توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مجموعه مقالات آخرین کنفرانس بین المللی معدن اورانیوم و هیدروژئولوژی (UMH VII) است که در سپتامبر 2014 در فرایبرگ آلمان برگزار شد. این به پنج جلسه تقسیم می شود: استخراج اورانیوم، اورانیوم و فسفات ها، فن آوری های پاکسازی آب و خاک. اورانیوم و نوکلیدهای دختر و تحقیقات پایه و مدل سازی. هر جلسه طیف گستردهای از موضوعات مرتبط را پوشش میدهد و تحقیقات و راهحلهای بهروز در مورد آن موضوعات را در اختیار خوانندگان قرار میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xvii
Uranium Boom in Namibia – Hausse or Baisse....Pages 1-24
Rare earth elements in Australian uranium deposits....Pages 25-30
IAEA Initiatives Supporting Good Practice in Uranium Mining Worldwide....Pages 31-40
Challenging Issues in Regulating Uranium Mining in Tanzania....Pages 41-46
Uranium leaching from a burning black shale deposit – present conditions and future scenarios....Pages 47-54
Is enough information available to derive an overall EQS for uranium in French freshwaters, according to European Guidance?....Pages 55-62
Radiation exposure and environmental remediation at the Urgeiriça mine site, Portugal....Pages 63-72
The modern hydrochemical state of the Mailuu-Suuriver and radioecological problem of the Fergana Valley....Pages 73-78
Social Licensing in Uranium Mining: Empowering Stakeholders through Information....Pages 79-86
Social licensing and Stakeholder Communication in Uranium Exploration and Mining....Pages 87-94
Environmental radiation monitoring around uranium ore deposits and mining sites in India: An overview....Pages 95-104
Optimization of Uranium In-situ Recovery Based on Advanced Geophysical Surveying and Borehole Logging Technologies....Pages 105-112
Fuzzy MCDA for remediation of a Uranium tailing....Pages 113-122
Uranium in phosphate fertilizers – review and outlook....Pages 123-130
Uranium and Molybdenum transfer within the oxidized zone of uranium deposit....Pages 131-138
Release of uranium from weathered black shale in meso-scale reactor systems – first year of data....Pages 139-146
Environmental Issues and Proposed Assessment of Feasibility of Remediation of the Legacy Sites of Mining and Milling in the Area of Sumsar-Shekaftar in Kyrgyzstan....Pages 147-154
Heavy metals and natural radionuclides in the water of Syr Darya River, Kazakhstan....Pages 155-160
Establishment of a database of uranium anomalies and zones in Mongolia....Pages 161-168
Uranium, Rare Earths and NORM: Mining and current prospects in Australia’s Northern Territory....Pages 169-176
Technical Status of Mine Water Control in China and Its Development Strategy....Pages 177-184
Revisiting a case study on uranium exposure linked to leukaemia – preliminary results....Pages 185-192
Virtual Geographical Environments as a tool to map human exposure to mining-related radionuclides....Pages 193-200
Assessing risks associated with the flooding of mine voids on underground infrastructure and water resources in and around Johannesburg (South Africa)....Pages 201-210
Hydrogeological testing for ISL uranium mining: some Australian experience....Pages 211-220
Remediation of a uranium geological exploration facility....Pages 221-228
Does wind energy production cause more radioactive doses than nuclear power plants?....Pages 229-238
Impact of humic substances on uranium mobility in soil – A case study from the Gessenwiese test field, Germany....Pages 239-248
U-Th-Pb data as a tool for bordering small-scale regions of in-situ monazite mineralization....Pages 249-258
Sorption of U(VI) and As(V) on SiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 , TiO 2 and FeOOH: A column experiment study....Pages 259-270
Characterization of phosphogypsum deposited in Schistos remediated waste site (Piraeus, Greece)....Pages 271-280
Rare earth ore refining in Kuantan/Malaysia – the next legacy ahead?....Pages 281-288
Uranium sorption onto the granites of Nizhnekansk massif....Pages 289-296
REE fractionation and distribution of Fe, Ni and U in the soil-water-biomass system along the flow path of Gessenbach, Eastern Thuringia (Germany)....Pages 297-304
