Unsaturated Soils for Asia

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کتاب خاک های غیر اشباع برای آسیا نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Unsaturated Soils for Asia

نام کتاب : Unsaturated Soils for Asia
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : خاک های غیر اشباع برای آسیا
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : CRC Press
سال نشر : 2000
تعداد صفحات : 873
ISBN (شابک) : 9781003078616 , 9789058091390
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 71 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Cover......Page 1
Half Title......Page 2
Title Page......Page 4
Copyright Page......Page 5
Table of Contents......Page 6
Preface......Page 16
Organisation......Page 18
1: Keynote lectures......Page 20
Fundamentals of rockfill collapse......Page 22
Some thoughts and studies on the prediction of slope stability in expansive soils......Page 34
Solar energy and evapotranspiration: A control of the unsaturation state in soils......Page 52
Unsaturated tropical residual soils and rainfall induced slope failures in Malaysia......Page 60
Historical developments and milestones in unsaturated soil mechanics......Page 72
Geotechnical aspects of groundwater recharge in arid regions......Page 88
2: Fundamentals and theoretical developments......Page 102
Prediction of cone-index from the state parameter of unsaturated soils......Page 104
Physical definition of residual water content in unsaturated soils......Page 110
The behaviour of unsaturated porous media in the light of a micromechanical approach......Page 114
Applicability of a general effective stress concept to unsaturated soils......Page 120
A neural network framework for unsaturated soils......Page 126
Study of the influence of adhesion force on deformation and strength of unsaturated soil......Page 132
Application of the effective stress principle to volume change in unsaturated soils......Page 138
CT discrimination of fabric change of unsaturated compacted loess during compression process......Page 144
Generalized pore pressure model considering damage for unsaturated soil......Page 150
Constitutive models for triaxial consolidation and shearing of unsaturated soil......Page 156
Damage function and a masonry model for Loess......Page 162
Change of shear strength due to surface tension and matric suction of pore water in unsaturated sandy soils......Page 166
Three-dimensional elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils......Page 172
Reconsideration of suction controlled techniques by thermodynamics theory of water in soil......Page 178
Understanding of some behaviour of unsaturated soil by theoretical study on capillary action......Page 182
3.1: Modelling of flow......Page 188
Analysis of non-Darcy flow in unsaturated soils modelled by finite element method......Page 190
A technology for unsaturated zone modelling under variable weather conditions......Page 196
Volume averaged parameters for two-phase flow......Page 202
Application of FE consolidation analysis method to fill-type dams......Page 208
Finite element modelling of geomechanics and geoenvironmental engineering for subsurface systems......Page 214
General partial differential equation solvers for saturated-unsaturated seepage......Page 220
Numerical modelling of soil water plant interaction......Page 226
Water flow in unsaturated soil slopes with horizontal drains......Page 230
Governing equations of unsaturated seepage taking the effects of air flow and volume change into consideration......Page 236
3.2: Modelling of stresses and deformations......Page 240
Using soil diffusion to design slab-on-ground foundations on expansive soils......Page 242
Volume change predictions in expansive soils using a two-dimensional finite element method......Page 250
A numerical model of ground moisture variations with active vegetation......Page 256
A stress-strain relationship to solve the singularity resulting from coupling the yield surfaces of Barcelona model......Page 262
Undrained conditions of unsaturated soil using an integral form of the constraints and full Newton-Raphson procedure......Page 268
Performances of HiSS δl-unsat model for soils under saturated and unsaturated conditions......Page 274
4: Suction measurement techniques......Page 280
A new matric suction calibration curve......Page 282
Comparison of total suction values from psychrometer and filter paper methods......Page 288
Use of a new thermal conductivity sensor for laboratory suction measurement......Page 294
A comparison of in-situ soil suction measurements......Page 300
Comparative measurements with sand box, pressure membrane extractor and pressure plate extractor......Page 306
Suction calibration curve of filter paper made in China......Page 312
Investigation of suction generation in apparatus employing osmotic methods......Page 316
A study of the efficiency of semi-permeable membranes in controlling soil matrix suction using the osmotic technique......Page 322
Response of the IC tensiometer with respect to cavitation......Page 328
5: Soil-water characteristics......Page 334
Mineralogy and microfabric of unsaturated residual soil......Page 336
The use of indicator tests to estimate the drying leg of the soil-water characteristic curve......Page 342
The model of water retention curve considering effects of void ratio......Page 348
A new test procedure to measure the soil-water characteristic curves using a small-scale centrifuge......Page 354
A simple method of determining the soil-water charactistic curve indirectly......Page 360
Preliminary study on soil-water characteristics of two expansive soils......Page 366
Engineering properties of unsaturated soils (volume change and permeability)......Page 372
Soil-water characteristic curves of peaty soils......Page 376
6: Permeability and flow......Page 382
A triaxial permeameter for unsaturated soils......Page 384
An explicit relationship for the average capillary suction at the wetting front of soils......Page 390
A method for determining hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity of unsaturated soils......Page 394
A new laboratory method for the measurement of unsaturated coefficients of permeability of soils......Page 400
Water content and soil suction in the capillary zone......Page 406
Examination of the inverse methods for hydraulic properties of unsaturated sandy soil......Page 412
Grain size and void diameter distributions of sands......Page 418
Investigation of seepage behavior through unsaturated soil......Page 424
Numerical simulation for pore fluid flow through unsaturated soil......Page 428
Impact of surface clogging on artificial recharge......Page 434
