Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1982. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1–3 September, 1982

دانلود کتاب Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1982. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1–3 September, 1982

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کتاب اورانیوم و انرژی هسته ای: 1982. مجموعه مقالات هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی برگزار شده توسط موسسه اورانیوم، لندن، 1 تا 3 سپتامبر 1982 نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب اورانیوم و انرژی هسته ای: 1982. مجموعه مقالات هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی برگزار شده توسط موسسه اورانیوم، لندن، 1 تا 3 سپتامبر 1982 بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1982. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1–3 September, 1982

نام کتاب : Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1982. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1–3 September, 1982
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : اورانیوم و انرژی هسته ای: 1982. مجموعه مقالات هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی برگزار شده توسط موسسه اورانیوم، لندن، 1 تا 3 سپتامبر 1982
سری :
ناشر : Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
سال نشر : 1983
تعداد صفحات : 338
ISBN (شابک) : 9780408221603 , 0408221607
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 12 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
The Uranium Institute, Pages ix-xi,xiii-xv
Editors' Note, Pages xvii-xviii, Jan Murray, Glenys Hughes
Chairman and authors, Pages 1-2
Electrification, economic growth and uranium power, Pages 3-17, Chauncey Starr
Japan's energy strategy and the significance of nuclear energy, Pages 18-29, Toyoki Ikuta
Nuclear power generation in a newly industrialized country, Pages 30-37, David S.L. Chu
Discussion, Pages 38-41
Chairman and authors, Pages 43-45
The uranium equation in 1982, Pages 46-65, Jim Bonny, Murray Fulton
Impact of the current supply/demand and price situation on uranium exploration: consequences and future trends, Pages 66-81, Bernard C. Duval, Louis-François Durret
Uranium production cost structures, Pages 82-92, P.C.F. Crowson
Uranium in Gabon, Pages 93-125, Paulin Ampamba-Gouerangué
Uranium in Brazil, Pages 126-140, John M. Albuquerque Forman
The merchant uranium market and its effect on price, Pages 141-148, Hugh Douglas
Utility procurement policies in the USA, Pages 149-158, Günther Lurf, Nicholas M. Nikazmerad
Chairman and authors, Pages 159-160
The French experience, Pages 161-176, Rémy Carle
Nuclear power for the oil-exporting countries, Pages 177-191, Thomas R. Stauffer
Finance and the nuclear industry, Pages 192-201, Günther G. Radtke
Chairman and authors, Pages 203-204
Uranium: an uncertain market, Pages 205-213, J.R. Wolcott
Past attempts to stabilize other commodity markets, Pages 214-223, J.A. Clay
Can market stability be improved? Government and export contract approvals, Pages 224-233, R.S. Livingston
A producer's viewpoint, Pages 234-236, R.E. Worroll
A consumer's viewpoint, Pages 237-242, Klaus Messer
Discussion, Pages 243-248
Chairman and authors, Pages 249-250
Nuclear energy in the twilight of the oil era, Pages 251-257, John M. Marcum
Non-proliferation and related issues: a review of developments over the past year, Pages 258-263, André Petit
Discussion, Pages 264-265
Chairman and authors, Pages 267-268
Public knowledge of nuclear power: fact and myth, Pages 269-277, L.R. Wallis
The formation of public attitudes to nuclear power, Pages 278-283, John Hill
The role of the American media in covering nuclear power: where is the balance?, Pages 284-290, Leonard J. Theberge
Communication with the public: a journalist's point of view, Pages 291-299, Michael Jungblut
Discussion, Pages 300-308
Speakers, Pages 309-310
Chairman's closing remarks, Pages 311-312, Jean Féron
Banquet Address, Pages 313-316, Viscount Etienne Davignon
Participants in the symposium, Pages 317-331

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