The externalized costs of uranium mining in the United States....Pages 305-310
Microbial consortia in radionuclide rich groundwater....Pages 311-316
Flooding of the underground mine workings of the old Witwatersrand gold/uranium mining areas: acid mine drainage generation and long term options for water quality management....Pages 317-324
Assessment of the success of rehabilitation at waste rock piles of the former uranium mining from the supervisory authority’s perspective by the example of Schlema-Alberoda (Germany)....Pages 325-332
Microbes affect the speciation of various uranium compounds in wastes and soils....Pages 333-346
Uranium induced stress promotes fungal excretion of uranium/metal stabilizing ligands: Analysis of metal-organic compounds with Size Exclusion Chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy....Pages 347-354
Passive treatment of heavily polluted drainage waters in a uranium deposit....Pages 355-362
At the crossroads: Flooding of the underground uranium leach operation at Königstein (Germany) – A 2014 status brief....Pages 363-368
Do macrofungi accumulate uranium?....Pages 369-376
Treatment of Acid Wastewater Containing Uranium by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria....Pages 377-386
Current reclamation of historical uraniferous tailings dams and sand dumps – exacerbating the mess or minimizing the mining footprint? Case studies within the Witwatersrand goldfields....Pages 387-400
Challenges of water management during tailings remediation – Site and catchment-specific focus....Pages 401-408
Thirteen Years Later: Status of the Moab UMTRA Project Long-term Remedial Action....Pages 409-416
Overcoming the barriers to implementation of decommissioning and environmental remediation projects - a focus on uranium mining legacy sites. The CIDER Project....Pages 417-424
Phytostabilization of uranium-containing shale residues using Hieracium pilosella ....Pages 425-432
Reliable water management as key success factor for the remediation of uranium production sites under humid conditions....Pages 433-442
Mine Water Quality Evolution at Abandoned Uranium Mines in the Czech Republic....Pages 443-450
Glass Bead Filter Packs in Water Wells for Higher Efficiency and Reduced O & M costs....Pages 451-460
Soil hydrological monitoring in the framework of the remediation and long-term safeguard of uranium ore mining residues of the Wismut GmbH....Pages 461-468
The New European Radiation Protection Safety Standards as Basis to Asses the Radiological State Achieved at Remediated Uranium Legacy Sites (WISMUT Sites) in Germany....Pages 469-476
Geochemical controls on U immobilization in the subsurface....Pages 477-486
Impact of Uranium Mill Tailings on Water Resources in Mailuu Suu, Kyrgyzstan....Pages 487-496
Rhizofiltration of U by plant root surfaces in a tailing wetland....Pages 497-508
Temporal and Special Variation of Pore Water and Seepage Quality of an Abandoned Uranium Milling Tailings Impoundment....Pages 509-518
Neotectonics influence of identified active geological structures on the safety of uranium tailings production Dniprodzerzhynsk industrial agglomeration (Ukraine)....Pages 519-528
Re-Engineering Antibodies for Optimum Performance in Uranium Sensors....Pages 529-536
Longevity Estimates for a Permeable Reactive Barrier System Remediating a 90 Sr Plume....Pages 537-544
Radon diffusion in rocks and minerals....Pages 545-552
Solubility of Radium and Strontium Sulfate across the Temperature Range of 0 to 300°C....Pages 553-564
Cost Effective Screening of Mine Waters Using Accessible Field Test Kits—Experience with a High School Project in the Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment, South Africa....Pages 565-572
Dispersion Modelling of Natural Radionuclides 238 U, 232 Th and 40 K Released from Coal-Fired Power Plants Operations....Pages 573-580
Sequential Extraction of U and Th Isotopes: Study of Their Intrinsic Distribution in Phosphate and Limestone Sedimentary Rock in Comparison with Black Shale....Pages 581-590
Radium in Groundwater....Pages 591-598
Speciation analysis based design of mine water treatment technologies....Pages 599-608