Determination of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in unsaturated soil by the pressure infiltrometer method......Page 440
Hydraulic conductivity measurements in two unsaturated soils of Querétaro Valley, Mexico......Page 446
Temperature effects on water retention and water permeability of an unsaturated clay......Page 452
Measuring hydraulic properties for unsaturated soils with unsteady method......Page 458
Inverse analysis of in situ permeability test data for determining unsaturated soil hydraulic properties......Page 464
The application of knowledge-based surface flux boundary modelling......Page 470
Influence of some hydraulic parameters on the pore-water pressure distribution in unsaturated homogeneous soils......Page 476
7: Mass transport......Page 482
Experimental studies of salt movement through unsaturated soils......Page 484
Role of unsaturated soil on aqueous diffusion......Page 490
States of saturation and flow as key inputs in modelling the biodegradation of waste refuse......Page 496
Coupled transient heat and moisture flow in unsaturated swelling soil......Page 502
Dispersivity of partially saturated sand estimated by laboratory column test......Page 508
Impact of the \'Alsacian vineyard ingrassed\' on nitrate transfer......Page 514
8: Strength and deformation......Page 518
Triaxial testing of laterite soils......Page 520
Mechanism of rain-induced slope failure in residual soils......Page 524
Estimation of the relation between suction and cohesion using unconfined compression tests......Page 528
Study on shear strength and swelling-shrinkage characteristic of compacted expansive soil......Page 534
Shear strength and swelling of compacted partly saturated bentonite......Page 540
Combined effect of fabric, bonding and partial saturation on yielding of soils......Page 546
Suction and strength behaviour of unsaturated calcrete......Page 552
Soil behaviour in suction controlled cyclic and dynamic torsional shear tests......Page 558
Effects of moulding water content on the behaviour of an unsaturated silty sand......Page 564
Laboratory study of loosely compacted unsaturated volcanic fill in Hong Kong......Page 570
Direct shear properties of a compacted soil with known stress history......Page 576
Relationship between shear strength and matric suction in an unsaturated silty soil......Page 582
Analysis of a steep slope in unsaturated pyroclastic soils......Page 588
Shear strength behaviour of unsaturated granite residual soil......Page 594
Triaxial testing of unsaturated samples of undisturbed residual soil from Singapore......Page 600
Shear strength of undisturbed Bukit Timah granitic soils under infiltration conditions......Page 606
9.1: Collapse......Page 612
Collapsibility of Egyptian loess soil......Page 614
Effect of dissolution of calcium sulfate on volume change characteristics of unsaturated......Page 620
Boundary value problems associated with unsaturated soil collapse testing......Page 626
Building on unsaturated fills: Compaction, suction and volume change......Page 632
9.2: Shrinkage and swelling......Page 638
Soil structure influence on the heave reduction factor......Page 640
Vertical swelling of expansive soils under fully and partially lateral restraint conditions......Page 646
Influence of structure and stress history on the drying behaviour of clays......Page 652
Study on the swell properties and soil improvement of compacted expansive soil......Page 658
Effect of mode of wetting on the deformational behavior of unsaturated soils......Page 664
An experimental study of elastic volume change in unsaturated soils......Page 670
The influence of fabric and mineralogy on the expansivity of an Australian residual clay soil......Page 676
Estimation of volume change functions for unsaturated soils......Page 682
On the volume measurement in unsaturated triaxial test......Page 688
Shrinkage behaviour of some tropical clays......Page 694
Effects of compaction on the reduction of undrained strength and stiffness of Cikarang expansive clay due to wetting......Page 700
Evaluation of ground movement using a simple soil suction technique in Western Australia......Page 706
Desiccation cracking of soil layers......Page 712
Analysis of swelling pressure for an expansive soil using the resistance concept......Page 718
Clay stiffness and reactivity derived from clay mineralogy......Page 722
The lateral swelling pressure on the volumetric behaviour of natural expansive soil deposits......Page 728
Engineering characteristics of black cotton soils in Francistown......Page 734
Behaviour of an unsaturated highly expansive clay during cycles of wetting and drying......Page 740
Swelling characteristics of compacted clayey soils related to their wetting curves......Page 746
10.1: Foundations and roads......Page 750
The blocking effect of piles on ground water level in slopes under rainfall......Page 752
Total soil suction regimes near trees in a semi-arid environment......Page 758
Distress caused by heaving of footing and floor slab – A case study in Gaborone......Page 764
Properties of swelling soils in West Java......Page 770
Multistory apartment building on poznań clay – Case history......Page 776
On the bearing capacity of an unsaturated expansive soil basement......Page 782
Measurement of soil pore pressures in the Danish Road Testing Machine (RTM)......Page 788
10.2: Slopes......Page 794
Field measurements of pore-water pressure profiles in residual soil slopes of the Bukit Timah Granite Formation, Singapore......Page 796
Preliminary assessment of slope stability with respect to rainfall-induced slope failures......Page 802
Three-dimensional back analysis of unsaturated soil strength parameters......Page 808
A new slope stability analysis for Shirasu slopes in Japan......Page 814
Rainfall-induced slope failures in Taiwan......Page 820
Suction and infiltration measurement on cut slope in highly heterogeneous residual soil......Page 826
Modelling variables to predict landslides in the south west flank of the Cameroon volcanic line, Cameroon, West Africa......Page 832
Laboratory experiments on initiation of rainfall-induced slope failure......Page 838
On the stability of unsaturated soil slopes......Page 844
Water retention in a steep moraine slope during periods of heavy rain......Page 850
Influence of rainfall sequences on the seepage conditions within a slope: A parametric study......Page 856
The measurement of matric suction in slopes of unsaturated soil......Page 862
Suction measurement for the prediction of slope failure due to rainfall......Page 866
Author index......Page 872

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