us-Iran: Restoring Relationships in Higher Education (Daniel Obst)....Pages 383-385
Back Matter ....Pages 387-415
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This volume brings together selected articles focused on higher education internationalization published in University World News (UWN) and International Higher Education (IHE) between 2011 and 2016. Researchers, policy makers, and practitioners alike further the development of higher education internationalization as a field of study through public and ongoing conversations. It is news, analysis, and commentary publications like UWN and IHE that facilitate this dialogue and keep pace with the most up-to-date developments in the field. Together, the articles included in this volume—alongside the section introductions—offer a rich and relevant picture of the dynamic state of higher education internationalization globally. While both publications are freely available online, this book provides a thematically coherent selection of articles, offering an accessible and analytic perspective on the pressing concerns of contemporary higher education internationalization.