225 Years Uranium and Radioactivity Cross-Links Around the Brocken: Klaproth, Elster and Geitel, Nazi Research, Wismut Prospection, and Recent Anomalies....Pages 609-616
Contamination of Water Bodies Affected by Post-Mining Activities in the Light of the European Water Framework Directive....Pages 617-624
Changes of Water Composition in Filtration Processes Due to Natural Geological Formations Obtained from Opencast Mines....Pages 625-634
Distribution of Uranium and Thorium Isotopes in Colloidal and Dissolved Fraction of Water from San Marcos Dam, Chihuahua, Mexico....Pages 635-642
Rn-222 - a potential health risk for thermal spas workers in Poland....Pages 643-648
Measurement of Indoor Radon, Thoron and Their Progeny Concentrations in the Dwellings of District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India....Pages 649-656
Soils and Ground Water’s Radioactive Contamination into the Local Zone of the “Shelter” Object and Industrial Site of Chernobyl NPP....Pages 657-664
Investigation into the Transport of 238 U-series Radionuclides in Soils to Plants....Pages 665-672
Development of a Biochemical Sensor for the Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Solutions....Pages 673-680
Modelling of U Series Nuclides Disequilibria: Presentation a Modelling Tool....Pages 681-688
Comparison of Approaches in Slovenia and Kazakhstan in Managing Exposure to Radon....Pages 689-698
Reactive transport simulation applied on uranium ISR: effect of the density-driven flow....Pages 699-706
Uranium contamination of soil and groundwater by phosphate fertilizer application....Pages 707-716
Investigation of Phenomena in Uranium Mine Waters using Hydrogeochemical Modeling – a case study....Pages 717-724
3D Reactive Transport simulations of Uranium In Situ Leaching: Forecast and Process Optimization....Pages 725-730
Where has all the uranium gone? Or what feeds Dimona – circumstantial evidence for an illicit fate of uranium from rock phosphate processing....Pages 731-738
Planning of reactive barriers – an integrated, comprehensive but easy to understand modeling approach....Pages 739-744
Uranium in 31 Swedish ashes – differences between boiler type and fuels....Pages 745-750
Characterization of natural phosphates and phosphogypsum....Pages 751-758
Radioactivity assessment at the site of historical radium salts factory....Pages 759-768
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia....Pages 769-776
Seed crops: Alternative for non-remediable uranium mine soils....Pages 777-784
Using high temperature reactors for energy neutral phosphate fertilizer and phosphogypsum processing....Pages 785-792
On-Line X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Uranium and Thorium Materials in Mining and Processing Industry....Pages 793-804
Nanofiltration of uranium-contaminated water – focus on separation mechanisms....Pages 805-810
Investigations of uranium and trace elements in groundwater of the Tanjero Area, Kurdistan Region, Iraq....Pages 811-820
Radon measurement along faults in the Upper Rhine Graben with standardized methods....Pages 821-828
Mulde River - A Uranium Mining Archive....Pages 829-838
Mitigation of radon exposures caused by uranium mining legacies at WISMUT sites....Pages 839-846
Determination of uranium in mineral phosphate fertilizers using a low cost gamma spectroscope....Pages 847-854
The study of remediation activity of system plant-microorganisms in the model experiments of oil polluted soils....Pages 855-860
Laboratory and field test Study on Sandstone Permeability Characteristics....Pages 861-870
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book is the collection of papers from the latest International Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology Conference (UMH VII) held in September 2014, in Freiberg, Germany. It is divided to five sessions: Uranium Mining, Uranium and Phosphates, Clean-up technologies for water and soil. Uranium and daughter nuclides and basic research and modeling. Each session covers a wide range of related topic and provides readers with up to date research and solutions on those matters.