Unpacking Normativity: Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues

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کتاب باز کردن هنجارگرایی: مسائل مفهومی، هنجاری و توصیفی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Unpacking Normativity: Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues

نام کتاب : Unpacking Normativity: Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : باز کردن هنجارگرایی: مسائل مفهومی، هنجاری و توصیفی
سری :
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : Hart Publishing
سال نشر : 2018
تعداد صفحات : 283
ISBN (شابک) : 9781509916245 , 9781509916252
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 6 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents\nList of Contributors\nTable of Cases\nTable of Legislation\nIntroduction\nPART I METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING NORMATIVITY\n 1. Is Moralised Jurisprudence Redundant?\n I. Introduction\n II. Indirect Evaluation and Theories of Law\n III. A Wrong Turn\n IV. Law and Participants’ Self-Understanding\n V. Conclusion\n 2. The Metric Approach to Legal Normativity\n I. Introduction\n II. The Three Functions of the Nexus\n III. Legal Reasons as Nexus Reasons\n IV. Loosing the Nexus\nPART II ON THE NATURE OF LEGAL NORMATIVITY/LEGAL OBLIGATION\n 3. The Nature of Legal Obligation\n I. Introduction\n II. The Nature of Legal Obligation – Question 1: Normativity as a Matter of Choice?\n III. The Nature of Legal Obligation: Question 2: Sui Generis?\n IV. Conclusion\n 4. The Problems of Legal Normativity and Legal Obligation\n I. Introduction\n II. The Problem of Legal Normativity\n III. The Problem of Legal Obligation and Its Logical Relation to the Problem of Legal Normativity\n IV. The Distinction between Subjective and Objective Reasons\n V. A Non-Orthodox Account of the Nature of Legal Obligation\n VI. Explaining Law’s Normativity in Terms of Basic Reasons: Moral and Prudential Reasons for Action\n VII. Summary and Conclusions\n 5. Non-naturalism, Normativity and the Meaning of Ought : Some Lessons from Kelsen\n I. Introduction\n II. Purity\n III. Non-Naturalism\n IV. Imputation\n V. Psychologism\n VI. Fragmentation\n VII. Conclusion and Summary\nPART III NORMS AS REASONS FOR ACTION\n 6. Norms, Reasons, and the Law\n I. Introduction\n II. Codifying Norms\n III. Reason-instantiating Norms\n IV. Constitutive Norms\n V. Authoritative Norms\n VI. Is Law’s Normativity Unique?\n 7. Normative Reasoning From a Point of View\n I. Introduction\n II. Reasoning From a Point of View\n III. Objection 1: Application versus Interpretation\n IV. Objection 2: The Circumstances of Judging\n V. Conclusion\n 8. Legal Reasons and Upgrading Reasons\n I. Introduction\n II. The Codification Account\n III. The Triggering Account\n IV. The Multi-tiered Account\nPART IV NORMATIVITY AND LEGAL REASONING\n 9. Normativity of Basic Rules of Legal Interpretation\n I. Introduction\n II. Following Basic Rules of Legal Interpretation\n III. Fundamental and Derivative Normativity of Interpretation\n IV. Conclusion\n 10. Another Way to Meet Hart’s Challenge\n I. Introduction\n II. The Argument from Fallibility\n III. A Paradox of Hart\'s Fallible Finality\n IV. An Alternative Account of the Normativity of Legal Discourse\n 11. The Constraining Force of Analogies and the Role of the Judge\n I. Introduction\n II. The Worry Explained\n III. Judges as Interlocutors\n IV. A Friend to the Arguer, A Foe to the Interlocutor\nPART V LEGAL NORMATIVITY BEYOND THE STATE\n 12. What Makes a Transnational Rule of Law? Understanding the Logos and Values of Human Action in Transnational Law\n I. Introduction\n II. Understanding Human Action: The Medusa of Coercion\n III. The Rule of Law and the Thick Conception of the Transnational Rule of Law\n IV. Possible Objections\n V. Conclusion\n 13. Theorising ‘Unidentified Normative Objects’ of Global Regulatory Regimes\n I. Introduction\n II. Unpacking Normativity\n III. On the Normativity of UNOs\n IV. Conclusion\nIndex

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